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Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks G. Gerngross C. Holzmann P. Lewis-Jones MBRIDGE VERSITY PRESS gp z=: onl Grammar ‘subject pronouns © present simple of be © possessive adjectives * plural nouns STARTER SECTION ‘© present simple of bo ‘© questions with Who + possessive adjectives ‘© imperatives ‘© questions with Who, Wnere, Why, What, What colour? «© prepositions. OPE SSA ‘© There islare © possessive 's adjectives hrave got the indefinte article SS) kal eal Language Focus ani Vocabulary ‘= classroom objects ‘and language © greetings saying hello numbers © asking about age ® international words colours © days of the week Sounds right the alphabet «footings Sounuts right days of the week «© classroom objects Sounds right fol ‘© words for furniture ‘© rooms in the house «© parts of the body © countries and nationalities Sounds right thy Skills « liston to and undorstand international words « talk about favourite foods «listen to and complete @ dialogue to introduce yourself « read about other people and ‘where they are from «listen to and complete facts ‘bout other people « spelling « talk about myself and others Song 4U Alphabet stars «say hello introduce yourself «ask how people feel «© read and write about days of the week and feelings Song 4 U The Weekend's for me «ask and say where things are ® listen to and understand imperatives ‘© wnte about your desk + cescrive rooms and furniture fpRRRE TT « listen to information about a200 « read a story write about your ideal room » talk about nationality ‘© describe people « talk about possessions « listen to and understand physical descriptions ‘* read descriptions of people ‘© write a description of yourself or a friend Check your progress Starter section een Using the World Wide Web ck you Units # and 2 ee ee The United Kingdom Geen Ty Tara Sunday mornings -— Check your progress Units § and 4 School in England The wide-mouthed trog «present simple (positive) spelling: third person singular adverbs of frequency * present simple (negatives, questions and short answers) ‘© object pronouns, MR ee er 2” MAP_OF THE BOOS food Sounds right {question intonation «dally activities ‘© make and reply to offers and requests, « talk about what you eat «© read about diferent diets and foods © write about your eating habits © ask and tell tne time « talk about routines «© read about other people's routines ‘© write about your day Asong4U The master of time orn MORE throush Eras J from around the world Cheek yo Units 5 and 6 Ee Mutticuttural Britain Grammar © demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. ‘countable and uncountable nouns ‘© How much?ltiow many? © somelany Bere! «© can for ability can questions ond short answers, « likellovelhate doing «© present continuous (oositive, negative, ‘questions and short answers) «forming words with ing Language Focus and Vocanulary clothes ‘Sounds right a] «© family members « telephone numbers « ordinal numbers ‘© months of the year « talk about prices « talk about clothes « listen to and understand a dialogue ina food shop ‘© read and understand a story «© describe someone in the class © write about clothes you like to wear «© talk about abilities, © ask for permission «talk about things you lke doing « talk about your family © read a text about a family e listen and understand what activities people do ‘© write a poem ‘ASong 40 Heaven « talk on the phone « talk about birthdays «listen to and identify sounds «© read about birthdays in different cultures ‘© write a postcard Aso Mr Mudie is never right! Check your progress Units 7 ane 8 Learn MOIRE ebout culture Ge Teenage wen designer a ee ‘The Carnival of the Animals « articles * present simple vs. present continuous. A = a 3 3 5 3 p 5 = 5 3 £ cy © computers «© free-time activities Sounds right the ‘© make invitations «talk about your fr « listen and talk about pets, +» read and understand a short article Asong4U Super-sonic surfer Check your progress Units 8 and 10 Laam MORE about culture Glee eae «© past simple of be (positive, negative, {questions and short answers) * past time expressions * past simple (positive) Game over! | Where were you? « furniture ‘Sounds right was/were «© shops ‘Sounds right Iu fal dh ‘» ask and say where people « say where things are « read, listen to and understand a mystery story write about your day yesterday say when you were somewhere « talk about shopping «© read short articles anc match them to the correct information « listen to a story and correct sentences Asong 40 A summer holiday nL er ene Units 11 and 12 a ee Free-timo activities aa Great Mysteries of tne World: Flight 19 So 's the hamework Copy the sentences. Look at the board, Get talking t & © Match the greetings to the correct picture. Write the number. Then listen and write the expressions under the pictures. LD 6ood evening CO. 600d night, Mum, C2 Good morning, Mrs Jones. O Good afternoon, Luke. CO Goodbye, Mum. CO) Goodbye, Luke C2 Good morning, Luke. OO Hi, Luke. LO Good afternoon, Mrs Jones, CO Hello, Jenny. CO Good night, Luke Get talking & ©) Listen and repeat the dialogues. Shireen Hi, May. How are you? Ahmed Hello, Luke. How are you? May Hello, Shireen. I'm fine. Luke —_I'mfine, How are you, Anmed? And you? Ahmed I'm fine, thanks. Shireen Great, thanks. & ©) Listen and complete the dialogues. Dialogue 1 Helga Hi, Jan. HOW '..... YOU? dan Hello, Helga. ?..... fine, thanks. And you? Helga Great, thanks. Dialogue 2 Abi Hi, José®......... are you? José _|'m fine, thanks, Abi. And cscs? Abi I'm 0K, thanks. ()) Now practise the dialogues with a partner. 8 Vocabulary Numbers & @ Listen and write the numbers. oa 12 3 seventeen twelve one ‘twe, three fifteen = 9 nine ten sixteen & © Listen and complete. Sonia Jackie Sonia Jackie What's your name? I'm Jackie. How old are you? tm! 4567 four five seven eleven thirteen fourteen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one Sonia Oh, I'm’. What's his name? dackie Mike Sonia How old is he? dackie He's ® Gettalking Asking about age Look at the photos and the names and ages. Close your books and ask and answer with a partner. ‘A How old is Mike? B He's 12. A That's right. / That’s wrong ~ he's STARTER SECTION Subject pronouns singular liam Hi 'mLiem Mrs Wade How old are you Liam? liam I'm 10. ave Mrs Wade And your friends? = Liam Kylie. She's 11. Connor. He's 10. ‘Mrs Wade And your pet? Liam ——Mytortoise? It's 135! @ How cto you say these words in your language? 11 3 He. 5 it 2 You 4 She © Write the correct pronoun, Present simple of be Singular, positive © Use the dialogue above to complete the table. fi You're 10. He’. 10. She’ it! © Rewrite the sentences. Use the short form. 1 1am Spanish. ....L’x.Seanish. 4 He is scared. 2 She is nice. ee 5 You are friendly. 3 itis late. © Complete the sentences with the correct short form. a. a. © 1 Hello. | 2 It... adog 3 Mark is my 4 This is Nadia. 5 Hello, Tom! Fergus. friend. He..... 13. She... nice! You... late! STARTER SECTION 9 Possessive aliectives My name's Nadia Her name's Bess What's its job? What's your name? What's his name? © Use the grammar box above to complete the table. Subject pronoun \ you he she it Possessive adjective ‘my... % ® Complete the sentences. Use my, your, his or her. fame? 3 name's Jennifer Lopez. 4 name's José. (© Girete the correct word. 1 Hi, 1/ myname is Kelvin 4 Dawnis she / her friend. 2 She/ Heris 15, 5 He/ Hisis friendly. 3 What's you / your name? 6 //Myam scared. (} Match the questions and the answers. 1 What's your name? A tm 10. 2 How old are you? B_ My favourite teacher is Mr Glass. 3. Who is your favourite teacher? Myname’s Liz 4. Who is your best friend? D_ My best friend is Cheri 5 How old is your best friend? E She's 10. (D) Write your own answers to the questions in Exercise 9. Then ask and answer with a partner. 10 STARTER SECTIO listening & ©) Listen and write the numbers. Then write the correct word under the pictures. ice cream hamburgers hot dogs apples pizza & ©) listen and repeat. Then practise other dialogues with a partner. Speaking Listening & ©) Listen to the interview and complete the dialogue. Interviewer What's | name? Girl Kirsty. Interviewer Where are’ from? Girl tim from London, Interviewer How old *. you? Girl I'm thirteen. Interviewer What's“ favourite food? Girt Hamburgers. Interviewer What's * favourite number? Girl x seven. STAR SECTION "W Reading © Near and complete. Hello, I'm Anna and | come from Budapest, in Hungary. I'm 15 years old Hi, my name's Michael and I'm from Manchester. 'm 14. My dog’s name is Leo and my cat's name is Suzy. They're nice. My favourite food is fruit and my favourite number is 10. 1 Michael. is 14 2 is 15. 3 Michael is from 4 is from Hungary. Listening & © Listen and complete the table. Alice Ben Karen Christopher Hannah Daniel 12 STARTER SECTION and 15 is my favourite number! My favourite food is chicken - it’s great! My pets are Peter, my hamster, and Piri, my dog. 5 Michael's favourite is 10. 6 Anna's favourite food is 7 leoisa 8 Pelerisa Favourite Favourite City Age "food number York 12 pizza 0 pe : ASong 4U Aiphabet Stars & © Listen and sing. = iyeah, weve got the Aphabet Stars E. * 7 MAN M.N OY, | let's move ahead) M.NO, lets go, lets £0. 