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Ardent: A pleasant morning dear panelists and audience for this research presentation.

Especially to our school’s principal, sir Eric R. Viggayan, Ma’am Leny Domingo, Sir Jordan
Bacani, Ma’am Maureen Balabbo and to our research adviser, Ma’am Ruby Ann Gammaru.
Once again good morning. I am Ardent Bautista, the lead researcher, together with me are Ms.
Cababuna, Ms. Telan, Ms. Pagulayan, Mr. Dumencel, Mr. Bautista, Ms. Ottob, Mr. Agregado,
Mr. Acosta, Mr. Daguio, Ms. Ngittit, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Bucahe and Ms. Pinson.
Jerlyn: All of us experience stress regardless of our status, work, or roles in life. But does stress
have different impacts on us? Let’s go back to that question after this presentation.
Ardent: On students like us, stress is being presumed as not a great barrier on our learning since
they believe that all we do is sit, write, learn—which is not all true. With the presence of
distance learning, it became harder for us to manage our stress and workloads to the point that
it affects our education. Here in Simanu National High School particularly in the SHS
Department, we have utilized modular distance learning, a type of asynchronous education. As
pointed by Depaynos, Butala & Atompag(2021), the SHS program is a great contributor on
students’ stress as it is new in the Philippine setting. Such students who are faced daily with
the personal problems as well as academic endeavors may experience stress that could affect
their performance.
Jerlyn: We always talk about stress but how do we formally called it when perceived by
students? It is called academic stress. What is academic stress, it is the product of a combination
of academic-related demands that exceed the adaptive resources available to an
individual.(Health Effects) If a student is unable to cope effectively with academic stress, then
serious psycho-social-emotional health consequences may result.(Demographics) Academic
stress level that students experience is also associated to various demographic variables and
physical factors that they possessed. And most importantly its effects on students’ performance.
Students who experience mental and physical health problems like academic stress, are then at
greater risk for poor academic performance.
Ardent: With all that said, this research looked and proved the relationship and impacts of
academic stress to student’s performance on higher secondary institutions specifically Senior
High School (SHS) students whom are undertaking modular distance learning. It further
analyzes the effects of academic stress on students’ perspective and its association on their
demographic variables as they undergo modular distance learning.
Ardent: Ms. Telan and Mr. Agregado will discussed to you the conceptual framework of
this study.
May-Rose: Greetings, again. The model explains that academic stress level plays pivotal role
in the performance, perception of stressors and profile among students. This shows the
independent, dependent and moderator variables. The independent variables that might
influence students' perceived stress level are their profile in terms of 1.1)age 1.2) gender 1.3)
grade level and specialized subjects. Also, as moderator variable, perceived stress level might
affect students’ academic performance and perception on its detrimental impacts as they
undergo modular distance learning. This implies that students’ profile in terms of 1.1)age 1.2)
gender 1.3) grade level 1.4) specialized subjects, can affect their perceived stress level that is
independently related with students' academic performance.
Romnick: Base from the previous model, the figure shows the conceptual framework of the
study using Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model. In input, the researchers include demographic
profiles of the research participants in terms of current a.)age b.)gender c.) grade level
d.)General Weighted Average (GWA) and specialized subject being attended. In process, the
researchers used printed version of survey questionnaire with digital consent form to ethically
gather data from the respondents. Lastly, the expected outcome of this study is a numerical
data on perceived effects, level and impacts of academic-related stress among Senior High
School modular learners' academic performance of Simanu National High School.
May-Rose: Let’s have Mr. Adrian Bautista backed with Mr. Jericho Dumencel for the
statement of the problem and research hypothesis.
