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Derivation of Class II Force Fields: V.

Quantum Force Field for Amides,
Peptides, and Related Compounds


Molecular Simulations Inc., 9685 Scranton Road, San Diego, California 92121

Received 23 December 1996; accepted 6 October 1997

ABSTRACT: As the field of biomolecular structure advances, there is an

ever-growing need for accurate modeling of molecular energy surfaces to
simulate and predict the properties of these important systems. To address this
need, a second generation amide force field for use in simulations of small
organics as well as proteins and peptides has been derived. The critical question
of what accuracy can be expected from calculations in general, and with this
class II force field in particular, is addressed for structural, dynamic, and
energetic properties. The force field is derived from a recent methodology we
have developed that involves the systematic use of quantum mechanical
observables. Systematic ab initio calculations were carried out for numerous
configurations of 17 amide and related compounds. Relative energies and first
and second derivatives of the energy of 638 structures of these compounds
resulted in 140,970 ab initio quantum mechanical observables. The class II
peptide quantum mechanical force field ŽQMFF., containing 732 force constants
and reference values, was parameterized against these observables. A major
objective of this work is to help establish the role of anharmonicity and coupling
in improving the accuracy of molecular force fields, as these terms have not yet
become an agreed upon standard in the ever more extensive simulations being
used to probe biomolecular properties. This has been addressed by deriving a
class I harmonic diagonal force field ŽHDFF., which was fit to the same energy
surface as the QMFF, thus providing an opportunity to quantify the effects of

* Present address: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia

Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan, ROC

Present address: DKFZ, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Contractrgrant sponsor: Potential Energy Functions Consor-
Heidelberg, Germany tium

Present address: ScienceMedia Inc., 6540 Lusk Boulevard, This article contains Supplementary Material available
Suite C144, San Diego, CA 92121 from the authors upon request or via the Internet at
Correspondence to: A. T. Hagler Žat Molecular Simulations ftp.wiley.comrpublicrjournalsrjccrsuppmatr19r430 or http:
Inc.. rrjournals.wiley.comrjccr

Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 4, 430]458 (1998)

Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0192-8651 / 98 / 040430-29

these coupling and anharmonic contributions. Both force field representations

are assessed in terms of their ability to fit the observables. They have also been
tested by calculating the properties of 11 stationary states of these amide
molecules. Optimized structures, vibrational frequencies, and conformational
energies obtained from the quantum calculations and from both the QMFF and
the HDFF are compared. Several strained and derivatized compounds including
urea, formylformamide, and butyrolactam are included in these tests to assess
the range of applicability Žtransferability. of the force fields. It was found that
the class II coupled anharmonic force field reproduced the structures, energies,
and vibrational frequencies significantly more faithfully than the class I harmonic
diagonal force field. An important measure, rms energy deviation, was found to
be 1.06 kcalrmol with the class II force field, and 2.30 kcalrmol with the
harmonic diagonal force field. These deviations represent the error in relative
configurational energy differences for strained and distorted structures
calculated with the force fields compared with quantum mechanics. This
provides a measure of the accuracy that might be expected in applications
where strain may be important such as calculating the energy of a system as it
approaches a Žrotational. barrier, in ligand binding to a protein, or effects of
introducing substituents into a molecule that may induce strain. Similar results
were found for structural properties. Protein dynamics is becoming of ever-
increasing interest, and, to simulate dynamic properties accurately, the dynamic
behavior of model compounds needs to be well accounted for. To this end, the
ability of the class I and class II force fields to reproduce the vibrational
frequencies obtained from the quantum energy surface was assessed. An rms
deviation of 43 cmy1 was achieved with the coupled anharmonic force field, as
compared to 105 cmy1 with the harmonic diagonal force field. Thus, the
analysis presented here of the class II force field for the amide functional group
demonstrates that the incorporation of anharmonicity and coupling terms in the
force field significantly improves the accuracy and transferability with regard to
the simulation of structural, energetic, and dynamic properties of amides. Q
1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Comput Chem 19: 430]458, 1998

Keywords: force fields; amides; conformations; ab initio; quantum chemistry;

molecular mechanics

solvent and counterions,1 perhaps the most basic

Introduction factor is the force field itself. Formulation of the
force field depends on the functional form and the
associated parameters that relate molecular ener-

T he rapid pace of experimental research in

complex molecular systems, particularly in
biochemistry and biophysics, has led to a greatly
gies to inter- and intramolecular distances, bond
lengths, bond angles, and torsion angles. Research
into this fundamental problem is the topic of the
increased need for accurate molecular simulation present series of studies.2 ] 5
techniques. The most powerful techniques at pre- Closely connected to the form assumed for the
sent are molecular mechanics and dynamics, which force field is the type, amount, and quality of the
presuppose an analytic energy function of the data used in its derivation. Early force fields relied
atomic coordinates Ži.e., a force field. that governs primarily on analysis of experimental data, partic-
all the relevant molecular energetic, structural, and ularly gas phase vibrational spectra or x-ray crys-
dynamic properties. Although in many applica- tallographic data. Examples of such experimen-
tions a qualitative picture derived from the simu- tally derived force fields are AMBER,6 CVFF,7
lation is sufficient, in an ever-increasing number of CHARMM,8 GROMOS,9 MM3,10 MM4,11 and
cases quantitative accuracy is critical for obtaining OPLS.12 However, in many cases, the amount of
meaningful results. available experimental data is insufficient for ob-
Although a number of factors affect the accu- taining well-determined and transferable force
racy of simulations, including the treatment of field parameters for even the simplest energy func-



tions for many, if not most, classes of molecules. that can be provided are currently not available or
Furthermore, inadequate availability of experi- even accessible from experiment. For example, the
mental data has inhibited research on improved gas phase conformational energies of simple
energy functions for more accurate simulations of dipeptides or the rotational barriers in most small
energetic, structural, and spectroscopic properties. amide molecules are not known. Another example
This has led to the more recent development of can be found in conformationally dependent struc-
force fields such as the class II CFF 2 ] 4, 13 ] 15 and tural trends,17 which are also difficult if not impos-
MMFF,16 which are based primarily on quantum sible to obtain from experimental measurements.
mechanical calculations of the energy surface. This information, which can be readily determined
The method for deriving class II CFF force fields from ab initio calculations, is highly useful for the
has been previously described.2 ] 4, 13 ] 15 It is based derivation and testing of force fields. The resulting
on using both existing experimental data and the force fields, in turn, are needed to accurately simu-
vast amount of information that can be obtained late important biological processes such as protein
from ab initio quantum mechanical calcula- dynamics or ligand binding, or to assist in the
tions.2 ] 4, 13 ] 15 With this method a quantum me- development of new therapeutic agents.
chanical force field ŽQMFF. giving the molecular The functional form of the force field is a crucial
energy as a function of atomic coordinates is first factor in determining how accurately the force
derived from least-squares fits of ab initio data field will be able to reproduce quantum or experi-
consisting of the energy and the first and second mental information on conformational energies, the
derivatives of the energy with respect to the Carte- energetic barriers to transitions between conform-
sian coordinates of the nuclei in a set of molecules. ers, conformationally dependent structural trends,
To sample the ab initio potential energy surface, and vibrational frequencies. The quantum mechan-
the training set incorporates distorted molecular ical data allow parameterization of more accurate
structures that are generated by displacing the functional forms, including anharmonicity and
nuclei in the directions of the normal modes of coupling between internal coordinates. Recently,
vibrations.2 Systematic errors inherent in the quan- in studies of the alkane functional group, it has
tum data are then removed by scaling the result- been demonstrated that the anharmonic and cou-
ing QMFF to fit experimental data that includes pling interaction terms in the MM3, MMFF, and
vibrational frequencies plus gas phase and crystal CFF functional forms substantially improve the
structural data.3 Applying this methodology to the accuracy of force field calculations of many of the
alkane functional group, 78 adjustable force con- aforementioned properties. The designation ‘‘class
stants and reference values in the QMFF force field II force field,’’ which is defined more rigorously
were derived from a total of 128,376 independent elsewhere,3 was used to distinguish the functional
quantum observables.2 The resulting CFF alkane form of such force fields as MM3 and CFF, which
force field was then derived by adjusting only contain these anharmonic and coupling interac-
seven scale factor and reference value parameters tions, relative to those of older class I force fields,
to reproduce 150 experimental observables consist- which are for the most part diagonal quadratic
ing of gas phase vibrational frequencies and equi- force fields; that is, based only on quadratic func-
librium bond lengths.3 The resulting force field tions of the bond lengths and bond angles plus
was then shown to account for observed conforma- simple cosine forms for torsion potentials. ŽWe
tional energies and rotational barriers as well. note, however, that for the amide functional group,
Large ratios of observables to parameters were MM3 omitted the use of coupling interactions from
maintained in this manner by fitting both the the functional form, although anharmonic terms
quantum and experimental data, thus enabling the for bonds and angles were retained.10 MMFF in-
derivation of a well-determined, transferable force cludes only bond length]bond angle coupling.16 .
field for a relatively complex energy function with In the present work, the fifth in this series 2 ] 5 a
many anharmonic and interaction terms. One may quantum force field for amide molecules is de-
view the methodology as providing an amplifica- rived with the CFF functional form. The ultimate
tion of the experimental data through the use of objective is to use the resulting QMFF together
the quantum energy surface. with experimental data as the basis for the deriva-
In addition to providing a very large and almost tion of the protein force field as just described. In
inexhaustible reservoir of observables, the use of this study we first derive the quantum force field
quantum data in force field development is invalu- and then test the adequacy of the functional form
able because the detailed types of molecular data for the amide functional group by comparing force

