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International Business
Made with a curious mind

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 02:54AM 1. Rise in and application of technology

Scientific and
Increase in global competition - technological achievements have made many activities in life
easier in reality. For example, the development of e-wallets, e-
banking has changed the habit of using cash when making
AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and other pharmaceuticals companies payments and makes it easier when in international payments.
during the global pandemic competed against each other to Strides in communications and transportation now allow us to
produce vaccines curing the deadly virus. The quickest vaccine discover, desire, and demand goods and services from abroad.
will be bought, used the most from other countries. Their
vaccines have gone globally and are now manufactured and
distributed on an international scale, resulting in globalization. ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

K59 TRAN LENH THIEU LONG AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM −Rise in and application of technology: the spread of
technologies and technological knowledge -> increase the
Tran Lenh Thieu Long - 2011156075
chance to reach out to the world -> increase the demand from
1. Rise in technology
foreign products and services

Companies can be able to provide their services across borders.

For example: Netflix, Spotify, Facebook, etc
Ex: Many countries has become a big exporter of media culture
2. Liberlization of cross-border trade and resource movements
through Netflix such as US, Korea

Vietnam joined many economic associations and signed FTAs.

This allowed Vietnam and the participant countries to reduce −Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements:
the tariffs and non-tariffs to a huge percentage. The reduction barrier to trade had limited the chance of international
of trade barriers will contribute significantly to the globalization.
competition and the variety of goods and services within a
3.  Development of services that support IB
country -> remove barrier to trade + FTAs -> increase the
More modern means of transportation, more currency service, opportunities to export and import, expanding business,
tax and legal service, etc
investment, etc.

4. Growth of consumer pressure

Ex: NAFTA boosted Mexican farm exports to the United States,
People all around the world start to notice Chinese products. which have tripled since the pact's implementation. Hundreds of
They are of high quality, have various designs and collections, thousands of auto manufacturing jobs have also been created in
and competitive prices. Because of the competitiveness of the the country, and there've been increasing productivity and
products, they are being sold worldwide, penetrating into lowered consumer prices in Mexico.

foreign's markets, which leads to globalization.

- Development of services that support IB: 

Ex:  international franchising:

+ Products and services will have already established a market

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 02:57AM
share -> risk of business failure is reduced 

2011115222_Trịnh Hải Huỳnh + reduce dependence on domestic demand and grow new, future
revenue and profit centers worldwide.
In the order:

-Telecommunications like Swift

-Importing input materials from abroad

K59 NGUYEN DUC MANH AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM
-Service: Fintech

-Consumer pressure: products on e-commerce platforms makes

Nguyen Duc Manh - 2011155314
people demand for more sophisticated products
1. Rise in and application of technology

The wide coverage and advanced Internet services that makes

connections around the world couldn't be easier. Instead of
travelling to destination to the designated place of shipment, or
K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 02:59AM
to have an arrangement with partner like in the past, right now
Tran Luu Thanh Thao - 2011156096 we get in touch in second.

2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource

2. The rise in application of technology has encouraged
Vietnam joining RCEP from the beginning of 2022 paved the way international business. New innovations and technology brings
for export industries such as information technology, garments higher efficiency, lower cost, specialization of industry and
and clothings, agriculture, and telecommunication. We expected nations. To illustrate, the development in car production
to reduce up to 90% tariff. By joining these FTAs, for a longterm technology has save cost for the producers so that they can
benefit, Vietnam will orient itself into a highly technological target a larger international market in stead of just the domestic
manufacturer. one.

3. Development of services that support IB

3. Development of services that support IB: the rise in
The availability of banking system make currency exchange as technology allows more effective service that can boost
easy as every.
internaltional business. For ex the development of
4. Growth of consumer pressures
transportation and logistics system allows goods to be traded
Consumer now with high demand as their income and
preference increase could put pressure on businesses to find out
their insights and give out the products that meet their ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:04AM

requirement. For example: soft drinks manufacturer like Coca Development of services that support IB -
Cola and Pepsi did see the trend in staying healthy. -> They give
2011155140 - Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà
out Zero-Sugar coke.

5. Increase in global competition

the development of financial technology leads to the more
It is the case of Vietnam and
variety in financial services, then helps support IB

Instead of going to the bank and waiting for hours, now you
yourself can do everything on your phone. So, some activities
like paying through borders are become easier for both buyer
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:03AM and seller.
Nguyễn Minh Khải-2011115225
Rise in application of technology: Thanks to online banking, K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:04AM
people from all around the world have access to money, which
Tran Luu Thanh Thao - 2011156096
increases the speed and lower the cost of currency exchange.
Consequently, people are more encouraged to do business with 2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements

those in other countries, thus boosting globalization Every nation imposes restrictions on the import and export of
commodities, services, and resources—laborers, capital, and
equipment—in order to safeguard its own industries. Since
K59 HOANG QUOC VIET AUG 20, 2022 03:03AM regulations are subject to change at any time, such constraints
Hoàng Quốc Việt 2011115683 unavoidably place limitations on IB activities. But over time,
most governments have loosened these prohibitions. This is due
Rise in application of tech: More utilization of modern to competition, domestic producers become more effective, and
technology that allows for telecommunication from abroad because their population demand a wider variety of goods and
brings about a new found demand for the latest innovations services at cheaper prices. Also, they are attempting to persuade
from foreign lands.
other nations to do the same.

Reduced barriers for trading: Many countries have signed For example, many countries apply 0 tariff for electronic
agreements to allow for better trading between each other to components but very high tariff for agriculture goods.
create me competitive environment 

Development that helps international business: Some services

has made IB more accessible for citizens and businesses to join ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:05AM
in international commerce, such as currency conversion 

Ton Vinh Thang - 2011155533

Growth of commercial pressure: The demand for new products
now reaches far and wide. With global coverage, industries now Expansion of cross-national cooperation

need to innovate faster than ever to keep up with foreign

Expansion of cross-national cooperation refers to agreements
among countries that give preference to member countries to
the agreement. It can be achieved in different ways such as
through bilateral agreement and regional integration. Take an
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM example of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), it is formed
Nguyen Thi My Tam_2011155527 officially in 1993 and was for the purpose of cutting tariffs on
inter-regional trade to a maximum of 5% by 2008. Another
1. The liberalization of cross-border trade has allow countries to example is the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which
trade freely. Countries now can export and import goods is founded in 1989, was to promote multilateral economic
internationally with less customs. Also, international trade cooperation in trade and investment in the Pacific Rim.
policies are modified to encourage more trade activities and
investment between nations around the globe. For example,
EVFTA has facilitated many trade activities between Vietnam and ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:05AM
EU countries.

