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ACKNOWLEDGE SWITCH The user has pressed the ACK None.
switch on the main panel.
All Alarm States Silenced for all Locate addressable device or panel and
ALARM SILENCE zones. Silence switch pressed determine cause for activation.
(addressable or panel).
ALARM UNSILENCE All Alarm States Unsilenced for New event caused unsilence. Determine
all zones. cause for new event.
Program Jumped to the RAM Should only occur during firmware update.
BOOT BLOCK ACCESSED Operation Code. Consider replacing controller if this happens
during normal operation.
CONFIG MENU Trouble stored when the Determine who is accessing Configuration.
ACCESSED configuration menu is entered.
CONFIG MENU EXITED Trouble restored when the None.
configuration menu is exited.
DIAGNOSTICS ENTERED Trouble stored when the Determine who is accessing Diagnostics.
diagnostic menu is entered.
Addressable Output had a Make sure the device has power and loop
Configuration Error and the panel voltage. Resend the device the configuration
DEVICE NEEDED RESET reset the device to try to clear the using TO DEV command.
External Reset Switch is pressed
Determine source for ESD or induced event.
EXTERNAL RESET or ESD induced caused reset. Check to see if someone pressed the white
reset button.
FACTORY INITIALIZED Factory Initialization performed. Panel has been factory intialized. This is
performed at Fike during testing.
HISTORY IS ERASED History has been erased. Determine who erased the history from the
control panel.
Loop 1 Calibrated. Automatically occurs on weekly basis. Should
LOOP 1 CALIBRATION not be visible to customer unless additional
event occurs.
Loop 2 Calibrated. Automatically occurs on weekly basis. Should
LOOP 2 CALIBRATION not be visible to customer unless additional
event occurs.
Loop 3 Calibrated. Automatically occurs on weekly basis. Should
LOOP 3 CALIBRATION not be visible to customer unless additional
event occurs.
Loop 4 Calibrated. Automatically occurs on weekly basis. Should
LOOP 4 CALIBRATION not be visible to customer unless additional
event occurs.
NETWORK Networked Cheetah Determine who is pressing the ACK switch on
ACKNOWLEDGE Acknowledge Switch Pressed. the Cheetah panel.
NETWORK ALARM UNSIL Network Command - Unsilence New alarm event in network has caused
Alarms. unsilence. Locate cause for alarm event.
NETWORK RESET Networked Cheetah Reset Switch Determine who is pressing Reset switch on
Pressed. Cheetah.
NETWORK SILENCE Networked Cheetah Silence Determine who is pressing the SIL switch on
Switch Pressed. the Cheetah.
Network Command - Unsilence New Supervisory event in network has
NETWORK SUPERV UNSIL Supervisories. caused unsilence. Press Silence and locate
cause for supervisory event.
NETWORK TROUBLE Network Command - Unsilence New Trouble event in network has caused
UNSIL Troubles. unsilence. Press Silence and locate cause.
NO RECORD No event, history record empty. None.
PASSWORD LEVEL 1 Password Level 1 Entered. Determine who entered password.
PASSWORD LEVEL 2 Password Level 2 Entered. Determine who entered password.
PASSWORD LEVEL 3 Password Level 3 Entered. Determine who entered password.
PASSWORD LEVEL 4 Password Level 4 Entered. Determine who entered password.
PASSWORD LEVEL 5 Factory Password Level 5 Determine who entered password.
PASSWORD EXPIRED Password Timeout has expired. None.
PERIPH #aa RESET Reset Switch pressed on Locate peripheral device and determine who
Peripheral #aa. is pressing reset.
PERPIH #aa SILENCE Silence Switch pressed on Locate peripheral device and determine who
Peripheral #aa. is pressing silence.
PERIPH #aa ACKNOWL Acknowledge Switch pressed on Locate peripheral device and determine who
Peripheral #aa. is pressing Acknowledge.
POWER-UP RESET System is powered-up. Determine why power was removed.
RECONFIGURED DEVICE Addressable Device None.
Configuration has been changed.
SUPERVISRY SILENCE All Supervisory outputs Silenced Silence Switch was pressed. Determine who
for all Supervisory Zones. pressed switch.
All supervisory outputs New event caused unsilence. Determine
SUPERVISRY UNSILENCE unsilenced for all supervisory cause for new event.
SYSTEM RESET Reset switch pressed Determine who pressed reset.
TROUBLE SILENCE All troubles silenced for all trouble Determine who pressed Silence.
TROUBLE UNSILENCE All troubles unsilenced for all New event caused unsilence. Determine
trouble zones. cause for new event.