432 VOL. 19, NO. 4


field and quantum calculations of the energies, adequate for this purpose, and, because literally
structures, and frequencies of model compounds. thousands of configurations of fairly large
The results of the examination of the energy sur- molecules Žin the context of ab initio calculations.
face of amides complement previous tests of the are being considered, it has been the method of
CFF functional form on quantum 2, 15 and experi- choice.
mental 3 data for alkanes. In particular, because Molecules chosen for the training set are de-
amides contain partially conjugated bonds and un- picted in Figure 1, organized in four groups ŽFig.
dergo pyramidal inversion processes, the results of 1A]D.. Simple amides are represented by forma-
these calculations provide new information on the mide, acetamide, N-methylformamide, N-methyl-
importance of anharmonicity and coupling interac- acetamide, N, N-dimethylformamide, and N, N-di-
tions to describe the energetics of deformation of methylacetamide. These compounds sample all the
these structural features. In this article, the deriva- needed internal coordinates Žbond lengths, angles,
tion of an amide quantum force field and the fit of torsions, and out-of-plane motions. except for tor-
the force field to the quantum observables Žen- sions involving ethyl or propyl groups. The latter
ergies and derivatives. is presented. The force field were sampled in N-ethylformamide and propi-
is then tested by assessing the accuracy with which onamide to complete group A. The three dipep-
it reproduces ab initio conformational energies, tides in group B, N-formylglycineamide, N-for-
structures, and frequencies of stable conformers of mylalanineamide, and N-formyl-N-methylglycine-
11 simple amides and related compounds in the amide, were also selected for the training set. Urea,
training set. ŽAnalysis of stationary states of the N-formylformamide, and butyrolactam Žgroup C.
three-membered rings and peptides in the training were included to extend both the range of molecu-
set is deferred to a subsequent report.. As part of lar topology and of deformations to which the
the assessment of the anharmonic and coupling force field may be applied. The three-membered
interactions in the energy surface, parallel results ring molecules in group D, N-formylaziridine,
are determined for a quadratic diagonal force field, azacyclopropanone, and methylazacyclopropa-
in which the former terms are not included. A none, were selected for similar reasons.
more stringent test of the force field for amides Several methods were used to generate varied
will be presented in a subsequent article, which configurations of the molecules in the training set
will include tests on rotational barriers, nitrogen to sample the peptide energy surface. To ensure
pyramidal inversion barriers, and the effects of that all deformations were sampled, most of the
rotation about conjugated bonds and of pyramidal distorted configurations were obtained by displac-
inversion on structures and vibrational frequen- ing the atoms along the directions of the normal
cies.18 modes of vibration, while randomly selecting the
magnitude of the atomic displacements, as dis-
cussed in detail elsewhere.1, 2 In addition, a num-
ber of configurations were obtained from ab initio
Potential Energy Surface Sampling structure optimizations. Optimized structures for
stable conformers, as well as other stationary states
As previously described,2, 14, 15 a three-step pro- Že.g., transition states., were generated to sample
cedure is used to sample the potential energy conformational energies, rotational barriers, and
surfaces of a family of molecules. First, a training barriers to amino inversion. These optimized struc-
set of molecular structures must be selected for tures are also useful for testing the force field and
parameterization. Then, different distorted config- are described later in this work. In a few cases
urations of the model compounds comprising the Že.g., for N-formylglycineamide, N-formylalanine-
training set are generated by methods such as amide, and N-formyl-N-methylglycineamide., ad-
displacing the atoms along the directions of linear ditional points on the ab initio potential energy
combinations of the normal modes of vibration. surface were sampled by extracting the coordi-
Finally, the energy, forces, and second derivatives nates and forces generated during the Žiterative. ab
of the distorted molecules are calculated at the initio optimizations Žthese, in general, sample lower
HFr6-31G* level of theory. Because the resulting distortion energies.. Finally, to improve the sam-
force field will be scaled to fit experimental data, pling of the torsion angle energy dependence,
here we only require the determination of the additional configurations were obtained from
overall shape of the potential energy surface. rigid rotations about the amide bond in optimized
HFr6-31G* has pragmatically been shown to be structures of formamide, acetamide, N-methylfor-



FIGURE 1. Model compounds used in the derivation of the quantum mechanical force field (QMFF) for the peptide
group. A diverse set of molecules is chosen to constitute the training set. These molecules include (A) amides; (B)
peptides; (C) lactams, and other amide-related compounds; and (D) three-membered rings.

mamide, and N-methylacetamide. Use of these OX —CX —N angles, and OX —CX —N—C torsion an-
differing methods to sample the energy surface gles. ŽWe used OX and CX to denote the carbonyl
results in a wide range of deformation energies to oxygen and carbon atoms.. For example, a total of
be accounted for, as seen in Table I. 869 CX —N bond lengths ranging from 1.22]1.50 A ˚
The extent of the potential energy surface sam- were sampled. Of these, it can be seen from Figure
pling is characterized in Figure 2, which illustrates 2a that the training set included a maximum of 320
the range of exploration of the energy surface for bonds in the 1.35]1.37-A ˚ range with the remainder
three typical internal coordinates: CX —N bonds, spread over a range of ; 0.28 A. ˚ Similarly, Figure

434 VOL. 19, NO. 4


FIGURE 1. (Continued)

2b and c illustrate that the OX —CX —N angle and capability of the functional form to account for the
the OX —CX —N—C torsion angle were sampled distortions likely to be encountered in practical
through ranges of 90]1508 and 0]3608, respec- applications.
tively. These internal coordinate sampling ranges The potential energy surface sampling was com-
are typical of the ranges used for the other internal pleted by calculating the ab initio energy and the
coordinates of the training set molecules in Figure first and second derivatives of the energy with
1 and of the previously reported ranges utilized respect to the atomic coordinates. All calculations
for the parameterization of the hydrocarbon func- were performed at the HFr6-31G* level of theory
tional group.2 These obviously span high and low with the GRADSCF,19 TURBOMOLE,20 or GAUSS-
energy regions of the potential surface and test the IAN 90 21 programs. The maximum energy of the



FIGURE 1. (Continued)

distorted structures of each molecule in the train-

ing set is given in Table I, along with the number Parameterization
of independent quantum mechanical observables
generated for the training set. In general, for M The quantum force field ŽQMFF. was derived
configurations of a molecule containing N atoms, by fitting the parameters in the CFF functional
there will be M y 1 relative energies, M Ž3 N y 6. form2, 4, 15 to these quantum mechanical observ-
independent first derivatives, and M Ž0.5.Ž3 N y ables, using the least-squares fitting procedure
6.Ž3 N y 5. independent second derivatives of the previously discussed.2 The CFF functional form is
energy.2 For example, the number of independent given by:
quantum observables for 36 distorted formamide
2 2 3
structures comprises 35 relative energies, 432 first Es Ý K b Ž b y b 0 . q3 K b Ž b y b 0 .
derivatives, and 2808 second derivatives. The final b
training set contained a total of 140,970 quantum 4
q4 K b Ž b y b 0 .
observables consisting of 621 relative energies,
18,039 first derivatives, and 122,310 second deriva- 2 2 3
qÝ Ku Ž u y u 0 . q3 Ku Ž u y u 0 .
tives. The latter two quantities represent the slope u
and curvature of the potential surface at the partic- 4
ular configuration. q Ku Ž u y u 0 .

436 VOL. 19, NO. 4


Summary of Energy Data Used for Derivation of Quantum Force Field for Amides, Including the Energy ( E max )
of Maximally Distorted Structure and the Number of Quantum Mechanical Observables for each Molecule.

