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Radio Advertisement Essay


Advertising is when people work to promote a business. Advertising is used to persuade people to
care for their business. The reason people advertise is because advertising helps the business to
become more popular, resulting in them earning more money. Some different types of advertising
for radio include, live reads, advertisement spot and sponsorship advertisements. Types of TV
advertisements include, Topical Video Commercials, giving the viewers a slight insight into a service
or a product. Also, Performance Proof Commercials, with the intention of giving the viewers
evidence of their product.

A target audience is a number of people recognized for particular traits such as age or gender. When
in the industry of radio advertising, target audience should be considered because it determines
what time and place you should display your advertisement. People working at radio stations can tell
through target audiences, who listens at what time etc. For example, to advertise for children you
should consider advertising around school pick-up and drop-off. For families, you should consider
advertising around dinner time when they are going out to buy something to eat. Therefor**, a
target audience is a very important factor when it comes to advertising.

The benefits of different types of radio advertisements vary. For example, the live read, an
advertisement read by the host live during a show, is beneficial because the listeners believe that
the host has purchased the product already and would trust their judgement. Also, live reads are
longer than recorded advertisements, therefor making more of an impression. Sponsorships, a quick
mention of a company during an advertisement, is beneficial because it is quick and listeners are
grateful they don’t have to endure an entire advertisement. Advertisement spots, an advertisement
assigned to be played at a particular time, are beneficial because the advertisement can be played
on a completely different station. Therefore, different types of advertisements have different

Overall, this essay has discussed what advertising is, why we advertise and benefits of different types
of radio advertising.


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Why Advertising Is Important In Today's Economy - Ad Army Group 1/11/2021

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