1,B,A,B,6, yo, 4.8, Gis easy for me, Byes, Qand R, 0, yes, E and F, 0, E, Fis easy forvefft | °. QR. yes. you! ‘ra a star. L yeah, come on, he, Ie § 1,8, 1 it easy, ys its 20 for Se. Nv it’s uh, now its ¥, let me try t 4 yes, and Ld Lit easy to spel V that’s so easy fr mel Ghorus (x2) Ghorus (x 4) We are the Alphabet Stars, yes W,Xand Y and, Alphabet Stars, CR tats woe we are | Tha’ the A. 8 Pp | | coneonnn snow aha, id x Come on, yo, let's move ahead, F Yeah, come on, l's move ahead Sounds right The alphabet 5 & @ Listen and repeat. Which four letters are missing? eZoc A B F Q ly Gettalking Spelling in / & @© a@ Listen and repeat. 1 teacher 2 computer 3 player 4 under 5 number 6 colour é b Listen and repeat. 1 Why is the teacher under the desk? 2. What colour is the teacher’s computer? UNIT2 35 © Work with a partner. Student A hides an object. Student B guesses where it is. Where's my pen? Is it in your rucksack? No, it isn't Is it in your dictionary? No, it isn't. Is it under your pencil case? Yes, itis. pereree LCT US UTAH COIL eo Read Nadia’s text about her messy desk. Write a similar text. My desk is really messy! My pen is in my dictionary. My pencil case is on my rucksack, and my pencils are on the rucksack, too. My English book is behind the computer. My ruler is in my English book. My cat is on the computer. Where is my red pen? No idea! This is for you, (),A beautiful collar! se Uy | pair _Check your progress.unils Lani2 @ Write the classroom objects. - 4 cD 5 d_ 6c tow ants 3 bL ca @ Complete the questions. 1 you bored? 2 .. your pen on your desk? 3 nnn Robbie Wiliams from London? 4 Sue and John happy? 5 your mother Italian? 6 the Maths test tomorrow? CI Match the answers to the questions from Exercise 2, No, she's from Poland Yes, | am No, he isn't No, it's on Tuesday. Yes, itis. Yes, they are, Reorder the dialogue. I'm nervous. Hi, Lucy. How are you? Because tomorrow is the Maths test. Why not? What's the matter? I'm not very happy. Why are you nervous? on Complete the questions and answers. 1 colour is your English book? 2 is your favourite actor? 3 oo isyour house? 4 is your Maths teacher? 5 isthe capital of England? © Write sentences in the negative form. 1 I'm English 2. They are hungry. 3 It's very hot today. 4 My teachers are friendly 5 Hamburgers are my favourite food. 6 We're from Liverpool. om Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective 1 That is Sarah. This is dog. 2. Hi, we're David and Tom. This is house. They are students. That's Hi, Tom! Is that... 408? 5 A We're from France. B What are names? 3 school 4 Co Translate these phrases into your own language. 1 Don't sit there. 2 Open the window. 3. Don't be sad 4 Look there. 5. Don't be angry. UNIT 2 37 The United Kingdom @ Match the descriptions to the correct picture then write the name of the city. 1 Hi, my name's Emma, I'm from Itis the capital city of Scotland. My favourite place is the castle. 2. Hi, my name's Jake. 'm from , a Roman city in the north of England. There is a famous cathedral here. 3. Hello, 'm Melissa. 'm from. inthe south of England, near the sea. My favourite place here is the pier. Aion 4 Hello, I'm David. I'm from ‘the capital of Wales, My favourite place is the rugby stadium, Rugby is a popular oa sport in Wales. FACT FILE Gwaysex Thames LONDON a. TARDE CcouNTRIES Lanouaces: ighton coe England, Scotland, English, Welsh : Wales and Worhern —Gaeiand irish Ireland POPULATION 59, 247, 000 & © listen and complete the table. | [ENGLAND | SCOTLAND Belfast —_ The Bann The Thames | The Tweed Ben Nevis “Windermere * i Loch Ness a Swansea T UNIT 2 Sunday mornings They're hungry! ‘Make breakfast, = \—| ‘Come on! She's hot. Open the window. 4 Come on! She's cold. Close the It's OK — tomorrow is Monday! Sunday morning! I'm really tired! Nadi Kate Steve You learn Ther possessive ‘s ‘words for furniture adjectives rooms in the house and then you can describe rooms and furniture 40 What's your new bedroom like, Kate? It's not very big. But it's really nice! Are there any good posters? Yes, a Coldplay poster and Coldplay? Who are they? Oh, come on, Jack! They're really famous! And there's a nice big wardrobe too. Is there a bookshelf? Yes, there is. It's next to the bed. It's small, but there aren't a lot of books in my room! Is there a light for reading in bed? No, there isn't, What else is there? Well - there are blue curtains, two blue chairs and a desk. On the desk there’s a Computer? Yes, and there's a DVD player in it! Great! Can we watch some DVDs at your place? Sure. Let's get Steve's Coldplay DVDs! OK! © Rereau the dialogue and answer Yes or No to the questions. 1 Is Kate's new bedroom big?..\Ve:. 5 Is there a Coldplay poster in her room? 2 Are Coldplay famous? 6 Is there a wardrobe in her room? 3. Is Kate's bookshelf big? 7 Are there a lot of books in her room? 4 Are her curtains green? 8 Is there a DVD player in her computer? Get talking Describing things © Find the opposites. Ne CS ee Vocabulary Furniture & @ Listen and write the numbers. gee? O bed OO sofa Oi stereo CO washbasin Se bath eis CO cooker Co fridge Cl werdrobe C] desk [] armchair Cl cupboard 1] table ow 1 curtains @ book at the house then close your books and say what Is in each room. In the living room, there’s a television, and ant — oe 42 UNITS There is/are @ _ Look at the dialogue on page 40 and complete the table, curtains, “curtains. Complete the sentences with There’s or There are. 1. There's... a desk in my room. 2 green curtains in his room. 3 a ham sandwich on the table 4 a book on the floor. 5 six children in the room 6 nice posters in our classroom. 7 a cat on my bed! 8 twenty-two children in my class. Complete with the correct form of there is or there are. 1 ..Js.there....a TV in your room? No, 2 in the garage? ‘Yes, 3 two beds in your room? No, 4 a sofa in your living room? No, 5 a lot of books in your bedroom? Yes, 6 a hall in your house? ‘Yes, 7 a lot of sandwiches in the kitchen? No, 8 twenty-two desks in your classroom? Yes, Negative | Questions | i There isn'ta | * a | Yes, ® wardrobe. _| bookshelf? oe There aren't |‘ any | good posters? 3° = Yes, there are, Get talking Describing rooms and furniture Listen. Which rooms are the people in? Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Read the desc In my ideal room, there’s a big bed and there are yellow curtains. Yellow is my favourite colour. There are lots of posters of pop stars and horses. There's a nice desk. On the desk, there’sa computer with a big screen. There are two chairs and there are lots of shelves for my books and CDs. There is also a good stereo. UNIT 3 wre three more errors. Find them. © is is Steve's picture of Nadia’s ideal room. Th = Number 1: the bed is small Ll 4 © Read the sentences and tick the correct | column. Is the 6a possessive or the short = form of is? | Possessive is 1. Where are Steve's DVDs? oo F 2 He's in the house oo § 3. They're Nadia's things. iyi } 4 Who's she? ee 5 The teacher's new. oo 6 Where are the teacher's books? [] [] (D Rewrite the sentences. Replace the possessive adjectives with a name. It's her desk. (Kate) It’s Kate's desk. They're his books. (Steve) It's her room. (Nadia) Where's his pen? (Jack) Pizza is her favourite food. (Sally) Nigella’s pizza. (This is Nigella. This is her pizza.) What is his favourite colour? (Steve) 44 UNITS ing & @ Listen to the advert for the 200. Number the sentences in the correct order. pies s paygroun {ur ig us on oa POST oes sda , 45 Reading © Read the text. The Lake District National Park, eee ac Rn) PM eu Ma ene aea eon Pee Cae oe TOS Merete ures Daisy, Harriet, Dean, and Tom are on a school trip in the Lake District. They are at a campsite. Tom Help! Dean —_ What's the matter? Tom There's a monster in the forest. A monster with six eyes. Dean What? Tom _There's a monster with six eyes. Dean _|'m tired. Tell Daisy. Tom Daisy! Daisy! Daisy What's the matter? Tom There's a monster in the forest. A monster with six eyes. Daisy What? Tom There's a monster with six eyes. Daisy Tom, please. I'm tired. Tell Harriet. Tom Harriet! Harriet! Harriet What's the matter? Tom There's a monster in the forest. A monster with six eyes. Harriet What? Tom There's a monster with six eyes in the forest. Harriet OK, OK. Where's my torch? Harriet Where? : Tom Over there! A monster with six eyes. Harriet Ah, Tom — What is it? Harriet That's the monster! It's lovely. Three little owls in a tree. 46 UNITS © Who says what? There's a monster It’s lovely, ) with six eyes! 'm tired, Tell Harriet. 