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Pauling Poleng

PROVISIONAL REMEDIES – what is the principal action in preliminary attachment?

It is a recovery action. It is either real or personal
Let us now go to Provisional Remedies.
property. Or it can even be a recovery of a right involving
For you to recall the 5 provisional remedies, I will personal property. See? Title to, possession of property.
give you a Mnemonics. AIRRS. These are the provisional Other than recovery action, then the provisional remedy
remedies. But “A” does not stand for Attachment but of preliminary attachment will not lie. It is always a
PRELIINARY ATTACHMENT. “I” does not stand for recovery action.
Injunction, but for PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. The first
Take note that these provisional remedies also
“R” stands for RECEIVERSHIP. The second “R” stands for
apply in criminal cases and your rule 127 tells you about
REPLEVIN. And the last letter “S” stands for SUPPORT
the application of the provisional remedies in criminal
PENDENTE LITE and not support. So lima lang.
Okay. Let me give you first a bird’s eye view on
How about preliminary injunction? The principal
the general characteristic of the entire provisional
action there is INJUCTION. So it can never stay on its
remedies. And this basic characteristic and which we can
own. It must always be attached to, dependent on,
set as basic principle will help you answer problems on
contingent upon the principal action of injunction.
provisional remedies.
How about receivership? This is a misnomer.
1. Provisional remedies are precisely known as
Because a receivership is the PRINCIPAL ACTION. And
PROVISIONAL because they are temporary in character.
the provisional remedy is the APPOINTMENT OF A
But above all they are CONTINGENT AND DEPENDENT.
On what? Dependent on the PRINCIPAL ACTION.
Remove the principal action, the provisional remedy dies How about replevin? There are certain cases that
by natural death. Kaya nga pagtitingnan niyo kaagad ang confuses replevin as if it were a principal action. NO!
provisional remedies, ang next question niyo, WHAT IS Replevin is the provisional remedy. It is the recovery of
THE PRINCIPAL ACTION? Kasi kung walang principal immediate possession of personal property. What is the
action, then the provisional remedy is improper. Because principal action? The Principal action is the recovery of
the provisional remedy, cannot stand on its own. It must possession of personal property thru the writ of replevin,
always be dependent upon the principal action. the applicant prays for immediate recovery of personal
Pauling Poleng

Finally, Support pendente lite. What is the attached thereto, is only cognizable by the RTC.
principal action? SUPPORT.
Generally speaking, you cannot apply injunction
Okay? So that is the first issue that you need to with the MTC. Neither can you apply injunction before
consider. Kaya nga kapag binigyan kayo ng problem sa the CA. Neither can you apply, (Original action ha!) with
provisional remedy, ang unang titingnan niyo, ANO BA the Supreme Court. But take note regarding the
ANG PRINCIPAL ACTION DITO? hierarchy of courts. We discuss the fact that the SC is not
governed by the Rules. There are instances where the SC
Kung wala kayong principal action, all others
take cognizance of these cases when it has even no
pertinent to and in conjunction with provisional remedies,
original jurisdiction.
they should die a natural death.
Anyway, as to jurisdiction, one peculiar action
You are aware for example of the case of BISTER
which is only cognizable by the RTC is SUPPORT.
MAYERS (?). In that case, the bonds were involve here,
Because support is an action not capable of pecuniary
sa injunctive relief. Nag file ng bond because of
estimation. It is immaterial as to the amount prayed for.
injunction. Eh nanalo na, ayaw pa i-release ng korte ung
But support is only cognizable by the RTC because it is
bond. Sabi ng SC, What is that bond for? Wala na yung
an action incapable of pecuniary estimation. Therefore,
principal action. The bond is attached to the provisional
support pendent lite which attaches to the principal
remedy and what are you doing with the bond? Why
action of support, can only be taken cognizance by the
can’t you release it? It has no legal basis to be there kasi
wala na yung principal action. Okay?
What is the exception? The exception is when the
action for support is in criminal case. You can include
support in a criminal case. When the support is included
So that is easy to answer. Because they are in the criminal case, and the criminal action is cognizable
contingent and dependent upon the principal action, by the MTC, hence the support and prayer for support
what court which has jurisdiction over the principal pendente lite, will be cognizable by the MTC.
action, will have jurisdiction over the provisional remedy.
Example. SEDUCTION. Punishable only by
There are certain actions which are only PRISION CORRECCIONAL. So up to max of 6 years. So
cognizable by the RTC. Therefore, the provisional remedy cognizable by MTC. If in your information for seduction,
Pauling Poleng

there is also a prayer for support, then the prayer for So these are salient characteristics of the
support goes with it, hence cognizable by MTC. Hindi mo provisional remedies.
na pwedeng hiwalayin yon because of the principle of
multiplicity of suits. See?
In fact, not support per se. Because support when
joined with criminal action together with other civil Principal Action: Recovery action (real/personal)
claims, like for example, acknowledgment of a child. That
You always ask for preliminary attachment if it is a
prayer for acknowledgment of the child will also include
BIG case. Kung ang kaso mo is collecting only 500k or
an action for support, hence a prayer for support
million, to my mind, is not advisable to apply for
pendente lite.
preliminary attachment. Kaya yung mga nag-aavail dyan
3. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES – In all provisional ng PA, are bigtime lawyers or with bigtime cases. Kayo
remedies pursuant to Section 20 of rule 57, you can yung mga tinatawag na abugado de kampanilya. Baka
apply for damages. What is the exception again? – nga abugado de kampana kayo eh! Pero after
Support pendent Lite – here there is no claim for graduation, you are only abugado tiling tiling – small bell.
damages, wala doon. At in lieu for claim for damages, HAHHAA. You will not be given big cases. You apply with
what is the replacement? RESTITUTION OR the lawfirm, ang unang kaso sigurong ibibigay sayo, BP
REIMBURSEMENT. 22. Pero maganda na rin yun. Or ejectment. Yan sa mga
bagong abugado. Don’t belittle these cases. Madali ang
remedies doon kaya yun ang binibigay sayo. (kwento
So what are the basic requirements for provisional kwento)
Kapag 1 million cases lang, chances are it ends up
1. Affidavit of Merit; soon. Pwede ma-settle. Pero kung big cases, you file a
case against Lucio Tan or Henry Sy, ang claim mo ay
2. Bond
millions, ay better think of PA. Because before you know
Ano na naman ang XPN dyan? Support Pendente Lite. it, baka wala ka nang ma-execute. So you won only your
There is no requirement for a bond. Very peculiar kasi case on paper. See? Palagi kang panalo sa papel, hindi
ang requirement for support and support pendente lite. ka magaling na abugado sa Rule 39. Wala ka naman
pera. Edi dun nalang ako sa paisa isang panalo pero may
Pauling Poleng