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:13AM

Phạm Ngọc Anh-2011156045
Lương Võ Trúc Quỳnh -2011156091
- Increase in global competition
Competition spurs movement to newer market 1. Rise in and application of technology

 For example, if Coca Cola introduce new product to Vietnam, it --> The rise and application of technology help businesses be
will encourage Pepsi that Pepsi need to produce new product to "more doable" than ever. The invention of the cell phone and,
Vietnam. If Pepsi do not, they will lose competitive market  later, the internet helps business allies get together easier.
Nowadays, companies can send invoices or discuss all matters
with others through Internet - especially during the COVID-19
TÔ ÁI MỸ AUG 20, 2022 03:05AM spread. Before the internet was widely used, it was difficult for
To Ai My - 2011115337 businesses to "touch" their customers - most of their
advertisements are 1 sided - and they could not communicate
Forces driving globalization and IB:
with their customers.  However, the growth of social media and
1. Technology
complicated algorithms help companies touch their customers
- Since the 1990s, enhancement in telecommunications and IT and have a deeper understanding of them. Moreover,
has marked remarkable improvements in access to information transportation is much easier with a wide range of selections
and increase in economic activities. Besides, technological from air to maritime. Therefore, it proves market globalisation
advancement and improved communication networks have since a phone can be designed in America and assembled in
facilitated the exchange of goods and services, resources, and China. Last but not least, the rise of technology provides people
ideas, irrespective of geographical location => economic with more services which help their lives easier: the evolution of
payment from cash to checks and now e-wallet and bitcoins.

- Example: The transfer of technology between countries around 2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource
the world: aircraft manufacturing, pharmaceutical processing movements: Free international commerce simplifies labour,
technology, ...
capital, and technological resources to travel. FTAs enable the
2. Increasing in cross-border trade
business to lower production costs, encouraging cross-border
- One of the critical forces of globalization. Before this stage of trade in goods and services. Competition makes local
time, every country restricts the movement of goods and manufacturers more efficient, and the population demands a
services across its border. It imposes tariffs and quotas on the more extensive range of goods and services at lower costs. They
goods and services imported. In addition, the random changes in are also trying to get other countries to follow suit. For instance,
the regulations create chaos in the global business environment. VN has several Free Commerce Agreements (FTAs) with other
Such practices impose limits on international business activities. nations, most notably EVFTA, RCEP and CPTPP, which aids VN in
However, gradual relief in the cross-border trade restrictions by boosting its trade with other countries.

most governments induces free trade, which, in turn, increases 3. Development of services that support IB As stated, the
the growth rate of an economy 
development of services which make trade easier will support
- Example: Cross-border shopping websites like amazon, the development of IB: the evolution of payment from cash to
Shopee... checks to L/C; logistics service development from road way to

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:05AM

Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Yến 2011155713 ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:10AM

Tạ Anh Trường - 2011156113

1) Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource
1/ Rise in and application of technology. 
movements: Unrestricted trade between nations enables
resources such as labor, capital, and technology… move easier.
As the technology has developed so far, it creates vacancy in This helps the company reduce the cost of producing output,
transformations in the way companies and nations organize which stimulates exchanging G&S across the border.  For
production, caplital,…. Exchanging technologies between example, VN has many FTAs with other countries, recently
countries lead to the appearance of many products as EVFTA and CPTPP, this helps VN to increase international trade
application of technology. Mobile bank for example is one with other countries around the world. Besides, VN has also
important application helps international trade be easier
joined WTO, this open many chances to cooperate with other
nations in exchanging G&S because it has 3 main agreements
2/ Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements
such as GATT, GATS, TRIPS, which support international trade
Unlike the old theory of factors movement, nowadays, the for VN.
liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements are
so common. It therefore provides great opportunity for 2) Growth of consumer pressures: 

companies to expand globally. EX: Samsung companies can

move their resources of technology, capital or even well- + The consumers become fastidious (khó tính) about the quality
educated labour to open factories in developing country like of products, which put one company to produce better products
Vietnam to meet those requirements. Then it’s become easier to go
globalization because it satisfies the other’s demand for a
product in other countries around the world. Like Japan, they particular place, it facilities and materials to support production,
have various high-quality products around the world since the and most importantly, provision of basic services to its
taste and preference of Japanese people are super high.
employees in the form of transport, shopping avenues, and
schools and hospitals. 

+ Consumers want to consume other products/services - Growth of commercial pressure: The increasing in demand for
internationally, not just domestically (Product differentiation). such products as well as the competitiveness between different
For example, Vietnamese people don't want to consume not companies in the market make the quality for goods needed is
only Vietnam's rice but also Korea, Japan rice too. 
3) Development of services that support IB: modern means of
transportation, development of consulting in taxes, legal issues,
and banking & financial services (exchanging foreign curency)… ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:11AM

helps exchanging G&S across nations easier

Nguyễn Đoàn Mỹ Uyên - 2011156115
4) Increase in global competition: The competence between big
1.Rise in and application of technology

companies and SMEs around the globe increases globalization

Mobile banking has enabled users to access money more quickly
since every company has to take chance to expand their
than ever before, both at home and throughout the world.
business with either choice: developing or dying. For example,
Smartphone stock trading applications, for example, enable
Apple and Microsoft, they compete with each other in producing
capital ownership to be transferred across the world more
electrical devices by expanding facilities around the word (tries
quickly than ever before, aiding globalization and lowering the
to get economies of scale)

cost of start-up capital to support new business creation.

