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5. Read the passage given

often denied opportunities
for education in a
nation. Lack of
developing natios
1. Women are

decreases family income, aftects health, puts
and education
girls at risk
limits a d v a n c e m e n t of the
the erntire
entire country.
country Educa

and limits the or girls
lives of individual farus
ofexploitation most effective way
to improve the as well
and women is the single c o m m u n i t i e s worldwide.
to poor
economic development
as to bring Educated girls are better i

education is the s a m e irrespective

of gender. nformed,
2. The right to decSIons tor themselves f
right r their
and are capable ot making
better horizon
possess a communities and economioc
create stronger An
well as for the nation. They
families as and fuels economic erouth

increases a country's productivity

educated female population institutions of national level yet therehas
female students is lowest in
share of
3. Even though the 2015-16 to 2019-20.
enrollment from
increase in overall female




24 G E R male
G E R female

2015-16s 2017-188 2019-20

education status.
factors about improvement in women
This data depicts certain important educational institutions.
in number of female enrolments in
Observe the changes and the rise
herself but for her family, society
bernefits of educating a female child, not for
4. There are many
and the nation.

Reduction Better health Better

in child conditions personality

Reduce Be more
gender empowered

Global Stronger values,

economic stronger bonds

5. Women education in India has become a chief preoccupation of both the gOvenment and

social or civil society as it's been realised that the educated women can play a very important

role in the development of the country. Presently in India, there are number of instir. s
tor educational development of and girls. These educational institutions aim for
immense cooperation with female gender and their development in all spheres. The charnge 1s

welcoming as women in India have

come a long way. The Indian woman is at par, evert
tasks like reaching the moon and conquering Mount Everest don't stop today's woman. All
this has become possible because of education and the profound impact it has had On wouc
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions
() Why are women not given equal opportunities for education in our society
(a) Women have less calibre.
(b) Women have other responsibilities.
(c) This is due to gender discrimination.
(d) Women don't have the inclination towards education.
(i) Choose the correct statement
(a) Lack of education in women has no impact on the economic
(b) Women can be empowered with education.
(c) Literacy rate in females is higher than in males.
(d) An educated woman cannot raise her
family properly.
(ii) will happen literacy rate in women increases.
(a) Overall development and progress (b) Better family environment
(C)Wideperspective (d) All of the above
(io) What change do you observe in GER Female as per the given data from 2015-16 to 2019-20?
(a) There's a gradual increase over a period of five years.
(b) GER Female has surpassed GER Male in a span of five years.
(c) There's no phenomenal increase in GER Female from 2015-16 to 2019-20.
(d) None of the above.
(v) The given data relates to Higher Education statistics in India. That means
() there's a tough competition between male and female enrolments at higher level
(b) female percentage at Primary and Secondary level has increased too, hence an increase in
higher education
(c) the females have better intellect than males
(d) None of the above
(vi) How will women education promote economic growth?
(a) Educated women will have better skills and competencies, hence better economic growth.
(b) Educated women have a broader vision towards economy.

(c)Educated women add to their family's resources.

(d) Educated women will be economicallyindependent
(vii) Choose the best two words that describe an educated woman perfectly.

(A) empowered (B) independent

(C) aggressive (D) discourteous
(E) inflexible (F) cooperative
(a) Option (A) and (F) (b) Option (A) and (B)

() Option (D) and (E) (d) Option (C) and (F)

(oun) What is the role of women education to bring in gender equality?

(a) Educated women will further educate the society to broaden their perspective.

Case Based Unseen Passages 61

(b) Educated women would ensure women dominance.
(c) Educated females are smarter than educated male, gender equality will automatiest
place. ll tase
(d) None of the above.
x) An alarming data about girl marriage is given below. What factors would be workal
eradicate this social evil ?

Percentage of women marrled before the age of 18

60 57.6 55.7 54.9 54.8
50 45.2
40 40.4 37.5 35.4

MadhyaPradeshChat isgaMarh harashra Odisha Gujarat
r WestBengal

(a) Social security (b) Women education

(c) Economic independence (d) All of the above
(x) The synonym for 'preoccupation' is (para 5)
(a) concern (b) occupation (c) affair (d) expertise
(xi) Choose the option that means the same as "horizon': (para 2)
(a) vast field (b) knowledge (c) perception (d) actioon
(xii) Lack of education in women.
(a) will empower them
(b) will enable them to have quality time with their families
(c) will prove them inferior to their male counterparts
(d) None of the above

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