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Juwak, Jassim A.

Research On Cultural Practices And Older Person Health Perspective
1. Some older adults believe that it is widely held that getting into bed so soon after taking a
shower will result in mental illness and blindness.
2. Older adults believe that it is possible to get pneumonia if you don't dry your sweats with
a towel after you sweat.
3. Typically, older adults would seek assistance from their family members, friends, and even
quack physicians.
4. Instead of going to a doctor or other medical expert, many elderly people opt to self-
medicate with herbal plants.
5. In order to protect yourself and your family from illness, elderly people said that you should
sprinkle salt over the threshold of the front door of your newly purchased home.
6. The assistance of family and friends, together with a strong belief in God, is typically how
elderly folks in the Philippines deal with disease.
7. People who are older believe that before having a bath, you should put your feet up and
relax them because otherwise, your veins would contract and you may develop
8. You could get bangnails if you trim your fingernails and toenails on Fridays, according to
an older persons' belief.
9. Don't just lie down after running; the heat will go straight to your head and will affect your
10. People of a more elderly age believe that if you take a shower or bath after ironing a lot of
garments, you may become ill.
11. Some older people believe that mental disease is caused by demonic spirits or that there
is an imbalance in the harmony of their emotions.
12. Some elderly people may have the mistaken belief that their illnesses are the result of
their failure to pray, that they have offended folk spirits with their burial location, or that
they have upset an ancestor with their burial place.
D. (2021, July 15). Do You Believe in These Pinoy Health Superstitions? Makati Medical Center.
Health Beliefs and Behaviors: Health Behaviors. (n.d.).
Philippines S. (2018, March 18). 13 Filipino Health Beliefs That Are So Weird They’ll Make You
Say, “Really?” BuzzFeed.

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