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Quantum Similarity Measures under

Atomic Shell Approximation: First Order
Density Fitting Using Elementary
Jacobi Rotations


Institute of Computational Chemistry, University of Girona, Girona 17071, Catalonia, Spain

Received 2 May 1997; accepted 30 July 1997

ABSTRACT: The elementary Jacobi rotations technique is proposed as a useful

tool to obtain fitted electronic density functions expressed as linear combinations
of atomic spherical shells, with the additional constraint that all coefficients are
kept positive. Moreover, a Newton algorithm has been implemented to optimize
atomic shell exponents, minimizing the quadratic error integral function between
ab initio and fitted electronic density functions. Although the procedure is
completely general, as an application example both techniques have been used
to compute a 1S-type Gaussian basis for atoms H through Kr, fitted from a
3-21G basis set. Subsequently, molecular electronic densities are modeled in a
promolecular approximation, as a simple sum of parameterized atomic
contributions. This simple molecular approximation has been employed to
show, in practice, its usefulness to some computational examples in the field of
molecular quantum similarity measures. Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
J Comput Chem 18: 2023]2039, 1997

Keywords: atomic shell approximation; Carbo

´ Index; elementary Jacobi
rotations; promolecular densities; quadratic error integral function; quantum
similarity measures

Correspondence to: R. Carbo-Dorca
Contractrgrant sponsor: CICYT; contractrgrant number:
SAF 96-0158
´ y
Contractrgrant sponsor: Spanish Ministerio de Educacion

Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 18, No. 16, 2023]2039 (1997)

Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0192-8651 / 97 / 162023-17

functions. The constrained least-squares fitting

Introduction problem, consisting of minimizing the quadratic
error integral function between ab initio and ASA
electronic density functions, will be studied next.

T he elementary Jacobi rotations ŽEJR. tech-

nique as a source of metric-preserving or-
thogonal transformations has been used in many
Apart from the least-squares EJR technique, a
Newton algorithm will also be constructed to find
the optimal ASA exponents. The corresponding
fields of quantum chemistry. Besides the task of computational algorithms will be detailed and
electronic energy optimization,1 EJR’s have been some illustrative examples discussed. Finally, us-
employed in other areas such as the localization of ing the promolecular approximation some mole-
orbitals 2 and the variational determination of or- cular QSM will be presented as an application
bitals in molecular pair wave functions.3 In our example.
laboratory, a large contribution of EJR to direct
electronic energy optimization has been devel-
oped4 as well as some earlier applications related Quantum Similarity Measures
to quantum similarity.5 Also, work has been per-
formed on the many aspects of the Jacobi diagonal- A QSM is defined as the integral involving at
ization algorithm,6 proposing a new parallelizable least two density functions,  rAŽr 1 ., r B Žr 2 .4 , and a
procedure, constituting a practical computational given positive definite operator V Žr 1 , r 2 ., where
scheme,7 able to deal with large matrices and a the vector r contains the coordinates of the in-
chosen set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Re- volved electrons. The QSM integral may be for-
cently, an application of EJR to the study of ap- mally written as:
proximate full CI wave functions has also been
reported.8 ZA B s HH r A
Ž r 1 . V Ž r 1 , r 2 . r B Ž r 2 . dr 1 dr 2 Ž1.
The present article will deal, in a general man-
ner, with the proposal of using the EJR technique When both compared systems are the same, then
to solve the problem of fitting the usual first order the integral is denoted as ZA A , and referred to as a
electronic density functions to a linear combination quantum self-similarity measure ŽQS-SM., and
of nS-type spherical functions, as has been done by when the quantum systems studied are molecules,
several investigators.9, 10 However, this work de- the literature speaks of molecular QSM ŽMQSM..
mands the fulfillment of the additional fitting con- The first MQSM defined, and also the most com-
straint, which is that all coefficients have to be mon, is the so-called overlap type.14a This choice
positive.11 This is in order to preserve the statistical corresponds to the replacement of V Žr 1 , r 2 . by a
meaning of the density function,12 which has to be Dirac delta function, transforming eq. Ž1. into:
considered as a probability distribution and thus it
should be positive definite everywhere. The fitted
approximate density employed in this work has
ZA B s Hr A
Ž r . r B Ž r . dr Ž2.

been modulated using a superposition of several

atomic spherical function squared modules, the Accurate MQSM may be obtained using a LCAO
so-called atomic shell approximation ŽASA..11 In approach to describe molecular electronic density
this work only atomic density fittings have been functions, corresponding to the expression:
performed and subsequent application to molecu-
rA s Ý Dmn xmU Ž r . xn Ž r . Ž3.
lar quantum similarity measures ŽQSM. evalua- m , n gA
tion13 ] 15 will be carried out using a promolecular
approximation.16 The main advantage of fitting where Dmn is the charge-bond order matrix, and
nS-type functions for practical application pur-  xm4 the atomic orbital basis set functions. Using
poses is the low computational costs compared to this approximation, four-center integrals have to
ab initio calculations. In this way, the feasibility be computed in MQSM. Besides these computa-
of QSAR project studies involving big sets of tional difficulties, there is the additional problem
large sized molecules of biological interest can be of the maximization of MQSM:18 the function, ZA B ,
envisaged.17 depends on the relative position of molecules A
To achieve this objective, the present study will and B, and the similarity between them is usually
first study the description of QSM and ASA-type defined as the maximum. It is not surprising,