ALARM PRESENT Alarm state for this zone Find active device and determine cause for
activated alarm.
Device has reached the Alarm Find active device and determine cause for
ALARM ACTIVE ---- threshold. Analog Datat alarm.
appended to this message.
Sensor is contaminated. Locate the detector by using the address on
CONTAMINATED DEVICE the custom message on the 2nd line and the
address on the 4th line of the display.
Determine cause for elevated obscuration
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the detector by using the address on
detector has reached the FIRE 1 the custom message on the 2nd line and the
FIRE 1 X.XXX%/Y.YYY% level (3RD). The FIRE 1 address on the 4th line of the display.
threshold is xxx. The current Determine cause for elevated obscuration
obscuration is yyy.
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the Scanner detector by using the
Scanner detector pipe 1 has address on the custom message on the 2nd
FIRE-1 SECT-n X.XXX% reached the Fire 1 Level. line and the address on the 4th line of the
display. Determine cause for elevated
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the detector by using the address on
detector has reached the FIRE 2 the custom message on the 2nd line and the
FIRE 2 X.XXX%/Y.YYY% level (4TH). The FIRE 2 address on the 4th line of the display.
threshold is xxx. The current Determine cause for elevated obscuration
obscuration is yyy.

Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the Scanner C221detector by using

detector has reached the Fire 2 the address on the custom message on the
FIRE-2 SECT-n X.XXX% level. 2nd line and the address on the 4th line of the
display. Determine cause for elevated
KEYWORD ERROR Cheetah operating code not Replace 10-2200 Controller.
operating in proper order.
Addressable input device Locate the device and determine cause for
MANUAL ALARM programmed Manual Alarm activation.
(Manual Pull) is active.
MANUAL PRE- Addressable input device Locate the device and determine cause for
DISCHARGE programmed for Manual Release activation.
with Countdown activated.
Addressable input device Locate the device and determine cause for
MANUAL RELEASE programmed for Manual Release activation.
PRE-DISCHARGE Zone has entered the Pre- Determine, from previous history events, the
discharge state. cause of alarms.
RELEASE Zone has entered the Release Determine, from previous history events, the
state. cause of alarms.
Erroneous interrupt source or Call Fike for assistance. Replace 10-2200
SOFTWARE ERROR illegal program instruction Controller.
Sensor fire test point is outside Locate addressable device. If ionization
Hochiki specified range. sensor, make sure that airflow is 200 ft/min or
TEST POINT BAD less. If not, move device or change to photo
sensor. Try to manually calibrate fire test in
CAL SENS menu. Replace device if unable
to clear.
Addressable input device Locate the device and determine cause for
WATERMIST ACTIVE programmed for watermist is activation.
Not used. Watermist input None.
WATERMIST INACTIVE creates a release which is

ABORT PRESENT Abort input active in zone. Locate the active abort using the previous
ABORT RESTORED Abort input restored to normal in None.
ABORT PRESSED Addressable input device Locate the device and determine cause for
programmed for Abort is active. activation.
ABORT RELEASED Abort input restored to normal None.
AC power input on main Measure input AC voltage. Measurement
controller is below 85% of should be 120VAC or 240VAC. If it is normal,
AC1 POWER TROUBLE normal. check the Secondary of the transformer (input
at controller). It should be 24VAC. Check the
AC fuse, F1.
AC power input on main None.
AC1 POWER RESTORED controller restored to 90% of