Number of observables
First Second
Molecule E maxa Energies derivatives derivatives

Formamide 26.7 35 432 2808

Acetamide 68.6 44 945 10,395
N-methylformamide 63.4 78 1659 18,249
N-methylacetamide 115.0 66 2010 31,155
N, N-dimethylformamide 55.1 18 570 4650
N, N-dimethylacetamide 17.8 6 273 5460
N-ethylformamide 54.1 34 1050 10,695
Propionamide 48.8 86 3393 7800
N-formylglycineamide 128.9 102 3090 12,555
N-formylalanineamide 18.4 47 2016 0
N-formyl-N-methylglycineamide 31.1 19 840 0
Urea 89.4 23 432 4104
N-formylformamide 96.3 28 522 4959
Butyrolactam 51.9 7 192 2400
N-formylazeridine 50.1 11 288 3600
Azacyclopropanone 27.2 8 135 1080
Methylazacyclopropanone 36.7 9 192 2400

Total 621 18,039 122,310

The maximum energy among all distorted molecular structures of each species relative to its most stable equilibrium structure
(kcal / mol).

K f Ž 1 y cos f . q2 K f Ž 1 y cos 2 f . qÝ Ý Ý Kfuu Ž u y u 0 .Ž u X y u 0X . cos f

f f u uX

q3 K f Ž 1 y cos 3f . q Ý Kx x 2 rU 9
rU 6

qݫ 2 y3
ž / ž /
ri j ri j
q Ý Ý K b b Ž b y b 0 .Ž bX y bX0 .
qi q j
b b qÝ Ž1.
X ri j
qÝ Ý Kuu Ž u y u 0 .Ž u
X y u 0X . i)j

u uX where b, u , f , x , and r denote bond lengths, bond

qÝ Ý K bu Ž b y b 0 .Ž u y u 0 . angles, torsion angles, out-of-plane coordinates,
b u and distances between nonbonded atoms, respec-
tively. The parameters K, q, « , and r U represent
qÝ Ý Ž b y b0 .
f b
force constants, atomic charges, van der Waals
well depths, and atomic diameters, respectively.
= K f b cos f q2 K f b cos 2 f q3 K f b cos 3f The first four summations describe the quartic
bond stretching, quartic angle bending, three-term
qÝ Ý Ž bX y bX0 .
X Fourier expansion of the torsion energy, and the
f b
harmonic out-of-plane deformation energy, respec-
= K f bX cos f q2 K f bX cos 2 f q3 K f bX cos 3f tively. The next set of terms represent coupling
interactions between internal coordinates. In order,
qÝ Ý Žu y u0 . these couplings are described by the following
f u cross-terms: bondrbond, anglerangle, bondran-
1 gle, bondrtorsion 1 Ždescribing the coupling be-
= K fu cos f q2 K fu cos 2 f q3 K fu cos 3f
tween a torsion angle and the central bond in the



FIGURE 2. Distribution of (a) CX } N bond lengths, (b) OX } CX } N bond angles, and (c) OX } CX } N } C torsion
angles in structures used to sample the ab initio potential energy surface.

torsion., bondrtorsion 2 Ždescribing the coupling in amides, are defined as the angle between a
between a torsion angle and a peripheral bond in plane formed by three Žof the four. atoms consti-
the torsion., anglertorsion, and angleranglertor- tuting the out-of-plane center and the bond formed
sion. The final two terms describe the van der between the fourth atom and the out-of-plane
Waals interaction, which is represented by an in- center 22 Že.g., the C—N bond and the plane formed
verse ninth power exchange repulsion plus an in- by the carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms in
verse sixth power dispersion interaction, and the formamide.. To obtain a unique definition for the
Coulombic electrostatic interaction. This is the out-of-plane coordinate, the average value of the
same functional form as previously reported,2, 4, 15 three possible bondrplane angles was used for the
except for the addition of the harmonic out-of-plane
out-of-plane coordinate in the CFF functional form.
This out-of-plane coordinate definition, which we
have previously denoted as a ‘‘symmetrized Wil-
OUT-OF-PLANE COORDINATE DEFINITION son angle,’’ 2 was found to give a much better
The out-of-plane coordinates, x , which describe description of the potential energy surface than the
the planarity or, conversely, the degree of pyrami- ‘‘improper torsion’’ coordinate previously used in
dalization at nitrogen and carbonyl carbon atoms most common force fields.

438 VOL. 19, NO. 4


intramolecular and intermolecular atomic interac-

tions in chemically similar functional groups.


The derivation of molecular mechanics force
fields is complicated by the need to use a redun-
dant set of internal coordinates. For a molecule
with N atoms, 3 N y 6 internal coordinates are
needed to uniquely describe the structure. How-
ever, the sum of the total number of bond lengths,
FIGURE 3. Schematic diagram of the amide group. bond angles, torsion angles, and out-of-plane coor-
dinates required for the force field is almost al-
ways greater than 3 N y 6, thereby introducing an
excess number of force constants that result in
TRANSFERABILITY OF PARAMETERS correlations between parameters for the angle, tor-
The amide nitrogen ŽN., nonpolar hydrogen ŽH., sion, and out-of-plane energy functions w i.e., terms
carbonyl carbon ŽCX ., and carbonyl oxygen ŽOX . 2]4 in eq. Ž1.x and for all cross-term interactions
atoms, as depicted in Figure 3, were assumed to be involving one of these three angular deformation
chemically identical in all of the molecules in the coordinates.
training set. In other words, parameters for the Parameter redundancies can severely impede
carbonyl ŽCX —OX . bond were assumed to be trans- the determination of force fields, because, in prin-
ferable between each of the amide, peptide, and ciple, there may be an infinite number of solutions
related Že.g., urea, N-formylformamide, and buty- Ži.e., parameter sets. to the least-squares fit of the
rolactam. molecules, and similarly, transferability observables that result in equivalent mathematical
was assumed for each of the other bond, angle, descriptions of the energy surfaces. However, in
torsion, out-of-plane, nonbond, and coupling inter- practice, most of these solutions consist of parame-
actions. Alkyl carbon atoms ŽC. with sp 3 hy- ters without a plausible physical basis Že.g., nega-
bridization were distinguished from the sp 2-hy- tive quadratic force constants for energy function
bridized carbonyl carbon, and the parameters for terms for bond angles or out-of-plane deforma-
methyl, methylene, and methine groups were tions. and are consequently not useful for molecu-
transferred from the QMFF for hydrocarbons.2 The lar modeling.
justification for these assumptions is based on the As a specific example of a common parameter
quality of the fit to the ab initio potential energy correlation problem in molecules with sp 2-hy-
surface and the ability of the QMFF to reproduce bridized atoms, consider the planar amide group
derived quantities such as energies, structures, and in formamide Žsee Fig. 3.. The in-plane angle de-
frequencies, as described in later sections of this formations are uniquely described by only two
work. bond angles Ž u 1 and u 2 ., because the value of the
The electrostatic and van der Waals parameters third bond angle Ž u 3 . is equal to 3608 minus the
for the potential energy function in eq. Ž1. were sum of the other two angles. By assuming the
derived from fits of experimental crystal structures harmonic approximation, which is valid for small
and sublimation energies of a variety of molecular deformations, the energy changes caused Žsolely.
crystals containing carbonyl groups Že.g., aldehy- by in-plane angle deformations can be character-
des, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, and amides. ized by:
and amino groups Že.g., amides and amines..23 As
2 2
was done for the derivation of the alkane QMFF,2 E s k 1Ž u 1 y u 10 . q k 2 Ž u 2 y u 20 .
a pragmatic approach was used wherein nonbond
parameters were fixed at these values in the deter- q k 12 Ž u 1 y u 10 .Ž u 2 y u 20 . Ž2.
mination of the force constants and reference val-
ues by the least-squares fit of the quantum me- Thus, three force constants Ž k 1 , k 2 , and k 12 . de-
chanical energy surfaces. This assured maximum scribe the energetics of in-plane deformations.
transferability of the nonbond amide parameters to However, in force fields used for molecular me-