2024 VOL. 18, NO. 16


therefore, that the major disadvantage of ab initio The above ASA partition is equivalent to writ-
calculations is the fact that quantum similar- ing eq. Ž4. in a more compact notation, as a linear
ity integral computation is cumbersome. For this combination of a positive definite function set  u i 4 :
reason computational algorithms have been
developed to calculate approximate density rAASA Ž r . s Ý wi u i Ž r . Ž7.
functions.9 ] 11 igA
QSM theory is an ideal mathematical construc-
tion, logically placed into the structure of quantum where the sum is performed over all the basis
mechanics,13b, c which may be used whenever it is function set  u i 4 , and the set of positive coefficients
necessary to compare two or more density func-  wi 4 must be determined.
tions. In fact, this may be seen from a more general The most interesting case is constituted by the
point of view, associating the density functions in ASA approximation of first order density func-
eq. Ž1. with square summable definite positive tions, but other high level density function forms
functions. From the mathematical point of view, may be considered as well. In any case, both the
a similarity integral defined as ZA B , can be in- exact and the ASA density functions may be sup-
terpreted as positive-valued, weighted scalar posed to be normalized to one particle, by divid-
products. ing by the appropriate particle number factors,
and in eq. Ž7., considering the basis functions nor-
malized as follows:
Atomic Shell Approximation
H u Žr. dr s 1, ; i g A
The construction of ASA-like density functions
can be traced up to the initial studies on QSM,14a
then, necessarily the set of ASA coefficients  wi 4 ,
where a CNDO-like19 approach was invoked to
apart from the condition:
deal with the computational problem of the evalu-
ation of the quantum similarity integrals, ZA B , for wi ) 0, ; i g A Ž9.
molecules. From this initial viewpoint, the concept
of approximating a given density function, has led must fulfill the additional constraint:
to the consideration of ASA as a general superpo-
sition of spherical nS-type, STO, or GTO, functions.
The density function in ASA form may be writ-
Ý wi s 1 Ž 10.
ten in terms of atomic function set contributions
 sa4 : Although the second condition may be easily taken
into account with a Lagrange multiplier tech-
rAASA Ž r . s Ý sa Ž r . Ž4.
nique,20 the first one, as expressed in eq. Ž9., could
not be so easily introduced into the computational
where the sum runs over all the atoms present in algorithm.11 It will be shown here that both condi-
molecule A. At the same time, the atomic set of tions can be maintained through the optimization
functions  sa4 , may be constructed using a set of process by using the appropriate tools.
atomic shells  si 4 , using the sum:

sa Ž r . s Ý si Ž r . Ž5. PROMOLECULAR ATOMIC

and the sum is over all the atomic shells of the ath Recently, similarity measures applied to QSAR
atom. Finally, the spherical function set  si 4 , can be studies 21 have gained more importance in compu-
defined as: tational chemistry. When QSMs are used in QSAR
studies, ASA will represent a considerable saving
si Ž r. s Ý c k w k Žr. Ž6.
in computation time. However, this approach is
still insufficient when a vast number of large
where the sum is carried out over the entire posi- molecules are studied. This is due to the necessity
tive definite function set  w k 4 , belonging to shell i. of obtaining both the ab initio electronic density
The coefficients  c k 4 must be positive in all cases to and the fitted functions Žoptimal coefficients and
keep the distribution structure of the approxi- exponents. for each molecule.11 A further theoreti-
mated function, rAASA , positive definite. cal and computational simplification is achieved



when the so-called promolecular approximation is where Z aa corresponds to the ab initio QS-SM of
considered, and then QSAR studies can be per- atom a:
formed17 without much effort. Within this ap-
proach, the total molecular electronic density is Z aa s H < r Žr. <
dr Ž 16.
calculated as a sum of atomic electronic density
contributions: which is computed within the LCAO approxima-
tion, replacing electronic density, r aŽr., by the cor-
rAASA Ž r . s NAy1 Ý Na r aASA Ž r . Ž 11. responding expression described in eq. Ž3..
Eq. Ž15. may be written in matrix form as:
where NA is the total number of electrons in « Ž2. s Z aa q w T Zw y 2bT w Ž 17.
molecule A, and Na the atomic number of each
atom a. The sum in eq. Ž11. runs over all the where the elements of the vector b s  bi 4 are given
molecular atoms. by the integral:
Every atomic density function r aASA is con-
structed with the same structure as the one given bi s Ý DmnH < Si Žr. < 2xmU Žr. xn Žr. dr Ž 18.
in eq. Ž7., but replacing u i by a squared nS-type m, n
spherical function centered on the ath atom and
keeping the coefficient convex constraints, given in and w is a normalized column vector Žw T w s 1.
eq. Ž9. and Ž10.: containing the ASA coefficients.
The set of positive coefficients  wi 4 can be easily
defined as:
r aASA Ž r . s Ý wi < S i Ž r y r a . < 2 Ž 12.
iga wi s < x i < 2 Ž 19.

Using this approximation, overlap-like QSM be- fulfilling condition Ž9.. If they are taken as real,
tween two atoms can be expressed by: then the quadratic error integral function is simply
expressed in terms of the squared coefficients as:
Z ab s Ý wi Ý wj Z i j Ž 13.
iga jgb « Ž2. s Z aa q Ý x i2 x j2 Zi j y 2 Ý x i2 bi Ž 20.
i , jga iga

where the Zi j elements belong to the similarity

On the other hand, due to the fact that the
matrix, Z, and are defined by the integral:
similarity matrix, Z, is positive definite, a unitary
matrix, U, can be found such as:
Zi j s H < S Žr y r . <
i a
< S j Ž r y r b . < 2 dr Ž 14.
Uq ZU s D Ž 21.

