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Audio mencione una corta opinión sobre sus actitudes, creencias y obligaciones en su contexto
laboral y académico

Ronaldiño higuita

Aprendiz ficha 2521998

Instructor miledy rincón

Area ingles

My name is Ronaldiño Higuita, I live in the municipality of Pequeda Maderal, I am a Sena

apprentice in software analysis and development (ADSO), record 2521998, instructor Miledy
Rincon, today we will make an audio about a short opinion about your attitudes, beliefs and
obligations in the work context and academically, we will mention the things that are important to
develop well in both areas

Attitudes that we must have in the work and academic context

It is how committed we are to our work, the desire, positivism and effort that we put in, as well as
our academic study, discipline and responsibility, which are linked to emotional intelligence,
creativity, organization, initiative, teamwork and autonomy, etc.


Beliefs affect our perception, our interpretation of reality, our actions and therefore our results.
For this reason it is so important to identify and change those beliefs that limit us below some of
the beliefs

• I can't have a manager position»

• "I can't get a better job because there are more qualified people on the market than me"

• "I always do poorly in interviews"

• "I'm not good at teamwork"

• "I can't make money doing what I like"

• «I can only work in x position in x category»

• "I can't get the job I'm looking for because I don't have a professional degree"

• «I can't have the job I want because I'm old»

• I have low grades

• I will lose the year among other beliefs

Obligations in the labor and academic context

• Inform about all the risks involved in the work activity put into practice and the way in which it
affects other freelancers or companies.

• Comply with the guidelines set forth by the company that has hired you and report any type of
circumstance that represents an emergency and may have repercussions on your health or
integrity, as well as that of any person present in the workplace.

• Comply with the academic activities - training programs, tasks and responsibilities obligations
derived from the teaching and learning process, in accordance with the regulations corresponding
to the educational modality; except in cases of a situation of vulnerability in which flexibility
mechanisms can be recognized;

• Participate in evaluation on an ongoing basis, through internal and external processes that
validate the quality of education and shared learning;

• Pursue educational excellence and show integrity and academic honesty in the fulfillment of
tasks, obligations and responsibilities, among others.

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