pera. property of the defendant are attached, di ka na

makakilos. Di ba? Wala ka ng magagawa sa property mo,
Look at Section 1, at the commencement of the
they are in custodia legis. So ano pa gagawin mo?
action or at anytime before entry of judgment, one may
apply. For what purpose? To satisfy a favorable Suppose you are a big businessman. And you
judgment. Don’t miss one word there ha? One student I have many properties, stores known as SM. You were
ask this question, what is the purpose of PA? Sir, to able to attach one of the sari sari store of Henry Sy, SM
secure a judgment. PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT WILL North. Si Henry Sy, magpipilit yan na pumunta sayo. So
NOT SECURE A JUDGMENT. If you want to secure a magkano ang gusto mo? You have the claim of 2B,
judgment, talk to the judge. pwede na bang 200 million? This is a way to force the
defendant to came to the settlement table. Mas lalo na
Here, to secure the satisfaction of a favorable
kapag he is a middle class businessman. Ang business ay
Bjudgment. It is the satisfaction.
within the vicinity of 20-30M. Halimbawa, selling of
There is another purpose when we are discussing merchandise and you were able to attach the
jurisdiction OVER THE RES. When the action is a personal merchandise, ano pa gagawin niya? So he will settle. This
action which requires the court to acquire jurisdiction is the unwritten purpose. The written purpose is there –
over the person of the defendant, and the court cannot to secure the satisfaction of favorable judgment and to
acquire jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, the acquire jurisdiction over the rem. So if the action is
court may proceed the case provided the court can personam, shall now be converted into action quasi in
acquire jurisdiction over the res or subject matter of the rem. Therefore, you can proceed even if the court cannot
action. This can be done through the application of a writ acquire jurisdiction over the person. These are written in
of preliminary attachment. Hence, once the property is the Rule.
under custodia legis, then the court can proceed even if
But not all instances can one apply or avail of PA.
it cannot acquire jurisdiction over the person of the
You are limited only to the 6 grounds. And the
enumeration of the 6 grounds in Section 1 of Rule 57, is
But there is an unwritten purpose of PA. Wala yan exclusive. Anim lang yan. Familiarize yourselves. Outside
sa Rule. Pero most lawyers avail of this because of its of that, you cannot apply for writ of PA. Madaling
effective means of forcing the defendant to the tandaan because the 1st three are with regard to the kind
settlement table. Kasi kapag mag-apply ka ng PA and the of action.
Pauling Poleng

- An action of recovery of a specified amount of New Trial) when your ground is Fraud and there is a
money or damages other than actual damages, requirement for affidavit of merit, it is again repeated
when the defendant is about to leave in fraud of here. That if your ground has that element of fraud, it
creditors. requires and AFFIDAVIT OF MERIT. Because in relation
- An action ulit, for to the rule particularly manner of making allegations in
- Pangatlo, action ulit. the pleading particularly Rule 8 of ROC, fraud must be
stated with particularity. It is why it requires an affidavit
Tingnan niyo ung pangapat, lima at anim. They refer to
of merit.
situation of the defendant. Yung pang apat halimbawa.
An action against a party guilty of fraud in contracting an But in your affidavit of merit, take note of the 4
obligation or in the performance of thereof. Panglima, an requirements under section 3. These are the very
action against the person who disposes of the property in requirements in applying for a writ of PA.
fraud of creditors. And last ground, where the party
1. There must be a valid cause of action – clearly I have
defendant cannot be found in the PH or the summons
discussed it already. What is the valid cause of action?
upon him may be done thru publication. So I refer you to
PRINCIPAL ACTION! Because if there is no principal
what we discussed under Rule 14 regarding Sec 14 and
action, there is no provisional remedy.
16. These are the grounds for summons thru publication.
2. There must be a ground – which is specifically
So in that instance, where the party may be
provided in Sec 1 of Rule 57. So you are limited only to
summoned only thru publication, then that is a ground.
the 6 grounds. Kung wala yun, you cannot apply for PA.
What do you notice here in Sec 1? ABCDEF – it only the
last which does not include FRAUD. The common 3. There must be no sufficient security – kasi kapag may
denominator therefor, for application of writ of PA is the security, you ran after the security. Suppose there is a
element of FRAUD/DECEIT, panloloko. Except the last loan that is secured, you ran before the property
one. mortgaged. Therefore, you do not have to attach
anymore to secure the satisfaction of a favorable
Go to Sec 3 – that is about affidavit and bond.
These are the 2 principal requirement in one’s application
for writ of preliminary attachment. Affidavit and bond. 4. The value or the cost of the property or the subject
We discussed early this morning, the affidavit of merit. matter of the action must be atleast equal to the
You recall while we are discussing Rule 37 (Motion for property attached less than all other counterclaims. So
Pauling Poleng