the similarity matrix being positive definite. where D is a diagonal matrix. The first step in the
procedure consists in diagonalizing the similarity
matrix Z, to obtain their eigenvalues and eigenvec-
tors. Then,  x i 4 coefficients are extracted from the
Constrained Fitting of ASA Coefficients
most promising normalized eigenvector of the Z
matrix; that is, the one producing the minimal
The set of  wi 4 optimal coefficients, appearing in
quadratic error. Consequently, the required con-
eq. Ž12., have been calculated minimizing the
straint, specified in eq. Ž10., is fulfilled from the
quadratic error integral function between ab initio
beginning. Starting from this initial vector, and
and ASA electronic density functions. The usual
applying orthogonal EJR over its components, the
form of the quadratic error function is:
required conditions in eq. Ž9. and Ž10. will be
maintained throughout the iterative procedure.
« Ž2. s H < r Žr. y r
ASA Ž . < 2
a r dr
s Z aa q Ý wi wj Z i j y 2 Ý wi
i , jga iga
= Ý Dmn H < S Žr. < x
2 U
Ž r. xn Ž r. dr Ž 15. EJRs are good tools to obtain elementary othog-
m , n ga onal transformations usable over vectors or matri-

2026 VOL. 18, NO. 16


ces. The origin of such transformation matrices can and their second-order variations are given by:
be found in Jacobi’s study,6 dating back to the last
century. Being orthogonal, EJR may also be viewed d x p2 s Ž ˙
x p2 y x p2 .
as rotation matrices over n-dimensional spaces.
Applied to a given n-dimensional vector, an EJR, s y s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2cs x p x q s yD
which is written as J p q Ž a ., transforms the corre- Ž 26.
sponding p and q components, keeping the rest of d x q2 s Ž ˙
x q2 y x q2 .
them invariable. Calling x s  x i 4 the vector to be s s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2cs x p x q s D
transformed by means of the EJR J p q Ž a ., the trans-
formation is defined by the equations:
The fourth power of the transformed coefficients is
˙x p ¤ c x p y sx q defined from the quadratic ones as follows:
Ž 22.
˙x q ¤ s x p q c x q 2 2
˙x p4 s Ž ˙x p2 . s Ž x p2 y D . s x p4 q D2 y 2 x p2 D
where c and s are the cosine and sine of the 2 2

rotation angle a. The norm of the new vector,

˙x q4 s Ž ˙x q2 . s Ž x q2 q D . s x q4 q D2 q 2 x q2 D
˙x s  ˙x i 4, obtained after applying the EJR J p q Ž a ., ˙x p2 ˙x q2 s Ž x p2 y D .Ž x q2 q D . Ž 27.
remains invariable with respect to the initial one.
ASA coefficients are obtained by an optimiza- s x p2 x q2 q Ž x p2 y x q2 . D y D2
tion procedure, which minimizes « Ž2.. Isolating the
p and q elements of the vector x from the rest, eq.
Ž20. gives:
and their corresponding variation, d x p4 , d x q4 , and
d Ž x p2 x q2 ., are defined by:
« Ž2. s Z aa q x p4 Z p p q x q4 Z q q q 2 x p2 x q2 Z p q
q 2 x p2 Ý x i2 Z p i q 2 x q2 Ý x i2 Zi q d x p4 s Ž ˙
x p4 y x p4 . s D2 y 2 x p2 D
i/p , q i/p , q
d x q4 s Ž ˙
x q4 y x q4 . s D2 q 2 x q2 D Ž 28.
q Ý Ý x i2 x j2 Zi j y 2 x p2 bp y 2 x q2 bq
i/p , q j/p , q
d Ž x p2 x q2 . s ˙ x q2 y x p2 x q2 s Ž x p2 y x q2 . D y D2
x p2 ˙
ž /
y2 Ý x i2 bi Ž 23.
i/p , q Developing the d x p4 and d x q4 expressions in eq.
Ž28. gives:
Over this equation, it is easy to apply the EJR
J p q Ž a ., thus the variation of « Ž2. respects the active 2
pair of elements  p, q4 , and may be expressed as: d x p4 s s 4 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 4c 2 s 2 x p2 x q2
q 4cs 3 Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q
d« Ž2. s d x p4 Z p p q d x q4 Z q q q 2 d Ž x p2 x q2 . Z p q
y 2 x p2 s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2cs x p x q
q 2 d x p2 Ý x i2 Z p i q 2 d x q2 Ý x i2 Zi q
i/p , q i/p , q 2
s s4 Ž x p2 y x q2 . y 4 x p2 x q2
y 2 d x p2 bp y 2 d x q2 bq Ž 24.
q 4cs 3 Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q
The squared transformed coefficient elements,
˙x p2 and ˙x q2 , necessary to obtain expressions for the q 2s 2 x p2 y Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2 x q2
variations d x p2 and d x q2 , are easily obtained from y 4cs x p3 x q Ž 29.
eq. Ž22., as:
2 and:
˙x p2 s Žc x p y s x q . s c 2 x p2 q s 2 x q2 y 2cs x p x q
s x p2 q s 2 Ž x q2 y x p2 . y 2cs x p x q d x q4 s s 4 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 4c 2 s 2 x p2 x q2
Ž 25.
x 2
s Ž s x p q c x q
. s s 2 2
x p q c 2 2
x q q 2cs x x
p q q 4cs 3 Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q

s x q2 q s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2cs x p x q q 2 x q2 s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2cs x p x q