1 2 3 Speaking @© Work with a partner. Complete the dialogue with the phrases helow then repeat it. at else is there? Is there a bookshelf? No, there isn’t. What's your new bedroom lil Nadia Kate Well, it’s not very big Jack = * Kate Yes, there is. It’s small, but that’s OK. Nadia Is there a light for reading in bed? Kate * Steve « Kate — Well, there are blue curtains and two blue chairs. There's a desk, and on it there's a computer. ‘Writing for your Portfolio © describe your ideal room. In my ideal room there is «+ There are... + What is sleep? Sleep is the body's natural ‘pause button’. During sleep, the muscles relax. Breathing gets slow. The heartbeat gets slow. The brain works differently too, Why do we sleep? Scientists aren't sure. But they are sure that sleep is very important for the brain and the body. The different stages of sleep — Human (35-year-old) 8 Read the text. Write the stages of sleep in the correct place on the graph. Humans sleep in cycles : REM sleep of about 90-120 minutes. REM means ‘rapid eye movement’. This is because the eyes . E 2 There are two types of ime very endo sleep: non:-REM (four ‘The first rapid eye movement (REM) phase starts about 70 to stages) and REM sleep. | 9 minutes after @ person falls asleep, People have between three and five REM phases a night. They are not awake but the ‘Stageone brain is awake and active, People dream during REM sleep but During this stage of sleep, you are not really asleep, The bady slows, the muscles relax. It is easy the body cannot move. That stops people ‘acting’ their dreams. to wake up from this type Sleep Stage —> of sleep. d Stage two After ton minutes of light = sleep, you start ‘true sleep’ This lasts about 20 minutes. People | EBBESr SSRUB=T eEsce PaAEer SOSRBE VSRESED ISEBBETSESEEC | breathe more slowly, the four) 92 3 4 BGT heart beats more slowly. Most sleep in the night is ‘rue sleep’, inne | Proating enti Stage three There is some muscle FACT FILE Breathing and heartbeat activity tis dificult to are very slow now, wake up from this sleep. eicuatconebont 1-10 bouts ‘© Human babies slep about 18 hours a doy. : ‘id poople sleep only 5-8 hours a night. ‘© Some animals sleep during @ Answer the questions. the day Iya stve 1 How many non-REM stages of sleep are there? tae te © ther animals (ike the 2 When is the heartbeat at its slowest Woe citrate tay 3. How many sleep cycles do people have each night? AGE Yor 3-4 montho diring 4 What part of the body moves when a person dreams? the winter. UNIT 3 Most animals sleep in cycles of non-REM and REM sleep. But not all animals sleep the same number of hours. What is important for animals is how safe they are when they are asleep. If an animal is in danger (for example, if other animals hunt it to eat) then it will sleep fewer hours. © Read the texts otow and match them to the correct photo. Write the correct letter in each photo. @ Leopards often sleep in trees. There they are safe fram lions. b Bats sleep for nearly 20 hours a day. Nearly four hours is REM sleep. © Giraffes sleep about 4.5 hours a day. They have about 30 minutes of REM sleep a night. d Lions sleep about 13.5 hours a day. They only get up to drink. They hunt during the night. @. Dolphins sleep for 10 hours a day, but only half of their brain is asleep. About 15 minutes is REM sleep, aes mele nee: | © Keep a steep diary for a weok. Make a note of: * what time you go to bed * how many times you wake up during the night * what time you wake up * ifyou sleep during the day (a siesta) * ifyou dream * how many hours you sleep a day in total © Arter a week, compare your sleep diaries in class, UNIT 3 Kate Nadia Kal Listen and read. Ive got some news. Oh? What? There's a new boy in my brother's class! Oh really? Yeah, he’s French, | think. Or Spanish, perhaps ~ I'm not sure; His name's Alain ‘Nain? Well, he's probably French. It's a French name. Is he good-looking? Yeah — he's tall, and he’s got fair hair and blue eyes. And he's 14 Nice! Has he got an accent? In thi: is unit You learn and then you can © have got © talk about ni © pa the article a/a describe people s of the bady talk about ries an possi nationalities Kate Nadia Kate Nadia Kate Nadia Yes, he has. it's great. | think foreign accents are really cool! Me too! Oh look! Is that him? Yes, it is ~ and he's with dennifer Parks! Never mind, Kate. Let's go to derry’s for an ice cream. They've got great ice cream there! Yeah, good idea. But | haven't got any money! That's OK, Kate. The ice creams are on me! © Correct the wrong information in each sentence. 1 There’s a new girl in Kate’s brother's ol bey, 2. The boy's name is Andre. 3. He's got green eyes. 4 He's short. 5 6 Alain is 15. Kate is happy that Alain's with Jennifer Parks, Vocabulary Countries and nationalities © Write the name of the country and the nationality in the correct place. Helsinki London — England / English Berlin Warsaw Paris Madrid Rome Athens & @ Listen and check. & @ Listen and repeat. Cerem oe ° oe @ ° Brazil China Britain The USA = Japan Austria Ireland Turkey Brazilian Chinese British American | Japanese Austrian Irish Turkish Gettalking Talking about nationality @© Ask and answer with a partner. ‘A Where's she from? ‘A Oh, she's Brazilian B She's from Brazil B That's right. UNIT4 51 2 webanguage Focus Vocabulary Parts of the body & @ Listen and write the numbers next to the words. hair ears head {J nose eyes: Se ACU mouth teeth ; {Li left shoulder right hand 1 left arm I fingers right leg right foot toes Sounds right /h/ | & © Listen and repeat. | 1 hand 2 happy 3 head = 4 hungry 5 hair 8 her 0 & @ | Patyourhands on your heaa 2 Ishe happy or hungry? Describing people © Work with a partner. Describe one of the pictures below and ask your partner which one it is. ‘A He's got short hair, biue eyes, and a big nose UNIT 4 __Grammar Look at the examples from the dialogue on page 50. Complete the table. I haven’t got any money. Has he got an accent? Yes, he has. He's got fair hair They've got great ice cream there! Positive Uyou/welthey _| have /”” got lng hair. He/she/it has /” big eyes. Negative Uyouwelthey | have not /* got [ng hair | Hershorit has not / hasn't big feet. Questions Short answers Positive Negative Have Vyou/welthey |. long hair? | Yes, lyou/we/they have, | No, I/you/we/they haven't. Sonam h@/sherit big eyes? _ | Yes, he/she/it ® No, he/she/it hasn't © Complete with ‘ve or ’s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 They.¥e.... got three cats. He. got a small nose. Sh@.sunun. Got green eyes, L ot long hair. We.onn. ota big dog You. got a nice accent. © write 1 2 3 ntences using the negative form. He's got a dog. He hasn't gota dog. Ive got long hair, Mum's got a new car. 4 We've got big house. Complete with the correct form of have got. Use the short form. 1 Myfriend’s......9et. three dogs 21 some news. 3 You. nice hair, 4 My dog. long ears. 5 They. good ice cream in that place. 6 She. a new DVD player. 7 He. a French accent. 8 My brother and | green eyes. 5. You've got an accent. 6 The cat's got blue eyes. Reorder the words and write questions. 1 cat / got/a/ have / you Haye you gota cat. 2 computer / got / she /has / a 3 eyes ‘he/ brown / got / has 4. they / black / got / hair / have 5 we/ got/a/ have / teacher / new UNIT 4 53 @© Write short answers. © Work with a partner. Ask and answer about people, animals and things. 1 Has he got a cat? Yes.he has. It's black and white. 2 Has she got black hair? it's brown. 3 Have they got an accent? 4 ~and it's very nice! 4 Have you got a new teacher? ~ she's great! 5 Have we got ice cream in the fridge? but we've got yoghurt Gettalking Talking about possessions @ Listen and complete. dy 1 A Have you got ' in your: eo 3 Foom © _ Look at the examples and complete B Yes, | have. ‘the rule. A What? are they? paces — B Theyre’. , [a__[ book | [an | apple a | car an jeye 2 A Have you got a ' ? a house ice cream B Yes, | have. a_[pen orange | A How? is she? a__| room umbrella | B She's’ She's got = | 4 ‘eyes and long hair. + Before a noun that starts with a } A What's her ®. 2 consonant use B Joanna + Before a noun that starts with a | vowel use *. 3A Have you gota‘ 2 B Yes, we have. ‘A Vihat'’s its ? © Compete with aor an. | B Blackie. - i rane isi? 1 Ive got ...@.», banana and an apple | ii : 2 Look! It’s black cat! B , of course. 4 A Hows is it? 3 There's armchair in my bedroom. B Um—* I think, 4 There's great ice cream place in town. 54 UNIT4 Listening & @ listen and write the correct name in the box. @ Xead the texts and match them to the correct picture. Look at the photos of teenagers of various nationalities (italian, English, German, French, Spanish and Finnish). ‘Try and guess the nationality of each one. D ‘A | think the girl in photo 5 is from Spain. Look ~ she's got black hair. B I think s0 too. ‘A | think the boy in photo 2 is from Germany, B laont ‘don't think so, | think he’s from Finland. Ing for your Portfolio © Read the text and describe yourself or your friend. My penfriend’s name is Alex. He's thirteen. He's Finnish. He’s from Helsinki. He's got fair hair and blue eyes. His favourite colours are blue and white. The Finnish flag is blue and white. Now ve got you! Check your progress. Units Sand 4 ce @ I which rooms can you find these things? | cooker, fridge wardrobe, bed armchair, TV washbasin, bath car, bicycle Circle the correct answer. 1 There is / are two English girls in my school 2 Is/ Are there a good film on tonight? 3. There isn't/ aren't a 200 in my town 4 There is are a lot of chairs in the classroom. 5 Is/ Are there blue curtains in your room? 8 There isn't/ aren'ta lot of people in the cinema. Om Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong one: There are three black dogs in the park. [_] Rome is a city beautiful. [_] There is two good actors in the film. (_] ‘Are there two new CDs in your bag? [_] There is six books under my desk. [_] cH Write P if the sis possessive or A if it is an abbreviation of is. John’s dogs are very friendly. Where's your school? Alison's not very happy today. My mother's in her bedroom. Susie's schoolbag is green and blue My cat's under the car. Op | Complete with the correct form of have got. 1 My brother anew skateboard. | 2 Maths homework tonight. 