chanics and dynamics, three bond angle coordi- without cross-terms. As discussed earlier and noted
nates are normally used to describe the in-plane elsewhere,2, 25 anglerangle cross-terms are not
deformations located at atoms with sp 2 hybridiza- needed to describe the angle bending potential for
tion. If the energy equation used by the force field angles located at trigonal centers Ži.e., apex atoms
includes all possible quadratic deformation terms, with three bonds.. However, there is ample evi-
as in eq. Ž3.: dence that many other interaction cross-terms Že.g.,
bondrbond, bondrangle, and bondrtorsion cou-
2 2 2
E s k 1Ž u 1 y u 10 . q k 2 Ž u 2 y u 20 . q k 3 Ž u 3 y u 30 . pling interactions. are necessary for accurate pre-
dictions of the energetics, structures, and vibra-
=k 12 Ž u 1 y u 10 .Ž u 2 y u 20 . tional spectra of molecules.2 ] 4, 24 ] 29 The cross-term
q k 13 Ž u 1 y u 10 .Ž u 3 y u 30 . interactions listed in eq. Ž1. are examples of spe-
cific types that are needed for accurate simula-
q k 23 Ž u 2 y u 20 .Ž u 3 y u 30 . Ž3.
tions.2, 29
then it can be seen that force constants for three
diagonal terms and three cross-terms, or a total of PENALTY FUNCTIONS
six force constants, are used, even though only
One of the practical consequences of parameter
three are needed to completely describe a har-
redundancy is that there is a tendency for some
monic potential energy surface. As a result the
force constants to be substantially larger than ‘‘rea-
force constants in eq. Ž3. are redundant, and there
sonable,’’ particularly in the case of force constants
are, in principle, an infinite number of equivalent
for terms dependent on torsion coordinates Ži.e.,
parameter sets that would mathematically de-
the internal coordinate, if it were isolated from
scribe the energetics of bond angle deformations in
correlated internals, would have a nonphysical en-
the amide group used for this example.
ergy surface.. To restrain these parameters to the
The method chosen for treating the redundancy
‘‘physical domain’’ restraints in the form of penalty
problem for angular deformations in formyl, acetyl,
functions were introduced for terms containing
and amino groups was to constrain the force con-
torsions, as in eq. Ž5.:
stants for anglerangle interactions to a value of 0,
thereby reducing eq. Ž3. to:
Fp s Ý Si2 1q Ý Wj Pj2 Ž5.
2 2 2 i j
E s k 1Ž u 1 y u 10 . q k2 Žu 2 y u 20 . q k3Žu 3 y u 30 .
Ž4. Here, Si are the residuals Ži.e., differences between
energies and energy derivatives calculated by
In other words, anglerangle cross-terms were not quantum mechanics and by the force field., Pj are
used for angles centered at atoms with three bonds. parameters, and Wj are penalty coefficients. This
Although this procedure removed the parame- modified function of the residuals, Fp , was then
ter redundancies just described, many other minimized in the least squares process. The penalty
sources of redundancies exist. The majority of these coefficients were chosen so as to damp the torsion
are caused by the use of dihedral angles for torsion constants, while having a minimal effect on the
coordinates. For example, in formamide, a well-de- sum of squares. We note that this restraint can
fined coordinate set should contain a single torsion only reduce the ability of the parameters to fit the
coordinate, whereas four dihedral angles are cus- data, because an additional restraint cannot im-
tomarily used in molecular mechanics force fields prove the fit. Thus, it will not lead to an artificially
for this molecule. The problem is compounded by good fit.
the use of torsion-angle-dependent cross-terms,
such as the bondrtorsion interactions used by
CFF 2, 15 and MM3.24 Using the formamide example
again, the force constants for the coupling interac- The amide QMFF parameters obtained from the
tion between the amide bond and the four dihe- least-squares fit of the quantum mechanical ener-
dral angles are redundant, because only a single gies and energy derivatives as just described are
set of Fourier coefficients is needed to describe this given in Table I of the Supplementary Material.
interaction with a well-defined coordinate set. Parameters specific to alkanes Že.g., C—H bond
Parameter redundancy problems can be re- stretching and C—HrH—C—H bondrangle
duced Žbut not eliminated. by using force fields cross-term force constants. were derived previous-

440 VOL. 19, NO. 4


ly,2 but are given there for completeness. The 732 eliminating all anharmonic and coupling interac-
force constants and reference values for amides tions in eq. Ž1. and then fitting the harmonic diago-
were derived from a total of 140,970 quantum nal force constants to the same datax . However, the
observables Žsee Table I.. Thus, an observable-to- penalty functions were not applied in deriving the
parameter ratio of 193:1 was achieved in the fit of HDFF. The primary reason for using penalty func-
the data. tions is to make the parameters more physically
reasonable and hence transferable. Because the
HDFF parameters were not intended to be trans-
Quality of Fit to Ab Initio Potential ferred to other systems, parameter transferability
Energy Surfaces was not an issue. Thus, the HDFF was allowed to
fit the data as well as possible given its functional
AMIDES IN TRAINING SET form, and pragmatic considerations to restrict the
The quality of fit of the quantum force field parameter ranges to physically reasonable values
ŽQMFF. to the ab initio potential energy surfaces of were not required. As such, the HDFF was, in
the core set of eight amide molecules Žgroup A in effect, given the benefit of the doubt, to make it
Fig. 1. in the training set is indicated in Table II, compare as favorably as possible with the QMFF.
which gives the rms deviations from ab initio re- Nevertheless, we will see that, with a few excep-
sults for energies, first derivatives, and second tions, it still performs significantly less well than
derivatives calculated by the QMFF for the dis- the coupled anharmonic QMFF force field, al-
torted structures of the molecules. though not restrained by penalty functions, as just
For comparison, Table II also lists the rms devi- noted.
ations from the quantum results for a harmonic Because the HDFF is more restricted in the
diagonal force field ŽHDFF., which has a class I range of molecular deformation energies it can
functional form. The harmonic diagonal functional accurately describe, the force field parameters in
form is widely used for simulations of large bio- the HDFF derived using quantum mechanical data
logical systems in force fields such as AMBER,6 depend on the choice of deformations in the train-
CHARMM,8 and GROMOS.9 The HDFF was de- ing set of molecules more strongly than those in
rived in a separate fit to the observables in the the QMFF. In the present case, we employed both
same manner as described for the QMFF w i.e., by equilibrium and moderately distorted structures

Ability of Diagonal Harmonic (Class I) and QMFF (Class II) Functional Forms to Account for Quantum
Mechanical Energy Surface of Amides: rms Deviations from Ab Initio Energies and First and Second
Derivatives of Distorted Structures.
X Y c
D Ermsa (kcal / mol) % D Erms b
% D Erms
Molecule (class I) (class II) (class I) (class II) (class I) (class II)

Formamide 1.58 0.70 38.2 10.0 21.5 4.4

Acetamide 2.35 1.31 39.3 15.5 18.3 4.1
N-methylformamide 1.36 0.71 43.0 15.8 17.3 4.1
N-methylacetamide 5.97 1.92 38.0 12.9 27.0 5.7
N, N-dimethylformamide 2.17 1.15 46.7 12.6 27.2 5.5
d d
N, N-dimethylacetamide 0.59 1.42 12.6 4.6
N-ethylformamide 2.07 0.72 39.9 9.8 29.0 4.9
Propionamide 2.28 0.53 51.3 27.3 28.1 5.8

Average deviation 2.30 1.06 42.3 14.8 21.4 4.9

rms deviation of relative energies calculated with the force field from the ab initio values.
Percent rms deviation of first derivatives of the energy.
Percent rms deviation of second derivatives of the energy.
All configurations are near an energy minimum, wherein the forces are small and the relative deviations are therefore not



