How Mass of The Universe Has Been Increasing?

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New Cosmology Theory (4 February 2014)

How mass of the universe has been increasing?

Eng. K.A.S.S. Kuruppuarachchi, Araliya Uyana, Depanama, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka

Matter is changing every moment according to laws of space. In modern science, there are some
laws; mainly, energy conservation law, Newton’s laws and other so many scientific laws. If we
investigate more about these laws, we can imagine the situation and nature of the space. If we
consider energy conservation law and Newton’s laws, we can get an idea about the space. That
is, in every point, energy is balanced and multi-directional actions act for this and hence material
changes. Another way that we can describe this is that the points in the space neither absorb nor
emit energy.

Let us consider the new concept of the big bang. First, before the big bang, velocity (v) of any
particle can be considered as 0 in the unconventional space. Then, according to Einstein’s
relativity theory;

𝐸0 = 𝑚𝑐2 (where 𝐸0 is stationery energy of the particle).

Soon after the big bang, there should have been infinite forces acting on particles at that point of
time. These particles moved very fast at very high velocities. Let us assume that a particle (a
hypothetical tachyon) travelled beyond the velocity of light (c) and that velocity is, v = √2𝑐.
Then again, according to Einstein’s relativity theory;

Considering this reactive energy, we can derive following expression.

(−i 𝐸0)2 = (−1)2. i2𝐸02

= i2𝐸02
(−i 𝐸0)2 = −𝐸02
(−i 𝐸0)2 + 𝐸02 = 0 (a)

(−i𝐸0) is the kinetic energy of the particle, when v = √2𝑐

𝐸0 - stationery energy of the particle

Let us only consider magnitudes of the equation (a), then we can realize that the particle
becomes to a balanced zero energy state and remains stationery soon after the big bang. Thus,
such particles having, v = √2𝑐, get compacted in the space from the beginning of the big bang,

because these particles create multidirectional energy balance actions of the conventional space.
Christof Wetterich, a theoretical physicist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, has
recently devised a different cosmology in which the Universe is not expanding, but the mass of
everything has been increasing (Cartwright, 2013). My theory also matches with his idea,
because whenever particles in the universe reach the velocity, √2𝑐, they become stationary and
contribute to increase in mass in the conventional space. This particle compaction may not be
uniform in the space. Therefore, light traveling velocity may also change in the space, according
to compaction density of the particles. I define this compaction density of the particles as space-
time density (Dst).

Dst = [Velocity of light in conventional space/Velocity of light in unconventional space]

Thus, depending on the changes of the Dst in the space, velocities of light and even matter may
vary. As explained above, it is possible that matter in the space may have been accelerated more
than the velocity of light. Also, this particle compaction in the space may contribute to
generation of dark matter.


Cartwright, J. (2013). Cosmologist claims Universe may not be expanding. Nature (16 July
2013). doi:10.1038/nature.2013.13379.

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