5) Changes in political situations and government policies:

2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements

Companies have to find the country that has the most beneficial
Countries engaged in FTAs. One of the basic requirements of
political situation and favorable gov’t policies to do their
FTAs is to reduce tariffs for most tariff lines to 0%, and many
business. Changes in these factors can cause company to
non-tariff measures also need to be eliminated according to the
withdraw or invest in for their own sake. For example, Thailand

and India and China, which had recognized the beneficial

3. Services that support International business

externalities of foreign investment. However, due to

Today, because of bank credit agreements,most producers can
environmental and political issues, those three countries were
be paid relatively easily for goods and services sold abroad.
not chosen for the investment of Intel in 2005. They choose VN
When Nike sells sportswear to a French soccer team, a bank in

France collects payment in euros from the soccer team when

the shipment arrives at French customs (probably from
6) Expansion of cross-national cooperation:Some big MNCs,
somewhere in Asia) and pays Nike in U.S. dollars through a U.S.
TNCs companies such as Microsoft, Apple… tend to locate

different facilities in different countries in order to produce G&S

4. Growth in consumer pressure:

or selling final products for better reducing cost and improving

More consumers know more today about products and

profit (thanks to 5 factors in the Porter’s Diamond model)

services available in other countries, can afford to buy them, and

7) Rise in and application of technology: The application of
want the greater variety in quality, price, and characteristics that
technology in many aspects of business enable firms to do
access to them offers. However, because greater affluence is
business cross-border easier. The development of videos call
spread unevenly, both among and within countries as well as
such as Zoom, MS Teams,... enable firms to do business online in
from year to year, consumers’ ability to avail themselves of this
COVID-19 and even for foreign partners, allies. 

variety differs substantially. As a result, more companies are now

responding to those markets where incomes and consumption
are growing most rapidly, such as China.

K59 DU THOAI NGOC AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:07AM

Nguyễn Hoàng An
Dư Thoại Ngọc - 2011116487

1. Ex:

- Technological breakthroughs compel business enterprises to

Over the years, we have seen many advances in eCommerce
become global by increasing the economies of scale and the
technology. As a result, we are at a point where almost anyone
market size needed to break even. For example, the innovation
can make their own eCommerce site with very little trouble,
of Internet now help people make transactions all over the
thanks to all of the templates and applications out there. This

gives the average person, as well as multi-million dollar

- Liberalization of cross border trade and resource movement
corporations, the opportunity to have their goods online and
help countries to reduce the cost and take benefit from their
available to be sold. ECommerce platforms are usually fully
competitive advantage, which increase the total productivity and
integrated with shipping, payment, customer service, etc. For
expand income. Ex: Samsung, Apple conduct factories in VN to
example, Shopee now has many sellers from the foreign
utilize the advantage of cheap labors.

countries. Shopee also allows buyers to buy the products from

- Service: If a certain company wants to setup its operations in a
Taobao platform.
applied widely, which makes foreign payments easier.
2. Ex:

Many countries engage in FTAs. Signing these FTAs can help

domestic products to get more access into the foreign marrket
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:07AM

3. Ex:
Le Quynh Ngan - 2011116476
There are many bank services which are created to help foreign
- Rise in and application of technology: Improvement in
companies do currency exchange for their project in Vietnam
transportation, communication channels, booking apps allows
easier. There are also many tax system services which help
goods and services delivering from abroad. For example like
foreign companies with their tax duties.

Amazon, Shopee, etc

4. Ex: 

- Changes in political situations and government policies: 

Because of overpopulation in some countries, the number of
Government supports programs by fostering efficiencies for
consumer increases with many generation in one population.
delivering goods internationally or have improvements in airport
Each generation has own characteristics, purposes and
or seaport to support import-export activities. For example, the
expectations for their products.

political changes in relations between US and Cuba also open

new frontiers.

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:13AM

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

Lâm Nhã Trúc - 2011156109 Nguyễn Phan Nhật Đan - 2011155087

- Rise in and application of technology: the application of more
A rise in application and technology 
Anywhere in the world, chances are the phones will be modern production line make the American enterprises expand
made by Samsung, Apple, or another of the significant their foreign market

multinational mobile phone corporations. - Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements:
Liberalization in trade and resource movements: removal of barriers by reducing the import tariff of goods

Free trade agreements are now widely available and imported to Vietnam, for example, may increase the import of
provide a number of advantages for international trade other countries to this country, which contributes to lead to

cooperation. By signing up for these FTAs, the domestic

market will gain access to a variety of goods and services - Development of services that support IB: transportation,
at affordable costs as a result of increased trade demand. telecommunication, and payment method may make businesses

Additionally, decreasing tariffs mildly increases expand their market globally

competition. - Growth of consumer pressure: the demand for drinking milk

Development of services: tea around the world made many milk tea firms enter some
The ability to participate in international business has foreign markets.

- Increase in global competition: Pepsi will expand its markets to

become more accessible thanks to certain services, such
currency exchange. the countries that Coca-cola has entered to maintain their
Growth of customer services: market share

The need for innovative items is increasingly widespread. - Changes in political situations and government policies: the
Industries today need to innovate more quickly than ever state credit guarantee program of the government aims at

to keep up with overseas competition supporting exports will make the Vietnamese textile enterprises
Increase in global competition export. Moreover, with the growth of FTAs, for example, EVFTA,
may help Vietnamese textile enterprises to export to the
Global competition forces companies to compete for
customers and employees on an international scale. KFC European market, which increases globalization

and Facebook are examples of how international - Expansion of cross-national cooperation: To gain reciprocal

companies compete on all levels, including pricing, advantages, with the co-operation between countries thanks to
promotion, distribution, operations, and personnel. FTAs, the enterprises are helped to export to foreign markets. 