typical of those found in macromolecules. For ex- structures. As is well known, accurate forces are
ample it is known experimentally that bond angles necessary for obtaining accurate trajectories in
about the C a atoms in polypeptides can vary by molecular dynamics simulations.
up to 88,30, 31 with even larger ranges found in The importance of anharmonicity and coupling
molecular dynamics simulations. These variations interactions are also clearly indicated in the fit of
are reflected by the ranges of internal coordinates the second derivatives Žcurvature of the potential
as shown by Table I and Figure 2 for both force surface.. For the QMFF, the relative deviations
fields. Alternatively, the HDFF could have been fit range from 4.1% for acetamide and N-methylfor-
to a relatively small range of structures, in which mamide to 5.8% for propionamide, in contrast to
case the values of equilibrium energies and other the much larger deviations in the harmonic diago-
computed equilibrium properties would be better nal force field, which range from 12.6% for N, N-
reproduced. However, when applied to real sys- dimethylacetamide to 29.0% for N-ethylforma-
tems containing the range of angles Žand other mide. The average relative deviations obtained
internals. alluded to above, or strained systems with the QMFF and HDFF are 4.9% and 21.4%,
such as calculation of rotational barriers, molecules respectively, thus indicating that the neglect of
with substituents that introduce strain, ligands anharmonicity and coupling interactions results in
with strain induced on binding to proteins, dy- an increase in errors for calculated second deriva-
namic fluctuations, etc., the errors would be large tives of the energy by a factor of four.
because the system was outside the ‘‘domain’’ for A comparison of the deviations in the energies
which the force field was derived. Thus, the pre- and energy derivatives given in Table II with the
sent approach compares the two representations corresponding deviations obtained for alkanes 2 in-
derived using exactly the same data, focusing on dicates that the potential energy surfaces of amides
how well the force fields reproduce trends in com- are not fit quite as well. For example, the devia-
tions in energies and second derivatives obtained
puted properties among different molecules and
with the QMFF functional form for alkanes are
0.87 kcalrmol and 4.6%, respectively. These devia-
As can be seen in Table II, from the improve-
tions are somewhat smaller than the average amide
ment achieved by the full force field over the
deviations Žin Table II. of 1.06 kcalrmol and 4.9%,
harmonic diagonal force field, the quantum energy
respectively. The larger errors in the amide poten-
surface of amides contains significant coupling and
tial energy surfaces seem to indicate that there
anharmonicity. This is similar to the conclusions
may be coupling interactions not accounted for by
drawn for the formate energy surface14 and for the
the QMFF functional form in eq. Ž1. that are signif-
intramolecular interactions in hydrocarbons.2 The
icant for amides but not for alkanes. Obvious ex-
deviations in the energies of the distorted amide amples of such possible coupling interactions are
configurations observed with the QMFF range from out-of-planertorsion or bondrout-of-plane cou-
0.53 to 1.92 kcalrmol, whereas the class I diagonal plings, because alkanes do not contain out-of-plane
quadratic force field yields rms errors in energy coordinates. ŽThere are, of course, other interaction
that range from 0.59 to 5.97 kcalrmol. The average terms that are not accounted for and might be
rms energy deviations of 1.06 and 2.30 kcalrmol more important in amides, such as more accurate
for the QMFF and HDFF, respectively, demon- expressions for the electrostatic terms, whose ab-
strate that the neglect of anharmonicity and cou- sence can also lead to increased deviations.. In any
pling interactions results in energies that are less case, it should be kept in mind that, although the
accurate by an average of 1.2 kcalrmol over this current functional form provides a significantly
set of structures. better description of the energy surface than previ-
The errors in first derivatives Žforces. obtained ous diagonal forms, there are still significant resid-
with the QMFF range from 9.8% for N-ethylfor- ual deficiencies indicating that there remain inter-
mamide to 27.3% for propionamide, whereas the actions that are inadequately accounted for.
corresponding error range for the harmonic diago-
nal force field is from 38.2% for formamide to
51.3% for propionamide. The average deviations in BIFUNCTIONAL AMIDES
first derivatives are 14.8% for the QMFF and 42.3% In Table III we compare the HDFF and the
for the HDFF, which demonstrates the extreme QMFF by examining their ability to fit derivatized
importance of anharmonicity and coupling interac- amide groups Žgroups C and D.. These molecules
tions in determining the atomic forces in distorted include highly strained and functionalized amides

442 VOL. 19, NO. 4


Ability of Diagonal Harmonic (Class I) and QMFF (Class II) Functional Form to Account for Quantum Mechanical
Energy Surface of Amide-Related Molecules: rms Deviations from Ab Initio Energies and First and Second
Derivatives of Distorted Structures.
X Y c
D Ermsa (kcal / mol) % D Erms b
% D Erms
Molecule (class I) (class II) (class I) (class II) (class I) (class II)

N-formylformamide 2.94 1.34 34.7 20.2 27.4 6.1

Urea 8.55 1.88 41.1 13.1 33.6 6.0
Butyrolactam 5.57 0.39 40.8 7.2 29.6 7.2
N-formylazeridine 5.40 4.88 48.2 20.9 25.3 9.3
Azacyclopropanone 4.39 1.58 47.1 20.0 33.6 8.5
Methylazacyclopropanone 3.74 1.67 57.2 23.1 23.7 9.5

Average deviation 5.10 1.96 44.8 17.4 28.9 7.8

rms deviation of relative energies calculated with the force field from those calculated ab initio.
Percent rms deviation of first derivatives of the energy.
Percent rms deviation of second derivatives of the energy.

and provide a stringent challenge for the force within the 9.8]27.3% range found for the amides
field. As with the corresponding results for the in the training set. On the other hand, the relative
amides in Table II, the QMFF shows a substan- rms deviations in the second derivatives range
tially better agreement with the quantum mechani- from 6.0% to 9.5% for these molecules, which are
cal energy surface. For example, the average rms larger than those Ž4.1]5.8%. for the amides them-
deviations of the energies are 2.0 and 5.1 kcalrmol selves. On the whole, these results indicate that the
for the QMFF and the HDFF, respectively. Simi- assumption of parameter transferability among
larly, the improved accuracy that results from in- amides and their derivatives Žlisted in Table III. is
cluding anharmonicity and coupling interactions not unreasonable, but does result in some degra-
in the functional form is demonstrated by the dation in the accuracy with which the force field
17.4% and 44.8% relative rms deviations from the can account for the quantum mechanical energy
quantum first derivatives that result, on average, surface.
from the QMFF and the HDFF, respectively. The
average relative rms deviation for the second
derivatives is also smaller by over a factor of three Comparison of Relative Energies,
Ži.e., 7.8% for the QMFF, as compared to 28.9% for Internal Coordinates, and Frequencies
the HDFF. when anharmonicity and coupling in- from Ab Initio and Force Field
teractions are taken into account. Calculations of Specific Compounds
The average rms deviations in the energies and
energy derivatives are significantly larger for the AMIDES
functionally substituted amides than for the amides As a further test of the quantum force field, and
themselves. However, the rms deviations in the to assess the importance of anharmonicity and
energies and the first derivatives of most of these coupling interactions, the relative conformational
molecules fall within the ranges discussed for the energies, structures, and vibrational frequencies
amides. For example, with the QMFF, the 4.88 obtained quantum mechanically were compared
kcalrmol rms deviation in the energies calculated with those calculated by the derived force fields,
for the substituted three-membered ring N-for- HDFF and QMFF, for a variety of stable conform-
mylaziridine are the only energy deviations that ers of the amide molecules shown in Table IV. The
do not fall within the 0.53]1.92 kcalrmol range most significant differences between the QMFF
Žsee Table II. for the amides. Similarly, all relative and ab initio results for the optimized structures,
rms deviations in the first derivatives calculated frequencies, and conformational energy differences
by the QMFF for the amide-related molecules are are discussed next.



Comparison of Accuracy of Bond Lengths and Bond Angles in Planar Structures Optimized by Harmonic
Diagonal Force Field (HDFF) and QMFF: rms Deviations of Eight Ab Initio Structures of Amides.

Bonds (A Angles (8)
Molecule / structure HDFF QMFF HDFF QMFF

Formamide 0.013 0.001 1.9 1.3

Acetamide 0.007 0.004 0.9 0.9
N-methylformamide, trans 0.020 0.002 1.4 0.8
N-methylformamide, cis 0.015 0.002 1.5 0.5
N-methylacetamide, trans 0.015 0.002 1.0 0.8
N-methylacetamide, cis 0.011 0.002 1.4 0.7
N, N-dimethylformamide 0.021 0.002 1.4 0.7
N, N-dimethylacetamide 0.020 0.003 1.4 0.8

Average rms deviation 0.015 0.002 1.4 0.8

Because most of the amides studied here are and 1.38, respectively. The corresponding devia-
either planar or very nearly planar, except for the tions Ž0.013 A˚ and 1.98. resulting with the har-
methyl groups, the values and deviations of the monic diagonal force field are significantly larger.
computed torsion angles are not a very useful Both the quantum and force field structures are
probe of the force fields and will not be discussed planar, in agreement with microwave spectra32 ] 34
in detail. However, in some cases, the minimum and recent high-level quantum calculations.35
energy structure obtained by the force fields dis- As seen from Table V, the frequencies for all
agreed with the ab initio structure with regard to normal modes except the amino puckering mode
the rotation of one or more methyl groups. Specifi- agree quite closely, with an rms deviation of 28
cally, the HDFF structure for acetamide differs cmy1 using the QMFF. However, the deviation in
from the ab initio structure with regard to the the puckering mode is 294 cmy1 , the QMFF fre-
methyl rotation. Similarly the QMFF structures quency being calculated as 403 cmy1 as compared
differ from the ab initio structures with regard to to the 109 cmy1 obtained for the quantum result.
methyl orientations for trans-N-methylacetamide, In fact, as seen from Table V, both the HDFF and
N, N-dimethylformamide, and N, N-dimethylace- the QMFF consistently exhibit large deviations in
tamide. In these cases, the stationary state that frequency for the amino puckering mode relative
most closely approximates the ab initio structure is to the frequency obtained from the ab initio calcu-
a transition state Ži.e., the methyl group is at a lations, not only for formamide but also for most
rotation barrier. with the force field. These station- of the other primary amides.
ary states were used in comparing vibrational fre-
quencies, as they represent structures with the
Amino Puckering Mode in Primary Amides
closest corresponding geometries. The structures
with differing methyl torsions are noted as such in The very large error in the frequency of the
the Supplementary Material. amino puckering mode results from the fact that
Detailed comparisons of results are given in the force constant for the nitrogen out-of-plane
Tables II and III of the Supplementary Material, coordinate has been constrained to a value of zero.
which give all the internal coordinates and fre- This constraint was imposed to avoid the use of an
quencies for each of the structures optimized by out-of-plane force constant with a negative value.
ab initio calculation and by the HDFF and QMFF The root of the anomaly, wherein a physically
force fields. unrealistic force constant value must be used to
reproduce ab initio results for the frequency of the
amino puckering mode, lies in the nonorthogonal-
ity of the out-of-plane and torsion Ži.e., dihedral
As indicated in Table IV, the ab initio and QMFF angle. coordinates used in the QMFF, as well as
structures are nearly identical. The rms deviations in all commonly used molecular mechanicsrdy-
in the bond lengths and angles are only 0.001 A ˚ namics force fields. The torsion potential for rota-