3 you a big house? 4 She long, brown hair. © Answer the questions. two sisters. anew OH 5 They 6 Myteacher motorbike. © Complete the table. Nationality Irish German Finnish @ Write the names for parts of the body. ysee gafire thoum hetet drehsluo sote 1 Haye you got a bicycle? 2. What colour hair have you got? 3 Has your teacher got a Brazilian accent? 4. Have your parents got a Japanese car? 5 What colour eyes have you got? UNIT4 57 @ Read the information about Sarah and complete the sentences with colours, Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm twelve years old. I'm at secondary school in year 8. It's a comprehensive school in the south of England. This is my school uniform I hate it Tyears old 11 years old The shirt is The skirt is The jumper is The jacket is @ 100k at the symbols and say which subject they are. o e e e Q @ aie Fb B90 hh OD GE o~ 0 O oO @ © bt SS ir EN @ & @ Listen anc complete Sarah’s timetable Time MONDAY TUESDAY _ WEDNESDAY THURSDAY _FRIDAY a0 REGISTRATION Cr ay Mee a as? English Chemistry oy Ferrara Cree me Te [nel cena te sey [as eee 11.15 | Geography | French [Phrscs Fendi German | nas LUNCH TIME eee a | | has | English PE. | Geoeraphy | | 230 | Maths [Pe Music Bas [uc [Pe Masi 00 HOME TIME E UNIT 4 Gorilla Frog Gorilla Frog Bear Frog Bear Frog Bear Frog Frog Frog Hi, How are you? Y'm fine, thanks, What's your namot Ym Freddy. I'm a wide-mouthed frog, and my favourite food is flies. What’s your name? I'm Gordon, I'm a gorilla, ‘My favourite food is bananas, Wall, nice to meet you! Bye, gorilla! Bye, frog! Hi, How are you? Tm fino, thanks. What's your name? T'm Freddy, I'm a wide-mouthed frog. My favourite food is flies. What's your name? Y'm Betty. I'ma bear. My favourite food is honey. ‘Woll, nice to meet you! Bye, bear! Bye, frog! Hi, How are you? Crocodile 1'm fine, thanks, What's your name? 1'm Freddy. I'm a wide-mouthed frog, My favourite food is flies What's your name? Crocodile I'm Carl. I'm a crocodile. My favourite food is ... wide-mouthed frogs! Oh no, oh no, oh no! Bye! For |\\{l) RE! Go to and do a quiz on this text, ) Listen and read. Nadia Hello. Can | have chicken and chips, please? Woman Of course, dear. Would you like cabbage, too? Nadia Um. Yes, please! Woman OK. Here you are. Nadia = Thanks. Jack — Cabbage? You never eat cabbage! Nadia That isn't true. | eat cabbage every week Well, almost every week. Jack —_| hate cabbage. My dad loves it. He eats it every Sunday. Woman And for you, dear? You learn Jack — Oh, sorry! Er, can | have fish, please? present simple With potatoes, silvarbs of fre Woman Would you like tomatoes? words for food Jack —_No thanks. Just potatoes. Oh, and a and then you can i make end reply to offers yoghurt too, please. and reque: Woman OK. Here you are. Nadia | hate yoghurt, but my mother loves it. She eats it every day. She always takes yoghurt to work with her. Weird! Oh? | eat it about four times a week. It’s good for you! @ Circle T (True) or F (False) for the sentences helow. Nadia wants chicken and chips. T/ F Nadia never eats cabbage. T/F Jack likes cabbage. T/ F Jack's father likes cabbage. T/ F Jack wants fish with tomatoes. T/ F Nadia hates yoghurt. T/ F © Reread the photostory and complete the dialogue. Nadia Hello. Can | have chicken and chips, please? Woman 0f course, dear. cabbage, too? Nadia Um. Yes,” ! Woman 0K.* Woman ‘ “ tomatoes? Jack No, * 30 - : S&S @ Listen and circle the correct word or expression. 1 A banana / apple 3 A sandwich / hamburger B Yes, please. / No, thanks. B Yes, please. / No, thanks, 2 A orange / apple 4 A ice cream / yoghurt B Yes, please. / No, thanks. B Yes, please. / No, thanks, Get talking Making and replying to polite offers @ Work with a partner. Ask and answer using the pictures below. (r= you like ¢.sandwich? Yes, (ess eas Hoste) 1 No, thanks. @- you like Yes, please. / No, thanks AF a= you like Yes, CYessese thanks) / No, thanks. (Ox you like Yes, (es, eose No thar) No, thanks. Do, Would you like 2 Yes, please. / No, thanks. oe Would you like Yes, Cee: lease. No rane) No, thanks, UNIT 5 61 we bANQUAGE FOCUS Vocabulary Food & @ Listen and write the numbers. > a C1 onions Ditea Oesg O rice 0 bread O fish i SF @ | wD Clonerries Cl ohicken Cl oranges. (] milk O potatoes C1) coffee C1 sausages —L] grapes O spinach O apples O carrots Tlorange juice @ Write the words trom Exercise 1 under the correct category. Drinks Vegetables Fruit + Meat ~—Others Sounds right Question intonation & @ Listen and repeat. 1 Can thave fish? 3 Can | have an apple? 2 Would you like a sandwich? 4 Would you like a banana? Get talking Polite requests e Work in pairs. Read the dialogue. Use the pictures to make different dialogues. Boy Can | have chicken and rice, please? Dinner lady Yes, of course. Here you are. 62 UNITS 8 from the dialogue ‘on page 60 to complete the table. | eat cabbage every week My dad loves it She eats it every day Uyou/we/they | love He/she/it i ioe cream. © Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 wateh / television /1 / on Sunday 2 homework / You / do / at home likes / My / spaghetti / mother 4 fish / eat / on Fridays / We 5. Shakira / to / He / listens on Monday / hate / school / They Notice the spellings. rd person singular Relax — My dad always relaxes after Sunday breakfast Kiss — She kisses her mum goodbye. Wash — He washes his bike on Saturdays, Do ~ Mary does the shopping Carry — Steve carries the shopping for his mum. Watch — Jenny watches DVDs every day. © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1 Mybrather always (iss) the bus! 2 She (relax) at the weekend 3 She (wash) her clothes on Saturdays, 4 Mike cw» (watch) the football on Sundays, 5 My mother (tidy) the house all the time. 8 Jenny (do) her homework in the evening Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. | deve... (love) chicken sandwiches. 1 2 Steve (like) ice cream. 3 Mybrother and | (hate) football 4 Her mother (take) her to school every day. 5. My father (teach) French at our school, 6 Sarah (go) to the cinema on Saturdays, 7 You (relax) at the weekend 8 They (eat) chicken on Sunday. Complete the sentences with the words below. ' DVDs on my computer. 2 We to school on Saturday mornings. 3. Kevin an apple after lunch 4 Jack a bus to the football stadium. 51 my brother to school. 6 Mysister TV every day. 7 They a lot of fish. 8 Hal ‘to the shopping centre on Saturday mornings UNITS 63 Adverbs of frequency © Read the examples and complete the rule. | often play football lam never late 4 Frequency adverbs usually go 7 ‘the main verb. + But they go”. the verb be. 100% | Lalways Tusually eat popcorn l f often at the L__[Tsometimes | cinema 0% | Tnever @ transiate the words into your own language rm Iways i usually | often sometimes 0% never © Feorder the words and write sentences. 1 never / is / my father / late My father is never late, 2 is/ Nadia / usually / hungry 3 often / am / nervous / | 4 goes / she / to the cinema / often 5 watches / sometimes / Jo / football on TV 6 usually / eat / breakfast /1/ at home 64 UNITS © Putthe adver @ talk about your favourite food. the correct place. i 1 1 Iwatch TV on Sunday. (always) My brother does his homework. (never) James and Sally are hungry. (usually) Our teacher is angry with us. (always) Nadia and Kate go to the cinema together. (sometimes) 6 You are late. (often) Tom never washes his dog! tea for breakfast soup for lunch milk. an egg for breakfast. We fish on Friday. 1 rige and curry. Hove chicken soup { never eat onions. | hate bananas. | often eat sausages. Skills Get talking Talking about what we eat @ Read and tick the correct answer. VVAL a 1 Wika. Atay 1: catanhure ae Hy, di .do) yout Hearse CAE Fines catemtunes or hot dogs. leat vegetables Ci every day. ( three times a week. (L] once a week. (LJ once a month [1] Inever eat vegetables. S leat fruit C1 every day (L] three times a week. Ci once week. C once a month. (7) never eat fruit. 