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Environmental ethics positioning paragraph

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Option B

Vegetarianism has been greatly associated with the reason of cutting costs but many people

prefer to become vegetarians because of parental guidance, religion and cultures, and health

issues associated with consuming animal products. Vegetarian refers to someone who does not

consume any products, ranging from meat, poultry to fish products. My argument is that being a

vegetarian is more ethical than being a non-vegetarian due to reasons of human rights,

environmental conservation, and health factors.

By consuming animal products we denied them their rights by simply killing them for food. For

these animals to grow they are feed with food from crops which would encourage deforestation

for them to be planted. They also drink a lot of water from the water sources. Animals produce a

large number of waste materials which lead to water and soil pollution and also produce

greenhouse gases(Hopwood, Bleidorn, Schwaba, & Chen, 2020). Large flocks of livestock that are

reared cause soil erosion and make the topsoil hard.

A plant-diet is highly encouraged and is proven by the theory of useful model of psychological

eating motives. Vegetarian diets are healthy to consume because they have low-fat saturation and

low cholesterol concentration but in return, they have high levels of vitamins, minerals, and

fibre. Thus they have a lower risk for diabetes, cancer, obesity due to reduced weight and heart

diseases. Vegetarian diets conserve the environment by mitigating effects brought by livestock

production activities and helps protect animal rights because there is no need to slaughter them.

hence bringing in the perspective of sustainability.

Being a vegetarian does not necessarily mean that you will have all the health benefits. You need

to ensure that your plant-diet is balanced to avoid any deficiencies. Although animal products are


nutritious in protein they pose a greater risk through the production of livestock. I advocate that

people should start adopting plant-diets as they are readily available and help prevent some of

the diseases brought by animal products.


Hopwood, C. J., Bleidorn, W., Schwaba, T., & Chen, S. (2020). Health, environmental, and animal rights

motives for vegetarian eating. PloS one, 15(4), e0230609.

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