444 VOL. 19, NO. 4


Comparison of Accuracy of Conformational Energy Differences and Vibrational Frequencies Calculated by
HDFF and QMFF for Eight Amide Structures.

rms deviations
Energies (kcal / mol) a in frequencies (cm y 1)b
Molecule / structure HF / 6-31G* HDFF QMFF HDFF QMFF

Formamide 0.0 0.0 0.0 108 (245) 28 (293)

Acetamide 0.0 0.0 0.0 79 (320) 44 (525)
N-methylformamide, trans 0.0 0.0 0.0 119 (95) 45 (100)
N-methylformamide, cis 1.1 2.1 (1.0) 1.6 (0.5) 121 (y117) 38 (y141)
N-methylacetamide, trans 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 (39) 50 (22)
N-methylacetamide, cis 2.5 3.2 (0.7) 2.4 (0.1) 101 (8) 39 (77)
N, N-dimethylformamide 0.0 0.0 0.0 112 (16) 48 (0)
N, N-dimethylacetamide 0.0 0.0 0.0 101 (48) 48 (10)

Average rms deviation 0.9 0.4 105 (154) 43 (223)

Deviations from ab initio relative energies are in parentheses. For N-methylformamide and N-methylacetamide, the energies are
relative to the trans planar conformation.
rms deviations exclude frequency deviations from the amino puckering mode in molecules with NH 2 groups; the numbers in
parentheses are the deviations in the frequency of this mode.

tion about the CX —N bond is quite steep, due to coordinates to distinguish twisting and puckering
the large amount of energy required for breaking normal modes calculated from an alkene force
the partial p bond during the rotation, and this field.37, 38
steep potential contributes to the vibrational fre- For force field calculations of the frequency of
quency of out-of-plane deformation modes, be- the amino puckering mode in formamide and ac-
cause the nonorthogonal dihedral angles must etamide, a Žnitrogen out-of-plane. force constant
change during an out-of-plane deformation. The value of about y3 kcal moly1 rady2 would en-
torsion potential favors the planar configuration, tirely eliminate the systematic error in the fre-
resists out-of-plane deformations, and increases the quency. It should be noted, however, that, for the
frequency of the amino puckering mode. The out- QMFF result with formamide, the 403 cmy1 fre-
of-plane force constant must then be reduced to quency for the amino puckering mode is actually
mathematically counter the contribution of the tor- more consistent with the 289 cmy1 experimental 39
sion potential to the frequency of the amino puck- frequency than the 109 cmy1 ab initio result. The
ering mode. anomalously low frequency resulting from the
In the case of formamide, the intrinsic force quantum calculation reflects a large anharmonicity
constant for the out-of-plane coordinate in the in the nitrogen out-of-plane deformation mode,32
amino group is quite small and the use of nonor- and a consequent breakdown in the harmonic ap-
thogonal torsion coordinates contributes more than proximation for calculating frequencies.40
the intrinsic out of plane force constants, thus To our knowledge there have been only two
requiring the force constant to be reduced to a previous force field publications10, 16b that showed
smaller, and therefore negative, value. More gen- results for formamide frequencies. The MMFF pa-
erally, coordinate nonorthogonality is problematic rameter derivation resulted in a negative force
for all commonly used force fields for molecular constant for the nitrogen out-of-plane force con-
mechanics whenever the molecule of interest con- stant for amides.16b It is of interest to note that, in
tains sp 2-hybridized orbitals. One potential solu- the MM3 study,10 a problem with the amino puck-
tion to this problem is the use of local symmetry ering frequency was not noted, because the force
torsion coordinates,36 which consist of linear com- field was fit to a 507 cmy1 frequency 41 that was
binations of dihedral angles and which are orthog- obtained from an ab initio calculation and then
onal to out-of-plane coordinates. For example, Er- scaled to fit an apparently misassigned experimen-
mer and Lifson successfully used local symmetry tal frequency. As a result, a negative force constant



was not required. The aforementioned 289 cmy1 Acetamide

experimental frequency 39 used above is now com-
The global minimum energy structure calcu-
monly assigned to the amino puckering
lated by the force field is planar, whereas in the
mode 32, 40, 42 and would presumably require a ab initio structure the carbonyl group is planar, but
‘‘negative force constant’’ in that earlier work as the amino group is somewhat puckered, as mani-
well. Unfortunately, however, because formamide fested by the 15.58 nitrogen out-of-plane coor-
is planar, a negative out-of-plane force constant is dinate. However, as previously discussed, the
counterintuitive. The negative value erroneously ab initio energy of the planar structure is only 0.02
implies an intrinsic instability of the sp 2 orbitals in kcalrmol higher in energy than the energy of the
amide nitrogen atoms and a consequent tendency nonplanar global minimum. The force field also
toward nonplanar minimum energy structures displays an extremely shallow energy surface along
with pyramidal nitrogen, as in nonconjugated the out-of-plane coordinate, and the structure opti-
functional groups Že.g., amines.. In amides, the mized with a 15.58 nitrogen out-of-plane coordi-
partial p bond in the CX —N bond stabilizes the nate is only 0.23 kcalrmol higher in energy than
sp 2 nitrogen orbitals, thereby causing unstrained the planar structure. Thus, variations of up to 15.58
amides to be planar or nearly planar, and a posi- in the nitrogen out-of-plane coordinate result in
tive force constant for the nitrogen out-of-plane relatively negligible energy changes in both the
coordinate would therefore be expected. For these force field and quantum structures.
reasons, we chose to avoid the use of a negative, For the most part the internal coordinates and
and therefore physically counterintuitive, value for frequencies obtained for the planar structures with
the nitrogen out-of-plane force constant, but the the quantum and force field ŽQMFF. calculations
drawback in this choice was that the force field agree quite well. As indicated in Table IV, the rms
cannot reproduce the frequency of the amino bond length and bond angle deviations are only
puckering mode in primary amides including for- 0.004 A˚ and 0.98. As in formamide, the large rms
mamide and acetamide. frequency deviation including all modes Ž122
cmy1 . is mostly attributable to the frequency for
the amino puckering mode. The ab initio planar
Planarity of Amides structure is a transition state, as indicated by the
negative eigenvalue for the amino puckering eig-
The planarities of the amides studied here, as
envector, whereas the corresponding eigenvalue in
determined by either experiment or quantum cal- the Žplanar. global minimum energy structure cal-
culations, have not been determined conclusively. culated with the force field is positive Ž381 cmy1 ..
For formamide, analyses of microwave spectra The only other large frequency deviation is for the
have given conflicting conclusions.35 In the case of methyl torsion mode. The force field and quantum
acetamide, N-methylformamide ŽNMF., and N- result for this frequency is 106 and 12 cmy1 , re-
methylacetamide ŽNMA., planarity was assumed spectively. Excluding the amino inversion, the force
in deriving the electron diffraction structures.43 ] 45 field and quantum frequencies differ by 44 cmy1
For N, N-dimethylacetamide, recent electron dif- Žrms. as shown in Table V.
fraction results are ambiguous with respect to
planarity.46 Furthermore, the differences in energy
between planar and nonplanar structures of amides N-Methylformamide
as obtained by ab initio calculation are very small The bond lengths calculated by the force field
and depend on the basis set and the level of agree extremely well with ab initio calculations,
electron correlation used.47 ] 52 Consequently, there and the rms and maximum deviations for both
does not appear to be any justification for attempt- conformers are only 0.002 A ˚ and 0.003 A,
˚ respec-
ing to obtain better agreement between the pla- tively. Table IV shows that the rms deviations in
narity of ab initio and QMFF structures, because the bond angles are 0.88 and 0.58 for the trans and
the differences involve tenths of a kilocalorie per cis structures respectively, which indicates that the
mole or less, as seen in what follows. Therefore, in bond angles also agree closely with the quantum
this study, for all the species except urea, planarity structures. The maximum bond angle deviations in
was imposed in optimizing the molecular struc- these two structures are 2.08 for the CX —N—HU
tures for consistency in comparing the two types angle in the former and 1.08 in the C—N—HU
of calculations. angle in the latter.