2 ©. eat chocolate, ice cream or sweets Co every day. Ci three times a week, Cy once a week. (CJ once a month, (1 Inever eat sweets. @ Work in groups of 6-8 and talk about what you eat then tell the class. Two people in our group eat hamburgers or hot dogs three times a week UNITS 65 66 Reading @ Read the texts. @ © [ http:wwwe.kias Kids around the world “I'm Li, | live in Shanghei, in China. In my family we often eat rice and noodles. | ike noodles. We never eat cheese and we never drink milk We often eat vegetables, such as cabbage, spinach and carrots and we sometimes eat fish. My fether and my mother lke fish, but I never eat fish. | hate it. | lke fruit. My favourites are grapes, strawberries and oranges. Y ‘Vin Sunil | live in Delhi, in India. Our family often has curry for lunch. We always have rice or bread with our curries. And we often drink yoghurt drinks. My sister hates yoghurt. She never has yoghurt drinks. She likes fruit and usually drinks mango juice. We elways eat together at the same time. Li's family often eats rice and noodles. T / F Sunil’s sister In Li's family, they sometimes hat yoghurt drinks. T/ F Hi, 'm Jennifer, | live on Fraser Island, Australia In our family, we often eat fish for dinner. My dad loves fishing, And we elways have fruit: apples, bananas, kiwis, oranges, grapes and mangoes. | love mangoes. We never eat beef or pork. My mum end ded never buy it. We sometimes have curries. | love chicken ourry ircle T (True) or F (False) for the sentences below. vegetables. T/ F 1 2 3 In Jennifer's family, they sometimes eat fish. T/ F 4 Sunil’s family often has rice or bread with curry. T/ F 6 Jennifer likes UNITS mangoes very much. T/ F © Complete the dialogue with the words on the left. new Teacher hamburger, please? haven't Dinner lady Sorry, no hamburgers. Thank you Teacher OK. Can | have a hot dog, then? Can Ihave a Dinner lady Sorry, we’. Sot hot dogs. there is no Jack (to Nadia) is he * 2 Nadia Yes, he is. Jack Sorry, Sir, junk food here. Nadia But there's a °. place round the corner. Teacher Hmm. §. Bye! Jack Sir? Can | come with you, Sir? isten and cheok. UTC Man Tatra CCT @© Read the text and describe your eating habits. Talways have tea for breakfast. I sometimes have an egg. My little brother never eats e995 | He has milk, bread and butter. for lunch we often have salad. We sometimes have pizza. On Sundays we sometimes go to a restaurant Then I have beef, potatoes and carrots. My brother hates potatoes. He always has rice UNITS 67 Food from around the world The food people eat in different countries depends on many different factors. @ @ Look at the list below. What do you think are : 7 important factors? oY rae climate money national flag culture sport religion holidays b Now read the text and check your answers. People eat different food in different countries. Why? There are many reasons. The climate can play a role. Hot, sunny places often grow more fruit and vegetables. People’s religions and cultures are also importent. Some religions do not eat certain foods. People also travel more these days so they try food from different countries, Of course, how much money you have also counts. If you haven't got much money, you can't always buy the best food through English @ @ What food can you see in the photos? b What country do you think this food comes from? Compare your ideas with a partner. & @ book at the map. Write the numbers of the countries next to the names. Listen and check. D Brazit Egypt CO the usa Cichina = LJ Ecuador [J Italy UNIT 5 & @ Listen to the diatogue ana draw the symbols on the map. goo ee 8 & & chicken rice pasta oranges bananas. ~—_ potatoes International trade Food is a necessity. We all need to eat. But food is also an important commodity for many countries. Countries can sell (export) their food to other countries or buy import) food from other countries. © Fead the sentences. Which of the countries in Exercise 5 are they about? 1 The capital city is Quito. People speak Spanish here. This country exports a lot of bananas and shrimps. The capital city is Brasilia, People speak Portuguese here. This country produces and exports a lot of coffee, sugar and soya. The capital city is Rome. This country produces a lot of olive oil and pasta. Mini-project ‘Tomorrow make a list of the food you eat. Find out where It came from. Write short texts like those in Exercise 5 about some of the countries. Then test your friends. cere) 4 The capital city is Cairo. People speak Arabic here. This country produces fresh fruit and vegetables. 5. The capital city is Washington DC. People speak English here. This country produces a lot of wheat and rice. It is famous for fast food. 6 The capital city is Beijing. This country has the biggest population in the world. People eat a lot of fish and rice. You learn pre questions) object pronouns rds for daily activities and then you can ask and tell talk about r 82 70 ent simpl atives and listen and read. Nadia Hi, Kate. Would you like a orisp? Kate No, thanks. | don't like them, Nadia Oh dear! What's the matter with you today? I'm bored. My life’s the same every day. | get up at seven o'clock, | have breakfast, | go to school, | have a boring lunch, | go home, | do my homework, then | have dinner, | listen to music and | go to bed at half past ten. The next day, | get up and do it again! Nadia So what? What's the problem? It's the same for me Kate Kate t's boring, boring, boring! | never go to interesting places. My parents don't understand me. And that good-looking boy Alain doesn't like me! Nadia Hold on, Kate! Think about the good things in your life, like the French test tomorrow, Kate Ha, ha! Do you know any good jokes? Oh, what's the time? Nadia It's ten to six. Why? Kate There's a great programme on TV at six o'clock. Do you want to wateh it with me Nadia OK. But | hope it isn’t boring! @ Circle the correct answer. Kate is bored / happy Kate gets up at 6.00/ 7.00 She goes to bed at 10.15/ 10.30 Kate's parents understand / don't understand her. There's a French /esson / test at school tomorrow. Gettalking Asking and telling the time & @ Listen and read. Wi It's five past three. lt’s half past three. It’s twenty-five to four. It’s twenty to four. it’s @ quarter to four. It's ten to four. It's five to four. @© Work with a partner. Cover a clock from Exercise 5 and ask and answer about the time. /| UNIT 6 n _ Lan ss Se wateh TV play football ‘g0-shopping listen to music take the dog for friends play computer games read @ book play the piano surf the Net OTs a rear Vocabulary Daily activities @ Listen ana write the phrases under the correct pictures. Get talking Talking about routines @ Listen and tick the activities Ben and Lisa do. Lisa BEN CO take the dog for a walk Chang out with friends CO do homework C. play computer games CO play football C do homework CO surf the Net CO read a book O £0 roller skating C go roller skating Ui listen to music CA go shopping D waten tv O listen to music © Work in pairs. Talk about your day. Grammar Present simple Negative Present simple Questions and short answers Look at the dialogue on page 70 and complete the table. © _ Look at the dialogue on page 70 and “J complete the tabl Vyou/welthey | like them. Questions He/she/it 1 liyoulwe/they | get up at 6? | Does | he/shelit ene 9 o'clock? @© ewrite the sentences using the negative form. 1 | like tomatoes. Positive |” o I.don't like tomatoes. ie Yes, he/she/it does, 2 He hates football Negative | No. I/you/we/they don’t L _| No, he/she/it doesn’t. 3 We know the answer 4. You tell good jokes, © Write questions and short answers. 1 he / play football? (7) ene te Does he play football > Yes,he does. 2 they / watch TV on Fridays? (X) 6 My brother watches TV every day. 7 Nadia goes shopping on Fridays. 8 Our teacher does homework. 3 you / eat fruit? (7) © Write the negative form of the verb to 4 she / go shopping at the weekend? (¥) complete the sentences. don't speak eee 5. Steve and Nadia / speak italian? (X) 2 We ‘meat on Fridays. (eat) . 3 My father ice cream. ue 6 you / like romantic films? (x) 4 They 1V at the weekend. : (watch) ~ 5 Im sorry-I (understand) 6 Steve the Net. (surf) 7 She the answer. (know) 8 Adrian and Mary ina big house. (live) UNIT6 73 Gettalking Talking about daily routines @ listen to the interview with Niok and 35 Melanie. Draw the times they do each activity on the clocks below. 74 UNIT Use the words below to complete the table. him them us me her you it | Object pronouns Subject pronoun © Circte the correct object pronoun to complete the sentences. 1. This is Mark. Do you know him / her ? 2 They are Chinese. | speak to them / it every day. 3 That's my house. Do you like it/ her? 4 im Maria. Talk to me / him 5 We are Spanish but my English friend lives with us / them © Compiete with the correct object pronoun, 1. This is my new computer. Do you like 2 There's Steve. Let's talk to 3. We play football every Sunday. Come and play with ! 4. Jennifer Aniston's on TV. Do you like > 5 go to bed at 10~ please phone before then. Skills @ Read the text. Hi, I’m Christina. | live on a farm in Texas. I get up at half past seven. ‘At a quarter to eight, T go and feed cages my horse. Ata quarter past eight, [have (tristina os a family. At twenty to and nine, my mother takes uresh me to school by car. School starts at nine o'clock. School ends at four otlock. My mother picks me up and then we often go shopping. When I come home, I ride my horse for an hour. Then I do my homework or watch TV. Our family has dinner at half past seven. Then I phone my friends or work on my computer. Before I go to sleep, I read for halfan hour, I go to bed at ten o'clock or half Tick the correct times for the activities. 1 Christina gets up at LED OG) 3 2 Suresh gets up at TODD At Christina has breakfast. EEDA UED At Suresh cooks breakfast. ri ote) off) Tm Suresh. | live with my mother in a village in In The big city is six hours away by bus. My mother and I get up at five o'clock in the morning. My mother goes out to cut grass for our water buffalos. I go and get water from the river, Atsix o'clock, I cook breakfast for my baby brother and for my mother. At half past six, [ leave for school. 1 walk to school from half past six to eight otlock. School begins at eight o'clock and ends at half past two. I walk home and then I go out to cut grass for the buffalos. Then I clean the buffalo shed. We go to bed early, very often at half past eight or nine o'clock. 