that if the value of the claim is 1M, you are supposed to This is settled already as early as in the case of
attach a property atleast worth 1M. But it does not mean Mindanao Savings Lite case, it can be granted ex parte.
that you can attach only 1 property. But cannot be implemented without prior or
contemporaneous service of summons. So in this
Suppose the property of the defendant is worth only
particular case, the attachment was properly issued but
200k. But he has 5 properties and 200k each that is 1M.
could not be properly implemented. So that is the case of
So attach the 5 properties. But suppose that he has only
Mangunilla vs CA. In the case Mangulla, which was asked
1 property and that it has been attached or subject of an
in the bar, the case here, PA was implemented without
attachment worth 1M and the property is also 1M. Can
service of summons. But the failure to serve the
you still attach that? HINDI NA! Kasi wala nang i-co-
summons was because the def was already abroad. And
very clearly, when there is no possibility of service of
So this must all be stated or alleged in your summons, it can be implemented. Kaya nga there is
affidavit of merit. Remember the exception in your contradiction. But if you try to analyze correctly the rules,
affidavit – if in your very pleading there is a particularity you will find out that the court is merely construing one
in your allegation, then your affidavit of merit may be thing there – where it says “earnest efforts”. So that the
dispensed with. writ may be implemented even if there was no prior
contemporaneous service of summons if there earnest
Finally – BONDS – how much should the bonds
efforts to serve it personally. Dito sa case na to, wala.
The implementation was considered invalid.
GR: Discretionary upon the court. But the court
In connection with the enforcement of the writ of
now will have to determine according to the value of the
PA, plaintiff’s counsel secure 3 affidavits of witnesses
claim or property sought to be attached.
sworn before the notary public who was not
Okay? Once the property is attached, then it commissioned by the Office of Clerk of Court of RTC
becomes in Custodia Legis. The only way to have it lifted Manila, the 3 different affidavits have only 1 document –
is pursuant to Sections 5, 12 and 13. These are the only page number – what crime is committed by the counsel?
sections that are the available ground for the discharge Ang layo ng question ano? Kung PA tapos crime pala
of the writ of PA. Discharge or lifting. (Ang saya ni Atty. Brondial) The one who is liable here or
the crime committed here was in violation of notarial law.
PART 12 But as to the one who presented it, having it notarized,
Pauling Poleng

then it is using a fictitious or fraudulent affidavits. This possession of the property on the ground that he is
amounts to that because it is not duly subscribed and entitled to possession… But the car was sold in Public
sworn to. Using it in proceeding – that is the time that Auction. Auction pinaguusapan ditto. Unang una, why are
the crime is committed. you going to auction the car subject of replevin? You
don’t auction that. You take possession. When your
Are bank employees authorized to implement a
possession is now complete, ahhh you can sell it. Not
writ of replevin without serving summons to the
anymore through public auction. This is not subject of
defendant when the bank employees are accompanied by
public auction.
the sheriff? NO! Bank employees are never authorized to
implement the writ of replevin. Hindi ito summons ha. Yun so you can have more question. Pero to
We said, who may serve summons? Sheriff, Deputy elucidate, iderecho mo sa topic natin. Not for me. Sakin
Sheriff and other persons authorized by the court. Writ of okay lang.
replevin ito! This can only be served by the Sheriff or
The case of Chuijan vs SB is a must reading. Of
Deputy Sheriff or any authorized. But bank employees
you want to understand PA, it cannot help but read that
cannot be authorized to implement the writ of replevin.
case. The doctrine laid down there is repeated recently in
Because once the sheriff takes custody of the property
the case of Torres vs Satsatin. Pero mas maganda
subject of replevin, it is under his charge completely. Hao
basahin niyo yung Chuijan kasi nung mangyari yun, hindi
VS ANDRES is the case there. The bank filed an action
pa kayo pinapanganak. This is a case of Chuijan who is a
for recovery of sum of money. With an application for
Marcos Cronies who was able to secure a loan in the
writ of replevin with RTC Pasay. But the car was sold at a
amount of millions who brought the money to US and
public auction at the Caloocan City RTC, was there
applied or invested it in business in Silicon Valley. At the
irregularity in this procedure?
time it was in the early 80s. That was the instance na
You know, the writ of replevin can be implemented in naguumpisa palang ung IT. Wala pa dito yan sa PH. Si
any part of the country. So you may get the writ of james bond lang ang meron non, sa America naguumpisa
replevin in QC, you can implement that where you may nay un. So he invested. He was not able to pay his loan.
find the subject property. Halimbawa itong motorsiklo, The bank here filed a case against him, before the San
you applied for writ of replevin. These are the objects Mateo Court of California. And it ended up with a
that can easily be moved. compromise agreement. The compromise agreement is
that, Chuijan with retained certain amount of money in
There is no such thing as sale of the … ito you take
Pauling Poleng

