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The Nature and Sustainability Club of IIMA

Application Form 2022-23

Round 2 | Outreach Cell
** Please don’t print this page. Submit your answers in a word document**
Please mention your details below:

Name: XXXXXXX XXXXX Contact No: 0000000000

Choose any one of the following:

1. The Prakriti club is organizing Sustain 2.0, the flagship sustainable management event during
TRBS. As a part of it, we plan to organize speaker sessions with people who match our vision.
Tell us whom will you approach for the speaker session and how would you pitch them. (We
expect refreshing, unique suggestions.)

2. A lot of IIMA Peeps love cycling- you’ll see the professors mostly cycling around on campus,
and students cycling to the Riverfront in the evenings. Make a poster and a short video of not
more than 30 seconds, promoting a joint cycling event that we are organizing. Relate it to a
natural cause (sustainability, anti-pollution etc.).

3. Prepare a list of issues (minimum 2) which you foresee would be reported by the various
stakeholders (more points for multiple stakeholders) in the institute. How do you propose to
collect the reported data (e-mails, google forms & other creative ideas), how to maximize the
participation and in what time frame? 

Prepare a detailed plan about how you propose to solve the community level problems by
coordinating with the admin & other teams and measure its impact.
(Word limit – 300 words)

Answer the questions in this doc file and submit it in the Google form shared in the mail

**** All the best ****

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