5 At uo.» Christina goes to schoo! iG) OED OD 6 Suresh leaves for school at a ae b Cc 7 Christina's family has dinner at a GR > c > ‘Suresh’s school ends at a gy > ge OA Wel UNIT 6 15 Asong4u The master of time “ook a : i quarter & @ Liston and compete then sing. half past 3) twelve The master of time! One to three, rock with me clock (x 2) : at past \ 1'm the master, the this is too fast. \ ‘master of time. (x 2) 5 ten, ~ and this is whon ia TThear a knock my good old § tho mastor of timo, (x2) Chorus and here's my rhyme. i ton, and this is when six a“ \ hear a knock my good old let's play some rock : 2) Ten past eight — oh, dear, One last hap, we have to stop tm late 2 three, Chorus (x1) slap your knee. From to one, Listen, fm the master of time, let's have some fun the master of time and here, my friend, ea is the end, of my ehyme, my rhyme. 'm the master, Oh, yeah, baby! the master of time (x 2) ee if | nt and descr ibe your day. | 5 vende A day in the life of Sarah Brown I get up at seven. 1 have breakfast at a quarter past seven. 1 ge to school at a quarter to eight. Our school starts at eight o'clock and it ends at half past twelve. In the afterngon, I play with my friends, I read or I listen to music. Then | do my homework, Toften watch TV from six to eight: At nine o'clock I go to bed. 76 UNITS wGheck your progress. Units 52nd 6s @ Write two words for each category. 1 vegetables 2 drinks 3 fruit 4 meat co @© Put the sentences in order to form a dialogue. I'd like a steak, please. What would you like to eat? No, thanks. | don’t like them. Can | have potatoes? Of course. Would you like carrots, too? What vegetables would you like? @ Tick the correct sentences and correct ‘the wrong ones. 1 Leat fruit never. [] 2. They always go to bed at 10 o'clock. [|] 3. My teacher often is late for class. 4 We sometimes go to the cinema with vack. [) 5 He watches usually TV after dinner. (] O8 @© Rewrite the sentences using the negative form. 1 1 go to the gym every day. 2 Sue and Belinda like ice cream, 3. Nadia wants chicken and chips. 4 My mother drinks a lot of tea 5 School finishes at 4 o'clock. @ Match the words. 1 play ‘a shopping 2 listen b for a walk 3 hang out ca book 4 g0 d_ to music 5 read ew 6 watch f the piano 7 takethedog with friends Oa Complete the dialogues with object pronouns. 1A Do you want to watch Big Brother tonight? No, thanks. | don't like Would you like to talk to Charles? Yes, | would. Let's phone Are you at home tonight? Yes, Phone at 9 o'clock. Why haven't you got dogs at your house? Because we don't like Oa eroroes @ Answer the questions. 1 What time do you get up? 2 When does your school begin? 3. Do you go to schoo! by bus? Do you have homework every day? Do you play football after school? Oo {TOTAL SO) My progress so far‘is ... io 1010 UNITS 77 a @ Match the countries to the correct bo languages. a = 1 France a =) 2 Iran b Vietnamese So 3 Turkey © Greek ~ 4 Brazil & Portugal | d Albanian 3 5 India e French So 6 Vietnam f Turkish oO T Spain & Mexico & Farsi wo 8 Egypt h Arabic: 9 Albania i Portuguese 10 Greece J. Hindi & English @ Fear the texts and answer the questions. Nuit Gursharan Singh vations Indian Howe London In London today, Bhangra is very popular. Bhangra is a new trend in dance music but itis originally a folk dance from Punjab in India. Modern Bhangra is a mixture of hip: hop, reggae, house, and drumand-bass. My favourite artsis are Missy Flot, Jay Sean and Panjabi MC. 1 What sort of music is Bhangra? 2 What is Turkish pop music like? 60 Manuel is from ' is salsa. Salsa‘ and it has got a strong dance beat. His * Salsa music and dance are very popular. UNIT 6 favourite music. but his family is from ina salsa band. There are a lot of salsa * FACT FILE FOCUS ON LONDON Haringey is district in London. It has got 67 primary schools and 22 secondary schools, Pupils in Haringey are from countries all over the warld They speak 190 different languages Languages English Turkish Bengali French Albanian Arable Portuguese Farsi Urdu Greek Spanish Vietnamese varionauty Turkish 5 ont London | Turkish pop music is big in the Turkish community here. thas got a different sound from other European pop music's a misture ‘of Eastern and Western music. My favourite pop singer is Tarkan. He's very good-looking! Refet el Roman, Sertab Erener and Askin Nur Yengi are good singers too ‘unt Leynep Aksu See 3. Where is Bhangra from originally? 4 Who is Tarkan? isten to the interview and complete the text. Name Manuel Bautista Nationality Mexican Home London His favourite popular in London. It is musician is his dad. He is a in London Interview a partner and write a paragraph about their REY And now you can watch is at home. The telephone rings. Detective Case leaves his . 7 house. He looks for Pepper. world's best dete OSS) PTR Perhaps Pepper is under the bridge. This is Ple: dy Gr the bridge. Pepper isn’t there. Case falls into the river. Detective Case goes to the park. He looks for Pepper — but he bumps into a tree. OK. Perhaps Pepper is in the woods Detective Case goes to the woods. He looks for Pepper, but he sees ~ a wolf! climbs a tree and sits in it. He watches the wolf. He's very scared. and he sees Pepper! Detective Case is very happy. He picks Pepper up and phones Lady Grey See For Hy) Go to to check the ending of the story. Do a quiz on this text. You learn and then you can demonstrative adjectives and pronouns talk about prices countable and uncountable nouns How much2tHow many? somejany words for clothes Jack Nadia Kate Nadia . Kate x Steve XN Nadia : \ Jack @ Listen and read. talk about clothes This is boring! Jack, there’s a party tonight and | want some new clothes Do you like this top? No, not really. But that top’s nice. How much is it? Let's see. It's .. 612.99. That's expensive, How much money have you got, Nadia? £25. My granny always gives me some money for my birthday. Lucky you! | haven't got a rich granny! 80 \UNIT 7 = > i | Kate Look Nadia ~ these trousers are nice. Oh, there's no price on them, Nadia Excuse me ~ how much are those trousers? Assistant They're £29.99 Nadia Thanks. Oh dear, I've only got £25! Steve Don't worry, | can lend you £5, Nadia Thanks, Steve! Excuse me ~ can | try these trousers on, please? Assistant Sure. The changing rooms are over there Steve Come on, Jack I'm hungry. Let's go and buy some food. Oh no! Now I haven't got any money! © Correct the wrong information in each sentence. There's a football-matoh tonight. party. Kate wants some new olothes. The top is £12.50. Nadia’s got £50. Nadia's mother gives her money on her birthday. The trousers are £19.99. Get talking Talking about prices S&S @ Listen and repeat. £28 $30 47 «£52 £65 $73 £81 €99 £100 eo Guess the prices of the objects then listen and read. a (ee pera | 88] pase] se] [eco] key-ring is * 99p 1 Pans Feiss | [esa | think the mobile phone is. | think the sweets are. &} @ listen to the diatogues in the shop and practise them in p Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Boy — How much are the trainers? Shop assistant Yes, please? Shop assistant They're £29.99 Girl How much is the DVD? There's Boy And the T-shirt? no price on it Shop assistant It's £6.99, Or two for Shop assistant They're all £12.99. £9.99. Girl Thank you. Boy — Thank you UNIT 7 81 Vocabulary Clothes & @ 00k, listen and repeat. © Work with a partner. Close your books and ask and answer questions about the colour of the clothes in the picture. Gettalking Talking about clothes © Interview a partner. Coren) Do you buy your own clathes? Cole) | Do you wear T-shirts with pictures on? Do you weer jans with les? Ca, How many pairs of shoes have you got? 82 UNIT7 Demonstrative adjectives and @ __ Reaa the dialogue on page 80 and complete the sentences. Do you like vw top? ae ¥ a, nice. cou tROUSERS b> are nice How much are ees $c {ROUSETS. @© Complete with this, that, these, or those. 2 Look at the shop. 4 How much are cherries? Look at the examples and choose the correct option to complete the rule. Countable: boys, houses, trousers, tops. Uncountable: money, food, ham. (NOT: ‘moneys, fonds, hams) 4% We do/ do not add on sto uncountable nouns to make them plural. © Write U next to the uncountable nouns and € next to the countable ones. 1 money .¥. 5 man 2 book ¢. 6 bread 3 cheese 7 water 4 sandwich 8 homework How much?/How many? Read the examples and complete the rule with How much and How many. How much money have you got? How many T-shirts have you got? We use ' with countable nouns. HE We U8 ®,..nn With uncountable nouns, Gircle the correct word. 1 How much / many books have you got? 2 How much | many food is there in the fridge? 3 How much | many children are in your class? 4 How much | many water do you drink every day? How much / many sandwiches do you want? How much J many apple juice would you like? How much / many money have you got? How much / many pairs of shoes has she got? UNIT 7 83 84 some/any © Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 2 UNIT 7 Look at the examples and complete the rules with some or any. | haven't got any nice clothes. Have you got any money? She always gives me some money. | want some new trousers, % With uncountable and countable plural nouns: use! in positive sentences. USE Paeononnnnns iN negative sentences. use * in questions. Id like... 5ome..... water, please. Are there bananas in the kitchen? We haven't got food in the house! Our mother often gives us money at the weekend. There are great DVDs in that shop. Have you got good games on your computer? There's apple juice on the table. I've got homework to do tonight. © Write some, any, much or many. Then ax listen and check. os 1 A Have you got brothers or sisters? B No, | haven't. 2 A How money is there? B £22. 