terms of Letters of Credit which he can withdraw at 100 that sec 13 is not AVAILABLE for you as a ground for
thousand US$ per month. That was the LC. 1986 came lifting the writ of PA. Why?
and yellow army won. There was change of govt. EO1
Sabi ng SC – if we discharge the writ because of
and 2 was the creation of PCGG to ran after the Marcos
sec 13, we are therefore saying that you did not commit
Loot or the ill-gotten wealth and his cronies. So several
fraud and the principal action is grounded on your
cases were filed in SB for these ill-gotten wealth against
alleged commission of fraud and that is the same ground
the marcoses and Chuijan which is one of the cronies,
used for the issuance of the writ of PA. So that if we
finile-an din ng kaso for recovery of LC in the bank.
grant your petition, in effect, we are deciding a case
Ngayon, the OMB filed an application for writ of PA with
through a mere motion which is going through the
SB praying that the LCs be attached on 3 particular
grounds: par c, d and f. The most potent of which is the
fact that Chuijan is not here in the Country but in US and Di ba sinasabi ko na kanina? Principal action and
according to the complaint he is guilty of fraud. Kaya nga provisional remedies. That provisional remedies cannot
the SB granted the PA. So these LCs were attached in live on its own. So itong doctrine na ito, which holds up
favor of Republic of the PH. to now, reiterated lately in Torres vs Satsatin, sabi ditto –
kung ang ground ng principal action and the ground ng
Several years after, when the weather was already
provisional remedy ay pareho, you cannot have it lifted
good, political weather, bumabalik na ung mga cronies.
by availing of sec 13. Kasi we will say that there is no
Lahat. Bumalik na rin si Chuijan. Pagbalik niya, one of his
valid ground. And if we will say that there is no valid
first acts was to go to the SB and move to discharge the
ground, hence there is also no valid ground for the
writ of attachment. He said your most potent ground no
principal action. Hence, we are resolving the principal
longer holds. Why? I am here in flesh and blood. He
action through a mere motion. Hindi pwede yan! It is
questioned the attachment saying I am not guilty of
even more than a collateral attack. The result is
fraud and there is already compromise agreement in US
court. What did the SB do? The SB denied his motion and
went up to SC. As advised, had you really wanted it lifted, you
could have used sec 12. A counter bond.
He was using sec 13 of Rule 57. Motion
questioning the regularity and propriety of the So this is PA. Sections 5 and 12, pareho yun.
attachment. The SC denied the petition/motion saying Counter bond. Where lies the difference? In section 5,
Pauling Poleng

the writ has been issued but not yet implemented. So application for the writ of PI. Namely:
you post a counter bond. In sec 12, the writ has already
1. there must be a right in ese on the part of the
been implemented, so you have it lifted. Okay. Time
frame lang ang distinction.
2. this right has been violated or is threatened to be
Section 20 is quiet important. This is a claim for
violated; and
damages. As we go on with the Rules or other
Provisional remedies, you will find out that Sec 20 is 3. from its violation, t will result to a irreparable damage
cross referred to other provisional remedies except or injury.
Support pendent Lite.
These are the 3 requirements in order for one to
Tatandaan niyo itong writ of preliminary apply for PI.
attachment. Gamitin niyo ito. Parang sigurado na.
Writ of PI can never be granted without NOTICE
AND HEARING. Kailangan palagi i-set for hearing and the
other party must be duly notified of one’s application for
writ of PI.
Is attached to principal action of INJUNCTION.
There are 2 kinds of injunction:
And injunction is generally cognizable only by the RTC.
GR. On special situation, the CA may also grant together 1. PROHIBITORY – seeks to maintain the status
with the other issues of the case a writ of PI. You know quo
when you applied for certiorari or prohibition halimbawa,
2. MANDATORY – seeks to return to the status
or mandamus, you also have injunctive relief, so that
certiorari, injunction and prayer for preliminary
injunction. What is the status quo? That is the last peaceful
undisturbed situation.
But whether it is stated in the title that there is
injunctive relief, you can always apply for PI. As a So kapag gusto mong balikan yun, apply for
provisional remedy. What are the requirements? Just mandatory. Kung hindi pa nadidisturb but is about to be
remember the elements of the cause of action. And the disturbed, apply for prohibitory injunction. The common
elements of the cause of action are the element in an denominator, when is the last peaceful undisturbed
Pauling Poleng

situation? And when I come to this, I always give this judicial corruption. But legally under Rule 58, an
example para hindi niyo nakakalimutan. If you go home application for TRO can now be granted ex parte. Sadly.
tonight and you found your house tonight in darkness Why? Dito ang abuso, but that’s what the rule says. Pero
because meralco cut your electricity, you apply for prior, there was a distinction that a TRO of 72 hours can
mandatory injunction. Let there be light again. But when be granted ex parte but not a tro of 20 days. It requires
you go home, you met the katulong, sabi kuya, ito po summary hearing. But the present rule now does not
meron ako hindi naintndhan na sulat ditto, pag basa mo make any distinction whether 72 hours or 20 days, it can
– notice of disconnection. So puputulan ka na. Nagalit ka. be granted ex parte. The rule says it “can” not it should
Sabi mo, kunin mo nga yung resibo dyan! Bayad tayo! be granted ex parte. It is still discretionary upon the
But your legal means is apply for a writ of prohibitory court whether to grant TRO. 37:12
injunction. You want to maintain light in your residence.
If the court decides to grant the TRO of 72 hrs,
If you belong to a family who is landed and the TRO immediately takes effect from the issuance. If
mayaman masyado ang pamilya niyo. Halimbawa yung what is granted is the 20 day TRO then it is effective
nanay at tatay niyo, nagpaplano. Ibenta na kaya natin upon receipt by the party of the TRO. If the court grants
mga ari-arian natin? Narinig mo. Tay nay! Wag niyo the 72 hr TRO and then extends it at the hearing, the
gagawin yun, paano naman kami? Hindi! Ibebenta na extension cannot be more than 17 days because the
naming. Sabi mo, pag tinuloy niyo yan I am going to maximum TRO is only 20 days. Any TRO extended
apply to apply for a writ of prohibitory injunction! You beyond the 20 day period is GAD. If not ignorance of the
cannot sell that! Do you have the right to do that? NO! law. The white castle case vs judge panis.
YOUR RIGHT IS INCHOATE. So the first requirement for
The max period that can be granted by the court
PI, is you must have a RIGHT IN ESE. Which is actual,
of TRO is only 20 days. There is no need for the court to
subsisting and substantial right. Not futuristic.
be reminded. No need for any motion or manifestation by
Because the PI, can never be granted ex parte. It any party because the court can never extend the 20 day
always require a hearing. But you know the writ calls for period which is non-extendible.
immediate action. Nag-a-apply ka dyan because there is
However, if the one granted is the 72 hrs it can
a threatened violation. Kaya nga nagaapply ka. So the
end at the 72 hrs but the court can extend that but
rules provide you with the tools. What are these tools?
extension is only for 17 days. Making the total TRO only
The TRO! The infamous TRO? Haha. The source of 20 days so it is 72 hours + 17 days = 20 days. Hindi 20
Pauling Poleng

