Oxygen Gas Plant

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Oxygen Gas Plant ‘The SANGHI-ORG Oxygen Piant, is safe and economical to operate. it comes with an efficient exoansion engine, which lowers the operating pressures remarkably to as low as 32-25 kgicm2 and also cuts down power consumption AMolecuiar sieve Battery drier unit for separation of moisture and carbon cioxide is another money-saving device inthe SANGHLORG plant. it removes acetylene and other hydro-carbons from the process air, thus eliminating the need for separate acetylene absorbers, and moreover it eliminates recurnng caustic soda costs. The SANGHI-ORG Oxygen Plant is capable of simultaneously producing high punty Oxygen Gas and Nitrogen Gas. Italso has an internal comoression Liquid Oxygen Pump to fll dry gaseous oxygen in cylinders. We also undertake supervision of installation and Commissioning of the SANGHI-ORG Oxygen Plant. ASU & Expansion Engine of 600 cum/hr Oxygen Plant‘ M.S.Battery for 600 currv/hr Oxygen Plant Plant Specifications 1. Production Capacity - The plant is very versatile and can be set for a cycle to produce any one of the following alternatives:- Gx rTRoGeN PRODUCTION La Gas Quantity as es Betas nn aus Cae cas 4. SANGHLORG 80 80 995 "215 96 04 4A. SANGHLORG 80 70 905 40 +260 908 o4 2. SANGHLORG 100 100 995 150 7450 96 04 2A. SANGHLORG 100 90 995 450 +400 998 on 3. SANGHLORG 200 200 995 150 "700 995 04 3A. SANGHLORG 200 200 995 150 ~400 92.99 on 4 SANGHLORG 300 300 995 150 “1300 98.00 04 4k. SANGHLORG 300 300 995 150 “700 92.99 a1 5. SANGHLORG 400 400 995 450 "1600 93.00 a1 5.8 SANGHLORG 400 400 995 150 "900 92.99 01 6 SANGHIORG 600 600 905 150 "2010 93.00 o4 SANGHLORG 600 600 995 150 “1400 99.99 04 ‘The above product capacties are based on anbient conditions of 1SeC temperature 76Ommof Hg pressure ané 50% relative humidity and 0.03% of Carson Dioxite is allowed as impurty Note: +) Kigh purty Nitrogen ef upto 2 PPH can aise be taped simultaneously wih @ separate quid Nitrogen pumpin modified plants, at an addtional cost 2) Provisions can alto be made for tapring upto 25% liquid oxygen J Iqu mtrogen simultaneously with ganeous oxygen, at en eddtioral cos: 2. Other Specifications: Ee Perce Ce ero cas oO Ue oso eo To E 100 p 0 on 00 Ai Pressure (starting) sekgsiem2 — 45Kgsicm2 —45Kgsiem2_«45Kglem2 = 4BKglem2 45 Kglem2 Air Prossuro (Normal aekgslem2 36Kgslom2 —24Kgsiom2_—««3AKglom2-—aAKglem2 «34 Kglem2 operation) Starting Time (after deftost) 8 Hours, Hours Hours Hours 8 Hours 8 Hours Starting Timo fforshortstep) 2Hous = 112 Hours “Hour ‘Hours 4 Hours 4 Houre Defrost Time 2B Hours Hours Hours Hours 8 Hours 8 Hours Dofresting cycle at normal 6 Month Months © Months © Months © Morthe 9 Months conditions Cylinder Filing Manifold 2xGNos. — 2x12Nos. -2x24Nes. — 2x40Nos. -2x50Nos. 2x70 Nos. connections Cooling WeterRequirement —20Cumin: — 30Cumihr. = S0.Cumn, = 70 Cumin. = 60 Cumin. 150 Cum Inlet Cooling Water 2500 2500 2700 2c 2c 20C Temperature Total Weight (appron) 26 Tons 29 Tons 45 Tons 50 Tons 80 Tens 400 Tons Assembly Height 7OUetes —8.1Metes —105Metres 105Melres 10.8 Meles 10.5 Metres Maximum Roct Height QSmetes —10Meles —«12Metres.«=—=««1ZMeties, «= 12Meves © «I2 eves Area Required 1212Metres 12x12Metres 26x15 Metres 35x15 Nettes, Power SupplyRequied 400230 4008290 4008200 © 4008200 © 4008200 © 4008290 Volts Volts Volts vos Yolts Volts Note: 1) Electric metors can be supplied to sul speciic power ratings in respecive counties acioss the gobe,ifinfermed in advance. Note 1) igh purty Nitrogen of upto 2 FPM can also he tanned simikanecusly witha separate lauié Ntrogen pumpin modified plants, at an sddtional cost. 2) Specifeatins of other capacty plants upto 750 Cu mihr capacity can be furnished on request, 2) Provisins can ako be made for taping upto 25% liquid exygen quid nitogen simutareously wth gaseous oxygen, at an addtional cost Description of SANGHI-ORG Oxygen Plant The free atmospheric air is sucked in by a multi-stage air compressor through a filter and compressed to the working pressure. After each stage, intermediate coolers and water separators are provided. The compressed ait then passes through the (evaporation) pre-cooler and then to the molecular sieve battery where the moisture and carbon dioxide are removed from the process air. t then passes through the exchanger No. 1 where it is cooled by the out-going waste nitrogen and product oxygen. A part of this cold air then flows through an expansion machine and the balance through the 2nd heat exchanger. The ratio of the two air streams is controlled by an expansion valve, RI Roth these streams of air then unite in the lower pressure column where it partially liquefies. The liquid air (rich air) then passes through the expansion valve R2.to the upper column which is at a lower pressure than the lower column. Similarly the liquid nitrogen (poor liquid) travels from the lower column to the upper column through an expansion valve R3 where the separation of oxygen and nitrogen occurs. Nitrogen being more volatile passes out as a gas from the top of the column and this waste nitrogen flows through both the heat exchangers cooling the in-coming air. Similarly product oxygen is also passed through the lwo heat exchangers to cool the in-coming air and then to the filing manifold via a liquid pump. if a small amount of air is vented out from the upper column, higher purity nitrogen can also be obtained from this plant. R4 Valve is provided in order to fasten cooling during start-up. 300 cumvhr ASU & Expansion Engine and M.S.B ‘Air compressor for Oxygen Plant Nitrogen Compressor for 600 curw/hr Piant

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