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Chapter 19

Compound angles
Why it is important to understand: Compound angles
It is often necessary to rewrite expressions involving sines, cosines and tangents in alternative forms. To
do this formulae known as trigonometric identities are used as explained previously. Compound angle
(or sum and difference) formulae, and double angles are further commonly used identities. Compound
angles are required, for example, in the analysis of acoustics (where a beat is an interference between two
sounds of slightly different frequencies), and with phase detectors (which is a frequency mixer, analogue
multiplier, or logic circuit that generates a voltage signal which represents the difference in phase between
two signal inputs). Many rational functions of sine and cosine are difficult to integrate without compound
angle formulae.

At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

• state compound angle formulae for sin(A ± B), cos(A ± B) and tan(A ± B)
• convert a sin ωt + b cosωt into R sin(ωt + α)
• derive double angle formulae
• change products of sines and cosines into sums or differences
• change sums or differences of sines and cosines into products
• develop expressions for power in a.c. circuits – purely resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits, R–L and
R–C circuits

(Note, sin(A +B) is not equal to (sin A + sin B), and

19.1 Compound angle formulae so on.)
The formulae stated above may be used to derive two
An electric current i may be expressed as
further compound angle formulae:
i = 5 sin(ωt − 0.33) amperes. Similarly, the displace-
ment x of a body from a fixed point can be expressed
tan A + tan B
as x = 10 sin(2t + 0.67) metres. The angles (ωt − 0.33) tan(A + B) =
and (2t +0.67) are called compound angles because 1 − tan A tan B
they are the sum or difference of two angles. The
compound angle formulae for sines and cosines of the tan A − tan B
tan(A − B) =
sum and difference of two angles A and B are: 1 + tan A tan B
sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cosA sin B
sin(A − B) = sin A cos B − cosA sin B The compound angle formulae are true for all values of
cos(A + B) = cos A cosB − sin A sin B A and B, and by substituting values of A and B into the
cos(A − B) = cos A cosB + sin A sin B formulae they may be shown to be true.

Higher Engineering Mathematics. 978-1-138-67357-1, © 2017 John Bird. Published by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved.
Compound angles 203
tan x + 1 1 + tan x
Problem 1. Expand and simplify the following = =
1 − (tan x)(1) 1 − tan x
(a) sin(π + α) (b) −cos(90 ◦ + β) since tan = 1
(c) sin(A − B) − sin(A +B) 4
tan x − tan π4
 π tan x − 1
tan x − = =
4 1 + tan x tan π4 1 + tan x
(a) sin(π + α) = sin π cos α + cos π sin α (from
 π  π
the formula forsin(A + B)) Hence tan x + tan x −
4 4
= (0)(cosα) + (−1) sin α = −sin α   
1 + tan x tan x − 1
(b) −cos(90 ◦ + β) 1 − tan x 1 + tan x
= −[cos 90◦ cos β − sin 90◦ sin β] tan x − 1 −(1 − tan x)
= = = −1
1 − tan x 1 − tanx
= −[(0)(cosβ) − (1) sin β] = sin β

Section B
(c) sin(A −B) − sin(A + B) Problem 4. If sin P = 0.8142 and cos Q = 0.4432
evaluate, correct to 3 decimal places:
= [sin A cos B − cosA sin B]
(a) sin(P − Q) (b) cos(P + Q)
− [sin A cosB + cos A sin B] (c) tan(P + Q), using the compound angle
= −2cos A sin B
Since sin P = 0.8142 then
P = sin−1 0.8142 =54.51 ◦
Problem 2. Prove that
Thus cos P = cos 54.51 ◦ = 0.5806 and
cos(y − π) + sin y + =0 tan P = tan 54.51 ◦ = 1.4025
Since cosQ = 0.4432, Q = cos −1 0.4432 =63.69 ◦.
Thus sin Q = sin 63.69 ◦ = 0.8964 and
cos(y − π) = cos y cos π + sin y sin π tan Q = tan 63.69 ◦ = 2.0225
= (cos y)(−1) + (sin y)(0) (a) sin(P − Q)

= −cos y = sin P cos Q − cosP sin Q

 π π π = (0.8142)(0.4432) − (0.5806)(0.8964)
sin y + = sin y cos + cos y sin
2 2 2 = 0.3609 − 0.5204 = −0.160