AC power input on SPS is below Measure input AC voltage. Measurement

AC2 POWER TROUBLE 85% of normal. should be 120VAC or 240VAC. If it is normal,
check the Secondary of the transformer (input
at SPS). It should be 24VAC.
AC2 POWER RESTORED AC power input on SPS restored None.
to 90% of normal.
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the detector by using the address on
detector has reached the the custom message on the 2nd line and the
ACTION X.XXX%/Y.YYY% ACTION level (2ND). The address on the 4th line of the display.
ACTION threshold is xxx. The Determine cause for elevated obscuration
current obscuration is yyy.
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the Scanner detector by using the
Scanner detector has reached address on the custom message on the 2nd
ACTION SECT-n X.XXX% the Action level of alarm(2nd). line and the address on the 4th line of the
display. Determine cause for elevated
Intelligently interfaced VESDA None.
ACTION LEVEL RESTORE Smoke level has fallen below the
Action level.
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the VESDA unit with the elevated
detector has reached the ALERT obscuration and determine cause.
ALERT X.XXX%/Y.YYY% level (1ST). The ALERT
threshold is xxx. The current
obscuration is yyy.
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Locate the VESDA Scanner unit with the
ALERT SECT-n X.XXX% Scanner detector has reached elevated obscuration and determine cause.
the Action level of alarm(2nd).
Intelligently interfaced VESDA None.
ALERT LEVEL RESTORED Smoke level has fallen below the
Alert level.
Audible Circuit #1 has open Bring 10K End of Line back to panel and see
AUD1 OPEN TROUBLE circuit (P8). if trouble clears. It should clear the trouble.
Locate open wiring fault. Replace the panel if
the trouble doesn't clear with EOL at panel.
Audible Circuit #1 has short Bring 10K End of Line back to panel, remove
circuit (P8). field wiring, and see if trouble clears. It
AUD1 SHORT TROUBLE should clear the trouble. Locate short in
wiring by moving EOL to interim devices, if
necessary. Replace the panel if the trouble
doesn't clear with EOL at panel.
AUD1 TRB RESTORED Audible Circuit #1 is normal and None.
restore from trouble (P8).
Audible Circuit #2 has open Bring 10K End of Line back to panel and see
AUD2 OPEN TROUBLE circuit (P9). if trouble clears. It should clear the trouble.
Locate open wiring fault. Replace the panel if
the trouble doesn't clear with EOL at panel.
Audible Circuit #2 has short Bring 10K End of Line back to panel, remove
circuit (P9). field wiring, and see if trouble clears. It
AUD2 SHORT TROUBLE should clear the trouble. Locate short in
wiring by moving EOL to interim devices, if
necessary. Replace the panel if the trouble
doesn't clear with EOL at panel.
Audible Circuit #2 is normal and None.
AUD2 TRB RESTORED restore from trouble (P9).