Adrian: As the proponent stated the apprehension, bounds, discernment and goals why conduct
this kind of study, the research questions below will guide and help in discerning and achieving
the purpose and goal. What are the demographic profile of Senior High School students in
Simanu National High School with respect to age, gender, grade level, specializations and
GWA. Number 2. What are the dominant academic stress indicators(impacts) that SHS
students perceived under modular distance learning (MDL) in terms of physical, sleep,
behavior, emotional and personal habit indicator? Number 3. What is the level and extent of
perceived academic stress among SHS modular learners? Is there a significant relationship or
association on perceived academic stress level when SHS modular learners are grouped on
various age, gender, grade level and specialization brackets? Is there a significant relationship
between the level of perceived academic stress and SHS students' academic performance under
modular distance learning?(READ ON THE SLIDE)
Jericho: The research investigators at the presented study formulated and framed the following
null hypotheses. There is no significant relationship on students perceived academic stress level
when SHS modular learners are grouped according to their age, gender, grade level, and
specializations. Lastly, there is no significant relationship between the level of perceived
academic stress on SHS students' academic performance under modular distance learning.
Adrian: Next is the significance of the study and its scope and delimitation.

Luisito: This study is significant and important to senior high school students like us, to the
parents and school’s administration, to this group of researchers and to the future ones as it will
offer them knowledge regarding academic stress.
Jenny Ann: The perceived academic stress in our study focuses on the personal and behavioral
aspects of the students. The respondents were only bonafide Simanu National High School
SHS modular students, in which 86 out of 106 combined population of Grade 11 and Grade 12
were selected. Due to the current COVID-19, there was a decreased on the sample size. This
study was conducted between the months of May to June during the second semester.
Jennylyn: Descriptive-correlational design was use to describe the phenomenon and determine
the extent the relation between the independent and dependent variables. For this study to have
respondents, the researchers first use Yamane’s formula followed by randomly sampling it
through stratification. Hence, in total we have 86 respondents or equivalent to 78% of the total
population of SNHS-SHS. On the research instruments, the researchers adopted the Perceived
Stress Scale developed by Cohen, Kamarck, and Mermelstein (1983) and modified the Stress
Indicator Questionnaire by The Counseling Team International. The interpretation is presented
Bryan: (1)The researcher informed the participants about the research study and have them
signed on the research participation legal consent form.
Dexter-Jay: (2)The adopted Perceived Stress Scale(PSS) and Stress Indicator
Questionnaire(SIQ) were reproduced and distributed among the 86 respondents personally
while following mandated health protocols.
Bryan: (3)The researchers gave time for the respondents to answer the questionnaire.
Dexter-Jay: (4)The researchers acquired the first semestral grade of the respondents.
Bryan: (5)The researchers collected the answered questionnaire after one day.
Dexter Jay: (6) The participants’ responses were checked and subjected to analysis. The data
were coded and tallied descriptively and inferentially.
Mary-Joy: The researchers used Frequency and Percentage Distribution, Weighted Mean,
Pearson-r Correlation Coefficient and Chi-Square Test of Independence as our statistical tool
to derive our findings.
Regiena: And to the most exciting part, the results and discussion.


JC Daguio: The graphs show that majority of the respondents were ages 16-17 comprising of
51% of the total population with a mean age of 17.44; female with 52% as the sample’s
dominant gender group and HUMMS specialized students with 69% composition. It is also
noticeable that the sample have an equal number of respondents per grade level of SHS at 50%
each due to the used of stratified random sampling.
Regiena: The graph shows the academic performance of the 86 randomly selected SHS
modular learners of Simanu National High School, wherein 45% of the participants have an
outstanding performance(90-100) and followed by a 26% of very satisfactory performance(85-
89). Only 22% of respondents got a satisfactory performance(80-84) last semester and 7%
whom garnered a mark of fairly satisfactory(75-79). Also, the data indicates that there was no
SHS student whom have failing grades last semester.
Ardent: Now let’s interpret the data gathered for Physical Indicator on the Stress Indicators
Questionnaire. The table shows the mean and interpretation of each statements regarding how
academic stress affects their physical well-being while they are on modular distance learning.
Item number 6 and 8 as negative statements has the highest mean(3.16), which stated that they
experience tense and painful body from doing their modules that are both connected to their
stress level. The overall mean of Physical Indicators among senior high modular learners is
3.00 described as sometimes.