Changes in political situations and government policies

Enterprisses must locate the business with the most
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM
advantageous political climate and advantageous
government legislation. 2011155581 - Anh Thư
- Consumers pressure that force IB: The needs of consumers will
grow and improve as the world develops, so domestic services of
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:07AM
one country cannot meet all these needs. People want to use
Nguyễn Minh Tâm - 2011155526
services of other countries, such as netflix movie services, food
services, etc., forcing companies to conduct development
1. The advancement in technology and improved communication
beyond borders

network has facilitated the exchange of goods and services,

- Development of services that support IB: internet services like
resources, and ideas, irrespective of geographical location
google, technology services like apple,... or air freight services,
Ex: communication network

credit banking services

2. Ex: Currency transaction services have been updated and

- Rise in and application of technology: Technology is
increasingly being innovated, especially in developed countries. such as consulting, logistics, banking, and insurance, it has made
To be able to keep up with the pace of development, companies IB activities easier, giving business owners more information to
in countries that have not yet developed a strong technology make decisions. intend to open the business to another market.

need to expand and learn advanced science and technology,

thereby developing international business.
For example, when it comes to entering a new market, today
- Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource
there are many consulting and market research firms such as
movements: With the application of free trade agreements of McKinsey or Nielsen that assist in researching culture,
countries to boost the country's economy, companies have the consumer needs and developing specific strategies. specific
opportunity to benefit from these agreements if they conduct developments in the short and long term.
global development, open expand its services to foreign
countries, promote the development of the company
K59 HUYNH THIEN KIM AUG 20, 2022 03:09AM

Huỳnh Thiên Kim 2011155270

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM
1.     Rise in and application of technology: easier to get
Nguyễn Thị Tú Quỳnh - 2011155512
information of new goods and services with lower
1. Rise in and application of technology
communication cost, some services provided through the
It increase productivity, which leads to the increase in available internet=> business partners from different countries can easily
innovative products and demand for consuming. Consumers will communicate and cooperate; advanced technology makes
want to enjoy variety of products and sellers want to have bigger production more effective=> produce more=> export to gain
market. Besides, many technology requires huge budget and more profit
sources => collaborations between firms around the world. 2.     Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource
Moreover, technology makes improvement in communication movements: countries are more open to trading with lowered
and transportation=> These things leads to globalization.
tariffs and barriers =>make it easier for trading and resource
Ex: technology 4.0
movement . Vietnam’s government practices trade liberalization
2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements
by attracting more FDI, foreign firms to trade in Vietnam
For variety of reasons, there is an increase of FTAs and the 3.     Development of services that support IB: transportation,
improvement of transportation services, moving around the consulting services, banking (forex,LC) and insurance services
world is not a big deal => Firms tend to outsource for minimizing makes it more easy, convenient and quick to do business
the cost while consumers want variety of products. internationally
Ex: EVFTA 4.     Growth of consumer pressures: more intense demand for
3. Development of services that support IB
wider range of products with higher quality and lower price.
In the past, it is hard to deliver goods from this country to Samsung has to outsource some of its part due to customer
another country. However, with the development of technology, demand for high quality but low priced smartphones
a wide range of services created. These help firms to reduce cost 5.     Increase in global competition: competing firms have to
and make internation trade happen.
expand and intensify its international business to gain/retain
 Ex: transportation services, bank credit,.. market share such as CocaCola and Pepsi
4. Growth of consumer pressures
6.     Changes in political situations and government policies:
With the development in communication, consumers now know more stable , open to trade. Like Ukraine is having an unstable
more about the products and wants to enjoy some of them that political situation so its international business is greatly affected
they can affords. However, resources are different in every 7.     Expansion of cross-national cooperation: EU, NAFTA, WTO,
country. Therefore, some firms take advantages of it and import FTAs lower trade barriers =>enable easy movement of resources,
goods from other countries.
goods and services
Ex: In Vietnam, we can buy Japanese fruits
5. Increase in global competition

The present and potential pressures of increased foreign ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM

competition can persuade companies to buy or sell abroad. Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân - 2011155366
6. Changes in political situations and government policies

1. Rise in and application of technology

Government now refers international trade and try to support it
2.Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements
by signing many FTAs. Moreover, a lot of policies supporting IB
are implemented.  3.Development of services that support IB
7. Expansion of cross-national cooperation
4.Growth of consumer pressures
5. Increase in global competition
Many big cooperations grow faster in different countries such as
6. Changes in political situations and government policies: The
stable political situations assure the companies to expand their
business to many countries with lower risks. Moreover, if the
K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:08AM government has the promoting policies, such as preferential tax
policy to promote the business activities or cooperate with
Tran Luu Thanh Thao - 2011156096
other countries, it will attract more foreign companies to build
3. Development of services that support IB
branches, or make transactions. 

Thanks to the increase and development of service industries For example: In the past, when there was war, Vietnam just had
the form of doing business nationally, without making
transaction with other countries. Nowaday, when there's peace
and the government's policies to integrate deeply in
international business, Vietnam has been an attractive place to
many countries and brands, such as Unilever, Samsung to build
factories, branches, franchises and invest in doing business.
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM

7.Expansion of cross-national cooperation Huỳnh Ngọc Bảo Trân - 2011156107

Rise in application of technology: technological changes help us
to purchase goods from all countries in the world through e-
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:11AM commerce.

Developments of services that support IB: modern

Nguyễn Kiên - 2011150632 transportation and banking services contribute greatly
1. A technological advance

Businesses may be able to provide their services internationally.

2. Liberalization of resource and cross-border commerce

K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:11AM

4. Consumer pressure is increasing

Tran Luu Thanh Thao - 2011156096
Chinese goods are becoming more well recognized by
consumers worldwide. They are of excellent quality, provide a 4. Growth of consumer pressures

Today, many consumers know more about the products and

wide range of collections and styles, and are reasonably priced.
services available in other countries, can afford them, and want
Due to the items' high level of competition, they are being
marketed globally and entering international markets, which more variety, better quality and lower prices on access. they.
However, domestic production capacity is not enough, so IB is
promotes globalization.
needed in this case.

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:11AM For example, in Vietnam, when the demand for car use increases
due to the high living standards of people, but there is no supply
Ngô Minh Hải - 2011155145
in the country, so foreign businesses have the opportunity to
1. Rise in and application of technology:
develop their business. The other case is also true for medical
Catching up with the trend of continuous innovation with other inventions such as the covid-19 vaccine.
famous car manufacturers in the world, VinFast always promotes
the process of research, production and application of modern
automotive technology in the process of launching new ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:12AM

products. They have cooperated with companies in China, Luu Hoang Anh Dung - 2011116354
Taiwan to produce energy cells or company in America to
Increase in global competition

provide AI solutions
Globalization leads to increased competition. This competition
can be related to product and service cost and price, target
K59 HOANG LE PHUONG THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:12AM market, technological adaptation, quick response, quick
production by companies etc. When a company produces with
Hoang Le Phuong Thao-2011155544
less cost and sells cheaper, it is able to increase its market share.

