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In fulfillment of the requirements for renewal applications for the

UP Diliman Visual Arts and Cultural Studies Program (VACSSP)

Submitted by:

Jhaylorde Flores Parungao

Student Applicant


Striving for excellence is not granted with a smooth path. Every stumble along the way
allows someone to learn their lessons and move forward. In my journey as a sophomore
in the College of Fine Arts, being able to rise up from my situation involves chunks of
perseverance, timing, and passion. In the face of adversity, I find myself gaining strength
through creative expression. That strength shows that I am fostering my capabilities by
pushing myself enough to make things happen.

Looking back on my performance from the previous school year, I would say progress
was not something I was fully aware of. Sometimes it just caught me off guard. My
performance varied for each month based on the assignments accomplished per
subject. They made me ponder—how would I be able to approach those tasks given
effectively? Do I have background knowledge about them? What would it take me to get
my target outcome? My progress as an artist always depends on these couple of

Hence this report will break it down to be acquainted with the progress that I have made
in the Academic Year 2021-2022. The purpose of this report is to keep track of the
experience I had to deal with by giving some highlights in each month from September
2021 to June 2022. The content of the report is mainly narrative and is based on my
personal thoughts and experiences. To estimate my progress, I also identify my mood
and performance points through ratings.

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First Semester

September - October

In the first months of the academic year, I had been clueless about how my journey as a
sophomore was heading. I wanted to start anew and be hopeful despite being worried
by keeping my creative juices flowing. The start was a little rough but I was moving
forward nonetheless.

The semester's introduction was right up my alley; traditional techniques, basic figure
drawing, typography, and photography. I found myself catching up with the lessons and
producing good outputs. I was willing to learn and the professors were giving guidance
on their classwork. As a class, we were given tasks each week to be passed the following
week. That amount of time covers five majors. I was still keeping up with the workloads I
was receiving. Making sure a plan was made ahead of time so I won't fret. The thing is in
order to get things done is fearlessly taking the first step.

There were rough days. Whenever I was dealing with another digital arts plate, I always
found myself at the edge of my seat. I had done some digital outputs in Photoshop. But
at that time, I still considered myself a newbie. I was too exposed to traditional arts and I
hadn't been that confident with digital. That was when my patience and passion were
tested. I tried experimenting, watching tutorials on the Internet, then applying them to
my creative projects. Still not an easy slope, but I was getting there.

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Aside from the amount of attention it involved doing digital arts, I had always stayed in
touch with traditional arts. Figure drawing was something I would say my shot. I really
like drawing figures and gestures and adding volume and forms to them. That was what I
got to experience in my Figure Drawing class. I enjoyed building up shapes from sketches
using traditional techniques I learned in class.

My progress from the first two months of the semester was inconsistent but moving on
an upward trend. Thus, I was just loosening up. I learned a lot from the basic concepts to
the most challenging ones. There were times I didn't measure up. But with the passion I
have in my hands, that was just the start of something new. I just have to bear with
myself and always keep that passion burning whatever it takes.

Overall Mood:

Performance Rating:
Figure drawing: ★★★
Techniques: ★★★
Digital Arts: ★★

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A lot of things happened during the midyear season. As usual, plates, and as part of the
tradition, we got to participate in the annual Lantern Parade. We had a whole month as
a class to focus on our animation piece. I have to say I haven't done anything like
animation before, so this plate was way too sketchy for me, literally. I didn't expect
myself to succumb to the most challenging piece I've ever done. It took me a lot of trials
and errors to come up with a final result. It was just pure luck and dedication.

Before the said plate, we've done some animation workshops. I also did my own research
and exercises to somehow give myself a glimpse of what I should do. Perhaps, it was a
tedious process. It had to work on it frame by frame and made possible solutions or
alterations just to make it practical and doable. Thus, the creative process is always
about the thinking part than the execution itself.

While I was working on that project, I was also juggling a lot of other creative stuff. It was
too much, I have to admit. There was no time I did not think hard about my work, and
myself. I was always working until the work got done. It really involves a lot of sacrifices
and time management.

Something I realized from that month was being creative is not playing it safe. Getting to
know things is a part of the process. As an artist, I have to take risks. If I don't, how will I
learn? I really allow myself during midterms to stay grounded and be honest about what
I could and couldn't do. Awareness is key.