446 VOL. 19, NO. 4


The frequencies calculated by the QMFF for that the rms bond length and bond angle devia-
both the trans and cis structures exhibit good tions are 0.002 A ˚ and 0.88, respectively, for the
agreement with the quantum mechanical results, trans structure and are about the same for the cis
with rms deviations of 45 and 38 cmy1 , respec- conformer. Similarly, as seen from Table V, the
tively. The largest errors in frequency for both rms frequency deviations are 50 and 39 cmy1 for
conformers are in the amino puckering mode. For the trans and cis conformers, respectively. In the
example, in the trans conformer, the frequencies trans structure, the maximum frequency deviation
obtained by ab initio calculation and by the force is 141 cmy1 for the CX —N torsion mode ŽSupple-
field are 228 and 328 cmy1 , respectively. In the cis mentary Material, Table III.E.. All other deviations
conformer, the N—CH 3 torsion and the amino are less than 130 cmy1 . For the cis conformer the
puckering modes are heavily mixed. The devia-
maximum deviation is 77 cmy1 for both the
tions in frequencies calculated with the force field
C9— CH 3 asymmetric deformation and the
for the nitrogen out-of-plane deformation mode in
N—CH 3 torsion modes ŽSupplementary Material,
the trans and cis conformers are small compared
Table III.F..
with the errors obtained in formamide and ac-
etamide discussed previously. The addition of a
methyl group to the amide nitrogen atom causes Importance of Coupling Terms to Account for
an increase in the intrinsic nitrogen out-of-plane Conformational Effects on Internal Geometry
force constant and, consequently, the absence of
the need for a negative value for this force con- Close inspection of differences between the
stant, unlike the results discussed previously for QMFF and the harmonic diagonal force field
formamide. Thus, the QMFF gives much better ŽHDFF. for the cis and trans conformers of NMA
agreement with the ab initio results for the fre- reveals the inability of the HDFF to fit specific
quency of the amino puckering mode in molecules trends that occur for various structural parame-
with at least one carbon bonded to the nitrogen ters. For example, the ab initio bond angles for
atom Žas is the case for the peptide bond in pep- C X2 —C 1 —H 8 , C X2 —N3 —C 4 , and CX2 —N3 —H U6
tides and proteins.. change from 113.78, 121.48, and 119.68 for the trans
As indicated in Table V, the cis]trans conforma- structure to 108.38, 127.48, and 114.08 for the cis
tional energy differences calculated by the QMFF structure, respectively ŽSupplementary Material,
and the ab initio method are 1.6 and 1.1 kcalrmol, Table II.D.. Thus, these three angles change by
respectively. Both results are in good agreement y5.48, 6.08, and y5.68 from the trans to cis con-
with the value of 1.6 kcalrmol determined from former. The changes in the angles with conforma-
experiment.49, 53 tion are well accounted for by the QMFF: y5.58,
6.08, and y6.38, respectively. However, the changes
N-Methylacetamide in these angles calculated with the HDFF are only
y1.48, 3.38, and y3.78 ŽSupplementary Material,
The minimum energy structures for the trans
Table II.D.. Thus, the HDFF is unable to reproduce
and cis conformers are nonplanar according to
significant changes in bond angles that occur be-
both the ab initio and QMFF calculations. As in the
tween the trans and cis conformers. Instead, it
case for acetamide and NMF, the energy difference
tends to produce bond angles that average out the
between the planar and nonplanar structures is
small. For example, the cis and trans planar struc- differences between the two conformers. The pres-
tures of NMA are both only 0.02 kcalrmol higher ence of cross-terms in the QMFF such as angler
in energy, according to calculations at the HFr6- torsion reflects the coupling in the energy surface
31G* level of theory. Thus, the differences in pla- and in turn accounts for these structural trends
narity are not significant energetically and, as noted very accurately.
earlier, the exceptionally shallow energy surface is According to experimental measurements 54 the
the reason that the extent of planarity is extremely cis conformer is 2.8 kcalrmol higher in energy
sensitive to basis set, correlation, and other details than the trans conformer. Table V demonstrates
of the quantum calculation. that the corresponding conformational energy dif-
A comparison of the QMFF force field and ferences calculated by HFr6-31G* and QMFF are
quantum results for structures and frequencies for 2.5 and 2.4 kcalrmol. Thus, both quantum and
the planar cis and trans configurations reveals only force field methods give good agreement with
small differences. For example, Table IV shows experiment for this important energy difference.




The minimum energy structures obtained from
the QMFF force field Žwith the planarity con-
straint. and ab initio calculation are very similar, For urea, the QMFF force field and ab initio
as evidenced by the very small rms deviations in calculations give optimized structures in which the
the bond lengths Ž0.002 A ˚ ., and bond angles Ž0.78.. nitrogen out-of-plane coordinates are 37.48 and
Excluding the asymmetric methyl torsion, the rms 40.88, respectively. Thus, both calculations are in
frequency deviation is only 29 cmy1 , which is agreement that the nitrogen atoms are sp 3 hy-
relatively small compared with those of many of bridized. Analysis of the force field energies shows
the other molecules that have been tested. The that the nonplanarity of urea is accounted for by
force field calculation gives a negative eigenvalue the electrostatic terms in the nonbonded potential.
for this problematic mode. This negative eigen- The Coulombic attraction between each nitrogen
value results from the imposed planarity con- atom and a hydrogen attached to the other nitro-
straint on the nitrogen. Due to coupling between gen favors puckering because it shortens the N ??? H
the amino out-of-plane coordinate and N-methyl
distance. The puckering is also favored by a
torsion coordinates in this mode, this manifests
Coulombic repulsion between the two closest non-
itself as a negative eigenvalue for the N-methyl
bonded hydrogen atoms. These interactions are
torsion mode Žrather than the expected amino in-
sufficiently strong to overcome the tendency of the
version mode.. The QMFF reproduces bond angles
Ž0.78 rms. significantly better than the HDFF Ž1.48 sp 2 hybridization of the nitrogen to remain planar.
rms. for this molecule. In addition, there are sev- The 2.38 rms deviation in bond angles ŽTable VI. is
eral bond angles that are significantly worse for larger than the deviations found for the amides
the HDFF than the QMFF in comparison with the ŽTable IV.. The maximum bond angle deviation is
ab initio result. These angles are OX1 —CX2 —H 6 , 4.18, found in one of the CX —N—HU bond angles
N3 —CX2 —H 6 , and N3 —C 5 —H 10 . The QMFF devi- in both amino groups ŽSupplementary Material,
ations for these angles are y0.68, 0.38, and 0.98, Table II.G.. Finally, as indicated by the small rms
respectively, and the HDFF deviations are y2.78, deviation in bond lengths Ž0.003 A ˚ ., the force field
2.58, and 2.88 ŽSupplementary Material, Table II.E.. accurately reproduces the quantum results for
bond lengths in urea.
Because urea contains the NH 2 group, system-
N,N-Dimethylacetamide atic errors in the frequencies for the amino pucker-
The agreement between the QMFF and ab initio ing modes might be expected, as discussed previ-
structures is good for N, N-dimethylacetamide, as ously for formamide and acetamide. In urea, the
indicated by the respective 0.003 A ˚ and 0.88 rms QMFF force field underestimates the quantum fre-
deviations for bond lengths and angles. The 48 quencies for the symmetric and asymmetric NH 2
cmy1 rms deviation between frequencies obtained bending modes by 51 and 85 cmy1 , respectively
by the force field and ab initio calculation is com-
parable to deviations found in other amides that
were tested. The frequency calculated by the force
field for the CX —N bond stretching mode is 109
cmy1 larger than the ab initio result. Comparison of Accuracy of Bond Lengths and Bond
Comparison of the QMFF and HDFF results Angles in Structures Optimized by HDFF and QMFF:
shows the coupled anharmonic force field to be rms Deviations from Ab Initio Structures of Three
able to account for the structural parameters of Amide-Related Molecules.
this molecule, particularly bond angles, signifi-
cantly better than the diagonal quadratic form ˚)
Bonds (A Angles (8)
ŽHDFF.. The overall rms deviation for bond angles Molecule / structure HDFF QMFF HDFF QMFF
improves from 1.48 for the HDFF to 0.88 for QMFF
as shown in Table IV. In addition, there are four Urea 0.035 0.003 1.9 2.3
bond angles in which the deviation between the N-formylformamide 0.005 0.003 1.9 0.3
HDFF and ab initio result ranges from 2.18 to 4.28, Butyrolactam 0.013 0.004 3.2 0.4
whereas the maximum deviation for the QMFF is
Average rms deviation 0.018 0.003 2.3 1.0
only 1.48 ŽSupplementary Material, Table II.F..