1. Rise in and application of technology

Many modern inventions such as brand new products or Customers have a large multitude of choices in the market and
efficient devices have led businesses around the world to find it this affects their behaviors: they want to acquire goods and
convenient and time-consuming to do business abroad. For services quickly and in a more efficient way than before. They
example, people from all over the world can now find it easier to also expect high quality and low prices. All these expectations
discover any goods and services thanks to advancements in need a response from the company, otherwise sales of company
communications such as social media, companies’ online will decrease and they will lose profit and market share. A
websites. company must always be ready for price, product and service
2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource and customer preferences because all of these are global market
movements requirements.

Back then, we were living in the era where countries impose

barriers to protect their own industries, which limits these Ex: As international competition restrictions have eased, fast
companies to do business outside their borders. However, food companies have looked to international markets for
nowadays, barriers are increasingly mitigated to promote growth. 

international business to meet the needs of citizens when they A lot of junk food giants entered Vietnam through franchise such
demand a wide range of goods and services and to find new á KFC, McDonald, Buuurger King,...
potential careers abroad by moving labor. For example, there are
a large number of FTA ( NAFTA, CPTPP, etc) that reduce tariffs,
loose non-tariff barriers to promote free trade, and relationships ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:12AM

around countries that are signing FTAs. Trương Nguyễn Trân - 2011155624
Liberalization of international trade and resource flows

Vietnam's entry into the RCEP at the start of 2022 prepared the Phan Nguyễn Thiên Trang - 2011155631
door for export-oriented businesses such information
1. Rise in and application of technology
technology, apparel, agriculture, and telecommunication. We
 The advancement of technology is seen with the effect of
anticipated a tariff reduction of up to 90%. We do observe most
globalization. It improved global communication and
nations opening, but only to a limited extent, in a more
transportation. They are great influencers or factors affecting
integrated globe. Trade restrictions, such as tariffs and non-
international Business. The businesses are integrating due to
tariff barriers, are lowered. As a result of increased trade
technology advancement.
demand, the domestic market will gain from entering these FTAs
by having access to a variety of goods and services at fair
Because technological innovation requires so many financial and
pricing. Additionally, decreasing tariffs mildly increases
intellectual resources, corporations from many nations must
competition. Due to the reasonable rivalry created by this, native
collaborate to take on sections of development. Furthermore,
producers are encouraged to grow and compete with foreign
when new items are introduced, developed, the optimal
businesses without collapsing.

production scale size seldom aligns to market demand in a single

- Example: Cross-border shopping websites like Autonomous,
nation As a result, businesses may need to sell both domestically
and abroad. 
Besides, communications and transportation advancements
2011116593 AUG 20, 2022 03:13AM today allow us to find, seek, and demand goods and services
from other countries. 
1. The advancement in technology and has facilitated the Example:  The internet is seen as a low-cost market globalization
exchange of goods and services, resources, and ideas, network in an electronic form. Because of social media,
irrespective of geographical location.
television, and the low costs involved in transporting products
For example: Mobile banking has allowed people to access around the world, there has become a sort of convergence in
money both at home and around the world at a faster pace than consumer preferences and tastes. eCommerce platforms are
platforms or websites that specialize in selling products online,
4. The growth of consumers' pressure:  with increase in the level usually to an international audience. Over the years, we have
of income and standard of living, the demand of consumers for seen many advances in eCommerce technology. As a result, we
various products has also increased. Thus,  this  forces many are at a point where almost anyone can make their own
organizations to work with foreign players for fulfilling the eCommerce site with very little trouble, thanks to all of the
needs of the domestic market 
templates and applications out there. This gives the average
For example: Vietnamese don't want to consume only Vietnam's person, as well as multi-million dollar corporations, the
rice but also Thailand, Korea, Japan,.. opportunity to have their goods online and available to be sold.

2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource

K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:12AM movements
Tran Luu Thanh Thao - 2011156096 To preserve its own industries, each government regulates not
only the entrance and departure of products and services, but
5. Increase in global competition
Increased competitive
also the resources required to generate them (people, money,
pressures can persuade companies to buy or sell abroad. For tools, and so on). Of course, such constraints limit IB operations
example, a firm might introduce products into markets where
and, because rules can change at any time, add to uncertainty.
competitors are already gaining sales, or seek supplies where
Example: In the late 1990s, the United States and China
competitors are getting cheaper or more attractive products. increased restrictions on each other's exports. Nowadays, there
are many economic agreements, types of FDI to favor the cross-
border trade (NAFTA, EU, …). VN has several Free Commerce
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:12AM
Agreements (FTAs) with other nations, most notably EVFTA,
2011156048 - Nguyễn Thị Tú Anh RCEP and CPTPP, which aids VN in boosting its trade with other
1. Rise in and application of technology
- Rising productivity—taking fewer hours to produce the same
thing— which frees up more people to develop new products 3. Development of services that support IB
because fewer people can produce them. Example: Using Companies and governments have developed services that
machines for manufacturing lowers labor costs which has two facilitate global commerce.
competing effects: downward pressure on labor costs (leading to Bank credit agreement
cheaper goods) and loss of traditional manufacturing jobs.
E wallet, E banking
- Reduce costs of transportation and communication across Example: When Nike sells sportswear to a French soccer team, a
nations and thereby facilitate global sourcing of raw materials bank in France collects
and other inputs. Example: the Internet has reduced the barriers payment in euros from the soccer team when the shipment
of time and place in business dealings. Buyers and sellers can arrives at French customs and
now make transactions at any time and any part of the globe.  pays Nike in U.S. dollars through a U.S. bank.
4. Growth of consumer pressures Governments have come to realize that their own interests can
Today's consumers are more knowledgeable about products and be addressed through international cooperation by means of
services. treaties, agreements, and consultation. 
services accessible in other countries, can afford to acquire For example: There are many types of economic integration and
them, and prefer a wider range of options. Consumer demand they positively affect the trading activities of countries
has also prompted businesses to invest in research and participated in.  EVFTA has facilitated many trade activities
development and to explore the globe for innovations and goods between Vietnam and EU countries.
that they can market to ever-increasingly demanding
consumers. Similarly, customers nowadays are more adept at
scanning the web. world for better discounts, such as scouring
the Internet for lower-cost prescription medications in other
countries. ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:13AM