AUD SWITCH DISABLED Audible Disable Switch is in the Locate Audible Switch and return to normal
Disable position. SW1.
AUD SWITCH RESTORED Audible Disable Switch is in the None.
Normal position (restored).
AUX POWER MISSING SPS configured but not installed.
Install SPS or remove from SPS from System
AUX POWER UNCONFIG Aux Power Module detected, but Configure Aux. Power module if being used.
not configured.
AUX POWER CORRECTED SPS configured and installed. None.
Auxiliary Power Input on main Measure Aux Power input (P2 Batt). This
AUX1 POWER TROUBLE board below 20.4VDC. should be 24VDC. If below 20.4VDC check
for cause. Check Battery fuse F2 on main
AUX1 POWER RESTORED Auxiliary Power Input restored None.
above 20.4VDC.
SPS Auxiliary Power Input below Measure Aux Power input (P2 Batt). This
AUX2 POWER TROUBLE 20.4VDC. should be 24VDC. If below 20.4VDC check
for cause. Check Battery fuse F2 on SPS
AUX2 POWER RESTORED SPS Auxiliary Power Input None.
restored above 20.4VDC
Addressable device trouble. Bring device back to panel and remove field
Communication device has errors wiring. If no troubles, check field wiring for
BAD COMMUNICATION (parity, checksum, etc.). induced voltage. If still troubles, replace
Addressable device bad None.
COMMUN RESTORED communication trouble restored
to normal.
Battery Charger on Main panel Measure Battery Charger Output at Battery
has low voltage output. Terminal. Batteries must be connected to
BAT1 CHARGE VOLT LOW obtain valid reading or replace with 1500uF,
50V capacitor. Check Battery Fuse. Factory
adjusts charging voltage output to 27.6VDC.
BAT1 CHARGE Battery Charger on main panel None.
RESTORED returned to normal.
SPS Battery Charger has low Measure Battery Charger Output at SPS
voltage output. Battery Terminal. Batteries must be
BAT2 CHARGE VOLT LOW connected to obtain valid reading or replace
with 1500uF, 50V capacitor. Check Battery
Fuse. Factory adjusts charging voltage
output to 27.6VDC.
SPS Battery Charger returned to None.
BAT2 CHARGE normal
Battery on main panel is low or Measure the Battery input at the control
missing. panel. It should be 24-27.6VDC with
batteries. Measurement without batteries
should not be trusted. Install 1500uF, 50V
BATTERY1 TROUBLE capacitor to measure the charging circuit
voltage. It should be 27.6VDC. Measure
each cell of battery to check for defective
battery. They should measure 12 VDC each.
Check Battery Fuse, F2.
BATTERY1 RESTORED Battery on main panel restored to None.
SPS Battery is low or missing. Measure the Battery input at the control
panel. It should be 24-27.6VDC with
batteries. Measurement without batteries
should not be trusted. Install 1500uF, 50V
BATTERY2 TROUBLE capacitor to measure the charging circuit
voltage. It should be 27.6VDC. Measure
each cell of battery to check for defective
battery. They should measure 12 VDC each.
Check SPS Battery Fuse, F2.
BATTERY2 RESTORED SPS Battery restored to normal. None.
Fault detected in the calibration Manually calibrate the device using the CAL
CALIBRATION FAULT of the addressable device. SENS menu. Replace the device if unable to
resolve problem.
CALIBRATION RESTORED Calibration fault restored to None.
Configuration error #1. No Program Manual Release in this zone.
CFG ERROR 1: MR----- Manual Release in this zone. Change Zone Config to Alarm Zone or set
Manual Release Y/N to N (No).
CFG RESTO 1: MR---- Configuration error #1 restored. None.
Configuration error #2. No output Determine input. Add output or move input to
CONFIG ERROR 2: IN/O available to input. different zone where output exists. Cheetah
Tracker Configure View Zone I/O may aid in
viewing input and output relationships.
CONFIG RESTO 2: IN/O Configuration error #2 restored. None.
Configuration error #3. Alarm Change to Alarm Zone or remove Alarm
CONFIG ERROR 3: AL V Verification is programmed on a Verification programming from addressable
device in a suppression zone. sensor.
CONFIG RESTO 3: AL V Configuration error #3 restored. None.
Configuration error #4. Analog Change configuration for addressable device.
CONFIG ERROR 4:SENS photo has too high alarm Lower the alarm sensitivity.
CONFIG RESTO 4:SENS Configuration error #4 restored. None.
CFG ERROR 5: W------ Configuration error #5. Configure SRM in the Watermist Zone or
Watermist Zone needs an SRM. change the zone config to alarm zone.
CFG RESTO 5: W------ Configuration error #5 restored. None.
Configuration error #6. Remove abort from watermist zone (or
CFG ERROR 6: W----- Watermist Zone has an abort (not change zones).
CFG RESTO 6: W------ Configuration error #6 restored. None.
Configuration error #7. SRM Configure ON-Time for SRM or remove
CFG ERROR 7:ON TIME assigned to Watermist and Zone Watermist Zone from Config.
has no on-time.
CFG RESTO 7:ON TIME Configuration error #7 restored. None.
Configuration error #8. SRM SRM is configured for Watermist and Zone is
CFG ERROR 8:ZN-TYPE assigned to Watermist and Alarm set for Alarm. Change Zone type to
type of zone. Watermist or change SRM configuration.
CFG RESTO 8:ZN-TYPE Configuration error #8 restored. None.
Configuration error #9. Manual Change Zone configuration to Suppression
CFG ERROR 9: MR---- Release is in an Alarm Zone only. Zone or change the zone of the Manual
Release. Change input module to selection
other than Manual Release.
Configuration error #9 restored. None.