s s4
Ž x p2 y x q2 . y 4 x p2 x q2 y2 Ž 2 E04 s 2 q E02 . t y Ž 3 E13 s 2 q E11 .
s yc Ž T1 t 2 y 2T2 t y T3 . s 0 Ž 34.
q 4cs 3 Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q
s dc
q 2s 2 x q2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2 x p2 q 4cs x p x q3 where t s s yt.
c ds
Ž 30. The best EJR angle is found by solving the
second-degree equation appearing in expression
whereas the term d Ž x p2 x q2 . adopts the form: Ž34.. The optimization is conducted by an iterative
procedure, until the variation of the EJR angle or
d Ž x p2 x q2 . s s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . q 2cs Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q the quadratic error integral function value be-
comes negligible.
y s 4 Ž x p2 y x q2 . y 4c 2 s 2 x p2 x q2

y 4cs 3 Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q Optimizaton of ASA Exponents

s ys 4 Ž x p2 y x q2 . y 4 x p2 x q2 A Newton algorithm20 has been used to opti-
mize the exponents of the fitted nS-type functions
y 4cs 3 Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q
in ASA. This method is operative when the ana-
2 lytic gradient vector and the Hessian matrix are
q s 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . y 4 x p2 x q2
available, as in the present ASA case. Newton’s
q 2cs Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q Ž 31. equation may be written as:
< F kq1 : s < F k : y Ž H k . gk Ž 35.
Substituting expressions d x p2 , d x q2 , d x p4 , d x q4 ,
and d Ž x p2 x q2 . into eq. Ž24., and collecting terms, where < F : s  z i 4 is a vector containing all the
one has: exponents of the fitted basis set functions. The
superscripts k and k q 1 represent the points be-
d« Ž2. s E04 s 4 q E13 cs 3 q E02 s 2 q E11cs Ž 32. fore and after every iteration, and g and H are the
gradient vector and the Hessian matrix in the step
where the new parameter set  Ecs 4 introduced in
k, respectively.
eq. Ž32. is defined using:
At every iteration the gradient vector elements
2 are calculated in the following manner:
E04 s Ž Z p p q Z q q y 2 Z p q . Ž x p2 y x q2 . y 4 x p2 x q2
­« Ž2. ­ Zi i ­ Zi j ­ bi
E13 s 4 Ž Z p p q Z q q y 2 Z p q . Ž x p2 y x q2 . x p x q gi s s x i4 q x i2 Ý x j2 y 2 x i2
­z i ­z i j/i ­z i ­z i
E02 s 4 Ž Z p p q Z q q y 2 Z p q . x p2 x q2 y 2 Ž x p2 y x q2 . G Ž 36.
E11 s y4 x p x q G Ž 33.
and the expression of the Hessian matrix elements
and are given by:
Gs Ý x i2 Ž Z p i y Z q i . q x p2 Z p p y x q2 Z q q
i/p , q ­ 2« Ž2. ­ 2 Zi i ­ 2 Zi j
hii s s x i4 q x i2 Ý x j2
­z i 2 ­z i 2 ­z i 2
y Ž x p2 y x q2 . Z p q y bp q bq j/i

­ 2 bi
The optimal sine belonging to the EJR can be y2 x i2 Ž 37.
d d« Ž2. ­z i 2
chosen with the gradient condition s 0;
ds ­ 2« Ž2. ­ 2 Zi j
that is: hi j s s x i2 x j2
­z i ­z j ­z i ­z j
d d« Ž2.
s 4 E04 s 3 q E13 Ž yts 3 q 3cs 2 . The Newton method is generally reliable and
ds reasonably efficient. The optimization stops when
q 2 E02 s q E11Ž yts q c . the difference of the quadratic error integral func-
tion between two successive steps is less than a
s yc Ž E13 s 2 q E11 . t 2 given threshold.

2028 VOL. 18, NO. 16


FIRST AND SECOND DERIVATIVES OF and, in the same way, Zi i measure produces:
­ Zi i 3
The gradient vector and Hessian matrix, corre- s Zi i Ž 45.
sponding to eq. Ž36. and Ž37., should be computed ­z i 2 zi
to solve the Newton eq. Ž35.. These expressions
To evaluate the b vector elements, the spherical
require the following derivatives:
functions, Si Ž r ., of expression Ž40. are substituted
­ Z i i ­ Z i j ­ bi into eq. Ž18.:
, , Ž 38.
­z i ­z i ­z i bi s 4p Ni 2 Ý Dmn Nm Nn
m ,n
and: `
2 n iqnm qnn y2 yŽ2 z iq zm q zn . r 2
= H0 r e dr Ž 46.
­ Z i i ­ Z i j ­ bi ­ Z i j
2 2 2 2
, , , Ž 39.
­z i 2 ­z i 2 ­z i 2 ­z i ­z j These integrals depend on the exponent of r.
Defining m s 2 n i q nm q nn y 2, then bi is equal
A normalized nS Gaussian function in the to:
spherical polar coordinate system may be written,
after integrating the angular part, as: bi s Ý Dmn Nm Nn
m, n

Si Ž r . s Ni r n iy1 ey z i r n
2 n iynm ynn q3
1r2 Ž 2 n i q nm q nn y 3 . !! 2
2 2 n iy1r2 z i n iq1r2 =
Ni s Ž 40. Ž 2 n i y 1 . !!
Ž 2 n i y 1 . !!p 3r2

where n i is the principal quantum number of the Ž z i . n iq1r2

ith atomic shell and Ni the normalization constant. = 2 n iqnm qnn y1
Ž 47.
A factor Ž1r4p .1r2 is included in the normaliza- Ž 2 z i q zm q zn . 2
tion factor, coming from the integration of the
angular part. if m is an even number, and if it is odd:
Substituting expression Ž40. into eq. Ž14., the Zi j
measure becomes: bi s Ý Dmn Nm Nn
m, n
r 2Ž n iqn jy1. ey2Ž z iq z j . r dr Ž 41.
Zi j s 4p Ni 2 Nj2 H0 1r2 Ž 2 n i q nm q nn y 3 . ! 2 2 n iq1r2

and integrating this equation yields:

