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<h1 style="font-family:Times New Roman; text-align:center; font-

size:65px;color:white"> Hamburgers </h1>
<body style="background-color:teal">

<img src="Burger.jpeg" width="1300" height="720" />

<p style="font-family:ariel; text-align:left; font-size:35px;color:white"> A

hamburger or burger for short is a <u>food consisting of fillings</u>, usually a
patty of ground meat, typically beef placed inside a <i>sliced bun</i> or <i>bread
roll</i>. Hamburgers are often served with <b>cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion,
pickles, bacon, or chilis</b>;<b> condiments </b>such as ketchup, mustard,
mayonnaise, relish, or a "special sauce", are frequently placed on sesame seed
buns. A hamburger topped with cheese is called a cheeseburger. My favorite type of
burger is a cheese burger. I <i>love cheeseburgers so much </i> the yellow tangy
cheese melted on the juicy burger patty and the lightly toasted sesame buns. And to
top it all off with fresh tomatoes, lettuce and slightly sour pickles.</p>

<a href="">
<br>How to Make a Burger from scratch At Home</br>
<h1 style="font-family:Times New Roman; text-align:center; font-
size:65px;;color:white"> Hamburgers are Best Served with Fries </h1>

<img src="Burger and fries.jpeg" width="1300" height="720" />

<p style="font-family:ariel; text-align:left; font-size:35px;color:white"> I love

burgers but <i>to eat a burger alone would not fill me</i>, so I would need a side
to go with my burger. Burgers are finger-food. To serve something with them that
requires utensils would be <b>counterproductive</b> to the idea of on-the-go
eating. So in the starch group only <u>fried potatoes</u> remain, rice and other
potato treatments are out. Fries go well with the condiments and sauces used on
burgers. Fries has to be my all time favorite side dish. Not just with burgers but
also with hotdogs, chicken and even just by itself. </p>

<img src="Burger 2.jpeg" width="1300" height="720" />


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