= (sin y)(0) + (cosy)(1) = cos y

(b) cos(P + Q)
Hence cos(y − π) + sin y +
2 = cos P cos Q − sin P sin Q
= (−cosy) + (cosy) = 0 = (0.5806)(0.4432) − (0.8142)(0.8964)
= 0.2573 − 0.7298 = −0.473
Problem 3. Show that
(c) tan(P + Q)
 π  π
tan x + tan x − = −1
4 4 tan P + tan Q (1.4025) + (2.0225)
= =
1 − tan P tan Q 1 − (1.4025)(2.0225)
 π tan x + tan π4
tan x + = 3.4250
4 1 − tan x tan π4 = = −1.865
from the formula fortan(A + B)
204 Higher Engineering Mathematics

Problem 5. Solve the equation 3. Show that:


 π 2π
4 sin(x − 20 ) = 5 cos x (a) sin x + + sin x + = 3 cosx
3 3
for values of x between 0 ◦ and 90◦  

(b) − sin − φ = cos φ
4 sin(x − 20◦ ) = 4[sin x cos 20◦ − cos x sin 20◦ ]
4. Prove that:  
from the formula forsin(A − B)
 π 3π
(a) sin θ + − sin θ −
4 4
= 4[sin x(0.9397) − cosx(0.3420)] √
= 2(sin θ + cosθ )
= 3.7588 sinx − 1.3680 cosx cos(270◦ + θ )
(b) = tan θ
Since 4 sin(x − 20◦ ) = 5 cos x then cos(360◦ − θ )
3.7588 sinx − 1.3680 cosx = 5 cos x 5. Given cos A = 0.42 and sin B = 0.73, evaluate
Section B

Rearranging gives: (a) sin(A − B) (b) cos(A − B) (c) tan(A+B),

correct to 4 decimal places.
3.7588 sinx = 5 cosx + 1.3680 cosx
In Problems 6 and 7, solve the equations for values
= 6.3680 cosx
of θ between 0 ◦ and 360 ◦.
sin x 6.3680
and = = 1.6942
cos x 3.7588 6. 3 sin(θ + 30◦ ) = 7 cos θ
i.e. tan x = 1.6942, and x = tan −1 1.6942 =59.449 ◦ or
59◦ 27′ 7. 4 sin(θ − 40◦ ) = 2 sin θ

[Check: LHS = 4 sin(59.449 ◦ − 20◦ )

= 4 sin 39.449 ◦ = 2.542

19.2 Conversion of a sin ωt + b cos ωt
RHS = 5 cosx = 5 cos 59.449 ◦ = 2.542] into R sin(ωt + α)
(i) R sin(ωt + α) represents a sine wave of maxi-
Now try the following Practice Exercise mum value R, periodic time 2π/ω, frequency
ω/2π and leading R sin ωt by angle α (see
Practice Exercise 83 Compound angle Chapter 15).
formulae (Answers on page 867) (ii) R sin(ωt + α) may be expanded using the com-
pound angle formula for sin(A + B), where
1. Reduce the following to the sine of one
A = ωt and B = α. Hence,
(a) sin 37◦ cos 21◦ + cos37◦ sin 21◦ R sin(ωt + α)
(b) sin 7t cos 3t − cos7t sin 3t = R[sin ωt cos α + cosωt sin α]
2. Reduce the following to the cosine of one = R sin ωt cos α + R cos ωt sin α
angle: = (R cos α) sin ωt + (R sin α) cos ωt

(a) cos 71◦ cos 33◦ − sin 71◦ sin 33◦ (iii) If a =R cos α and b = R sin α, where a and
π π π π b are constants, then R sin(ωt + α) = a sin ωt +
(b) cos cos + sin sin
3 4 3 4 b cos ωt, i.e. a sine and cosine function of the same
frequency when added produce a sine wave of the
Compound angles 205

same frequency (which is further demonstrated in There is only one quadrant where both sin α and cos α
Chapter 27). are positive, and this is the first, as shown in Fig. 19.2.
From Fig. 19.2, by Pythagoras’ theorem:
(iv) Since a =R cos α, then cos α =a/R, and since

b = R sin α, then sin α = b/R R = (32 + 42 ) = 5

R 4
R b ␣

a Figure 19.2
From trigonometric ratios: α = tan −1 43 = 53.13◦ or

Section B
0.927 radians.
Figure 19.1 Hence 3 sin ω t + 4 cos ω t = 5 sin(ω t + 0.927)