RAM has garbled information for Re-send device, zone, system, etc.
CHECKSUM ERROR ----- device, zone, system, etc. in configuration to over-write the current
configuration. configuration. May require Fike assitance.
CHECKSUM OK ----- Fixed Checksum error. None.
Configuration in addressable Perform TO DEV in Configuration menu or re-
device does not match send device configuration. Device was not
CONFIGURE FAULT configuration stored in the control powered properly on first download of
panel. configuration. If device is now functioning, it
needs its configuration.
Configuration in addressable None.
CONFIGURE RESTORED device matches configuration
stored in the control panel.
DRILL INPUT ACTIVE Drill switch is active (addressable Locate addressable device or panel and
or panel). determine cause for activation.
DRILL INPUT RESTORED Drill switch is returned to normal. None.
DRILL PRESENT The zone has an active drill Locate the active drill switch using the event
switch. history.
DRILL RESTORED The zone drill switch is restored None.
to normal.
Addressable Device was polled Locate addressable device and check to see
and no device responded. if loop power (38VDC) and 24V power (if
necessary) are present at device. Check
DEVICE MISSING device address with programmer. If all are
good, check wiring for polarity swap. Move
device to directly at control panel to test
individual unit.
DEVICE PRESENT Addressable Device restored None.
from missing poll.
DISABLED ZONE ---- Zone Disabled, either from Zone Determine source of Disable and determine
Disable or Enable/Disable menu. cause. Enable if desired.
ENABLED ZONE ---- Zone is Enabled from previous None.
Board Level Output Circuit Enable circuit in the Enable/Disable menu.
DISABLED CKT ---- Disabled. Circuit number
appended to the event.
ENABLED CKT ----- Output Circuit Enable from None.
previous disable.
Addressable Device is disabled, Use the Enable/Disable menu to check the
DISABLED DEVICE either from Enable/Disable menu status of the device. Determine cause of
or in addressable Device disable. Enable if desired.
ENABLED DEVICE Addressable Device is returned None.
to enabled.
DISABLED LOOP 1 Loop was disabled in the Enable the Loop in the Enable/Disable menu.
ENABLED LOOP 1 Loop was enabled in the None.
DISABLED LOOP 2 Loop was disabled in the Enable the Loop in the Enable/Disable menu.
ENABLED LOOP 2 Loop was enabled in the None.
DISABLED LOOP 3 Loop was disabled in the Enable the Loop in the Enable/Disable menu.
ENABLED LOOP 3 Loop was enabled in the config. None.
DISABLED LOOP 4 Loop was disabled in the Enable the Loop in the Enable/Disable menu.
ENABLED LOOP 4 Loop was enabled in the None.
Ground Fault Detection has been Enable Ground Fault. Requires Fike
GRND FAULT DISABLED Disabled. Requires Factory assistance.
Password to Disable.
Ground Fault located on system. Remove GCA if unknown where fault exists
(disable releasing devices). Use diagnostics,
ground fault menu to aid in locating circuit
where ground fault exists. Remove terminals
GND FLT PRESENT one at a time while watching the counter and
looking for a decrease in the number (from
255). Once the circuit is found, remove
sections of the wiring using the same
GND FLT RESTORED Ground Fault removed. None.
Addressable Device Trouble from Locate addressable device and monitor.
INTERNAL FAULT the 0x08 polling command. Move device to see if the environment is
causing malfunction.
INT FAULT RESTORED Internal Fault from addressable None.
device returned to normal.
Abort Switch is pressed in a zone Locate addressable device and determine
INVALID ABORT ACTIVE that does not have a current cause for Abort switch being pressed.
Alarm event.
INV ABORT RESTORED Abort Switch returned to normal. None.
