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Quantum-Mechanical and Molecular

Mechanics Conformational Analysis
of 1,5-Cyclooctadiene


´ de Quımica
Laboratorio ´ ´
Computacional e Modelagem Molecular, Depto. Quımica, ICEx, U. F. M. G.,
Belo Horizonte, MG, 31270-901, Brazil

Received 21 November 1995; accepted 3 May 1996

The 1,5-cyclooctadiene ŽCOD. molecule can easily form complexes with transition
metals with the molecular structure of various of these complexes being proposed
with the aid of X-ray diffraction methods. The fact that the complexes exhibit
weak metal]COD bonds makes it very important in inorganic synthesis and
catalysis. In this work the potential energy surface ŽPES. for the COD molecule
was comprehensively investigated: first with molecular mechanics Žusing the
MM3 force field.; and, in a second stage, at the ab initio Hartree]Fock level of
theory employing the 3]21GU , 6]31G, and 6]31GU basis sets and also including
electron correlation effects at the Moller]Plesset second-order perturbation
theory level. This work revealed that there are three distinct conformers of the
COD molecule with the predicted lowest energy conformation being in
agreement with the proposed structure based on experimental electron
diffraction data. Q 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

volving transition metal complexes, for example,

Introduction hydrogenation and hydroformylation of olefins.
The molecular structure of a number of such com-
plexes containing COD as the ligand were eluci-

T he 1,5-cyclooctadiene ŽCOD. compound eas-

ily complexes with transition metals. This
ligand is able to form stable complexes that exhibit
dated by the X-ray diffraction method.1 The
molecular structure of these complexes raises some
doubts about the conformation of the free ligand,
weak metal]COD bonds, which makes it very because in these complexes the COD can be bound
important in inorganic synthesis and catalysis in- as a bridging ligand, assuming a chair conforma-
tion, or it can be bound as a chelate type ligand,
This article is dedicated to the memory of our estimable
colleague Professor Milton Francisco de Jesus Filho.
adopting a boat conformation.
* Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. It was proposed from an electron diffraction
E-mail: study of a vapor sample of COD,2 Raman and

Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 18, No. 2, 254]259 (1997)

Q 1997 by John Wiley & Sons CCC 0192-8651 / 97 / 020254-06

infrared spectra of liquid and solid COD,3 low also performed to be sure that a true minimum Žall
temperature 1 H and 13 C NMR Žnuclear magnetic frequencies are real. was located on the PES. The
resonance. spectroscopy,4 and molecular mechan- MM calculations were performed using the MM3
ics ŽMM. calculations 5 that the lowest energy con- force field.9 The minimum energy structures ob-
formation of the COD molecule is a twisted-boat tained in the MM calculations were further fully
ŽTB. conformer ŽFig. 1.. It is known that the poten- optimized at the ab initio Hartree]Fock ŽHF. level
tial energy surface ŽPES. for cyclic compounds of theory Žwith the harmonic frequencies also be-
may exhibit various minimum energy structures. ing calculated., and electron correlation was as-
Therefore, a conformational equilibrium might be sessed by the Moller]Plesset second-order pertur-
thought to take place6 ] 8 with the corresponding bation theory 10 ŽMP2.. All ab initio calculations
conformational interconversion path not being were performed with the GAMESS package.11 The
generally easily determined, because the intercon- following basis set were used: 3]21GU ,12 6]31G,13
version process may take place through a combi- and 6]31GU .13 All calculations were carried out on
nation of various distinct internal coordinates. So a SUN SPARC-20 workstation at the Laboratorio ´
we think that an investigation of the possible sta- ´
de Quımica Computacional e Modelagem Molecu-
ble conformers of the COD molecule can make a ´
lar ŽLQC-MM., Departamento de Quımica, Univer-
contribution to our understanding of the molecular sidade Federal de Minas Gerais ŽUFMG..
structure of this ligand. To the best of our knowl-
edge, the only theoretical study reported so far for
the COD molecule, was within the MM calcula- Results and Discussion
In the present work ab initio and MM calcula-
The conformations TB, C, and SKEW of the
tions were performed for several conformations of
COD molecule are depicted in Figure 2, and Table
the COD molecule. We aimed to carry out a com-
I gives the calculated geometrical parameters. In
parative study to assess the reliability of the exper-
the last column of Table I the available experimen-
imental and theoretical approaches for the deter-
tal electron diffraction structural parameters are
mination of the molecular structure of this cyclic
quoted for comparison. From Table I it can be seen
ligand. The results of this work will be used in
that the experimental values reported for the w 1
further studies of metal complexes involving COD
w C1}C2}C3}C4x , w 2 w C2}C3}C4}C5x , w 3
as the ligand.
w C3}C4}C5}C6x , and w6 w C8}CI}C2}C3x
angles are in good agreement with the ab initio
and MM calculated values for the global minimum
Calculations energy structure located on the PES for the COD
molecule. So, the structure observed experimen-
An extensive search for stationary points on the
tally is unambiguously assigned to the TB con-
multidimensional PES for the COD molecule was
former. It is known that the MM approach yields
carried out. Full unconstrained geometry opti-
good molecular geometry results for this kind of
mizations for several distinct trial atomic arrange-
molecular system Žhydrocarbons.14 and the good
ments led to the prediction of three distinct mini-
agreement with the ab initio and experimental re-
mum energy structures named TB, C, and SKEW
Žsee Fig. 2.. Harmonic frequency calculations were sults come as no surprise. The other calculated
structural parameters, bond distances and bond
angles, for the TB conformer are consistent with
the values estimated experimentally. These param-
eters are not very sensitive to conformational
changes. Also the quality of the basis set used in
the ab initio calculations does not appear to signifi-
cantly affect the geometry results.
In the experimental electron diffraction study
the authors could not rule out the possible pres-
ence of a second conformer for the COD molecule,
FIGURE 1. Diagramatic representation of the named C, up to 10%. The theoretical study re-
twisted-boat (TB) conformer of the 1,5-cyclooctadiene ported here provides support for the possibility of
(COD) molecule. the existence of more than one conformer, because