A sketch of 3 sin ωt, 4 cosωt and 5 sin(ωt + 0.927) is

If the values of a and b are known then the values shown in Fig. 19.3 on page 206.
of R and α may be calculated. The relationship between
constants a, b, R and α are shown in Fig. 19.1.
Two periodic functions of the same frequency may be
From Fig. 19.1, by Pythagoras’ theorem:
combined by

R = a 2 + b2 (a) plotting the functions graphically and combining
ordinates at intervals, or
and from trigonometric ratios: (b) resolution of phasors by drawing or calculation.

α = tan−1 b/a Problem 6, together with Problems 7 and 8 following,

demonstrate a third method of combining waveforms.
Problem 6. Find an expression for
Problem 7. Express 4.6 sin ωt − 7.3 cosωt in the
3 sin ωt + 4 cos ωt in the form R sin(ωt + α) and
form R sin(ωt + α)
sketch graphs of 3 sin ωt, 4 cos ωt and R sin(ωt + α)
on the same axes.
Let 4.6 sin ωt − 7.3 cosωt = R sin(ωt + α)

Let 3 sin ωt + 4 cosωt = R sin(ωt + α) then 4.6 sin ωt − 7.3 cosωt

= R [sin ωt cos α + cos ωt sin α]
then 3 sin ωt + 4 cos ωt
= (R cos α) sin ωt + (R sin α) cos ωt
= R[sin ωt cos α + cos ωt sin α]
= (R cosα) sin ωt + (R sin α) cos ωt Equating coefficients of sin ωt gives:
Equating coefficients of sin ωt gives: 4.6 = R cos α, from which, cos α =
3 Equating coefficients of cos ωt gives:
3 = R cos α, from which, cos α =
R −7.3
−7.3 = R sin α, from which, sin α =
Equating coefficients of cos ωt gives: R
There is only one quadrant where cosine is positive and
4 sine is negative, i.e. the fourth quadrant, as shown in
4 = R sin α, from which, sin α =
R Fig. 19.4. By Pythagoras’ theorem:
206 Higher Engineering Mathematics

0.927 rad
y 5 4 cos ␻t
y 5 3 sin ␻t

2 y 5 5 sin(␻t 1 0.927)

0 ␲/2 ␲ ␲ 3/2 2␲ ␻t (rad)

0.927 rad



Section B

Figure 19.3

R= [(4.6)2 + (−7.3)2 ] = 8.628 Equating coefficients gives:

By trigonometric ratios: −2.7

−2.7 = R cos α, from which, cosα =
−1 −7.3 −4.1
α = tan and −4.1 = R sin α, from which, sin α =
4.6 R
= −57.78◦ or −1.008 radians.
There is only one quadrant in which both cosine and
sine are negative, i.e. the third quadrant, as shown in
Fig. 19.5. From Fig. 19.5,
4.6 sin ω t −7.3 cos ω t = 8.628 sin(ω t − 1.008) 
R=[(−2.7)2 + (−4.1)2 ] = 4.909
and θ = tan −1 = 56.63◦
4.6 2.7

R 27.3

22.7 08
1808 3608
Figure 19.4 u

24.1 R
Problem 8. Express −2.7 sin ωt − 4.1 cosωt in
the form R sin(ωt + α)

Let −2.7 sinωt − 4.1 cosωt = R sin(ωt + α)