+ 3, mali yun. Hence, 20 day TRO which originated in In your textbooks, there are several concerns
the 72 hr TRO, takes effect upon issuance. Kuha niyo? So there regarding application for TRO which is not allowed
whether you receive a copy or not, the period of 20 day in some cases. Kaya dismiss agad kasi this subject matter
starts to run. However, if the court grants immediately is beyond TRO. GRule. In your TB, dami situations dyan.
the 20 day TRO, it takes effect upon receipt. Then this is But the most recent one is of course, infrastructure
the rationale behind 72 hrs and 20 days. Why did the sc projects of the govts. Prosecution. Collection of taxes.
said 72 hours? Because it is equivalent to 3 days. So that Labor cases. Expression of constitutional rights. Peaceful
if effective from issuance, even if it is issued on a Friday, assembly. So many more.
then you can still hear the motion or the TRO on
GR on injunction: that which has been done
Monday. 3 days. Issued on Friday – 3 days. Counts
cannot be undone. Remember on the mandatory, kung
Saturday (1) Sunday (2) Monday (3) for the court to
kaya mo ibalik, then apply for mandatory injunction. So
decide whether to extend it or not.
kapag ikaw nagasawa na, you cannot undo that
Now why is it 20 days? Because 20 days is anymore. 
practically 3 weeks. 3 hearings for the court to determine
When I was saying non extendible 20 days, it
whether to grant PI which was preceded by the 20 day
refers only to the RTC. When applied from and granted
TRO which should be heard.
by the CA, that is 60 days. But again that is not
Because of the circular, sec 5 of rule 58 no longer extendible. Hanggang doon lang. Ano ang palusot dyan
applies. Kasi under that, there is distinction between a ngayon? Status quo ante order. It is by agreement of the
single sala court and multi sala court. If you file it with parties. Judge is quiet safe so he will not run afoul.
multi sala court, the rule provides that the case must be
If it is granted by SC, it is practically injunction,
raffled. The rules is very stringent on that the parties
kasi until further notice. So kapag nakakuha ka ng
must be notified on the raffled date. Dati yun. No longer
injunction sa SC, practically, nakuha mo namain action.
applicable in the present dispensation. Ok. Wala na
To order that such is permanent. When it becomes
ngayong raffle considering that it can be granted ex
permanent, it means that you won already the principal
parte. But as I said, it can be granted. So that if the
action of injunction.
judge so decides to hear an application for TRO, he may
not commit GAD. He can do that. RULE 59 – RECEIVERSHIP
So this is the rationale behind this TRO. You only have to remember three things when you
Pauling Poleng

can apply for receivership. Oh I told you pala that the What are the grounds? Kung tatandaan mo lang
principal action is receivership and the provisional ung “PAD” kanina nay un, alam niyo na ang grounds. I
remedy is appointment of a receiver. This state of mean the reason. Why there should be one to be
receivership may terminate and so the principal action appointed as a receiver? Because it is not as to preserve,
ceases to be. Tapos na. But it is for the appointment of a but the property is dissipated, being lost or wasted.
receiver. For your guidance, tandaan niyo lang ang three Maladministered. Like in the case of executor. Hindi
words. And you will find that on the last part of section 1. ginagawa yung trabaho niya.
- Preserving Finally the disposition. The executor now is in the
- Administering last stage of settlement. Rule 90 na. Yung suntay vs
- Disposing of property cojuangco-suntay.
Of all provisional remedies, it is the appointment of a This abused your mind that it is only in replevin
receiver which has the longest time frame. Ito ang that there is a bond twice the value of the property. Here
pinakamahaba sa lahat ng makapag-apply ka for in receivership dalawa rin ang bond. Upon application in
receiver. In 57, ano yung time frame? At the order to be considered by the court. Hindi pa inaappoint,
commencement of action but before entry of judgment. you already have to post a bond. For what purpose is
After that? NO. pag dating sa injunction, at the that? Damages might gave incurred thru your
commencement of the action but before the final application. And as an applicant you are not sure if you
judgment. In 59, one can apply for the appointment of a will be appointed or not. If the court appoints someone
receiver even after judgment or in the stage of other than the applicant, then the one appointed must
execution. Ito pinakamahabang duration. again post a bond. So dalawa yan.
Of all kinds of action, it is in Receivership that the Suppose the applicant is the one appointed,
exercise of residual jurisdiction is at its best. Kasi the rule should he post another bond? That is now subject to the
specifically allows the application in the trial court even if discretion of the court. The court may just ask for an
the case is already on appeal. Altho that is not increase or consider the bond posted to answer for
mandatory. But if you apply for receiver in the appellate whatever damages. You might ask, what are the possible
court, the appellate court can remand your application. damages? – take note na ditto sa appointment, ang usual
On what ground? In the exercise of the residual subject are financial institutions. Mga banks.
jurisdiction again. Rehabilitation. Pag nagkapply for the appointment, that
Pauling Poleng