= ½ Ž 2 n i y 1 . !! 5
Ž z i . n iq1r2
= Ž 48.
2 3r2
2 Ž n i q n j . y 3 !! 2 n iqnm qnn y1
Zi j s ž / p ½ Ž 2 n i y 1 . !! Ž 2 n j y 1 . !! 5 Ž 2 z i q zm q zn . 2

1r2yn iyn j
=z i n iq1r2 z j n jq1r2 Ž z i q z j . Ž 42. In both solutions, the bi integral may be written
using an auxiliary function B, which depends on
In the case where i s j eq. Ž42. is simplified to: the ith atomic shell and the variable m:

bi s Ý Bmn Ž i , m . Ž 49.
2 2y 2 n i Ž 4 n i y 3 . !!
Zi i s
½ p 3r2 w Ž 2 n i y 1 . !!x
2 5 zi 3r2 Ž 43. m, n

Using this notation, the derivative of bi with re-

Differentiating Zi j with respect to the exponent spect to the z i exponent, is given by:
z i gives: ­ bi n i q 1r2 2 n i q nm q nn y 1
s y
­ Zi j
s Zi j
n i q 1r2
n i q n j y 1r2 ­z i
m, n
ž zi 2 z i q zm q zn /
­z i ž zi zi q z j / Ž 44.
=Bmn Ž i , m . Ž 50.



Inserting eq. Ž44., Ž45., and Ž50. into eq. Ž36., the n i q 1r2
y 2 x i2
following expression can be obtained:
m, n
ž zi
g i s x i4 Zi i q x i2 Ý x j2 Zi j 2 n i q nm q nn y 1 n i q 1r2
2 zi y y
n i q 1r2

n i q n j y 1r2
2 z i q zm q zn / zi 2
= y
ž zi zi q z j / q
2 n i q nm q nn y 1
Ž 2 z i q zm q zn . 2
Bmn Ž i , m . Ž 55.
n i q 1r2 2 n i q nm q nn y 1
y 2 x i2 y
m, n
ž zi 2 z i q zm q zn / whereas the expression for the off-diagonal ele-
ments is:
=Bmn Ž i , m . Ž 51.
­ 2 Zi j
hi j s
­z i ­z j
The second derivatives needed to calculate the
h i i Hessian matrix elements are: n i q 1r2 n i q n j y 1r2
s Zi j y
­ 2 Zi i
s Zi i
Ž 52.
ž zi zi q z j /
­z i 2 4z i 2 n j q 1r2 n i q n j y 1r2
= y
and: ž zj zi q z j /
2 n i q n j y 1r2
­ 2 Zi j n i q 1r2 n i q n j y 1r2 q Ž 56.
s Zi j y
­z i 2 ž zi zi q z j / Ž zi q z j . 2

n i q 1r2 n i q n j y 1r2
y q Ž 53.
zi 2
Ž zi q z j . 2 Computational Scheme
Second derivatives, with respect to the bi integral, A program called GATOMIC 22 has been con-
are obtained as: structed to compute fitted atomic shells using nS-
type Gaussian functions. Figure 1 describes the
­ 2 bi n i q 1r2 2 n i q nm q nn y 1 main steps to obtain the coefficients and exponents
s y
­z i 2
m, n
ž zi 2 z i q zm q zn / of the ASA functions.
The initial z i exponents are taken from an even-
n i q 1r2 2 n i q nm q nn y 1 tempered geometric sequence: 23
y q
zi 2
Ž 2 z i q zm q zn . 2 1
zi s a b i , i s 1, 2, . . . , N Ž 57.
=Bmn Ž i , m . Ž 54.

Substitution of these results into eq. Ž37. yields where n i is the principal quantum number of the
the Hessian matrix elements; for the diagonal part: ith spherical shell, and N describes the number of
used fitting functions. To perform a global search
3 of the exponents, a grid method is employed to
h i i s x i4 Zi i q x i2 Ý x j2 Zi j explore the surface described by the even-tempered
4z i 2 j/i
set generating the parameters  a, b 4 . Then, the
n i q 1r2 n i q n j y 1r2
2 computational procedure described in Figure 1 is
= y
ž zi zi q z j / carried out over every point of this grid.
As previously indicated, in the first optimiza-
tion step, the similarity matrix, Z, is diagonalized
n i q 1r2 n i q n j y 1r2 and the  x i 4 coefficient set is extracted from the
y q
zi 2
Ž zi q z j . 2 eigenvector producing the minimal « Ž2. value.
Then, using EJR, as described previously, ASA

2030 VOL. 18, NO. 16


FIGURE 2. Surface described by the variation of a and

b even-tempered parameters for the chlorine atom.

formed to explore the surface in the interval a g

w 0.01, 5.0x and b g w 1.0, 9.0x . Over every point of
the grid, EJR optimization of the  x i 4 coefficients is
performed, keeping the ASA exponents invariable.
The minimum value of « Ž2. is 0.0143 a.u. and has
been obtained at a s 0.1734 and b s 5.1379 pa-
FIGURE 1. Computational flowchart describing the rameter values. As will be seen in the next section,
optimization of ASA coefficients and exponents.
this « Ž2. value may be improved if exponents are
optimized and the exponent even-tempered se-
quence abandoned.
coefficients are optimized solving the second de-
gree equation, appearing in expression Ž34., using
an iterative procedure Žsection c in Fig. 1.. Next,
the optimization of z i exponents begins. After the Results
Newton algorithm a new EJR process is again
carried out to obtain the most accurate fitted posi- Two types of results will be presented. First, to
tive coefficients, and an iterative process is re- evaluate the fitting procedure, atomic QS-SM are
peated until the convergence criterion is fulfilled. computed using ASA functions and are compared
To produce an example to depict the variation with the ab initio ones. A following analysis will
of  a, b 4 even-tempered parameters, Figure 2 shows verify the behavior of the ASA atomic basis set
the surface obtained for the chlorine atom when density functions in molecular calculations, using
five 1S Gaussian functions are used Ž N s 5.. A the promolecular approximation, as described in eq.
30-point grid for each parameter a and b is per- Ž11..