INVALID VESDA FAULT Fault Code 201 from VESDA Call Fike for Assistance.
VESDA unit configured but no Check the Cheetah configuration and make
similar zone found present on thesure that the VESDA programmed has a
INVALID VESDA ZONE VESDAnet. UNIT # that matches the VESDA detector
ZONE. Check the VESDAnet and make sure
that the VESDA zone matches (01-50).
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Determine where ISOLATE was performed
ISOLATE ACTIVE detector has been (Display or software). Press ISOLATE again
isolated/disabled. to re-enable.
ISOLATE RESTORE Older Firmware None.
Loops 3 and 4 are configured but Power down unit and attach loop module.
LOOP MODULE MISSING panel does not recognize a SLM Remove loops 3 & 4 from the configuration.
LOOP MODULE Loop Module is found. None.
Class A wiring on Loop 1 has Locate wiring fault open circuit. Change to
L1 OPEN CLASS A open circuit trouble. class B wiring and determine where devices
are missing to locate open in wiring to
L1 CLASS A RESTORED Class A wiring open fault is None.
cleared to normal.
Class A wiring on Loop 2 has Locate wiring fault open circuit. Change to
L2 OPEN CLASS A open circuit trouble. class B wiring and determine where devices
are missing to locate open in wiring to
L2 CLASS A RESTORED Class A wiring open fault is None.
cleared to normal.
Class A wiring on Loop 3 has Locate wiring fault open circuit. Change to
L3 OPEN CLASS A open circuit trouble. class B wiring and determine where devices
are missing to locate open in wiring to
L3 CLASS A RESTORED Class A wiring open fault is None.
cleared to normal.
Class A wiring on Loop 4 has Locate wiring fault open circuit. Change to
L4 OPEN CLASS A open circuit trouble. class B wiring and determine where devices
are missing to locate open in wiring to
L4 CLASS A RESTORED Class A wiring open fault is None.
cleared to normal.
Addressable Address was polled Use ADR LOC diagnostics to locate devices
MULTIPLE DEVICES and response seen from multiple (turn ON LEDs). Remove sections of the loop
devices. to determine unknown location of other
multiple device.
RESTORED MULTIPLE Multiple Devices trouble restored None.
to normal.
Member Cheetah determines the Locate Manager Cheetah and check network
NET MANAGER MISSING MNGR. is missing from Network. wiring.
NET MANAGER RETURN Cheetah Manager has returned None.
to network.
NET MEMBER#a MISSING Network member Cheetah #a is Locate the member Cheetah and determine if
missing. Network wiring is connected.
NET MEMBER#a RETURN Network member Cheetah #a has None.
returned to network.
NETWORK ACT: ------- Network event message: zone- Locate originating Cheetah and determine
state has activated. source for event.
NETWORK CLR: ------- Clear of activation. None.
NETWORK DRILL PRESNT Drill State activated from network Determine which Cheetah has Drill Switch
- All zone only. pressed. Determine who pressed switch.
NETWORK DRILL RESTOR Drill Switch pressed again to None.
restore to normal.
Trouble Detected on the Network Make sure the Network card is fully seated in
NETWORK MODULE Card. P42 connector. Examine network card for
TROUBL foreign material or cause for fault. Replace
module if nothing is determined.
NETWORK MODULE Fault Clear. None.
Addressable sensor, input, or Locate device and determine cause for
PALARM1 ACTIVE ---- VESDA is above the PreAlarm 1 elevated obscuration or activation.
threshold. --- will show analog
PALARM1 RESTORE ---- Device obscuration has returned None.
below the PreAlarm 1 threshold.
PRE-ALARM1 PRESENT This zone has an active PreAlarm Locate the source of the PreAlarm 1 using
1 state. previous events.
The PreAlarm 1 level has cleared None.
PRE-ALARM1 RESTORED in the zone.