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Overall Mood:

Performance Rating:
Figure drawing: ★★★★
Techniques: ★★★
Digital Arts: ★★


The last months of the semester brought hope to me. Looking back on the previous
months, I knew how much I've grown with all the work I've done. I discovered myself even
better from every project I take part in. The journey wasn't one straight line. It took me
so many turns and routes to arrive at the end of the first half of the academic year. Most
of the projects I had to do were solely digital—illustration, photography, editing, and
layout design. Some of them required extreme effort, and some of them were a piece of
cake to me. This was the part where everything came together. All the ideas and the
learnings I have acquired were finally practiced.

I found some of the projects interesting especially the ones from the photography class.
My performance was noticeable because I love playing with my photos. From taking
photos manually to post-processing them—I really was putting enthusiasm into

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photography. Well, I wasn't that at my prime but the feeling of satisfaction was worth it.
The class opened gates for me to stretch out my creative spaces and discover this side of
art. Taking pictures doesn't really requires time as compared to other projects. It
requires skill after all. Thus, I had so much fun learning the basics of photography in the
class. It made me happy and fulfilled.

Growing up as an artist is not all about finding your niche. Sometimes you get to try
anything and find the beauty you think about it, which eventually boils down to passion. I
started this semester almost empty-handed. After months of trying, I absorbed so much
inspiration and light. Also, with the help of the scholarship, I was able to add quality to
my work.

Overall Mood:

Performance Rating:
Figure drawing: ★★★★
Techniques: ★★★★
Digital Arts: ★★★

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Second Semester


The second semester was the culmination of all the design works and traditional
techniques I learned from the first semester. On the brighter side, I got used to working
with digital media within these months. Our workloads were hugely dependent on digital
techniques. Prior to the start of this semester, I equipped myself with some knowledge
from the tutorials I watched online. A software that I found interesting to learn was
Adobe Illustrator. Since the outputs I expected to come in the semester were almost
digital, I made use of my free time to introduce myself to some design software. In that
way, I was able to fill in the learning gaps I encountered in the last semester. I realized
that developing creative skills is not all about what you always get from the academic
setting. Sometimes, development comes when you try things on your own.

Some projects I enjoyed doing were typographic layouts. We were given a task from the
class to create different typographic specimens. Playing around with different font faces
was the highlight. My design approach to this plate was to give context to those fonts by
creating a layout that honors each. It was a tricky one but with the learnings, I got from
the mini crash course that I did, I was able to ace this project.

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In our figure drawing class, we concentrated first on portraits. We were working on faces
for weeks. I got to try different approaches to rendering portraits—objective, idealized
and distorted. Some of the outputs worked out, but some really took me time to figure
out. Again, it was all about risking ideas by sketching out possibilities. It is a skill I
developed over time as an artist to keep my ideas out before they ran out. Making loose
sketches before I forget a thought has always been a rule of thumb.

On the other hand, creative collaboration was another important highlight to take note
of from these months. In our class, we were grouped for a design bible plate. The work
simply allowed each group to work hand in hand to produce a collection of character,
environment, and concept designs. We also honor Philippine culture on that plate. Out of
the famous literature from the Bicol Region, we came up with our own visual adaptation.
The group effort stood out from the concept-making to the final execution of the project.
From that experience, I realized how fun it is to be in a creative circle. The bond of the
team and how each idea from the members come together as one had a positive impact
on each of us. Working with others, with no competition, helped us to listen to one
another and provide solutions to whatever it is we have to work on.

Overall Mood:

Performance Rating:
Figure drawing: ★★★★
Techniques: ★★★★
Digital Arts: ★★★

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There was no fooling around during the month of April. The midpoint of this semester
made me realize how far I have come and how my progress as a visual communicator
was going stronger. Perhaps I could feel the pressure on my shoulders as the end of the
school year was approaching near. Most of the projects I commonly did was mainly
focused on more complex solutions. They required skill and intricacy.

One of the electives I took as a part of my curriculum was a course called "How Things
Work". In this course, I was introduced to a different area of my practice that I could
never imagine it had—electronics. I really didn't have any idea what it was all about.
What I knew was it involved a lot of unwanted electrical shocks I wouldn't want to
happen. I didn't know but my thirst for adventure really made my head turn to take this
subject. Maybe by trying it, I was able to conquer my fear of shocks. As someone who
has a shiver of something new, I opened my mind and went for it.

