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Due: Friday – September 5, 2022 11:59pm

Late submissions: Only allowed for participants who have been granted an extension

Please watch the movie "CONTAGION"

Link: Coronavirus movie Contagion full HD movie in English | Hollywood movies (2011)
- YouTube
1. This is a group work (the class will be divided into 5 groups with 8-9 members)
You have the freedom to choose your groupmates
2. The group will select its own leader.
3. Every member must be given a question to answer, and everyone must have a
task to fulfill (the group must provide a task in a separate sheet of paper).
4. Upload your work in the here (SUBMISSION BIN) on or before Friday –
September 5, 2022 11:59pm.

Guide Questions in the film Contagion:

1. Is there any bioethical principle violated by Dr. Kyla in the suggestion of
quarantining the whole of Los Angeles? Why?
2. Is there a justification on the actions committed by Dr. Kyla in recommending a
3. What ethical principle/s are at issue in the basis of the Mayor and/or Governor in
their reluctant to declare a state of emergency in the City of Los Angeles? Why?
4. Guided by the intention and circumstances of the action of the CDC, how will you
consider their actions, to save as many people as possible of Los Angeles,
ethically and morally acceptable? Why and why not?
5. Could the FBI Agent be held accountable to any violation in subjecting the
convicted drug felon as a blood donor? Under what law or principle and how was
it violated?
6. What are the rights of the drug felon, as a patient and a prisoner, violated and
7. In the case of the realtor, what are the violation/s he committed in the context of
Philippine setting?
8. How will you apply Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Justice and Autonomy in the
film? Mention any scene that will apply the above-mentioned Ethical principles.
9. Mention any scene in the film wherein the scope of nursing is applicable.

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