Tran Ngoc Mai Thảo - 2011155557

For example: Throughout 2012, North America was the leading
1. If you’re an international business that sells products, you
market for HPP equipment. Demand for HPP is primarily driven
would have directly benefited from the latest innovations in
by its minimal effect on nutritional value of fresh products, food
production. Technology has played a major role in the
safety benefits, and various other functions of high pressure,
production processes we know today and associated processes
such as shucking and meat tenderization. Consumer demand for
such as production planning, financial planning, and marketing.
foods that taste more natural and have undergone minimal
Thanks to technology, companies may have production and
processing has risen, and will likely continue to rise in coming
manufacturing plants in several different countries, and you can
years. Part of this demand includes the consumer desire for
choose where to create your manufacturing plant based on
clean label foods, which are products prepared from ingredients
where materials are easily sourced and where skilled labour is
that consumers can recognize and understand. Because HPP
affordable. Broadening Blippar in produce packages. This help to
effectively processes food with a low impact on the food’s
print package in 3D and have more beautiful packages. Thus,
quality or nutrition, this type of processing — along with the
business can be export their products into other countries as
equipment necessary to perform it — will continue to be
their requiements are very high.

demanded by many food manufacturers.

2. Libalization cross-border boost the international business
because this is the most important thing if company want to
5. Increase in global competition
export their product to other countries. For example, Vietnam
Increased competitive pressures might lead businesses to
business can export product easily to other countries as long as
acquire or sell internationally. For example, a company may offer
products are adapt quality, except North Korea. This is because
items into areas where competitors are already making sales, or
this country is less willing to welcome international busniess.

it may seek suppliers in markets where competitors are

3. Service that support IB includes quality housing and
receiving cheaper or more appealing products. When a few firms
infrastructure for its employees including the expatriate ones. 
respond to international prospects, others are certain to follow.
Take the examples of India and China, China built modern
They also benefit from one other's international experiences. As
airports, roads, and other infrastructure, India is lagging behind
the first scenario illustrates, the early success of foreign-born
in providing even the most basic facilities to the international
baseball players in American leagues prompted American
businesses. No wonder that foreign and western multinationals
basketball and football teams to hunt for and nurture talent
are more open to invest in China rather than in India.

4. When the domestic market is mature, company will find
another market to enter to expand their scale. For example,
because telecomunication industry is mature and can not find
6. Changes in political situations and government policies
new more customers, Viettel decided to enter new market:
Campuchia, Laos, Mianmar, ... Other hand, customer put
The legislative changes of the country are the factors affecting
pressure on company to improve the quality of products,
international business. The law of the country plays a pivotal
company will tend to buy ingredients from other countries to
role in the development of business. The progressive legislations
lower cost. Thus, IB is boosted.

like ease of formation of foreign company, less corporate tax and

relaxed security legislations would affect companies established
in the country. Governments fund projects such as modernizing
airport and seaport facilities to increase efficiency in
international trade. They also now provide a variety of services
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:13AM
to assist domestic firms with selling more overseas, such as
gathering knowledge about international markets, connecting Nguyễn Hoàng Tường Thy - 2011155597
them with possible buyers, and providing insurance against - Liberalization of cross border trade

nonpayment in the local currency. As international competition restrictions have eased, fast food
For example:  companies have looked to international markets for growth. For
example, KFC decided to go into Japan and partner with
Mitsubishi Corporation, and enter the market.

7. Expansion of cross-national cooperation

- Rise in the application of technology 
problems jointly that one country acting alone cannot solve and
Companies can go international to reach more technology deal with areas of concern that lie outside the territory of any
resources and improve their manufacturing. Xiaomi go to India nation.

to find new suppliers, especially from their opponent, cause 95% Example: China's transitions made international business more
of smartphones are made in India, and India is suitable for its easier, and became one of the leading countries in this field.

price strategy of Xiaomi. And especially Xiaomi has advantages  

of tech in the industry of smartphone about camera's great  

revolution, so expanding to new market will help it achieve high
USP position

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

Võ Nguyễn Thu Uyên - 2011155672

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:13AM 1. Rise in the application of technology: Advanced
manufacturing technologies have greatly increased productivity
Tăng Huyền Trang - 2011155632
and employment.

Forces Driving Globalization and IB

Example: The Internet of Things, blockchain, and big data
- Rise in and application of technology: Many new products, as analytics has greatly affected the way people do business.

well as new ways to produce old ones, cannot easily take place in 2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource
a single country since they takes so many financial and movements: The removal or reduction of restrictions or
intellectual resources that companies must cooperate to take on barriers, such as tariffs, on the free exchange of goods between
portions of development (economies of scales) => It's necessary nations has boosted international business

to collaborate among firms in different countries that have Example: Many governments has reduced tariff to foster trade of
financial resources and specialized capabilities.
goods and services through borders

Example: 2010 rescue of Chilean miners was made by the Center 3. Development of services that support international
Rock drill bit from the United States, a high-strength cable from business: Services such as banking, transportation, insurance,
Germany, a super-flexible fiber optics communications cable and so on greatly facilitate global commerce. For instance, when
from Japan, and a special cell phone from South Korea. 
a business based in the US such as Nike sells their products to a
- Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements: French football team, a bank in France collects payment from
This leads to a greater variety of goods and services at lower the soccer team and pay Nike in U.S dollar through a U.S bank
prices for countries' citizens  and competition which spurs when the shipment arrives.

domestic producers to become more efficient. 

4. Growth of consumer pressures: Because of innovations in
Example: The free trade agreements make way for Vietnam to transportation and communications, consumers are now well-
conduct international business with other countries/unions informed about and often able to access foreign products. Thus,
(China, Australia, EU...)
competitors the world over have been forced to respond to
- Development of services that support IB: International consumers' demand for increasingly higher quality and more

businesses need services that support their operations and this cost-competitive offerings.

includes quality housing and infrastructure for its employees Example: China is a market where incomes and consumption are
including the expatriate ones.
growing rapidly. Therefore, many giants in the fashion industry
Example: The development of facilities in Vietnam has attracts like Dior, Chanel, and YSL are competing to meet the demands
an increasing deal of foreign investments. 
of customers.