= R[sin ωt cos α + cos ωt sin α] 2708

= (R cosα)sin ωt + (R sin α)cos ωt Figure 19.5
Compound angles 207

Hence α = 180◦ + 56.63◦ = 236.63◦ or 4.130 radians. i.e. θ + 59.03 ◦ = 43.32◦ or 136.68 ◦
Thus, Hence θ = 43.32 ◦ − 59.03◦ = −15.71◦
−2.7 sin ω t − 4.1 cos ω t = 4.909 sin(ω t + 4.130) or θ = 136.68 ◦ − 59.03◦ = 77.65◦
An angle of 236.63 ◦ is the same as −123.37 ◦ or Since −15.71◦ is the same as −15.71◦ + 360◦ , i.e.
−2.153 radians. Hence −2.7 sin ωt − 4.1 cosωt may 344.29◦, then the solutions are θ = 77.65 ◦ or 344.29◦ ,
be expressed also as 4.909 sin(ω t − 2.153), which is which may be checked by substituting into the original
preferred since it is the principal value (i.e. −π ≤ equation.
α ≤ π)
Problem 10. Solve the equation
Problem 9. Express 3 sin θ + 5 cosθ in the form 3.5 cosA − 5.8 sin A = 6.5 for 0 ◦ ≤ A ≤ 360◦
R sin(θ + α), and hence solve the equation
3 sin θ + 5 cosθ = 4, for values of θ between 0 ◦ and
Let 3.5 cosA − 5.8 sin A = R sin(A +α)
= R[sin A cos α + cos A sin α]
Let 3 sin θ + 5 cosθ = R sin(θ + α) = (R cosα) sin A + (R sin α) cos A

Section B
= R[sin θ cos α + cosθ sin α] Equating coefficients gives:
= (R cosα)sin θ + (R sin α)cos θ
3.5 = R sin α, from which, sin α =
Equating coefficients gives: R
3 and −5.8 = R cos α, from which, cos α =
3 = R cosα, from which, cos α = R
5 There is only one quadrant in which both sine is posi-
and 5 = R sin α, from which, sin α = tive and cosine is negative, i.e. the second, as shown in
Fig. 19.7.
Since both sin α and cos α are positive, R lies in the first
quadrant, as shown in Fig. 19.6.

R 5

␣ ␪
1808 08
3 25.8 3608

Figure 19.6
Figure 19.7

From Fig. 19.6, R = (32 + 52 ) = 5.831
α = tan−1 35 = 59.03◦

From Fig. 19.7, R = [(3.5)2 + (−5.8)2 ] = 6.774 and
Hence 3 sin θ + 5 cos θ = 5.831 sin(θ + 59.03 ◦) 3.5
θ = tan−1 = 31.12◦
However 3 sin θ + 5 cosθ = 4 5.8
Hence α = 180◦ − 31.12◦ = 148.88◦
Thus 5.831 sin(θ + 59.03 ◦) = 4, from which
◦ −1 4
(θ + 59.03 ) = sin
5.831 3.5 cosA − 5.8 sinA = 6.774 sin(A + 144.88 ◦) = 6.5
208 Higher Engineering Mathematics

Hence sin(A + 148.88 ◦) = , from which,
6.774 9. The third harmonic of a wave motion is given
by 4.3 cos3θ −6.9 sin 3θ . Express this in the
(A + 148.88◦) = sin−1 form R sin(3θ ± α)
= 73.65◦ or 106.35 ◦ 10. The displacement x metres of a mass from
a fixed point about which it is oscillating is
Thus A = 73.65 ◦ − 148.88◦ = −75.23◦ given by x = 2.4 sin ωt + 3.2 cosωt, where t
is the time in seconds. Express x in the form
≡ (−75.23◦ + 360◦) = 284.77◦ R sin(ωt + α).

or A = 106.35 ◦ − 148.88◦ = −42.53◦ 11. Two voltages, v 1 = 5 cosωt and

v2 = −8 sin ωt are inputs to an analogue cir-
≡ (−42.53◦ + 360◦ ) = 317.47◦ cuit. Determine an expression for the output
The solutions are thus A = 284.77 ◦ or 317.47◦ , which voltage if this is given by (v 1 + v2 ).
may be checked in the original equation.
12. The motion of a piston moving in a cylinder
Section B

can be described by:

Now try the following Practice Exercise x = (5 cos2t + 5 sin 2t)cm.
Express x in the form R sin(ωt + α)
Practice Exercise 84 The conversion of
a sin ω t + b cos ω t into R sin(ω t ± α)
(Answers on page 867)
In Problems 1 to 4, change the functions into the 19.3 Double angles
form R sin(ωt ± α).
(i) If, in the compound angle formula for sin(A + B),
we let B = A then
1. 5 sin ωt + 8 cos ωt
sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A
2. 4 sin ωt − 3 cos ωt
Also, for example,
3. −7 sin ωt + 4 cos ωt
sin 4A = 2 sin 2A cos2A
4. −3 sin ωt − 6 cos ωt
and sin 8A = 2 sin 4A cos4A, and so on.
5. Solve the following equations for values of θ
between 0◦ and 360 ◦: (a) 2 sin θ + 4 cos θ = 3 (ii) If, in the compound angle formula for
(b) 12 sin θ − 9 cos θ = 7 cos(A + B), we let B = A then