application alone may entail damages kasi you are no, it is beyond the 10 year period but take note that
putting the bank into gloomy situation. beyond that, 5 of that we were under receivership so
how could be have collected from you? So it was tolled
Banco Filipino – placed under receivership and
from running.
lately it was revived. Tapos receivership. Nagkagulo gulo
na. SC: NO! pursuant to sec 6 of rule 59 because
among the duties of the receiver is to collect debts. In
So nagapply ka palang may possible na damages
fact, when the bank is placed under receivership, it is
na. Sino ba magdedeposito don.
precisely to rehabilitate the finances. So one way to
Do you recall the case of Alemars, before the collect debts. And if you collect debts, how can you be
National Bookstore it is now, ang pinakasikat na rehabilitated. What you are prohibited from doing is to
bookstore ay Alemars. Ano nangyari yan? It was placed invest again to accept credits/deposits. Therefore, the
under receivership and little by little nakuha ng mga Larrobises lived happily ever after.
Let me mention also the case of Coruga vs
There is sec 6 of rule 59 – important. Familiarize Arsenas. Isa lang ang doctrine ditto. Ito tatandaan ninyo.
yourselves with the rights and obligations of a receiver, Any application for receivership over financial institution
The case of larrobis vs Phil Veterans Bank, has not been is exclusively cognizable by the monetary board of
asked in the bar yet. This is a landmark case in central bank.
receivership. Spouses Larrobis secured a loan from def.
Chavez vs CA – ito ung isang abugado Myron
Then they were unable to pay and so PVB send the first
syang property sa sorsogon. She was practicing here in
demand letter. Answered the letter, PVB was placed
Manila. So yung properties niya used to remit proceeds
under receivership. During that period they did not
later on hindi na nagreremit. Finile-an niya ng civil case
pursue the case against Larrobis. Then later on they
with application for appointment of receiver. With
were placed back under good condition and started to
DARAB. Tapos criminal case with appointment of
operate again. But when they started the operation, they
receiver. Sabi ng kalaban, bakit tatlo tatlo lahat may
found out that there are several loans which are unpaid.
application? The issue is, can that be done? YES! There is
They wrote again demand letter pero hindi inintindi ng
no prohibition. Why not. Application lang ito. It all
Larrobis. What PVB did was to file a case against spouses
depends upon the court whether to grant it or not. So
Larrobis. What was their defense? Prescription. PVB said
far, wala pang naggrant naman.
Pauling Poleng

RULE 60 – REPLEVIN property, He is not the owner! I am the owner of the

property. So issues are joined. So the court can no
Ito malimit ito itanong. What is the principal action
longer grant the writ of replevin. He has to decide who is
for replevin? The principal action for replevin is the
really the owner. Kaya before answer.
recovery of possession of personal property. Under score
two words. It concerns only PERSONAL PROPERTY and it To whom the writ of replevin is issued? It is issued
is only about POSSESSION. This has nothing to do with to the SHERIFF. So kukuha sya doon, and whoever has
ownership and real property. Replevin is the IMMEDIATE the property, he takes it into actual custody. Remember
RECOVERY OF THE POSSESSION OF THE PERSONAL that this is personal property. The best example as an
PROPERTY. object of replevin is that of a car. In fact, the cases for
replevin there is involving a car.
When can you apply writ of replevin? You can only
apply for writ of replevin before the answer is served Consider this situation. Everybody now is buying a
upon the respondent. Or filed. Filed yan upon the court. car. Here is Mr A who bought a car, CRZ, worth 1M. Pay
100K amortization. You keep on paying the amortization.
Why? What is the effect of filing of answer? The
But for one reason or another, you stopped paying.
issues are joined. And If issues are joined, there is now a
Pagdating ng mga 3 months na hindi ka nakabayad, baka
justiciable controversy. Because each party has already
makatanggap ka nalang ng writ of replevin. Kung
its own position. So before answer is filed kasi wala pang
makakatanggap ka lang naman. Kasi nung una tuwang
defense. Pero kung meron na ung defense… what is your
tuwa ka, pinapirma ka ng dealer. Chattel mortgage. After
ground for asking for replevin? You are entitled to
giving to you the possession of the car, you mortgaged
possession of the personal property or is that you are the
the same car thru chattel mortgage law to the seller of
owner of the property.
the car. Yung mga print doon, napakaliliit. Hindi mo nga
When you filed a complaint accompanied with a mabasa. Sigurado yan na isa sa provision there is: the
prayer for replevin, the only basis of the judge whether right of the mortgagee to judicially or extra judicially
to issue or not to issue, is the pleading or the complaint. foreclose the mortgage.
Okay? Without even hearing the side of the defendant.
So hindi ka nakabayad, the dealer would go to
Kasi simply based on the complaint.
RTC then it would file either a foreclosure or simple
If answer is already filed, sasabihin ng defendant: recovery of the car with prayer for replevin. Ang basis
no, he is not entitled to possession of the personal niya: we are still the owner of the car. Considering that
Pauling Poleng

