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Language A: Language and Literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form
Field of Enquiry:
Beliefs, Values, Education

Global Issue:
The constriction and mistreatment of animals by humans

Texts chosen:

Literary Extract: The poem titled, The Dolphins by the poet Carol Ann Duffy, taken from her 1985
collection (Standing Female Nude)
Literary Work: Duffy, Carol Ann. New Selected Poems: 1984-2004. Picador, 2011

Non-Literary Text: Magazine cover by the National Geographic

Non-literary Body of work: National Geographic Magazine Covers

Notes for the Oral:

Literary Text:
● Anthropomorphism: 2 and 3 “we are in our element” “the others movement forms my thoughts and also
mine”, stream of consciousness- mimics the natural human flow of thought

● Structure of the poem: Human coercion of dolphins to perform unnatural tricks repeatedly is reflected through
structure, repetitive poetic structure, use of structural choices within text- Internal rhyme

● Figurative language : Simile “we see our silver skin flash by like a memory of somewhere else”- dislike for
captivity, metaphor “music of loss forever from the other’s heart”- comparison to tangible entity

Non-Literary Text:

● Composition to depict captivity: Subject of the text, linear composition, capturing angle of the magazine cover,
National geographic masthead, continuity maintained with other covers- border
● Textual elements: Coverline “the hidden cost of wildlife tourism”, “people who love animals can unknowingly
fuel their suffering, juxtaposition, assertive statement, unaccusatory tone

● Colour scheme: Monochromatic colour scheme to reflect the grim reality of wildlife tourism, given that the
subject matter pertains to nature, the colour brown mirrors colours visible in the environment, contrast with
text, attention drawn towards singular feature article cover line.


● Connect to GC, how differences in text type between MC and poem affect the way the GI is presented

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