3 A How CDs have you got? B 60, | think. 4A What would you like in your tea? B sugar please, but no milk. 5 A | would like chicken. And you? B No, thanks. | don't want chicken. 6 A How children are there in your class? B There are 16 girls, and 12 boys. listening ® id the dialogue then act it out Can | help you? Yes, please. I'd like some running shoes, How much are these shoes here? Assistant They aren't for running. They're for Boy basketball Alright. What about those green shoes over there? Assistant I'm sorry. They're for volleyball Boy And those blue shoes in the box over there? Assistant They're for cycling Boy Right. Where are the shoes for running? Assistant Well, these shoes are for running Boy in the woods, and those shoes there are Alright, Stop it, please! I'd like a Tshirt Assistant For basketball? For volleyball? Boy For football? This Tshirt is for basketball. And that T-shirt over there is for beach volleyball. And that blue T-shirt is for running. What would you like? I like to go home now. And watch the sport on TV! Goodbye, ii ag Listening & @ listen and circte 1 (true) or F (False). The man and the woman buy some cheese. T/ F They buy two hundred grammes. T / F They buy four slices of meat. T / F They also buy some bottles of carrot juice. T/ F They don't buy any bottles of apple juice. T/ F The man and the woman haven't got a fridge. T/ F Complete the dialogue with the expressions on the left. Man Good morning Shopkeeper * Shopkeeper Good morning. Man Four. Man Shopkeeper Anything else? Anything else? cheddar cheese, please. Man ‘Some orange juice, I'd like some Shopkeeper * please. How many? Man A hundred grammes. Shopkeeper * How much? Shopkeeper OK,a hundred grammes Man Six of cheese. ° Shopkeeper Anyiiuig else? Man No, thank you. Man 11d also like some eggs. Sneaking © Work in groups of three. You are at the market and want to buy some of these products: sausages, oranges, apples, strawberries, grapes, onions, tomatoes, bread and cheese. rans il UNIT? 85 86 @ ‘Next, I'd like some potatoes.’ @© Read the story. ¢ rides into town on his horse Jolly. Today J he wants to buy a lot of things for the winter. ‘There’s only one shop in town. It’s Old Fred's shop. Joe goes into the shop. Fred says, ‘Hi, Joe! Good to see you, ‘What can I do for you today?” | ‘Hi, Fred,’ says Joe, ‘Well, first, | Td like some beans.” | | | | ‘Right. Beans. How many?” “40 kilos, and some rice.’ ‘How much tice?” | ‘30 kilos.” Ten minutes later, Joe comes out of the shop. Jolly isn’t there. When Joe arrives back at the farm, Jolly is under the big apple tree. “How many bags?” ‘Bight,’ Joe says. ‘No problem. Anything else?” asks Fred. ‘No, thanks,’ says Joe. Jolly hears Joe and Fred. He thinks: 40 kilos of beans and 30 kilos of rice. And eight bags of potatoes. That's 80 kilos! 40 kilos and 30 kilos and 80 kilos | are 150 kilos! No way! Joe can carry them ~ not me!” And Jolly gallops back home. © Number the sentences in the order of the story. Jolly listens to Joe and Fred. Jolly gallops home to the farm Jolly doesn't want to carry 150 kilos oe rides into town. Joe buys beans, rice and potatoes Joe wants to buy things in Fred's shop. (1 Five hours and ten minutes later Joe gets back to the farm. ooo00 oo © Read the text and try and solve the problem. ‘A man rides into town on Friday. He stays two nights and leaves on Saturday. How is this possible? UNIT 7 Sounds right /6/ & @ Listen and repeat. This blue shirt and these green socks ~ | can put them in this box! Those black trousers, that red sweater — In the drawer? Yes, that’s better! Think of someone in the class, Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about them. Does he sometimes wear jeans? Does he always wear T-shirts? Does he often wear brown shoes? No, he doesn't TT ue © Read the text and describe the clothes you like to wear. \ Hi, I'm Susan, L often wear blue jeans, blue socks and blue and white trainers. HiT... My favourite sweater is pink There is often / sometimes / never wear... a picture of a harse on it. I like jeans, My favourite... is... but I don't like skivés ov trousers. Tlike...., but I don’t like... Maths made easy Key words key in subtract divide (by) add multiply (by) divisible (by) @ Work with a partner. Find the answer to the puzzle. A girl asks a zookeeper, “How many camels and parrots are there in your 2007 The man says, ‘Good question ‘Together they've got 60 eyes and 86 feet!” The girl is very clover. Lo She finds the answer \ in 10 minutes! Pert ayes Gan you find the answer? ee @© Wy this catcutator trick. Work in pairs. Give your partner a calculator and tell him/her to do these things: + Key inthe number of the month of your birthday Multiply by 4 + Add 13 * Multiply by 25 * Subtract 200 * Add the number of the day of your birthday * Multiply by 2 * Subtract 40 + Multiply by 50 + Add the last two digits of the multiply subtract add year of your birtnday eau * Subtract 10500 meuits give the month, the next. ) f + Show me the calculator. Your date of birth is HPAL Yd ait LLU TEP sjouiea ¢4 pue syouued J1 940 Jou) =) Joquunu oy someuy © « Read the texts about shortcuts. Maths shortcuts Look: 9 + 3 = 3 (9 is divisible by 3) {s a number divisible by 3? I's easy to find out. ‘Add up the digits. Divide the sum by 3 Is it possible? + The number is divisible by 3 \s it ot possible? — The number is not divisible by 3. Examples: 979428 3+7+9+4+2 +B = 99 (dhisible by 3) 610894 6 +1+0+8+9 +4 =28 [not divisiblel Remember that 5 is helf of ten To multiply 5 x 86, work out 10 x 86 first: 860. Then divide in half: 430 To divide 96 by 5, divide by ten first: 9.8 ‘Then double the enswer: 19.6 b Can you think of more shortcuts? Tell your cla: Mini-project © Work with a partner. Tick the answers to these questions. Do not use a calculator. Is 28 divisible by 32 |s 2905 divisible by 5? |s 34987465 divisible by 9? ls 9427211165291 divisible by 3? i 4 3 4 |s 75938627824 divisible by 4? 5 6 Is 4587943576890321 2873 divisible by 9? Find the answers to these questions quickly. 1 How much is 73 x 112 3 How much is 128 divided by 5? 2 How mush is 5 x 99? © With your partner, write a quiz for another pair of students. Is a number divisible by 5? Look at the last digit Is it 5 or 0? + The number is divisible by 5: number, Look at the last 2 igi Ores (No Cves C)No Ores L)No Ores (No Ores (1 No. Ores [No UNIT 7 ‘ou learn can for ability can questions and short answers likellove/hate doing words for family members ind then you can talk about abilities talk about things you like doing ask for permission talk about family S&S @ listen and read. Nadia |s this your photo album, Kate? Kate That's my cousin Ellen. | don't, ' Kate Yes, tis, really like her. Nadia Can | have a look? | love Nadia Why not? looking at photos. Kate — {can't really say. She's si Kate — Sure. Here you are. They're perfect, you know. She can from my granny’s birthday speak three languages and party. She's 80. play two instruments, and Nadia She looks great for 80. she's everybody's darling Kate Yes. She's fine, but she can't Nadia _| see. Do you like meeting up ’ walk without a stick with all your family? All your Nadia And who's that next r uncles and aunts and cousins granny? and your grandparents? Kate That's my uncle Jeremy. He Kate — Yes, | do likes telling jokes. Look at the Nadia’ And your parents? big smile on Granny's face Kate They like it, too. As long as it Sp Nadia Oh yes. And who's that? isn't at our house! @© Cirote r (True) o F (False) for the sentences holow. Nadia loves looking at photos. T/F Kate's grandmother is 80. T/ F Kate's grandmother can't walk without a stick. T/ F Kate's uncle Jeremy doesn't like jokes. T/ F Ellen can speak two languages. T/ F Ellen's everybody's darling. T/ F Kate likes Ellen. T/F Kate doesn't like family meetings. T/F Gettalking Asking for permission © Listen and repeat. A Can | go to the toilet, please? A Can | borrow your pen? B Yes, of course B Sure, here you are. A Can | open the window? ‘A Can | borrow your computer? B No, please don't. B Sorry, it doesn’t work. © Work with a partner. Invent dialogues using the pictures. UNIT 8 a | Language FOCUS Vocabulary Family members & @ Listen and write the names in the correct box. ‘William grandfather grandmother cousin Get talking Talking about family @ Ask and answer. ‘A Who's Ben's father? B William is Ben's father. © Work with a partner. Write the names of some of your relatives (mother, father, uncle etc). Give the list to your partner. Your partner asks you who they are. ‘A Who's Susanne? A Who are Cindy and Jane? Ce B Tyre my css 92 UNITS _ Grammar Can for ability + [= Vyoulwe/they/ he/shesit can/can’t | speak French, | Gan is the same for all subjects/people. Complete the sentences with can and one of the forms of the verb. 1 He the piano. (play / playing) im ‘on my head. (stand / standing) 3 John four languages (speaks / speak) 4 My brothers horses. (riding / ride) Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1 She .