GECETH-18 (Assignment 1)

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Patricia Nicole Cruz


GECETH-18 (Assignment 1)

Identify and explain the three levels of dilemmas and give your own example for

➢ Personal dilemmas - a dilemma wherein the person involved is torn between two
moral options but can only fulfill one of them. It may cause dismay to one but
reasonable to the other. For example, your parents want you to take BSA, but you
want to take Med. Now, you’re having a hard time deciding what you'll take for

➢ Organizational dilemmas – A dilemma experienced at the workplace wherein the

people at the workplace are handed a difficult scenario that caused disagreement
of all-important morality in the organization. Like for example, an office staff has to
deal with a customer request and the person is in dire need of help, but it would
violate the company’s protocol. Should she be human enough to help the person
or deny the request because of company protocol?

➢ Structural dilemmas – A dilemma in a bigger perspective like the government

making decisions for its country the best example of which is the current situation
of our country fighting with the pandemic. The government enforced a mandatory
lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, our economy went to
its critical level wherein most people had been affected by this said crisis

(2021, May 1). Retrieved from What is an organizational dilemma? :

Bartleby Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Berg, G. (2007, September 20). Tayloor, Francis Online. Retrieved from From structural
dilemmas to institutional imperatives: a descriptive theory of the school as an
institution and of school organizations:

Davis, B. (2021, May 1). Retrieved from What is personal dilemma in
ethics?: What is personal dilemma in ethics?

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