Addressable sensor, input, or Locate device and determine cause for

PALARM2 ACTIVE ----- VESDA is above the PreAlarm 2 elevated obscuration or activation.
threshold. --- will show analog
PALARM2 RESTORE --- Device obscuration has returned None.
below the PreAlarm 2 threshold.
Peripheral Device #aa is missing. RS485 wiring must use Belden 9841 wiring or
The number of transmits exceeds equivalent. Insert one and only one
the receive events. termination resistor on peripheral bus (switch
or jumper). Connect shield of cable at control
PERIPH #aa MISSING panel chassis ground, pass through at each
junction and leave open at the end. Use
peripheral diagnostics for Transmit and
Receive numbers. Fike will have Technical
Bulletin. V4.3 has wider trouble window,
possible hardware revision.
PERIPH #aa RETURN Peripheral device #aa restored. None.
PERIPH #aa TROUBLE Peripheral device of ID aa has a Locate peripheral device and determine
trouble event. trouble.
PERIPH #aa TRB CLEAR Fault Clear. None.
Peripheral device of ID aa has a Check both configurations to determine mis-
PERIPH #aa ZONE ERR zone mis-match with Cheetah match.
PERIPH #aa ZONE CLR Fault clear. None.
PERIPH #aa DRILL ON Peripheral device of ID aa has a Locate peripheral device and determine who
drill switch ON. is pressing drill switch.

PERIPH #aa DRILL OFF Drill Switch on peripheral None.