ATOMIC CALCULATIONS program. Table I also gives the quadratic error

Table I lists ab initio QS-SM Ž Z aa . using the integral function and the relative error produced
3-21G basis set 24 for atoms Li to Kr. HF ab initio in the QS-SM, using different numbers of functions
atomic density functions have been calculated with per atom. Table I does not show results for heavy
the ATOMIC-95 program.25 Any GTO basis set atoms using three and four functions Žcorrespond-
could have been chosen. The present calculation ing to columns N s 3 and N s 4., because it is
uses the 3-12G level because it is available in the not possible to achieve a good fitting with fewer
Gaussian-94 program26 from H to Kr. Systematic functions. Hydrogen and helium atoms are not
calculations on other basis sets are under study. included in this table because their contributions
Different 1S Gaussian basis sets have been com- to MQSM are negligible Žsee the QSM map HCCH
puted with the GATOMIC program, which uses as —Ne in the next subsection., and only one func-
the input data the output data of the ATOMIC tion is used to describe these two atoms. Coeffi-

Results Using a 3-21G Basis Set 24 for Li to Kr.a

Atom % Z aa % Z aa % Z aa
(electronic state) Z aa (a.u.) N «( 2) error N «( 2) error N «( 2) error

Li(2 S) 0.34440 5 0.0000023 y0.0218 4 0.000016 y0.0111 3 0.00085 0.0316

Be(1S) 0.51914 5 0.0000064 y0.0330 4 0.000009 y0.0095 3 0.00111 0.0775
B(2 P) 0.69161 5 0.0000075 0.0137 4 0.000027 y0.0641 3 0.00141 0.0035
C(3 P) 0.87083 5 0.0000174 y0.0021 4 0.000074 y0.1214 3 0.00181 y0.0904
N(4 S) 1.05761 5 0.0000179 y0.0023 4 0.000164 y0.1938 3 0.00239 y0.1991
O(3 P) 1.25220 5 0.0000195 y0.0179 4 0.000345 y0.2861 3 0.00316 y0.3427
F(2 P) 1.45639 5 0.0000185 0.0079 4 0.000602 y0.3855 3 0.00413 y0.5049
Ne(1S) 1.67148 5 0.0000245 0.0133 4 0.001046 y0.5552 3 0.00532 y0.6790
Na(2 S) 1.90067 5 0.0001318 y0.0922 4 0.002114 y0.3195 3 0.00724 y1.3363
Mg(1S) 2.14464 5 0.0002249 y0.0351 4 0.002733 y0.0990 3 0.01172 y2.0284
Al(2 P) 2.38804 5 0.0002282 y0.0154 4 0.003055 0.0347 3 0.01888 y2.6856
Si(3 P) 2.63649 5 0.0002436 y0.0038 4 0.003159 0.0641 3 0.02900 y3.2867
P(4 S) 2.88964 5 0.0001657 y0.0128 4 0.003197 0.0672 3 0.04829 y2.8037
S(3 P) 3.14729 5 0.0001382 y0.0148 4 0.003237 0.0659 3 0.07193 1.9657
Cl(2 P) 3.40948 5 0.0001097 y0.0167 4 0.003261 0.0566 3 0.07578 1.9987
Ar(1S) 3.67627 5 0.0000906 y0.0186 4 0.003282 0.0516 3 0.07941 1.9736
K(2 S) 3.94005 5 0.0001216 y0.0430
Ca(1S) 4.21566 5 0.0002768 y0.0808
Sc(2 D) 4.48734 5 0.0003525 y0.0933
Ti(3 F) 4.76039 5 0.0004101 y0.1030
V(4 F) 5.03508 5 0.0004908 y0.1182
Cr(5 D) 5.30329 5 0.0005757 y0.1316
Mn(6 S) 5.59114 5 0.0006672 y0.1438
Fe(5 D) 5.87170 5 0.0007898 y0.1604
Co(4 F) 6.15446 5 0.0009223 y0.1717
Ni(3 F) 6.44012 5 0.0010698 y0.1948
Cu(2 D) 6.72772 5 0.0012540 y0.2118
Zn(1S) 7.01766 5 0.0014076 y0.2365
Ga(2 P) 7.31617 5 0.0022071 y0.2992
Ge(3 P) 7.61659 5 0.0034518 y0.3805
As(4 S) 7.97677 5 0.0043724 y0.4565
Se(3 P) 8.22790 5 0.0060097 y0.5303
Br(2 P) 8.55327 5 0.0080829 y0.6061
Kr(1S) 8.84739 5 0.0106579 y0.6765
Ab initio QS-SM ( Z a a ), quadratic error integral function and relative error in QS-SM using different numbers ( N ) of 1S Gaussian
functions per atom.