the fee is not paid, we are entitled to the possession. So recorded it properly. So he sought for damages. May
writ will be issued in favor the dealer then it can get the damages ito. Hindi naman ito para sa akin. Para sa anak
car anywhere it may be found. Anywhere it is found. koi to. Itong anak ko na ito, married to Concepcion. Ano
nalang sasabihin ni Kumpadre. You besmirched my
Ngayong tingnan niyo mabuti, tama ba ung bond
reputation etc etc. Is that possible? Under Sec 20, pwede
na pinost ng applicant for the writ. Kasi the bond must
yun. But the error here was that the judge ordered the
be twice the value of the property. If you bought that car
return of the car and if the car can no longer be
for 1M and it was sought to be recovered through
returned, return the value of the car which is secured by
replevin, the dealer will have to post a bond for an
the bond.
amount of 2M. Is this not foolish? Halimbawa individual
ito, why would I post a bond twice the amount of the Sabi ng Supreme Court, hindi pwede yun! Kasi this
property. I might as well buy a new one. was bought in installment. So kapag binalik mo yung
buong value ng sasakyan, edi kumita si Orosa! Di ba?
HINDI YON! Legally, try to read between the lines
Hindi pwede yan. Tama yung CA according to SC, na
of the rule. First 1M answers for the car. The second
either you return the car or not the total value of the car.
million answers for damages. Because if the car can no
Judgment here must be in alternative.
longer be recovered, then the amount will be paid to the
property. But look at the judgment there. The action One point here in Sec 7 which we already studied
must be in alternative. You cannot get the car and in Sec 16 Rule 39, and sec 14 rule 57, ano ito? Third
recover the value of the car. Otherwise, it is unjust party claim. In attachment, meron third party claim. Dito
enrichment. This is the case of Orosa, that is a leading the third party claim issue is repeated. What is this third
case. party claim? After the writ of replevin has been issued
and there is a third party claimant, the same provision.
Bumili ng sasakyan si Mr Orosa, nung panahon na
The sheriff must inform the applicant or the plaintiff
uso yung ford escort. Bumili sya niyan. Not for himself
about the claimant, and the applicant would have to post
but for his daughter who is married to Joey Concepcion.
a another bond equivalent to the value of the car, to
Sino naman yan? Ung airconditioning man. Mayaman din
answer whatever damages may be inflicted upon the
yan. Nakaligtaan ni Mr Orosa na magbayad – allegedly –
third party claimant. So this is.. pareho rin sa Rule 39 at
for July to November. And so a writ of replevin was
Rule 57. It is not the third party claimant who posts a
issued against him by the motor dealer. This went on.
Then he was able to establish that he has really paid. He
Pauling Poleng

Here in replevin, if you are asked, in what instance the period of 5 days. Maghihintay ka muna na magpost
in the ROC may a person be obliged to post a bond thrice ng redelivery bond. It is only after 5 days. Kung walang
the value of the property? In replevin. Kasi you are asked redelivery bond, edi ibalik mo.
to post a bond twice the value of the property and if
How much is the redelivery bond? Twice the value
there is a third party claim.
of the property. So secured while the case is being
The other reason why twice the value of the heard.
property, kasi magiisip yun, napakasakit naman nito.
Remember that this is just a surety. Hindi ka naman
magpopost ng cash bond ditto. Kalokohan yun. Ang Jurisdiction: RTC
binabayaran mo lang doon is the premium. Now the
Why? Because the personal action is support
premium is from 3-10%. 3- min. 10-max.
which is not capable of pecuniary estimation.
When they are able to recover the car, halimbawa,
XPN: Criminal cases because the civil aspect is
6 month old, pwede nila ulit ibenta yun. They can sell it.
deemed instituted in the criminal action which may be
Consider as a 2nd hand car. Kaya nga yung isang kaibigan
cognizable by the MTC.
ko sa motor company, wala nang araw na ginawa ng
diyos na hindi ako nagappear for replevin. Araw araw Illustration: A very common case of a support
nalang. pendente lite is in the case of an unwed mother through
excusable negligence (hahahaha). When you give birth
The counterbond here to lift the writ of replevin, is
out of a wedlock that is excusable negligence. But if it
otherwise known as REDELIVERY BOND. That is the
happened the second time around, gross negligence.
counter bond and settled is the rule that the bond must
be posted within 5 days from seizure of the property. Derick & Cristine. (patay sindi na-meet) Here is
Derick isang taxi driver. Dala ng dalaw sa isang videoke
Kaya nga yung sheriff which takes possession of
bar na nandun si Cristine as waitress. Sa kakasundo kay
the car under the writ of replevin will have to keep that
Cristine, nangyari yung inaasahan. Nagkaroon sila ng
within the period of 5 days not to deliver that to the
bunga ng kanilang matamis na pagtitinginan. Dati si
applicant. As early as Yang vs Valdez. But the latest case
Derick nagbibigay until finally naglaho nalang ng parang
is Hao vs Andres. Dito pinagalitan at pinenalize yung mga
bula pero alam niya parin kung saan nakatira. So si
sheriff for delivering the property to the applicant within
Cristine nag-file ng support with prayer for support
Pauling Poleng

pendent lite before the RTC. Answer: Under the Rule, there are 2 remedies.
Ano ba yung 2 fundamental allegations?
Ano yung RESTITUTION? Cristine will be ordered
1. The need for support.
to return the 100k to Derick plus interest.
2. Capacity to support.
Is that Harsh? No! According to the law it is not.
Upon filing, then the notice must be immediately And in fact, it is a realization that a person is becoming
be served within the period of 5 days. Under the rule. or improves himself. At that time she was asking 10K
And upon receipt 3 days – There must be a hearing. because he does not have money but through the
Whether there is an answer or comment, there must be months she was able to sustain the child and herself
a hearing on the PROVISIONAL REMEDY. because she found a better job. Ngayon she is working
at Pegasus. She has improved. Or at Cremlin or
So pagdating doon sa hearing, sabi ni Derick, I
Classmate or Circus. Alam na alam niyo yun. Araw araw
deny the accusation because I am not the father of that
nadadaanan ko yan. Pero hindi ako nahinto kasi may
child. So denied ung paternity. Kung maalaala mo, sabi ni
review pa bukas.  So wag. Siguro next Saturday. HAHA.
Derick, I was with Richard when that happened. Lasing
na lasing na kaming dalawa, nagising nalang ako, kayong So that is a recognition that a person is not static.
dalawa ang magkatabi. So that child is not my son. That So she can improve.
is Richard’s son. May denial.
Suppose, she cannot pay. REIMBURSEMENT. Who
Now suppose that denial happened already in the reimburses? Richard. Richard who is liable. But how do
principal action for support. And the court has already you go about it? Automatically ba yan? NO. Because the
given support pendent lite in the amount of 10k a month. court has no jurisdiction over the person of Richard.
So 10k while the case for support is pending, Derick Under the Rule it says IN A SEPARATE ACTION. If in the
gives 10k a month. Umabot yung kaso halimbawa ng 10 course of the proceedings and it was Derick who has
months. He has already given to Cristine 100,000. So on been giving and he pleaded Richard, pwede siguro yun in
the hearing of the support, the Judge favored Derick the same proceeding. But you can do that in a separate
saying ah you were able to establish that you are not the action.
Question: What happens now to the 100K? SEPARATE AND DISTINCT FROM EACH OTHER.
Pauling Poleng