I really never thought how interesting and safe this subject was. Doing electronics is cool.
I got to learn new ideas and practical methods on how to approach art. It was different
and way more scientific. But with the help of my professor, I really liked what I have
done. Though it really demanded focus and craftsmanship. From the said course, I was
able to make a do-it-yourself electromagnetic lock made out of a solenoid coil and a
made-from-scratch Bluetooth speaker.

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That sense of pride and fulfillment when you finish a project from start to finish is
unmatched, and I am surprised I had to experience that from this course.

Overall Mood:

Performance Rating:
Figure drawing: ★★★★★
Techniques: ★★★★
Digital Arts: ★★★


There was an indescribable rush I was feeling from the two remaining months of the
school year. The election season was in heat and it affected me on all levels and
somehow reinforced the trajectory of my performance. I became more inspired and

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invigorated by putting distractions aside and being deliberate about my tasks because
they were piling up. There was a lot going on. I felt pumped but I also lost balance at the
same time. My mindset was always making things done than spending too much
attention on just one task. I trained myself to work smarter than harder. In that way, the
amount of workload could be lessened per week.

Despite the rush, I still remained aware of the quality I want to achieve in every work I
was making. That was when I started working on Storybook Plate which allowed me to
stay attached to my creativity. The execution process lasted for almost a month from
story construction to the final layout. It really demanded time. I wish I was given more
time to fine-tune my work. Nonetheless, it was a fulfilling experience to persist despite
the limited and crazy situations happening.

While finishing most of the workloads, there was this project I would describe as
enlightening that I really had a great time doing. In my photography class, a photo essay
was assigned. That photo essay was meant to chronicle our perspective on elections.
With all that I learned from this course, was the chance for me to determine how I could
create stories from the photos I took. The concept I carried along with this project had
something to do with faces. Thus, my essay became a visual diary of people I
encountered and interviewed in some cities in Metro Manila. Some of them were spotted
in the streets. Some of them appeared from political rallies. In other words, it was a
mini-social interview.

What I learned from that project was the role of art to cover different social conditions.
That art isn't all about being good and creative. Art is aware and provocative.

Overall Mood:

Performance Rating:
Figure drawing: ★★★★★
Techniques: ★★★★
Digital Arts: ★★★★

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Mood Average
First Semester Second Semester

Neutral Happy

Performance Average

First Semester Second Semester

Figure drawing: ★★★★ (3.7) Figure drawing: ★★★★★(4.7)

Techniques: ★★★ (3.3) Techniques: ★★★★ (4.0)
Digital Arts: ★★ (2.3) Digital Arts: ★★★ (3.3)

1- Poor
2- Unsatisfactory
3- Satisfactory
4- Very Satisfactory
5- Outstanding

The first semester was all about getting started with the big things ahead. The arts as
I've known them before have matured in a way I never expected. There was a massive
shift in my workspace because most of the works were determined using digital media.
Navigating this new form of art has been rough during those months. I kept trying out
things that might work for each project. I couldn't just go with it so it took me time to get
the nitty-gritty. To sum up, I found myself right at the start of the progress and inching
the work as much as possible. Recognizing my strengths and weakness was also
important for my growth. As an artist, learning is a recurring factor—it never ends. So
looking at the bigger picture helped me to be aware of what I could do and couldn't.

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Sometimes I was so focused on things that I took time to grow. Chances are, I left the
things I was good at behind. Balance was key after all. By the end of the semester, I did
what I had to do and I was pleased that in spite of the shortcomings, I still managed to
get good performance in my classes.

The growth I assumed to have become clear during the second semester. Although the
semester was short, I was able to perform better and more effectively compared to the
previous semester. The workloads were getting tough and complex. Everything has
completely changed, from the old art routine I went to this new set of practice I had to
catch up in months. I got used to it nonetheless. Most of my works were improved by
experimenting with different possible solutions. In terms of applicability, the
three-month-long semester allowed me to apply and invent new ideas for the
betterment of my performance. The projects I worked on were interesting and created
this motivating sphere for me to exercise my creativity. From my monthly rating, I rated
myself higher this semester because I was able to meet up my expectations as a learner.

I never left any genre untouched within my sophomore year. I got so many solid
experiments that fortified my creative ideas. Perhaps it really involves a lot of dedication
and perseverance to tap the potential I never knew I had. All my hard work paid off when
I strived to be a University Scholar this academic year. Above all, the most memorable
part of this year was the fulfillment of the journey I took part in. For me, that itself is an
achievement that can't be measured.

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