FIGURE 2. The three minimum energy structures on the PES for the COD molecule: (a) TB conformer (global
minimum), (b) C conformer, and (c) SKEW conformer.

three true minimum energy structures were lo- for interconversion is not very high, both isomers
cated on the PES for the COD molecule. The MP2 may coexist in the gas phase mixture. However,
zero point energy ŽZPE. corrected energy differ- we were not able to find a first-order transition
ence of 2 kcalrmol Žsee Table II. between struc- state ŽTS. structure connecting the TB and C con-
tures TB and C suggests that if the energy barrier formers on the multidimensional PES. Also the

256 VOL. 18, NO. 2

Structural Parameters for COD Molecule.

MM3 HF / 3]21GU HF / 6]31G HF / 6]31GU Expt.a

TB Conformer
R (C1}H9) 1.104 1.076 1.077 1.079 1.073 (4)
R (C1}C2) 1.338 1.318 1.327 1.322 1.336 (3)
R (C2}C3) 1.509 1.514 1.508 1.510 1.513 (5)
R (C3}C4) 1.534 1.549 1.541 1.536 1.536 (9)
R (C5}C6) 1.338 1.318 1.327 1.322 }
R (C6}C7) 1.509 1.514 1.508 1.510 }
R (C7}C8) 1.530 1.549 1.541 1.536 }
u1 (C2}C1}H9) 114.9 117.2 116.5 116.3 }
u 2 (C4}C3}H14) 111.3 110.7 110.3 110.4 }
u 3 (C1}C2}C3) 129.6 130.1 130.6 130.8 129.3
u4 (C2}C3}C4) 118.0 117.1 117.9 118.1 112.4
u 5 (C3}C4}C5) 112.7 112.3 113.8 113.9 116.8
u 6 (C4}C5}C6) 127.6 128.4 129.1 129.1 131.4
u 7 (C5}C6}C7) 129.6 130.1 130.6 130.8 }
u 8 (C6}C7}C8) 118.0 117.1 117.9 118.1 }
u 9 (C7}C8}C1) 112.7 112.3 113.8 113.9 }
u10 (C8}C1}C2) 127.6 128.4 129.1 129.1 }
v1 (C1}C2}C3}C4) 20.0 20.1 15.6 15.2 8.1 (44)
v 2 (C2}C3}C4}C5) 56.7 57.6 60.3 60.3 63.8 (71)
v 3 (C3}C4}C5}C6) y87.1 y85.7 y82.9 y82.6 y86.5 (81)
v4 (C4}C5}C6}C7) 2.15 0.2 0.0 0.2 }
v 5 (C5}C6}C7}C8) 20.0 20.1 15.6 15.2 }
v 6 (C8}C1}C2}C3) 2.15 0.2 0.0 0.2 6.2 (66)
v 7 (C1}C8}C7}C6) 56.7 57.6 60.3 60.3 }
v 8 (C2}C1}C8}C7) y87.1 y85.7 y82.3 y82.6 }
C Conformer
R (C1}H9) 1.105 1.076 1.077 1.078
R (C1}C2) 1.336 1.318 1.326 1.321
R (C2}C3) 1.515 1.516 1.512 1.514
R (C3}C4) 1.543 1.568 1.557 1.552
R (C5}C6) 1.336 1.318 1.326 1.321
R (C6}C7) 1.515 1.516 1.512 1.514
R (C7}C8) 1.515 1.568 1.557 1.552
u1 (C2}C1}H9) 117.7 118.3 117.5 117.2
u 2 (C4}C3}H14) 109.2 109.0 108.7 108.8
u 3 (C1}C2}C3) 127.0 126.1 127.1 127.5
u4 (C2}C3}C4) 113.0 112.5 114.1 114.1
u 5 (C3}C4}C5) 113.0 112.5 114.1 114.1
u 6 (C4}C5}C6) 127.0 126.1 127.1 127.5
u 7 (C5}C6}C7) 127.0 126.1 127.1 127.5
u 8 (C6}C7}C8) 113.0 112.5 114.1 114.1
u 9 (C7}C8}C1) 113.0 112.5 114.1 114.1
u10 (C8}C1}C2) 127.0 126.1 127.1 127.5
v1 (C1}C2}C3}C4) y71.3 y72.4 y70.3 y70.0
v 2 (C2}C3}C4}C5) y98.2 y100.7 y97.3 y96.5
v 3 (C3}C4}C5}C6) 71.3 72.4 70.3 70.0
v4 (C4}C5}C6}C7) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v 5 (C5}C6}C7}C8) y71.3 y72.4 y70.3 y70.0
v 6 (C8}C1}C2}C3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v 7 (C1}C8}C7}C6) 98.2 100.8 97.4 96.5
v 8 (C2}C1}C8}C7) y71.3 y72.4 y70.3 y70.0
SKEW conformer
R (C1}H9) 1.105 1.076 1.078 1.077
R (C1}C2) 1.335 1.318 1.327 1.327