RESTITUTION AND REIMBURSEMENT. The restitution final judgment for support, parties can always go back to
must come from the person who received the support court. And by mere manifestation, parties can ask for the
pendent lite and the reimbursement must come from amendment of the judgment. At anytime. In the course
other person who is bound or obliged to give support just or even after the judgment.
like in this illustration.
Kaya nga the 2 important requirements for
We have some cases here De Asis vs CA. The child support which are the capacity of the person to give
of De Asis went to court and ask for support and support support and the need, these are very important because
pendente lite. Dineny ni De Asis. I am not the father of you can always go back to the court and ask for the
that child. Na-realize ng babae, ay baka nga hindi sya. So amendment of the judgment. See?
she said, let us just compromise. We compromise to
And that is two way ticket yon. Not only on the
dismiss the case. So that was dismissed due to joint
part of the plaintiff but also on the part of the defendant.
dismissal. Several years later nagfile uli, siguro
So the plaintiff goes back to court and said your honor,
napatunayan niya, Sya talaga yung tatay eh. Kung paano
the support that you giving me is 10k abnd hindi na po
niya napatunayan, hindi ko alam. Siguro nagtanong sya
kasya yun kasi ung anak is already in HS. What is 10k a
sa doon sa isang pinagsususpetchahan niya. Eh paano?
month kulang na po yun. We can to increase it in 15k. So
Baog ako eh! Hindi pwede. Talagang kay De Asis yan.
the court may amend.
Ang nangyari, De Asis said, you cannot file that
On the otherhand, if the defendant goes back to
anymore because I invoke res judicata. When it reached
court, your Honor, yung 10k po hindi ko na rin po kaya.
the Supreme Court, the SC said, a judgment for support
Kasi nung nagbibigay ako ng support, councilor po ako
NEVER BECOMES FINAL! That is a peculiar characteristic
ng QC. Kayang kaya yun. Ngayon tanod nalang po.
of support. In fact, the order granting support pendent
Natalo. Kasi naimbestigahan yung PDAF ko. HAHAH. Pero
lite is an interlocutory order. But even if it is an
kung ikaw naman, kasi po 10K, when he was a councilor,
interlocutory order, it can be subject of a writ of
eh ngayon, MAYOR na sya po. So increase-an.
execution. Special character din yan ng support. Res
judicata will not apply. And the SC held that even support Do you know that in Guardianship, legal guardians
under the civil code is not subject to COMPROMISE. It are bound to post bond (parents) if property or income
cannot be compromised but procedurally a judgment for of the ward who are their very own children is more than
support never becomes final. Even if there is already a 50,000. Kino-comply ba ito ng mga parents? No. Tingnan
Pauling Poleng

mo tong sila Rizza Mae. Or Cyril Manabat. They are Ano ito? This case in support and support pendente lite,
earning millions and parents cannot dispose of their ito yung mga mayayaman sa Dasma Village. Meron
property supposedly. See? Kaya ditto sa support magasawa pinatira sila ng kanilang mga magulang sa
napakaimportante. Dasma or I think Forbes. Ngayon tumira doon yung mag-
asawa nagkaanak, yung mga anak, dun parin sila
Bakit ang usually na nagpa-file for support are
nakatira. The father is working in the family corporation.
unwed mothers? Are there no unwed fathers? Mas
And all the children were supported by the grandparents.
maraming unwed fathers kesa unwed mothers. Diba?
Ganon yung situation. The wife discovered that her
And there are even no houses for unwed fathers. Kasi
husband was having extramarital relationship. One day
that would be overcrowded at hindi mo ma-determine.
when she found out and certain, what she did was to
There is always question of paternity. Not maternity.
take the children away and live separately. And then she
In People vs Manahan, the defendant here was filed a petition for support and support pendente lite not
convicted for rape and the rape produced a child. So he only against the husband but also against the
was convicted and penalized with the supreme penalty of GRANDPARENTS OF HER CHILDREN. Yung in laws niya.
death. Adjudged not only to give support but also to And who seeks to be supported? Not only the children
acknowledge the child. The SC said, there is a defect in but also herself.
the judgment. If Support can be adjudged correctly the
What does the SC says? The petitioner wife is not
he can’t be forced to acknowledge the child. Why?
entitled to support from her in laws. They do not have
Because civil law says that if there is an impediment and
any relationship whatsoever. But the children are entitled
the impediment here is that Manahan is married. A
to support from the grandparents. Considering that the
married person who has an illegitimate child cannot be
support should be directed to the father but since the
forced to acknowledge. He can only be forced to give
father is not in the position to give sufficient support and
the grandparents can give more than enough to support
Why don’t you give a round of applause to that then they are bound to give support to the
kind of decision? Married man are not obliged to grandchildren.
acknowledge. Because a foreign blood will get into the
But you have to look at the situation ha? That is
Lim vs Lim.
Monetfalcon (?). Ay may case pala na Lim vs Lim.

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