Ardent: On the sleep indicators. Item number 6 as negative statements has the highest mean of
3.30, which stated that they have trouble falling asleep because they occasionally think of their
unfinished activities. The overall mean of Sleep Indicators among senior high school modular
learners is 2.76, interpreted as sometimes.
Ardent: Next on the behavior indicators. Item number 5 as positive statement the highest mean
of 3.43, which stated that modular distance learning encourages them to excel on their learning
areas. The overall mean of Behavior Indicators among senior high school modular learners is
3.13, interpreted as sometimes.
May-Rose: For emotional indicators, item number 3 has the highest mean of 3.31, which stated
that they don’t compare themselves to others in terms of academic performance. The overall
mean of Emotional Indicators is 3.11 which is interpreted as sometimes.
May-Rose: For personal habit indicators, Item number 5 has the highest mean of 3.29 which
stated that they occasionally answer their modules. The overall mean of Personal Habit
Indicators is 3.07 which is interpreted as sometimes.
May-Rose: Overall, the behavior of SHS modular learners are most affected indicators of their
academic stress, followed by their emotions, personal habit, physical well-being and sleeping
cycle. However, all of these indicators are described as sometimes.
Jerlyn: The table presents the mean and total scores of the perceived stress scale on each
statement. It reveals in the table above that majority of the items on the perceived stress factor
scales of the respondents described as “Sometimes” with an overall mean of 2.02. The overall
mean score of the respondent is 20.19 which leads to the conclusion that they only perceived a
moderate level of stress.
Ardent: From the PSS Scores and age of the respondents we have conducted a pearson-r
correlation test to see if it they have a significant relationship on one another. The test revealed
a negligible positive correlation and no statistically significant relationship between the
respondents’ age and their level of perceived academic stress. This means that regardless of
their age, the academic stress experienced by the students is moderate.
Jennylyn: The same procedure was done with the previous one, but this time we have used chi-
squared test to see the relationship of the respondents’ gender and academic stress level and
revealed a non-significant relationship also. That is, no matter what are their age the level of
perceived academic stress is the same and have no direct impact on it.
Jennylyn: Their grade level and specialization also showed a non-significant relationship. That
is, the level of perceived academic stress is the same and have no direct association on their
grade level and specializations.
Ardent: Lastly, the Pearson-R Correlation Test of perceived stress level and their general
weighted average last semester under MDL. It can be inferred from the table and figure, that
there is no statistically significant relationship between the respondents’ academic performance
and their level of perceived academic stress. This means that regardless of their academic
performance under modular distance learning, the academic stress experienced by the students
is moderate.
Romnick: After the data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted, the following findings
emerged. (1) What is the demographic profile of Senior High School students in Simanu
National High School?
Romnick: (Age) The data gathered shows that 51% of the respondents were ages 16-17 while
49% of them were 18-20 with a mean of 17.44. This means that younger senior students
dominated the sample than older seniors.
Romnick: (Gender) The data gathered shows that 48% of the respondents were male while 52%
of them were female. This means that female senior students dominated the sample than male

Romnick: (Grade Level) This study utilized stratified random sampling based on the SHS
modular learners’ grade level, hence there is an equal proportion of 50% on this category.
Romnick: (Specialization) The data gathered shows that 68% of the respondents were
specialized in Humanities and Social Sciences(HUMSS), 20% were Food and Beverage
Services(FBS) students, and 12% were specialized on Beauty Care. This means that HUMSS
specialized students dominated the sample.
Romnick: (General Weighted Average) From the data acquired from the Grade 11 and Grade
12 advisers, it summarizes that the respondents’ first semestral grades were composed of 45%
outstanding(90-100) performance, 26% very satisfactory, 22% satisfactory and 7% fairly
satisfactory. It can be inferred that the SHS students Simanu National High School have a high
academic performance even at modular distance learning.
Jenny Ann: (2) What are the dominant academic stress indicators(impacts) that SHS students
perceived under modular distance learning (MDL)?