¢49.. speak French, but she can’t speak Spanish. 2 He is very tired. He... play football now. 3 Mylittle sister is very musical. She sing and play the piano 4 My grandpa is 85. He is very fit, but he ride a bike 5st stand on my head! Isn't this great? 8 Please help me look for my pen. | find it! Gan Questions and short answers Questions Soe Gan iyou/weithey/he/she/it speak French? < Yes, /you/we/they/ne/she/it can é3 No, Wyou/we/they/he/she/it can't. Answer the questions about you. 1 Can you play the piano? 2 Can you speak Spanish? 3. Can you ride a horse? 4 Can you stand on your head? 5 Can you make a cake? 6 Can you run for two hours? @© Listen and complete. & jugsle nose ears head climb hands 1 wiggle your 4 touch your your tongue with le UNIT 8 95 94 speak watch meet up tell do UNIT 8 Gettalking Talking about abilities @ Say what you can and can’t do. o o can , but can't Interview your partner about what they can and can’t do. like/love/hate doing Look at the dialogue on page 90 and complete the sentences. Hove ' at photos. He likes * vse JOKES. Do you like * up with all your family? % After the verbs Jike/love/hate we often use verb + ing Reorder the words and make sentences. 1 doesn't / going / like / she / cinema / to the She doesn’t like going ta.the cinema. 2 playing / computer games / hates / Gerry 3 my / likes / watching / sister / westerns 4 friends / to music / love / my / listening Complete the sentences with one of the verbs on the left. 1 Hove....jistening.te.... hip-hop music. It’s fantastic! 2 We hate homework. I's difficult and boring, 3. My dad likes old films on TV 4 Giula loves Jokes. She's very funny! 5 Doyou like English? 6 They love with their friends in town on Saturdays, i Read the text. Write the name of the person who does each activity below the correct picture. The Boehmer family are a large likes working out, and Gasey, the family. There are the parents, Larry | eldest daughter, likes water-skiing ‘and Judy, and there are eleven and running. Sarah and Melissa children ~ seven girls and four like rollerblading. Margaret the boys. All of the Bochmer family are | youngest, likes riding her horses, Jugglers and they do shows all over | and Rebecca likes learning new the USA, even the dog, Bosco, is part | juggling tricks. of the show. They all love doing the shows. Every week they practise for ‘Its not very dificult, Larry says, 81010 hours for their shows. OF, “Anybody can do it. Practice and course they are also interested in | more practice — that's the secret. other things. Adam, the eldest son, | And don't get lazy’ © Reread the text and say if the sentences are T (True) or F (False). 1 There are eleven people in the Boehmer family. T / F 2. The family have a pet. T/F 3. They practise 8 to 10 hours every day. T/F 4 Larry thinks juggling is difficult. T / F Listening > © Listen and tick the activities you hear. 8 ao OAR q ©. s@y 2 el Ax playing basketball swimming dancing going shopping or oO RS) | ‘ eal) cS a a climbing a tree reading playing tennis talking to my friends on the phone UNIT8 95 ASong4u Heaven ‘ow me by the hand « to our band. age mien haa amen eae Sing around the clock Chorus (x 2) listen hear With Project Eleven, sing you are in heaven. take Yes, you are in heaven, play with Project Eleven. Let's ®..... the guitar “Accom the drums from far. Let the keyboards rock. Sooo around the clock. © Read the poem and write one for * yourself. Draw a picture. This is me. Tan speak French, Tlove singing: Tecan play the piano, love playing music- Tcan write with my left and my right hand. But I don’t like writing! German, English and Halian. the guitar and the drums. 96 UNITS _Gheck your progress units7.and 8 @© Write the name of the clothes. 1 redss 4 kacite 2 krits 5 ksoos 3 osrretus .. 6 rtnieasr Og @© Complete the table. father of ‘grandmother unole oe [cousin Of © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1 Mike (wear) jeans. 2 Daisy can (speak) Russian, 5 Harry hates (go) to bed early. 4 We don't like (listen) to classical music. 5 Mary can't (come) to school today. 6 Myparents love (olay got. ay © Circle the correct word. 1 I love this / those new trousers. 2 Wow much | many homework have you got? 3 Are there some/ any English people in your town? 4 We don't like this / these new CO. 5 I haven't got some / any money at the moment. 6 How much | many pairs of shoes has he got? - © Pat the sentences in order to make a dialogue. Yes, please. How much are these jeans? Thanks. Can | try them on, please? Can | help you? They're £60 Of course. The changing rooms are over there Thank you. oo © Complete the dialogue. How many How much some any those | help you SA Hello! Can * ca Girl Yes, Id like ® salami, please. SA * would you like? Girl Six slices, please. Have you got ‘ sausages? SA Yes, I've got nice ones over there. § do you want? Girl Six, please. on Write the answers to the questions. 1 Gan you ride a horse? W) 2 Can! borrow a blue pen, please? (V7) 3. Gan | open the window? (x) 4 Can Thomas speak Japanese? (X) 5 Can your friends come tomorrow? (7) 6 Can your dad run fast? (x) oo Answer the questions. 1 Can you swim? 2 Do you like going to school? 3 Do you wear caps? 4. How many CDs have you got? 5 How much money have you got? UNIT8 97 @ Read the text about Breakfast Clubs in schools. FACT FILE feb) A healthy start to the day = a Hi, Im Ayshe and I'm eleven years Why do schools in a } old. go to a school in Devon in the England have — south-west of England. We've got ts breaks pubs? ro a breakfast club at school. A lot of fone Belton: 4 in schools have got them now. Our AVG hes. ca breakfast club is very popular. The Geertreristien arrive cory PJ favourite breakfast is Coco Pops - attschoo! because both So and toast. However, not everybody eats Coco Pops and ‘ir parents work = ‘toast. My friend Dipak’s favourite breakfast is fried eggs, e Scra om Wi e Te iP jalsfant is fied ese snacks ike sweets, sausage and beans not very healthy! Fried food is bad ‘Hconiate and fey OH for you. My friend, Karen, likes fruit for breakfast. She's for breakfast. a healthy eater. Me ... I like everything, Check out our menu below. @© Circle T ctrue) or F (False) for the sentences below. Ayshe goes to school in the north-west of England. T/ F People like the breakfast club. T/ F Coco Pops and toast are popular. T/ F Dipak always eats a healthy breakfast. T/ F Karen doesn't like fruit. T/ F © Write the name of each food. The Breakfast Club Menu &> @ Listen and write what Nathan eats and drinks. Fats: Drinks: © CT PDD write a menu for a Breakfast Glub at your schoo. UNIT 8 Teenage web designer RTT ate MOS ar lel) Pee aa ene iin Ly a company is called ‘Whaam! Web Creations.’ And PEON Dra nmi ee tan NA Cee ees em Sale Cee nC Rte Cee en oad Cogan 7 Vane an In Tone aaa ata Rremcameme sass ek acy Conan gee important thing in the Cen CoAT n ic era) Ae ne) Cera rt ally, ara eeu eoa tec people who do work maT ple For |}|())26!! Go to and do a quiz on this text. You learn present continuous forming words with -ing telephone numbers ‘ordinal numbers ‘months of the year and then you can talk on the phone talk about birthdays omer Kate Kate Nadia Kate Nadia Kate Nac Kate Nadia Kate Nadia Kate Hello? Kate speaking. Nadia Hi, Kate. It’s Nadia here. How are things? OK. 'm doing some homework and I'm not enjoying it! Oh sorry. Am | disturbing you? No, you aren't. It's OK Oh good. Listen — have you got Jack's phone number? Yeah, | have. Just a moment. Ready? It's 8693 2210. 8695 2210. Thanks. Why do you want Jack’s number? it's Steve's birthday next weekend, on the 16th. | want to buy him something Ah, clever you! You want to ask Jack what Steve likes. That's right. OK. But you can't talk to him now. He's playing football. Phone him after lunch = —— Nadia Oh dear. | really need to talk to him now! | Kate Why? Are you trying to find something now? Nadia Yes, |am.|'m in a bookshop and ... oh, j oh! Kate, can | phone you back? Kate Sure, why? Nadia Steve's coming into the shop! Bye! Kate Bye, Nadia! ircle the correct words or expressions. Kate is writing letters | doing homework Nadia is / isn’t disturbing Kate. Jack's phone number is 8695 2210/ 8693 2110 I's Steve's birthday tomorrow | at the weekend Nadia wants to buy a present for Steve / Jack She knows / doesn’t know what to buy Steve, i 2 3 4 5 6 & @ Listen and rep 1 he she mest cream fourteen 2 if his fish six chicken Vocabulary Telephone numbers <> @ Listen and circle the telephone numbers you hear. 1 721580 / 712508 4 23055727 / 23505727 2 299.5043 / 299 5034 5 16825522 / 1682 2255 3 6619 5832 / 6119 5832 6 2867 501 / 287 501 © Repeat the totephone numbers. 1 519 2620 4 9962 5168 2 sag 7714 5 7342 6600 Get talking Talking on the phone © Ask and answer with a partner. Listen and complete the dialogue then practise it with a partner. Mr Weight 578 312. Hello? Nadia Hello. Can | to Jack please? Mr Wright. I'm sorry, he isn’t * Can you call’ later? Yes, OK. Thank you, ent similar dialogues changing the names and numbers. UNITS 101

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