6. Solve the following equations for cos 2A = cos2 A − sin2 A

0◦ < A < 360◦ : (a) 3 cosA + 2 sin A = 2.8
(b) 12 cos A −4 sin A =11 Since cos2 A + sin2 A = 1, then
cos2 A = 1 − sin2 A, and sin2 A = 1 − cos2 A, and
7. Solve the following equations for values of θ two further formula for cos2A can be produced.
between 0◦ and 360 ◦: (a) 3 sin θ + 4 cos θ = 3
(b) 2 cosθ + sin θ = 2 Thus cos 2A = cos2 A − sin2 A
= (1 − sin2 A) − sin2 A
8. Solve the following equations for
i.e. cos 2A = 1 − 2 sin 2 A
values of θ between √ 0 ◦ and 360 ◦:
(a) 6 cos θ + sin θ = 3 and cos 2A = cos2 A − sin2 A
(b) 2 sin 3θ + 8 cos3θ = 1 = cos2 A − (1 − cos2 A)
i.e. cos 2 A = 2cos2 A − 1
Compound angles 209

Also, for example, 1 − cos2θ 1 − (1 − 2 sin2 θ )

LHS = =
sin 2θ 2 sin θ cos θ
cos4A = cos2 2A − sin2 2A or
2 sin2 θ sin θ
1 − 2 sin2 2A or = =
2 sin θ cos θ cos θ
2 cos2 2A − 1
= tan θ = RHS
and cos 6A = cos2 3A − sin2 3A or
Problem 13. Prove that
1 − 2 sin2 3A or
cot 2x + cosec 2x = cot x
2 cos2 3A − 1,
cos 2x 1
and so on. LHS = cot 2x + cosec 2x = +
sin 2x sin 2x
(iii) If, in the compound angle formula for tan(A +B), cos 2x + 1
we let B = A then =
sin 2x
(2 cos2 x − 1) + 1

Section B
2 tan A
tan 2A = =
1 − tan2 A sin 2x

Also, for example, 2 cos2 x 2 cos2 x

= =
sin 2x 2 sin x cos x
2 tan 2A
tan 4A = cos x
1 − tan2 2A = = cot x = RHS
sin x
2 tan 25 A
and tan 5A = and so on.
1 − tan2 25 A Problem 14. Solve the equation
cos 2θ + 3 sin θ = 2 for θ in the range 0 ◦ ≤ θ ≤ 360◦
Problem 11. I3 sin 3θ is the third harmonic of a
Replacing the double angle term with the relationship
waveform. Express the third harmonic in terms of
cos 2θ = 1 − 2 sin2 θ gives:
the first harmonic sin θ , when I 3 = 1
1 − 2 sin2 θ + 3 sin θ = 2
When I3 = 1, Rearranging gives: −2 sin 2 θ + 3 sin θ − 1 = 0
or 2 sin2 θ − 3 sin θ + 1 = 0
I3 sin 3θ = sin 3θ = sin(2θ + θ )
which is a quadratic in sin θ
= sin 2θ cos θ + cos 2θ sin θ, Using the quadratic formula or by factorising gives:

from the sin(A + B) formula (2 sin θ − 1)(sin θ − 1) = 0

= (2 sin θ cos θ) cosθ + (1 − 2 sin2 θ) sin θ, from which, 2 sin θ − 1 = 0 or sin θ − 1 = 0

from the double angle expansions and sin θ = 12 or sin θ = 1
from which, θ = 30 ◦ or 150◦ or 90◦
= 2 sin θ cos2 θ + sin θ − 2 sin3 θ
= 2 sin θ (1 − sin2 θ ) + sin θ − 2 sin3 θ, Now try the following Practice Exercise
(since cos2 θ = 1 − sin2 θ )
= 2 sin θ − 2 sin3 θ + sin θ − 2 sin3 θ Practice Exercise 85 Double angles
(Answers on page 867)
i.e. sin 3θ = 3 sinθ − 4 sin3 θ
1. The power p in an electrical circuit is given by
1 − cos 2θ p = . Determine the power in terms of V ,
Problem 12. Prove that = tan θ R
sin 2θ R and cos 2t when v = V cos t.
210 Higher Engineering Mathematics

