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The Nature and Sustainability Club of IIMA

Application Form 2022-23

Round 2 | Events Cell
** Please don’t print this page. Submit your answers in a word document**
Please mention your details below:

Name: XXXXXXX XXXXX Contact No: 0000000000

Choose any one of the following:

1. The Prakriti club is organizing Sustain 2.0, the flagship sustainable management event during
TRBS (The Red Brick Summit). Plan out this year’s event including the theme, stages and
provide an outline of your plan. Also mention what kind of firms would you like to approach for
the event sponsorship and how would you pitch them.

2. As a member of the competitions cell, what is the one new competition you would like to
launch? Give a brief idea about the theme, rules, platform, and timeline. How will you ensure
maximum participation from the target audience and how would you incentivize them?

Answer the questions in this doc file and submit it in the Google form shared in the mail

**** All the best ****

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