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Name: Tavab _ Grhusn Roll_No.:_140/7 with Section: 3”. LRepoit mmavides in fosmad ion whida i 7 at: assianel too pevson fo the _ specific Cpa conch _ivnoli vill Te explvins the yousers df a fiuticulay meblem, conclusion and! * vecommeroltiny —_ The pormnlers which neecls _ablentiim 2 Agenda Agenda at_a formal ection isthe _cfficteul ee pointi_of activities ‘had the. memben__af meet cl Lo poe during, nvveling . Lmporturnce: pgerclo, elpe the _portisipaat fof the sehedbde” andl be. focuten! an th rotlers anol _preventti fom _clistvaetion « Tt aves__time atthe meehing member. Lnnportance_ ot Meme: Memovanclum provielea guick ave! _synoth Flow. at A inbwoation fo nulattiin goad! velati pe. tis ! in | coun ability ancl quick tonsmission menage to the olf icer _Coneeaneol. Tarab_Gohumnmnae?, 19017 @) | Types. ot Report: folowing, ane The _gerenah types io — | — veparts:mack_by i Jing, in__prindeol es - . vs veporte whieh _aae in_lebley tonne rts in __enig foun Progress Yeports vepost on progress tata & ED) —H) “5 — 6) | Labrada sepert_onlah experiment. Perioolie. + xeports: fox veeorole are! _requlaae 4 An _optivity. Formal, veportss_eporks that _ave._impertonal Lona! cletuiteal with a specific stmuehure det ow vitieds Short vepor te: _“eforts that ave. Sienpley an general Orley letter anal busi —|__Otnler__tetlen 1s such __tyge_o# _lefley — hur _comtail n& a request the Suppl at proclols ov. envices bu tr inalviclual 101 _Geiqunization il : Ee ow “| ae ——— we —difleent osopizart a “ dias \eex _incluilx tv commumtention —behween Sore business ey _ -oleal they are 4einy — todo __baether. | Pakistan: Report on Covigl 14 scenario in The _Health Minis ter Pakistan | Moret 4, 2691 ——Respecterl—Siys ——int__Pakein owe, ___| Subjects Report resale covial-14_sifvechern Vb is te loving ts sau kinwl notice | qv Vhat ‘the implementation off _$.oDs Yegailing I Coviol-IY eve not sabi factory in the. coun nc . Ma cities in the Court, me, feing sent hella igsues . The rmmbey at ventilators in the hospitals ave goin, Joe short. The _eciItheave workers _are__In extreme —alungert About $3 ponlth workers are. deus! _berna, incectec! with coviel-M. Reople. axe__not Talleuing, Ho yulee anal vill Hag lockdown which causes an harwemse ha ruber of Coser Several instewves have peovecl_ that hospitals cure forcing to tuna oyony —asent _evitiod! patente. beccuse of Jravtoqe of belt ventilators worl other i ——_—_—- | Poe nae “all Merc —actlvitier. anol ou the health issues. Manls ira alicipaticn. | Oyoler Netter tov Surg ical items. u ee) aaa saa a Monae pa Sail aa a — ara requetecl to lake — ate fori — toma a —| Yours “foi tn fully, ee i ot | Nah — Ghuetan — $$ : i Marth, ort eleven Line» Sop/Pid Ht surgical thems Rape, Purchase. woulol lie to _—_purolnant 2 oo _selssars —_anel__Iio suction tubes hom pust__eunnpans, ecouse SA beat quality, We lope to_veceive this —oreler” within on week mo loter than Xt", Much; 2021, The cus pespment—wieulel be —| quiclely ole ora delivery Thanks tn ancl padico « Yours trawl 4 Q, 8 | Purehoce— senegc Wot __Cohumamna | Qs-

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