2032 VOL. 18, NO. 16


cients and exponents for all these basis sets of ASA atoms of a linear molecule. Density functions and
functions are available for downloading at a WWW molecular geometries are obtained using the
site.27 Gaussian-94 program and the HFr3-21G basis set.
In the first example, a resulting QSM map for the
SOME MOLECULAR EXAMPLES acetylene molecule is shown. In Figure 3, the solid
line shows the ab initio QSM map, whereas the
QSM maps 28 constitute a very useful tool for dashed line corresponds to ASA computations, us-
observing the behavior of the ASA functions with ing one function for H and three functions for C
respect to the ab initio ones.11b A QSM map be- and Ne atoms Žcorresponding to column N s 3 of
tween a molecule, A, and an atom, b, can be Table I.. Maximal error between ab initio and ASA
defined as the integral: measures is y0.006 a.u. and is located in the C—C
bonding region. The second example, presented in
ZA b w R x s HH r Ž r 1 . V Ž r 1 , r 2 . r b Ž r 2 y R . dr 1 dr 2 Figure 4, consists of a QSM map of nitrous oxide,
NNO. In the same manner as the above example,
Ž 58. ab initio calculations are drawn in solid line and
ASA measures, using three fitted functions for N,
where it is made explicit that the measure ZA b w Rx O, and Ne atoms Ždashed.. Bonding regions N—N
depends on the atom position R. Two examples and N—O are the areas where ASA functions
are presented of QSM maps using overlap-like produce maximal error with a maximum value of
measures; both are obtained when a neon atom is y0.016 a.u. This effect is due to the promolecular
moved along the molecular axis defined by the approximation itself, which obviously produces a

FIGURE 3. QSM map for the system acetylene ]neon. Solid line corresponds to ab initio HF / 3-21G calculation.
Dashed line is the ASA calculation.



FIGURE 4. QSM map for the system nitrous oxide ]neon. Solid line corresponds to ab initio HF / 3-21G calculation.
Dashed line is the ASA calculation.

less accurate density representation in the bonding plied to a molecular set consisting of nine fluoro-
regions of molecules, but correctly describes atom and chlorosubstituted methanes. Tables II and III
nuclei. As is evidenced in the following examples, show ab initio MQSM and Carbo ´ indices14a for all
bonding regions do not have so great an influence pairs of molecules. Optimized geometries have
in MQSM, and ASA results may be considered as been obtained with the Gaussian-94 program us-
possessing sufficient accuracy for the practical pur- ing the HFr3-21G 6D 10F level of theory, and
poses of QSM. optimal molecular superpositions have been found
The optimized ASA functions have been ap- using the method described in ref. 18. This molec-

Ab initio MQSM for Fluoro- and Chlorosubstituted Methanes Using HF / 3-21G Densities.

CH 4 CFH3 CF2 H 2 CF3 H CF4 CClH3 CCl 2 H 2 CCl3 H CCl4

CH 4 0.31481 0.32213 0.22321 0.17084 0.13841 0.54534 0.33762 0.24449 0.19162

CFH3 0.46106 0.31639 0.23657 0.18794 0.66778 0.41364 0.29967 0.23495
CF2 H 2 0.39548 0.27592 0.20845 0.46638 0.28836 0.20889 0.16388
CF3 H 0.33334 0.26499 0.35777 0.22114 0.16046 0.12593
CF4 0.28533 0.29006 0.17914 0.13001 0.10246
CClH3 1.50383 0.92818 0.67035 0.52526
CCl 2 H 2 1.13480 0.71621 0.45926
CCl3 H 0.88792 0.63259
CCl4 0.72536

2034 VOL. 18, NO. 16


´ Indices for Fluoro- and Chlorosubstituted Methanes Using HF / 3-21G Densities.
Ab initio Carbo

CH 4 CFH3 CF2 H 2 CF3 H CF4 CClH3 CCl 2 H 2 CCl3 H CCl4

CH 4 1 0.84553 0.63260 0.52739 0.46181 0.79258 0.56486 0.46243 0.40100

CFH3 1 0.74094 0.60345 0.51815 0.80196 0.57185 0.46836 0.40628
CF2 H 2 1 0.75994 0.62054 0.60476 0.43044 0.35251 0.30597
CF3 H 1 0.85926 0.50531 0.35956 0.29494 0.25610
CF4 1 0.44281 0.31482 0.25829 0.22522
CClH3 1 0.71051 0.58011 0.50292
CCl 2 H 2 1 0.71350 0.50620
CCl3 H 1 0.78824
CCl4 1

ular set has been used in previous studies.11, 14f as with those computed in ref. 11b, where 1S func-
a benchmark test to verify new fitting algorithms tion exponents were fitted to reproduce atomic
and approximations. QS-SM. Another evaluation may be obtained when
Table IV resumes the results obtained using the present results of promolecular ASA are com-
different sets of ASA functions described in Table pared with those of molecular ASA.11a In ref. 11a,
I. Main error scores for the molecular set studied the set of nine fluoro- and chlorosubstituted
are presented in Table IV. The data provided in methanes have also been studied, although at a
the table consist of the following parameters: different level of theory ŽHFr6-31G*.. This last
greatest error, error arithmetic mean, and standard remark does not become an inconvenience at all, if
deviation produced when relative error for all pairs ref. 11a error and standard deviation means are
of molecules is analyzed. As was expected, the compared with those of Table IV. In the molecular
accuracy achieved increases when the number of ASA computations found in ref. 11a, the percent
ASA functions per atom are augmented. Another error arithmetic mean between ab initio and fitted
aspect that arises from Table IV corresponds to the MQSM is 0.056%, with a standard deviation of
fact that ASA Carbo ´ indices agree with ab initio ´ index calculations
0.05%. In contrast, within Carbo
values, in a better way than MQSM. This charac- of the same source, the relative error arithmetic
teristic has already been observed in previous mean is 0.066% and the standard deviation be-
studies,11 , 14f and may be an effect caused by the comes 0.06%. The accuracy characteristics of these
normalization of the measure, performed when quoted results are comparable with the five-func-
Carbo ´ indices are computed. tion-level promolecular measures of the present
The present results are the best obtained in our work Žsee Table IV. and the effect is more pro-
laboratory using a promolecular approximation up nounced within the Carbo ´ index figures.
to now. This is shown when they are compared To show an example of the ASA results, in

Relative Errors with Associated Greatest Error Value, Arithmetic Mean and Standard Deviation
Produced by Comparing Ab Initio Values (Tables II and III) with ASA MQSM and Carbó
Indices for Fluoro- and Chlorosubstitued Methanes.

