Module 06

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Module 06
Who is the lead?
Lead is a person who shows interest in your company’s products and

Lead generation
It is a process or technique used for creating interest by offering value
to people and taking their contact details after attracting them to your

1. Expand Your Market: Helps you to get to know about
customers on your site and get to know when we target a
specific group we can know about their prospects.
2. Grow Your Following: With lead generation, we can create the
following base with this we can start affiliate and influencer work
3. Gather More Customer Reviews: Helps you to get customer
reviews and to know about our products and services.
4. Boost Your Revenue: Lead generation can maximize your
brand’s ability for reaching target prospects. With the right
information, we can convert them and generate revenue.
5. Generate Business Opportunities: Lead generation doesn’t
only help with finding prospects. It can also present business
6. Improve Lead Quality: With lead generation, we get quality
leads, and with the right persuasive info giving we can convert
them into our customers.
How to Generate Marketing Leads?
As we know how much lead generation is important to us so there are
some ways to generate leads below:

❖Call-to-Action :
As per marketing “Call to action is a marketing term for any
design to prompt an immediate response or encourage an
immediate sale. A CTA most often refers to the use of words or
phrases that can be incorporated into sales scripts, advertising
messages, or web pages, which compel an audience to act in a
specific way”.
Call to action are typically consist of two to five command words
they are: -
● Join now
● Click here
● Book your trip
● Get your copy

❖ Landing page:
A landing page is a standalone web page that a person "lands"
on after clicking through from an email, ad, or other digital
location. Once they're on your landing page, users are
encouraged to take any action, such as joining your list or buying
your products.
Types of Landing Page
1. Squeeze Page: A squeeze page is a landing page created to
solicit opt-in email addresses from prospective subscribers.
Squeeze pages are designed in such a way as to use incentives,
scarcity, and other psychological tactics in order to squeeze a
visitor into providing their email.
2. WarmUp Page: Warm-up page is to warmUp customers to the
product you are trying to sell to them before sending them further
into the sales funnel.

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