- Growth of consumer pressures: Greater affluence of 5. Increase in global competition: The pressure of increased
customers has spurred companies to spend more on research foreign competition often persuades firms to expand
and development (R&D) and to search for innovations and internationally in order to gain access to foreign opportunities.

products they can sell to ever-more-demanding consumers. 


- Increase in global competition: The present and potential 6. Changes in political situations and government policies:
pressures of increased foreign competition can persuade Changes in political situations and government policies have led
companies to buy or sell abroad. 
to changes in trade between countries and the rest of the world.

Example: Since SoundCloud broke into the U.S. market, many Example: Myanmar’s cessation of military rule has influenced
new companies locate in
international companies to seek footholds there

areas with numerous competitors and suppliers can observe 7. Expansion of cross-national cooperation: Nations now realize
how their competitors benefit from foreign opportunities. And that their own interests can be achieved through international
because suppliers and human talent gravitate to these areas, cooperation by means of treaties and agreements

they gain easier access to the resources needed for international Example: Vietnam joining many FTAs such as RCEP, EVFTA, etc
moves.   has paved the way for export industries and further cooperation
- Changes in political situations and government policies: 
in various industries with partners around the globe

Example: Vietnam governments are willing to support improving  

airport facilities to foster speed and cost efficiencies for  

delivering goods internationally => An increase in Vietnam's
export and import value.

- Expansion of cross-national cooperation: Governments pursue NHẬT QUỲNH NHƯ ĐỒNG AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

these kinds of policy to gain reciprocal advantages, attack 2011155437 Đồng Nhật Quỳnh Như
1. 1. Rise in technology
Company: Lenovo Group Limited

Companies can be able to provide their services across borders. -> Main force for globalization: Technology is the key enabler 
For example: Netflix, Spotify, Facebook, etc
for Lenovo's production and operations

1. Background information:

2. Liberlization of cross-border trade and resource movements: - Lenovo is a Chinese technology company specializing in
Many countries have signed agreements to allow for better designing, manufacturing, and marketing consumer electronics,
trading between each other to create me competitive personal computers, software, business solutions, and related

- Lenovo was founded in Beijing, 1984. The company later

3. Development of services: The ability to participate in expanded its manufacturing sites and consumer markets
international business has become more accessible thanks to internationally. 

certain services, such currency exchange. 2. Globalization process and outcome:

- Manufacturing: 

4. Growth of consumer pressure

- RnD: Lenovo has separate RnD facilities in China - its home
People all around the world start to notice Chinese products. country, and also in Japan and the US. Each facility focuses on
They have various designs and collections, and competitive several related products

prices. Because of this competitiveness, they are being sold - Consumer market: 

worldwide, penetrating into foreign's markets, which leads to > Challenges: Lenovo had to come up with a global supply chain
globalization. to meet the vast and varied demands from customers from over
100 countries and 20000 customer locations. Over 90%
products are configured-to-order and directly shipped. 

K59 TRAN THE HIEN AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM > Lenovo's solution:

Trần Thế Hiển - 2011155164 - Centralized inventory management

- Real-time data visibility

- Development in services that support IB: telecommunication

- Central/ Integrated IT systems

services (telephone lines, the internet...) help doing business

- Central planning and control

much easier nationally as well as internationally.

- Flexibility to adapt to change

(Vu Que Anh - 2011156046)

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

Vu Phuong Lien - 2011116429 GIA BAO - AE AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM

1. Rise in application of technology

Nguyễn Gia Bảo _ 2011116318
Robotic process automation (RPA) is an excellent example of an
1. The rise in application of technology => increase productivity
advanced technology solution for SMBs.
(automatic); increase purchasing (convenient transportation)

Automated bots are excellent at carrying out repetitive jobs

much faster and with much more precision than their human
2. Development of services => Free flows goods & services, also
cashflow, capital => Easy in logistics
One of the best technology examples of RPA in action is order
processing for sales.
Typically, with a manual setup, a worker will receive a sales ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM
order and proceed to input the data themselves for each stage of
Huỳnh Thị Như Quỳnh - 2011155508
the process. And that’s not even going into other aspects of
manual tasks, like tracking down invoices or printing and 1. Increase in and Application of Technology

collecting documents. The use of e-payment methods, e-commerce widely -> increase
With RPA, a bot can be trained to automate the sales process the chance that a product reach out the world where there is
from end to end, including invoicing and data processing. more demand from customer for foreign products.

This saves the worker time from having to perform a slow,

manual task; saves the employer labor costs for having to pay 2. Liberalization of Cross-Border Trade and Resource
someone to perform a menial task, and most importantly Movements: Promote and bring more benefits and sales revenue
improves customer satisfaction by speeding up the sales order for comparative advantage products when export to other
process while at the same time reducing the risk of error. countries -> sign many FTAs to gain more opportunities to
This is just one of many ways companies use technology to gain import-export

a competitive advantage in the world of modern technology

3. Services that Support International Business: developed a
2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements
variety of services that facilitate global commerce -> convert
one currency into another and insurance that covers such risks
as nonpayment and damage en route

Nike sells sportswear to a French soccer team, a bank in France

ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:14AM collects payment in euros from the soccer team when the
The case of Lenovo shipment arrives at French customs (probably from somewhere
in Asia) and pays Nike in U.S. dollars through a U.S. bank.
knowledge presented on technologies like computers and cell
phones help us not to be delay in information exchange, thereby
4. Growth in Consumer Pressures
increased globalization.

When it becomes easier to customer to reach to many choices 2. Expansion of cross-national cooperation
of their demand -> More consumers know more today about
products and services available in other countries, can afford to
buy them, and want the greater variety in quality, price, and ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM

characteristics -> find better deals 

Phạm Ngọc Anh-2011156045
-> globalization in many businesses to compete and reach more
1.      Rise in and application of technology
for their optimize needs (find more facilities to expand
E-commerce app for consumers to shopping more easily and
production, reduce cost and increase quality) -> economics of
conveniently: Shopee, Tiktokshop, Lazada, Taobao,….