returned to normal.
PRE-ALARM2 PRESENT This zone has an active PreAlarm Locate the source of the PreAlarm 2 using
2 state. previous events.
PRE-ALARM2 RESTORED The PreAlarm 2 level has cleared None.
in the zone.
PC COMMUNICATION ERR Older Firmware Make sure configuration operates properly.
Go to PC TR CLR menu and clear trouble.
PC COMMUNICATION OK Older Firmware None.
PC CONFIGURING PANEL Configuration is currently being Determine who is changing configuration.
changed by the PC.
PC CONFIGURING DONE The PC has finished configuring None.
the panel.
Addressable input device Locate device and determine cause for
PROCESS INPUT ACTIVE programmed for Process is activation.
PROCESS RESTORE Addressable Process active is None.
returned to normal.
PROCESS PRESENT The zone has a process input Locate the active input using the event
active. history.
PROCESS RESTORED The zone process input is None.
restored to normal.
REMOTE RESET ACTIVE Addressable input device Locate device and determine cause for
programmed for Reset is active. activation.
REMOTE RESET Addressable Reset active is None.
RELEASE returned to normal.
SUPERVISORY ACTIVE Addr. input device programmed Locate device and determine cause for
for Supervisory is active. activation.
SUPERVISORY Addressable Supervisory active None.
RESTORED is returned to normal.
SUPERVISORY PRESENT The zone has a supervisory input Locate the active input using the event
active. history.
SUPERVISORY The zone supervisory input is None.
RESTORED restored to normal.
The voltage on the system is Restore AC power or generator. Obtain new
SYSTEM POWER LOW below a trusted level. All batteries.
operation has ceased.
SYSTEM POWER OK The voltage for the system is None.
returned to a good level.
TROUBLE INPUT ACTIVE Addressable input programmed Locate device and determine cause for
for trouble is active. activation.
TROUBLE RESTORED Addressable input trouble is None.
TROUBLE PRESENT The zone has a trouble active. Use the event history to determine source of
TROUBLE RESTORED The zone trouble has cleared. None.
The UART has been corrupted by Determine cause for ESD. Replace controller
UART FAILURE ESD and then re-initialized. This due to possible inherent damage to part.
IC is used for the loops and
peripherals. It is a critical part.
UART RESTORED UART failure restored to normal. None.
Intelligently interfaced VESDA Check the HLI. Is power present? Are cables
High Level Interface (HLI) has properly connected? Is RS232 Cable
VESDA COMMUN ERROR become disconnected. connected to Cheetah P3 Jack 3? Make sure
the cable is connected and the HLI is
VESDA COMMUN Intelligently interfaced VESDA None.
RESTORE High Level Interface (HLI) has
become re-connected.
VESDA FAULT ID = --- VESDA detector Use VESDA manual section Troubleshooting
TROUBLESHOOTING fault ID. for fault assistance.
VESDA FAULT CLEAR ID = This VESDA fault has cleared. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: AIRFLOW Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: FILTER Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: FILTER Fault Clear. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: ISOLATE Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: MAJOR Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: MAJOR Fault Clear. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: MINOR Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: MINOR Fault Clear. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: NETWORK Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: POWER Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: POWER Fault Clear. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: SYSTEM Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: SYSTEM Fault Clear. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: URGENT Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: URGENT Fault Clear. None.
VESDA Detector Trobule. Most VESDA faults will also be followed by a
VESDA FAULT: ZONE Corresponds with the VESDA Fault ID. The VESDA manual provides
Display fault LED. troubleshooting for the specific Fault ID.
VESDA CLEAR: ZONE Fault Clear. None.
VESDA NOT Trouble event stored when the Configure the VESDA into the Cheetah
CONFIGURED HLI is present but no VESDA is matching VESDA zone to Cheetah unit #.
VESDA CONFIGUR CLEAR VESDA configured and present None.
through HLI, trouble corrected.
WALKTEST ACTIVE Panel has entered the Walktest Determine who activated Walktest mode.
Mode. Reset the panel or wait for walktest to expire.
WALKTEST EXPIRED Walktest mode has expired None.
(walktest timeout expired).

Addressable input device Locate device and determine cause for

WATERFLOW ACTIVE programmed for waterflow is activation.
WATERFLOW RESTORED Waterflow input is restored to None.
WATERFLOW PRESENT Older Firmware. Addressable Locate device and determine cause for
input active waterflow. activation.
WATERFLOW RESTORED Older Firmware. Waterflow None.
Open circuit wiring on supervised Locate addressable device and move End-of-
input or output addressable Line resistor back to the module (remove field
WIRING FAULT-OPEN module. wiring). If trouble clears, look for open wiring
fault in field wiring. If fault does not clear,
make sure the correct EOL is attached.
Replace module if unable to clear.
Short circuit wiring on supervised Locate addressable device and move End-of-
input or output addressable Line resistor back to the module (remove field
WIRING FAULT-SHORT module. wiring). If trouble clears, look for short circuit
wiring fault in field wiring. If fault does not
clear, make sure the correct EOL is attached.
Replace module if unable to clear.
WIRING FAULT RESTORE Supervised Circuit on None.
Addressable module has
returned to normal.
Addressable Address was polled Use ADR LOC diagnostics to see what it
and response of device type was configured and found at the loop-address
WRONG DEVICE KIND different than configured. (turn ON LEDs to locate). Change the device
or change the Configuration so that the two
RESTORED DEVICE KIND Appropriate response from None.
Addressable input device Locate Zone Disable addressable input
ZONE DISABLE ACTIVE programmed for Zone Disable is module and determine cause for activation.
ZONE DISABLE RESTORE Addressable input Zone Disable None.
returned to normal.
Zone Disable state for this zone Locate Zone Disable addressable input
ZONE DISABLED is active. module or determine if the zone was disabled
from the panel.
Zone Disable state for this zone None.
ZONE ENABLED is de-activated or returned to

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