Number of
shells Relative errors
Greatest error (%) Mean of Standard
H C F Cl Measure / pair of molecules errors deviation

1 3 3 4 Z AB y1.421 (CH 4 } CH 4 ) 0.534 0.380

CAB 1.282 (CFH3 } CCIH3 ) 0.576 0.537
1 4 4 4 Z AB y1.432 (CH 4 } CH 4 ) 0.350 0.355
CAB 0.521 (CFH3 } CCIH3 ) 0.173 0.189
1 5 5 5 Z AB y1.277 (CH 4 } CH 4 ) 0.294 0.320
CAB y0.244 (CH 4 } CCI4 ) 0.052 0.071



MQSM for Fluor- and Chlorosubstituted Methanes Using Five-Function Level ASA Fitted Densities.

CH 4 CFH3 CF2 H 2 CF3 H CF4 CClH3 CCl 2 H 2 CCl3 H CCl4

CH 4 0.31883 0.32487 0.22503 0.17217 0.13945 0.55023 0.34065 0.24669 0.19335

CFH3 0.46273 0.31742 0.23708 0.18803 0.66842 0.41406 0.30002 0.23527
CF2 H 2 0.39648 0.27668 0.20896 0.46703 0.28873 0.20916 0.16412
CF3 H 0.33405 0.26549 0.35822 0.22139 0.16070 0.12613
CF4 0.28590 0.29041 0.17934 0.13019 0.10265
CClH3 1.50494 0.92893 0.67097 0.52583
CCl 2 H 2 1.13538 0.71670 0.45975
CCl3 H 0.88831 0.63296
CCl4 0.72567

Tables V and VI, MQSM and Carbo ´ indices of the The results given in Table VIII can be consid-
set of fluoro- and chlorosubstituted methanes are ered satisfactory, in view of the fact that the rela-
presented in five-function-level calculation. tive errors made in fitted QS-SM are less than
To test the behavior of the present ASA func- 0.81% for all the molecules studied. Promolecular
tions in calculations involving large molecules with functions produce an electron density excess
heavy atoms, a sample of eight molecules has been around the zone of the bonding regions, as is
chosen. These molecular structures have been taken shown in Figures 3 and 4. This less accurate den-
from the Cambridge Structural Database ŽCSD. 29 sity representation can also be evidenced by notic-
and are shown in Table VII. ing that fitted QS-SM in Table VIII are always
Table VIII lists the results of molecular QS-SM greater than the ab initio exact values.
using ab initio and promolecular ASA density func-
tions. From the CSD geometries, molecular elec-
tronic density functions have been calculated with Conclusions
the Gaussian-94 program using the HFr3-21G 6D
10F level. ASA QS-SM were computed from the The most important idea to be extracted from
atomic basis presented in Table I. The rule was to the present results, is that the EJR technique can be
use one function for the hydrogen atom, three a useful methodological procedure that allows us
functions for all atoms belonging to the second to obtain constrained fitted density functions with
period, four functions for the atoms of the third positive coefficients, and in this manner preserving
period, and five functions for the atoms of the the statistical meaning of the fitted density func-
fourth period. This procedure gives the best results tions. Also, the optimization of Gaussian scale
with the minimum number of atomic ASA func- factors, using a Newton method, gives even more
tions. accurate ASA functions. Within these techniques,

´ Indices for Fluoro- and Chlorosubstituted Methanes Using Five-Function Level ASA Fitted Densities.

CH 4 CFH3 CF2 H 2 CF3 H CF4 CClH3 CCl 2 H 2 CCl3 H CCl4

CH 4 1 0.84579 0.63291 0.52758 0.46188 0.79434 0.56619 0.46355 0.40198

CFH3 1 0.74107 0.60301 0.51696 0.80098 0.57125 0.46795 0.40600
CF2 H 2 1 0.76025 0.62064 0.60462 0.43034 0.35245 0.30596
CF3 H 1 0.85909 0.50523 0.35949 0.29500 0.25619
CF4 1 0.44274 0.31477 0.25835 0.22537
CClH3 1 0.71064 0.58031 0.50317
CCl 2 H 2 1 0.71364 0.50651
CCl3 H 1 0.78836
CCl4 1

2036 VOL. 18, NO. 16


Cambridge Structural Database Reference Codes, Chemical Formulae, and Structures of Selected Molecules
Used to Compute QS-SM.

Molecule CSD ref. code 29 Formula Structure

A1 ABPZOL10 C 5 H 5 BrN 2 O COCH3

Br N


" N

A3 AMSCNI11 C 8 H10 N 4 NiOS N NH 2

" Ni S
NH 3

A4 BABPAV C 4 H 6 Cl 2 F4 Si 2 F
Si F
Si F

A5 BAKNAC C 8 H 24 B 2 F 2 N 2 P2 H3 B F
t Bu N N t Bu
H3 B F


F " Se Cr C N

A7 BEYCIR C12 H12 AsN3

As N

A8 BIFXAP C14 H12 Cl 2 N 4 Zn


"N Zn N"



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A2 0.08890 61 0.08932 y0.4733
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