Jenny Ann: Majority of the respondents perceived behavior indicators(3.13) as one main area
affected by students’ academic stress. It is followed by emotional(3.11), personal habit(3.07),
physical(3), and sleep(2.76) indicators which are all described as sometimes and interpreted as
moderate stress.
Luisito: (3) What is the level and extent of perceived academic stress among SHS modular
Luisito: Based on the result of Perceived Stress Scale(PSS), SHS modular learners experienced
moderate level(20.19) of academic stress and all indicators were described as sometimes(2.02).
Adrian: (4) Is there a significant relationship or association on perceived academic stress level
when SHS modular learners are grouped on various age, gender, grade level and specialization
Adrian: With all the test conducted exceeding the p-value and their critical values, it can be
inferred that the respondents’ age, gender, grade level and specialization has no significant
relationship with their perceived academic stress level.
Jericho: (5) Is there a significant relationship between the level of perceived academic stress
and SHS students' academic performance under modular distance learning?
Jericho: The same findings occur with the previous problem. The academic performance of the
respondents has no relationship with academic stress but have a negligible positive correlation.
JC Daguio: (1)The researchers inferred that majority of the research respondents were female
for gender group; 16-17 for age group; Grade 11 for grade level; whom are mostly undertaking
Humanities and Social Sciences(HUMSS). Majority of the respondents were good on their
academics. (2)The SHS modular learners perceived academic stress have a great impact and
effect on their behavior and emotions while they were on modular distance learning. Personal
habits, physical well-being and sleeping cycle were also identified as others lesser areas
affected by the respondents’ academic stress.
Regiena: (3)It was found that moderate level of academic stress made them experienced tensed
and painful body, sleeping problems, and tiredness while they were under modular distance
learning. On the other hand, it encourages them to excel in their learning areas and do their
modules well. (4)The SHS modular learners of Simanu National High School sometimes
experienced moderate level of academic stress due to some stressful events that occurred last
Jerlyn: The SHS modular learners’ age, gender, grade level, specialization and academic
performance and perceived stress level exhibited no significant relationship and negligible
correlation. It can be concluded that as the respondents’ age increase, the perceived academic
stress level remains the same. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.
Dexter: (1) The Senior High School department of Simanu National High School should
conduct a wide-range academic stress analysis among SHS modular students to identify its
source and related variables that can associated into it to produce stress coping methods in
lessening the occurrence of their moderate perceived academic stress.
Bryan: (2) The school’s guidance counselors and administrators must enhance the educational
framework being implemented on distance learning mode for the SHS students to learn
effectively amidst the new normal of education. Additionally, they must cooperate to devise
stress-reducing programs like online symposiums and virtual meetings to monitor the
perceived stress level of the students.
May-Rose: (3) The school’s guidance counselors and administrators must enhance the
educational framework being implemented on distance learning mode for the SHS students to
learn effectively amidst the new normal of education. Additionally, they must cooperate to
devise stress-reducing programs like online symposiums and virtual meetings to monitor the
perceived stress level of the students.
Jennylyn: (4) The SHS modular learners should consult their learning concerns to appropriate
school faculty and consult a physician when they encountered adverse effects of academic
stress on their mental and emotional aspects.
Ardent: (5) The future researchers must furthermore develop the adapted and adopted research
instruments, increase the sample size, widen their scope and lessen their limitations to generate
a more precise and concise findings and conclusions. Also, they should test the relationship of
academic stress and performance on various SHS strands to explore more connected variables
amidst distance learning. Furthermore, they should conduct the study on various school locale,
students and environment.
Ardent: The research recommendations in relation to the study are the following:
1. As classes gradually return to limited face-to-face, future researcher should study the
“Impacts of Limited Face-to-Face Learning in Students Perceived Academic
2. This research failed to explore the source gs of academic stress and its significant
difference with respect to their demographic variable as they undergo modular distance
learning. Hence, future student-researchers should study the “Sources and Impacts of
Demographic Variables on Students’ Academic Stress Under Modular Distance
Ardent: And that conclude our research presentation. On behalf of our group, thank you for

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