(iv) cos(A +B) − cos(A −B) = −2 sin A sin B

2. Prove the following identities:
cos2φ i.e. sin A sin B
(a) 1 − = tan2 φ
cos2 φ =− 12 [cos(A + B) − cos(A − B)] (4)

1 + cos 2t
(b) = 2 cot2 t Problem 15. Express sin 4x cos 3x as a sum or
sin2 t
difference of sines and cosines.
(tan 2x)(1 + tan x) 2
(c) =
tan x 1 − tan x From equation (1),

(d) 2 cosec 2θ cos 2θ = cot θ − tan θ sin 4x cos 3x = 21 [sin(4x + 3x) + sin(4x − 3x)]

3. If the third harmonic of a waveform is given = 12 (sin 7x + sin x)

by V3 cos 3θ , express the third harmonic in
terms of the first harmonic cos θ , when V 3 = 1 Problem 16. Express 2 cos5θ sin 2θ as a sum or
Section B

difference of sines or cosines.

In Problems 4 to 8, solve for θ in the range
−180◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ From equation (2),

4. cos 2θ = sin θ 1
2 cos5θ sin 2θ = 2 [sin(5θ + 2θ ) − sin(5θ −2θ )]
5. 3 sin 2θ + 2 cosθ = 0 = sin 7θ − sin 3θ

6. sin 2θ + cosθ = 0
Problem 17. Express 3 cos 4t cos t as a sum or
7. cos 2θ + 2 sin θ = −3 difference of sines or cosines.

8. tan θ + cot θ = 2 From equation (3),

3 cos 4t cos t = 3 [cos(4t + t) + cos(4t − t)]
19.4 Changing products of sines and 3
cosines into sums or differences = (cos 5t + cos 3t)

(i) sin(A + B) + sin(A − B) = 2 sin A cos B (from the Thus, if the integral 3 cos 4t cos t dt was required (for
formulae in Section 19.1) integration see Chapter 31), then

i.e. sin A cos B 3 cos4t cos t dt = (cos 5t + cos3t) dt
= 21 [sin(A + B) + sin(A − B)] (1)
3 sin 5t sin 3t

= + +c
2 5 3
(ii) sin(A + B) − sin(A − B) = 2 cosA sin B

i.e. cos A sin B Problem 18. In an alternating current circuit,

voltage v = 5 sin ωt and current i = 10 sin(ωt −
= 21 [sin(A + B) − sin(A − B)] (2) π/6). Find an expression for the instantaneous
power p at time t given that p = vi, expressing the
(iii) cos(A +B) + cos(A −B) = 2 cosA cos B answer as a sum or difference of sines and cosines.

i.e. cos A cos B

p = vi = (5 sin ωt) [10 sin (ωt − π/6)]
= 12 [cos(A + B) + cos(A − B)] (3) = 50 sin ωt sin(ωt − π/6)
Compound angles 211

From equation (4), Solving the simultaneous equations gives:

50 sin ωt sin(ωt − π/6) X+Y X−Y

A= and B =
  2 2
= (50) − 12 cos(ωt + ωt − π/6) Thus sin(A + B) + sin(A − B) = 2 sin A cos B becomes,
  X+Y X−Y
− cos ωt − (ωt − π/6) sin X + sin Y = 2 sin cos (5)
2 2
= −25{cos(2ωt − π/6) − cosπ/6} Similarly,
i.e. instantaneous power, 

sin X − sin Y = 2 cos sin (6)
p = 25[cos π/6 − cos (2ω t − π /6)] 2 2
cos X + cos Y = 2 cos cos (7)
2 2
Now try the following Practice Exercise    
cos X − cos Y = −2 sin sin (8)
2 2

Section B
Practice Exercise 86 Changing products
of sines and cosines into sums or
differences (Answers on page 867) Problem 19. Express sin 5θ + sin 3θ as a product.

