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SL Marking Scheme

1. a. Calculate comparable results and a suitable unit for the plant population in the two
plots (2 marks)

Density of plants in the

Density of plants in the
Species treated plot.
Untreated plot. Plants/m 2

Plants/m 2

A 81 76

B 73 23

b. Suggest a hypothesis to explain the difference in populations of the two species in the
treated and untreated plots. (2 marks).

Species A resistant to/can accumulate/Nickel non-toxic/Null hypothesis no difference in

Species B not resistant to/cannot accumulate/ Nickel is toxic
c. Complete the table for each plant and perform the X  test to test whether there is a

significant difference in the populations of species A in the two plots measured, one untreated
and one treated with Nickel sulphate. (5 marks)
Observe Expected
Species d density density (O-E) (O-E) 2
(O-E) /E

(O) (E)

A in
81 78.5 2.5 6.25 0.08

A in 76 78.5 -2.5 6.25 0.08


Expected value is average of 81 + 76 - assuming no difference in density (Null

Sum (O-E) /E = 0.08 + 0.08  =  0.16

1 mark for each correct column, 1 for correct sum (ignore significant figures)
d. The 0.05 (5%) significance level for X  for 1 degree of freedom is 3.85. What can you

conclude from your result? (2marks).

X  (Chi-squared) value is lower than significance level / there is no significant


difference between these results;

Null hypothesis accepted / species A is not affected by nickel pollution / tolerant of
nickel pollution.
2. Explain why an ecosystem has the potential to be sustainable over a long time period.
(3 marks)
(Providing there is) a continual energy source
Recycling of nutrients/nutrient availability
Removal of toxins
Food chains/webs/saprotrophs/biotic components
(Natural) balance between the biotic components
3. Explain why mollusc and corals are important in the formation of limestone. (2
They have a calcium carbonate shell / hard parts
It can become fossilised into limestone
4. Detritivores and saprotrophs both obtain energy from detritus and decaying organic
matter. What is the main difference in the manner in which they obtain nutrients? (2
Detritivores use internal digestion / ingest the organic matter
Saprotrophs use external digestion / release enzymes into the matter

5. There is a general increase in emissions from 1996 to 2001. Suggest a reason why the
figures from 2001 to 2002 do not follow this trend. (2 marks).
Suggestion 1 mark, reason 1mark
Legislation/lower car usage
Warmer winter temperatures/less fuel usage
Other relevant example

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