MM3 HF / 3]21GU HF / 6]31G HF / 6]31GU Expt.a

R (C2}C3) 1.512 1.517 1.511 1.512 y86.5 (81)

R (C3}C4) 1.540 1.557 1.548 1.548
R (C5}C6) 1.335 1.318 1.326 1.327
R (C6}C7) 1.512 1.517 1.512 1.511
R (C7}C8) 1.540 1.557 1.548 1.548
u1 (C2}C1}H9) 116.7 117.3 116.7 116.6
u 2 (C4}C3}H14) 110.7 109.2 109.2 109.2
u 3 (C1}C2}C3) 129.0 128.1 129.0 129.0
u4 (C2}C3}C4) 115.8 115.2 116.5 116.5
u 5 (C3}C4}C5) 115.0 115.2 116.5 116.9
u 6 (C4}C5}C6) 129.0 128.1 129.0 129.6
u 7 (C5}C6}C7) 129.0 128.1 129.0 129.6
u 8 (C6}C7}C8) 115.8 115.2 116.5 116.9
u 9 (C7}C8}C1) 115.8 115.2 116.5 116.9
u10 (C8}C1}C2) 129.0 128.1 129.0 129.6
v1 (C1}C2}C3}C4) 43.4 44.4 43.2 43.1
v 2 (C2}C3}C4}C5) y96.6 y99.9 y96.0 y94.1
v 3 (C3}C4}C5}C6) 43.4 44.6 43.3 42.6
v4 (C4}C5}C6}C7) 3.2 2.4 2.7 3.1
v 5 (C5}C6}C7}C8) 43.4 44.4 43.1 43.1
v 6 (C8}C1}C2}C3) 3.23 2.4 2.7 2.8
v 7 (C1}C8}C7}C6) y96.6 y99.9 y96.0 y94.1
v 8 (C2}C1}C8 ]C7) 43.4 44.6 43.3 42.6
Angles in degrees and bond distances in angstroms.
Electron dibraction data.2 The experimental uncertainties given in parentheses are 2 s and include estimates of correlation and
systematic error.

population ratio of less than about 10% of C in mann distribution law, is 5%; and the relative
relation to TB, which was not ruled out in the population between the TB and SKEW conformers
electron diffraction study, appears to be reason- is negligible Ž0.3%..
able. Our respective population ration value at the The relative energies of the three possible con-
temperature of the electron diffraction experiment,2 formers for the COD molecule are given in Table
evaluated with the MP2r6]31GUrr6]31GU ZPE II. The double slash means that a single point
corrected energy difference value using the Boltz- calculation at the fully optimized HF geometry

Energy Differences (kcal / mol) in Relation to Lowest Energy Conformer for COD Molecule.


MM3 0.0 4.530 6.010

HF / 3 ]21GU 0.0 2.015 3.495
HF / 6 ]31G 0.0 1.174 (0.840) a 3.743 (3.538) a
HF / 6 ]31GU 0.0 2.868 (2.662) a 4.064 (3.730) a
MP2 / 6 ]31G // 6 ]31G b 0.0 1.578 (1.244) a 3.751 (3.417) a
MP2 / 6 ]31GU // 6 ]31G b 0.0 2.237 (1.903) a 4.132 (3.927) a
MP2 / 6 ]31GU // 6 ]31GUb 0.0 2.211 (2.006) a 4.215 (3.881) a
Calculated using HF / 6 ]31G zero point corrected energies.
Single point calculation.

258 VOL. 18, NO. 2


was performed. It can be seen that the energy important for an accurate prediction of relative
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former as the global minimum on the PES and also
structure C as the lowest energy local minimum. Acknowledgments
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experiment. The AM115 and PM316 semiempirical ´
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tecno-
energy results are also shown for comparison. At ´
logico. for a research grant. W.B.D.A. also thanks
the AM1 and PM3 semiempirical level the C con- the CNPq for support.
former is more stable than the TB structure by
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