In Problems 1 to 5, express as sums or differences: From equation (5),

1. sin 7t cos 2t    
5θ + 3θ 5θ − 3θ
sin 5θ + sin 3θ = 2 sin cos
2. cos 8x sin 2x 2 2
= 2 sin 4θ cos θ
3. 2 sin 7t sin 3t
Problem 20. Express sin 7x − sin x as a product.
4. 4 cos 3θ cos θ
π π From equation (6),
5. 3 sin cos
3 6 
7x + x
7x − x

sin 7x − sin x = 2 cos sin
2 2

6. Determine 2 sin 3t cos t dt

= 2 cos 4x sin 3x
7. Evaluate 4 cos 5x cos 2x dx
0 Problem 21. Express cos 2t − cos 5t as a
8. Solve the equation: 2 sin 2φ sin φ = cos φ in
the range φ = 0 to φ = 180 ◦ From equation (8),
2t + 5t 2t − 5t
cos 2t − cos 5t = −2 sin sin
2 2
19.5 Changing sums or differences of 7 3 7 3
= −2 sin t sin − t = 2 sin t sin t
sines and cosines into products 2 2 2 2
3 3
In the compound angle formula let, since sin − t = −sin t
2 2
(A + B) = X

and cos6x + cos 2x

Problem 22. Show that = cot 4x
sin 6x + sin 2x
(A − B) = Y
212 Higher Engineering Mathematics

From equation (7),

cos 6x + cos 2x = 2 cos4x cos 2x (b) 2 {sin(5x − α) − sin(x + α)}
= cos 3x sin(2x − α)
From equation (5),
In Problems 7 and 8, solve for θ in the range
sin 6x + sin 2x = 2 sin 4x cos 2x 0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦
Hence 7. cos 6θ + cos 2θ = 0
cos 6x + cos 2x 2 cos4x cos 2x
= 8. sin 3θ − sin θ = 0
sin 6x + sin 2x 2 sin 4x cos 2x
cos4x In Problems 9 and 10, solve in the range
= = cot 4 x
sin 4x 0◦ to 360◦

Problem 23. Solve the equation 9. cos 2x = 2 sin x

cos 4θ + cos 2θ = 0 for θ in the range 0 ◦ ≤ θ ≤ 360◦ 10. sin 4t + sin 2t = 0

From equation (7),    

4θ + 2θ 4θ − 2θ
Section B

cos 4θ + cos 2θ = 2 cos cos

2 2 19.6 Power waveforms in a.c. circuits
Hence, 2 cos3θ cos θ = 0
(a) Purely resistive a.c. circuits
Dividing by 2 gives: cos 3θ cos θ = 0 Let a voltage v = Vm sin ωt be applied to a cir-
cuit comprising resistance only. The resulting current
Hence, either cos 3θ = 0 or cos θ = 0 is i = Im sin ωt, and the corresponding instantaneous
power, p, is given by:
Thus, 3θ = cos−1 0 or θ = cos−1 0
from which, 3θ = 90 ◦ or 270◦ or 450◦ or 630◦ or p = vi = (Vm sin ωt)(Im sin ωt)
810◦ or 990◦
i.e. p = Vm Im sin2 ωt
and θ = 30◦ , 90◦ , 150◦ , 210◦ , 270◦ or 330◦
From double angle formulae of Section 19.3,
Now try the following Practice Exercise
cos 2A = 1 − 2 sin2 A, from which,
Practice Exercise 87 Changing sums or sin2 A = 12 (1 − cos2A) thus
differences of sines and cosines into
products (Answers on page 867) sin2 ωt = 12 (1 − cos2ωt)
In Problems 1 to 5, express as products:  
1. sin 3x + sin x Then power p = V m Im 2 (l − cos2ωt)

2. 2 (sin 9θ − sin 7θ ) i.e. p = 12 V m I m (1 − cos 2ω t)
3. cos 5t + cos 3t
The waveforms of v, i and p are shown in Fig. 19.8. The
1 waveform of power repeats itself after π/ω seconds and
4. 8 (cos 5t − cos t)
 π hence the power has a frequency twice that of voltage
1 π and current. The power is always positive, having a max-
5. 2 cos + cos
3 4 imum value of V m Im . The average or mean value of the
6. Show that: power is 21 Vm Im
sin 4x − sin 2x Vm
(a) = tan x The rms value of voltage V = 0.707V m , i.e. V = √ ,
cos 4x + cos 2x √ 2
from which, V m = 2 V

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