2.      Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource

-Most governments have reduced restrictions on international
LƯU ANH MINH THƯ AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM movements of products and service
- Citizens want a greater variety of goods and services at lower
Lưu Anh Minh Thư-2011156100 prices
1.  Technological improvement in the area of e-commerce has         3.  Development of services that support IB
accelerated the shipment of goods all over the world. Many e-              For example, bank credit agreements—clearing
commerce platforms can now expand their economy of scale to arrangements that convert one currency into another and
many different countries, such as Amazon. People in one ensure any risks that will happen. When Vinamilk sell products
country can now go shopping online, and the goods will be to China, banks can allow to make currency in VND instead of
shipped from different countries
yuan. It is easier for Vinamilk to use currency
2. Liberalization in trade
4.      Growth of consumer pressures
There are now numerous of Free Trade Agreements that enable Consumers are aware of latest products available in other
countries to cooperate in trade with many benefits. For countries. They always willing to pay to have newer, better and
instance, the FTA between Vietnam and USA has created differentiated products
opportunities for Vietnam to export goods and services to the For example: When Apple releases new Iphone, Apple’s lovers
USA with many taxes incentives, creating motivation to attract always willing to pay money to have it as soon as possible.
investment to increase production capacity, helping export 5.      Increase in global competition
businesses become more professional in the international arena.
Competition spurs movement to newer market
3. Visa or Mastercard í a good solution for Multinational  For example, if Coca Cola introduce new product to Vietnam, it
company in transfer of money
will encourage to Pepsi that Pepsi need to produce new product
4. Consumers now have high demand requirements, which to Vietnam. If Pepsi do not, they will lose competitive market 
motivate foreign enterprises' investment. Mc Donald when 6.       Changes in political situations and government policies
entered VN, they need to adapt their products to the VNmese                 Governments  develop sophisticated airports and
cusine, taste, culture
seaports for foreign market
5. Global competition
7.      Expansion of cross-national cooperation
Regarding the fact of consumer pressure, enterprises are Bilateral, Multilateral treaties for cooperation in trade, usage of
motivated to expand their business to compete with others. Mc infrastructure
Donald and other fast-food rivals like KFC, Lotteria, 
6.. Political and GOverment policies.

In the need of FDI and FPI, VNmese government has many

policies that attracts Korean investor, especially VN offer ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM

Samsung many tax incentives, and also land incentives to this Hà Như Yến Ngọc - 2011116488
big-impact Tech firm, in order to compete with other
competitor like Thailand

Increase in and Expansion of Technology 

Vast improvements in transportation and communications
technology—including the development of the Internet—have
ANONYMOUS AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM significantly increased the effectiveness and efficiency of
international business 
Bùi Hà Nhi- 2011116501
operations. Today, a much larger portion of the population is
Factor in increased globalization 
involved in the 
1. Rise in and application of technology
development of new products, than just the production of
Reason: Technology helped us in overcoming the major hurdles products.

of globalization and international trade such as trade barrier, ex: Document data extraction
lack of common ethical standard, transportation cost and delay 2.
in information exchange, thereby increased globalization.
Liberalization of Cross-Border Trade and Resource Movement 

Example: Media Globalization ( technologies and technological Over time most governments have lowered restrictions on trade
and foreign investment in response to the expressed desires of K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM

their citizens and producers. The primary motives for this Tran Luu Thanh Thao - 2011156096
change include giving 
6. Changes in political situations and government policies

citizens greater consumer choice and lower prices, international

Governments support programs, such as improving airport and
competition making domestic producers more efficient, and the
seaport facilities, to foster efficiencies for delivering goods
hope that liberalization will cause other countries to also lower

trade barriers.

For example, since Vietnam normalized its relationship with the

United States in 1991, it has helped boost commercial
K59 PHAM HOANG THUC DOAN AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM cooperation between the two countries. Currently, Vietnam is a
major rice export partner of the US.
Phạm Hoàng Thục Đoan 2011116349
1. Rise in and application of technology: Applying technology to
production helps businesses increase profits by increasing K59 NGUYEN BICH BAO TRAN AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM

economies of scale and market size, reducing transportation and 1. Rise in technology

communication costs with partners. In addition, through the Example: the development from cellphone to smartphones leads
development of social networking communication, enterprises to the development of applications (Youtube, Games),
easily sourcing raw materials globally. Buyers and sellers can communications (video call), social media (Facebook), and other
now make transactions at any time and in any region around the businesses used these technology to support and develop for
themselves such as Grab and Shopee

2. Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource 2. 

movements: Vietnam has labor that is both affordable and of

high quality. Vietnam exports labor to industrialized countries 3.  When Nike sells sportswear to a French soccer team, a bank
like Taiwan, Japan, and other places. This can help in France collects payment in euros from the soccer team when
manufacturing nations meet their labor needs while also the shipment arrives at French customs (probably from
improving the structure of the national GDP, giving people somewhere in Asia) and pays Nike in U.S. dollars through a U.S.
access to high-paying jobs and easing the social burden.

3. Developing of services: Banks offer services like L/C, D/P, 4.  consumers are more proficient today at scouring the globe
D/A, etc. that enable two businesses in two different countries for better deals, such as searching the Internet for lower-priced
using two different currencies to enter into a contract for the phone abroad. 
payment of goods and services. The bank acts as an
intermediary to guarantee both buyers and sellers, lowering
K59 TRAN LUU THANH THAO AUG 20, 2022 03:15AM
trade-related risks and fostering quicker and simpler payment
7. Expansion of cross-national cooperation
Governments have
4. Growth of consumer pressures: Customers have
come to realize that their own interests can be addressed
requirements not only for the quality and packaging of products
through international cooperation by means of treaties,
but also for the quality of customer service. This is the driving
agreements, and consultation. The willingness to pursue such
force for companies to constantly improve production quality:
policies is due largely to these three needs:
1. To gain reciprocal
raw material supply, production technology, packaging design,
2. To attack problems jointly that one country acting
etc. Thereby, this promotes cooperation relationships across the
alone cannot solve
3. To deal with areas of concern that lie
world to find a supplier of high quality + good price.

outside the territory of any nation

5. Increase in global competition: Increasing global competition

makes companies look for ways to improve their products and
services to attract customers. They can cooperate with supply
partners around the world, find cheaper raw materials,...


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