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Fundacin Educacional Colegio Carmela Romero de Espinosa Madres Dominicas.

-Concepcin Departamento de Ingls

CONDITIONAL WORKSHEET II NAME___________________________________________ SCORE _____________________ Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I, II or III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. If they (have) __________________ time at the weekend, they will come to see us. 2. If we sneak out quietly, nobody (notice) _________________. 3. If we (know) ________________ about your problem, we would have helped you. 4. If I (be) __________________ you, I would not buy that dress. 5. We (arrive) _______________ earlier if we had not missed the bus. 6. If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life (not / be) _______________ complete. 7. Okay, I (get) ________________ the popcorn if you buy the drinks. 8. If I (tell) __________________ you a secret, you would be sure to leak it. 9. She (go) ___________________ out with you if you had only asked her. 10. I would not have read your diary if you (not hide) _______________ it in such an obvious place.

Complete the sentences. 1) type II: If the sun _______________ (to shine), we _________________ (to go)swimming. 2) type II: They ________________ (to fly) to Canberra if they ________________ (to have) more money. 3) type I: They _________________ (to fly) to Canberra if they ___________________ (to have) more money. 4) type III: If the sun _________________ (to shine), we _________________ (to

go)swimming. 5) type II: If I __________________ (to study), I ___________________ (to pass) the test.

Complete the story with conditional sentences (type I, II and III). Once upon a time the cat bit the mouse's tail off. Give me back my tail, said the mouse. And the cat said, Well, I (give) ____________________ you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you. The mouse, however, went to the cow. The cat (give) ___________________ me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow said, Well, I would give you milk if you (get) ___________________ me some hay. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you. The mouse, however, went to the farmer. The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give) ____________________ me some milk. And the cow (give) ___________________ me milk if I get her some hay. And the farmer said, Well, I would give you hay if you (bring) __________________ me some meat. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you. The mouse, however, went to the butcher. The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give) __________________ me milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she (get) _______________ some hay. And the farmer (give) ___________________ me hay if I get him some meat. And the butcher said, Well, I would give you meat if you (make) _____________________ the baker bake me a bread. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.The mouse, however, went to the baker. The cat (give) ____________________ me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow (give / not) ______________________ me milk if I don't get her hay. And the farmer will only give me hay if the butcher (have) __________________ some meat for him. And the butcher will not give me meat if you (bake / not) ________________ him a bread. And the baker said, Well, I (give) __________________ you bread if you promise never to steal my corn or meal. The mouse promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the mouse bread, the mouse gave the butcher bread. The butcher gave the mouse meat, the mouse gave the farmer meat. The farmer gave the mouse hay, the mouse gave the cow hay. The cow gave the mouse milk, the mouse gave the cat milk. And the cat gave the mouse her tail back. But imagine what would have happened otherwise: If the mouse (promised / not) _____________________________ never to steal corn or meal, the baker (not/give) ____________________________ the mouse bread. If the baker (not / give) _________________________ the mouse bread, the butcher (refuse) __________________________ to give her meat for the farmer. If the butcher (refuse) ________________ her any meat, the farmer (not / be) _____________ willing to give

the mouse hay. If the farmer (not / be) _________________ willing to give the mouse hay, the mouse (not / receive) ____________________ milk from the cow. If the mouse (not / receive) _______________ milk from the cow, she (not / get) ________________ back her tail.

Which type of the Conditional sentences is used? 1) If I find your key, I'll tell you. a) Type I b) Type II

c) Type 3

2) She would be very happy if her friends came. a) Type I b) Type II c) Type 3 3) If they had driven carefully, they wouldn't have crashed into the other car. a) Type I b) Type II c) Type 3 4) If it wasn't so late, I would go shopping. a) Type I b) Type II c) Type 3 5) My parents would have bought the house if it had been cheaper. a) Type I b) Type II c) Type 3 Put in the correct verb forms. 1) If Brian ______________________ (to like) horses, he could ride well. 2) If Alice ______________________ (to have) more money, she would go to Africa. 3) He can write good stories if he _____________________ (to feel) like it. 4) If Steven had taken his camera, he _____________________ (to take) nice pictures.

5) If you listened carefully, you ____________________ (to know) about it.

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