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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Date: May 25, 2022
A. Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/
her understanding of British-American Literature, Philippine
Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Most Essential Learning Judge the validity of the evidence listened to
Competency EN9LC-IVh-2.15
C. Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. identify strategies in making judgement;
2. judge the validity of the evidence listened to;
3. relate how truthfulness of materials can help them avoid
misleading information; and
4. Perform tasks according to their area of interest
D. Value Focus Truthfulness, validity
Topic Judging the validity of a listening material
Learning Resources
Self- Learning Module (English-9 Quarter 3- Module 4)

B. Other Resources Google/

C. Integration English, Filipino

Materials Visual aids, PowerPoint presentation


Checking of attendance

ELICIT (Accessing Prior

Knowledge) Review
Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142
(5 minutes) The teacher will ask the students to recall the lesson last week about
“Determining the truthfulness and relevance of materials presented
in material viewed.”

The teacher will assess student’s prior knowledge by engaging them

into a game. The game is called “Pic-to-word” where the students
have to guess the correct word being described by simply
transcoding the pictures. The teacher will call students randomly. At
the end of the game students have to prepare simple sentence using
the words used in the game for better retention of information.

1. The ability to judge, make a decision or to form an opinion


2. Synonym of credible and authentic.

3. Not correct or not legally recognized

4. Objects, documents or statements that are used to prove


5. The analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and

arguments to form a judgement.

Annotation: The teacher will use game-based instruction to engage

students in the lesson. The game will help the students to develop
critical thinking by figuring out what the pictures depict.
EN10WC-IIh-13 formulate texts which includes multimodal

ENGAGE (Getting focus on the The teacher will play a short video clip of news report regarding
topic) fake news. The students will watch and take note as many
(5 minutes) information they could get from the clip. After watching the clip,
the teacher will ask the students the following questions:
1. Have you experienced sharing fake news before?

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142
2. Just like the speaker on the video, did you check first the sources
of information before sharing or posting it?
3. Is infodemic harmful?

EXPLORE (Providing Students with This time, the teacher will play an audio recording. The students
a common experience) should listen and take note as much information they could get from
(5 minutes) the audio. Afterwards the teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What is the audio all about?

2. Which of the two statements is more reliable?

While playing the audio, the teacher will also post the transcription/
dialogue on the board so that students who have difficulty in
listening can still recognize the conversation.

EXPLAIN (Teaching the concept The teacher will start the discussion by asking the question, “have
with teacher-student interaction) you ever been judged by other people?”
(20 minutes)
The teacher will allow brief class sharing then will lead students to
what good judgement is all about by introducing the strategies on
developing good judgement one by one.

Strategies/Tips on How to Develop Good Judgement

1. Develop good judgement by reflecting – Many people never
develop good judgement because their experience isn’t
accompanied by reflection. Think of the possible impacts of various

2. Expect to make some bad decisions – You are still learning about
life. Consider how things could have been different if you made
different choices. What important is after committing mistake, learn
from it.

3. Practice makes perfect – because it is hard to give judgement, we

seldom do it. Have to practice give judgement to some issues to be
trained to stand about something.

4. Be a good listener – Listening to other’s opinion allow you to

identify similarities or comparisons that others slip and through this
you can meet someone who knows more about certain issue and you
can rely on that person’s opinion and formulate your own.

5. Read more – Reading is very important in understanding serious

concerns to examine evidence. It develops the mind and it is how
we discover new things. A person who knows how to read can
educate themselves in any area of life.

The teacher will now lead students on how to check if the

information is valid by discussing the three main points on how to
evaluate the evidence listened to.
Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142
Steps/ Strategies on how to validate materials.
1. identify who is the sources
2. is the evidence found in a primary or secondary source?
3. how current the evidence?

The teacher will tell the students to look again on the conversation
of Juan and Marites and let them judge if which information is more
valid by checking the evidence presented. The table below will help
them trace the validity.
Who is Where Is/ Are
the can evidence
source? evidence updated?
EN9VC-Iva-10Determine the truthfulness of the ideas presented in
the material viewed.
F9PB-IIIF-53-Napapatunayan ang pagiging makatotohanan/di
makatotohanan ng may akda.
ELABORATE (Applying the A. Application
information learned under The teacher will group the class into four and let students choose
“EXPLAIN”) according to their areas of interest. Each group will be assigned to
(15 minutes) different task based on the area of interest they have chosen.

Group 1- Artists
Your group will make a campaign poster against spreading of fake

Group 2- Actors
In a 2 minute-act, show the results of validating and not validating
the materials listened to.

Group 3- Writers
If you were to write a book that would help people to be aware on
how to judge the validity of materials, what would be the title of
your book and write at least 3 tips that could help them aside from
the ones discussed already?

Group IV- Singers

Composed a song with 2 stanza lyrics about the importance of
judging the validity of materials listened to. Get ready to perform it.
You are allowed to adapt a tune.

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142
Rubrics Very good Good Need
(5) (4) Improvement
Correctness The Some The
of content informations informations informations are
are relevant are irrelevant irrelevant to the
to the topic. to the topic. topic.

Clarity of Voice is clear Voice is clear Voice is not

voice and loud. but not loud. clear and loud.

Cooperation The group Some member There is no

members of the group cooperation of
show did not the group
cooperation. cooperate. members.

B. Generalization
After group presentation, the teacher will ask the following
1. What do you think is the reason why there are invalid information
spreading through various platforms and medias?
2. Do you think that these can still be prevented? How?

C. Valuing
The students will share experience where they have been victim of
fake news. After sharing, the teacher will ask students the
importance of recognizing truth and valid information to avoid
misleading information and situations.

EVALUATE (Assessing students’ The students will answer the assessment below to assess how much
learning) they have learned from today’s lesson using the pen-paper type test.
(7 minutes)
1. The ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion
objectively and wisely, especially in matters affecting action.
A. Evidence
B. Judgement
C. Critical thinking
D. valid

2. It is very important in understanding serious concerns to analyze

A. Reading
B. Writing
C. Listening
D. Thinking

3. Many people never develop good judgement because their

experience isn’t accompanied with _________.
A. Judgement
B. Reflection
C. Reading
D. Listening

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142
4. Judgement is the act of _________or assessing a person, situation
or event.
A. Thinking
B. Reading
C. Judging
D. Listening

5. The following are strategies on how to develop good judgement,

A. Read more.
B. Practice makes perfect
C. Don’t listen to others
D. Expect to make some bad decisions.

EXTEND (Deepening conceptual Recently, a news about milk-poisoning incident has been reported.
understanding) Watch the news regarding the issue and write an essay stating your
(3 minutes) stand. Don’t forget to back up your stand with facts and evidence.
Criteria Very Good (5) Good (4) Fair(2)
Relevance/ Stand is back Stand is No supporting
content up with presented with facts and
supporting few evidences
facts and supporting
evidences facts and
Mechanics Proper use of Proper use of Proper use of
punctuations punctuations punctuations
is observed is seldom is not
observed observable
organization The flow of The flow of Not evident
ideas and are ideas is
evident sometimes

Prepared by:

Observed by:



Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142

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