448 VOL. 19, NO. 4


ŽSupplementary Material, Table III.I.. Contrary to amide has an extra carbonyl group attached to the
the results for formamide and acetamide, how- nitrogen.
ever, the amino puckering mode frequencies ob- Comparison of the HDFF and QMFF for this
tained by the force field and ab initio calculation system reveals, once again, the significant im-
differ by only 9 and 72 cmy1 , even though the provement produced by the QMFF in the quality
deviations are quite large for primary amides that of the fit, particularly for bond angles. The rms
are planar. Overall, the 61 cmy1 rms deviation in deviation in bond angles from the ab initio struc-
the frequencies ŽTable VII. is larger than the 28]50 ture changes from 1.98 for the HDFF to 0.38 for the
cmy1 range ŽTable V. found for amides that have QMFF, as seen from Table VI. Most of this devia-
been tested. The largest frequency deviations tion is caused by the poor fits to the angles involv-
Žy102 and y135 cmy1 . are due to the NH 2 rock- ing the two C—H bonds. These deviations are 2.78
ing modes. and 2.98 for the HDFF and 0.08 and y0.48 for the
Overall, the quality of fit by the QMFF force QMFF ŽSupplementary Material, Table II.H..
field for urea is somewhat lower than for the
simple amides, possibly due to the presence of two
amino groups bonded to the single carbonyl. This Butyrolactam
degradation in fit to the quantum energy surface Butyrolactam provides a stringent test of the
may indicate some lack of transferability of the range of applicability of the amide QMFF force
parameters to urea. This is the subject of further field, because here the amide group is incorpo-
investigation. rated into a strained four-membered ring. The force
field and ab initio calculations show good agree-
N-Formylformamide ment on the structure of butyrolactam, and both
results agree that the amino group is planar. In
Tables VI and VII demonstrate that the QMFF addition, the 0.004 A ˚ and 0.48 rms deviations in
force field gives very good agreement with bond lengths and bond angles, respectively, are
ab initio results for both the structure and the small ŽTable VI.. In comparison, the HDFF does
frequencies of N-formylformamide. Both the force substantially worse for this molecule, once again
field and the quantum calculations indicate that especially for bond angles. The rms bond angle
N-formylformamide is planar. The rms deviations deviation is 3.28 as compared with the 0.48 devia-
in the bond lengths, angles, and frequencies are tion in the QMFF. Five bond angles Žall involving
˚ 0.38, and 33 cmy1 , respectively, whereas
0.003 A, the nitrogen atom. have deviations ranging from
the largest frequency deviation is 69 cmy1 for the 4.68 to 6.58 whereas the maximum deviation for the
NH bond stretching mode ŽSupplementary Mate- QMFF for this system is only 0.98 ŽSupplementary
rial, Table III.J.. The agreement with the quantum Material, Table III.I.. Obviously, the HDFF func-
results indicates that the amide force field is also tional form is not able to account for the structure
transferable to bifunctional molecules in which the of a four-membered ring compound using the same
parameters needed to fit acyclic structures. On the
other hand, the QMFF fits this small ring com-
TABLE VII. pound quite accurately with no additional parame-
Comparison of Accuracy of Vibrational Frequencies ters or atom types beyond those used for the acyclic
Calculated by HDFF and QMFF for Three amides.
Amide-Related Molecules. As seen in Table VII, the overall rms deviation
between frequencies obtained by the QMFF force
rms deviations in
frequencies (cm y1) field and ab initio calculation is 70 cmy1 . Five
deviations ŽSupplementary Material, Table III.K.
Molecule / structure HDFF QMFF
exceed 100 cmy1 : y166, 150, y142, 126, and y100
Urea 136 61 cmy1 for the CH 2 wag, ring puckering, in-plane
N-formylformamide 116 33 ring deformation, amino puckering, and NH rock-
Butyrolactam 225 a 70 ing modes, respectively. The large frequency devi-
a ation for the CH 2 wag mode is comparable to the
This rms deviation excludes the frequency for the ring
puckering mode. According to ab initio calculation, the
y150 cmy1 deviation for the D4 h transition state
frequency of this mode is 408 cm y 1 . A negative eigenvalue structure of cyclobutane, and thus is inherent in
was calculated for this mode with the HDFF. the alkane parameters.



configurations is 1.352 A˚ according to the ab initio

Comparison of Specific Structural calculations. The 0.016 A ˚ spread in CX —N bond
Features among Differing Compounds lengths is mainly due to somewhat longer bonds
in the acetamides relative to the formamides. With
BOND LENGTHS the harmonic diagonal force field, the average bond
length is overestimated by 0.044 A ˚ relative to the
From the summary including all bond lengths,
ab initio values. In contrast, with the QMFF the
in Table IV, it can be seen that in general bond ˚ deviates by only
average bond length of 1.353 A
lengths in amides are calculated much more accu- ˚ from the average quantum result.
0.001 A
rately with the QMFF than with the harmonic
The accuracy of the bond lengths calculated by
diagonal force field. A more detailed assessment of
the QMFF is primarily due to the bondrtorsion
the errors is given in what follows, where the
coupling interaction term in eq. Ž1.. This term
focus is on the ability of the force field to repro-
duce trends in bond lengths in equilibrium confor- accounts for changes in forces acting along a bond
mations. The results of applying the QMFF to as a rotation about that bond takes place.4 In the
transition states, such as those involved in cis]trans case of the amide CX —N bond, the forces are
isomerization or in the rotation of a methyl group, different for structures that are approximately pla-
are discussed elsewhere.18 The bond lengths calcu- nar than for structures in which the amino group
lated by the two force fields are used as a probe to is rotated about the amide bond, because the par-
demonstrate the extent to which coupling interac- tial p bond in the nearly planar structures be-
tions are reflecting properties inherent in the quan- comes weaker in twisted structures. The coupling
tum mechanical energy surface. Although these interaction allows the QMFF to accurately repro-
effects are small, they demonstrate fundamental duce the variations in the forces and the resulting
properties of the molecular energy surface, which configuration dependence of the bond lengths
can become significant when addressing such throughout all the structures in the training set,
properties as valence angles about the C a atom in which include both planar and nonplanar geome-
peptides.30, 31 tries. This coupling is also responsible in part for
the ability of the QMFF to reproduce trends in the
ab initio results, such as the longer bond lengths
for acetamides Žrelative to formamides. and for the
From Table VIII it can be seen that the average longer bond length in cis-N-methylacetamide rela-
of the amide bond lengths for these equilibrium tive to the trans conformer.

Comparison of Amide and Carbonyl Bond Lengths in Structures Optimized by Ab Initio Calculation, HDFF,
and QMFF.a

CX } N bond lengths (A
˚) CX } OX bond lengths (A

Formamide 1.348 1.377 (0.029) 1.347 (y0.002) 1.193 1.187 (y0.006) 1.193 (0.000)
Acetamide 1.356 1.369 (0.013) 1.352 (y0.004) 1.198 1.187 (y0.011) 1.196 (y0.001)
N-methylformamide, trans 1.345 1.401 (0.056) 1.348 (0.003) 1.196 1.190 (y0.006) 1.196 (0.001)
N-methylformamide, cis 1.347 1.389 (0.041) 1.349 (0.002) 1.196 1.189 (y0.006) 1.194 (y0.001)
N-methylacetamide, trans 1.350 1.398 (0.048) 1.351 (0.001) 1.201 1.190 (y0.011) 1.202 (0.001)
N-methylacetamide, cis 1.357 1.389 (0.032) 1.358 (0.001) 1.200 1.189 (y0.012) 1.197 (y0.003)
N, N-dimethylformamide 1.349 1.415 (0.067) 1.350 (0.002) 1.196 1.192 (y0.004) 1.197 (0.001)
N, N-dimethylacetamide 1.361 1.430 (0.069) 1.366 (0.006) 1.203 1.192 (y0.010) 1.201 (y0.001)

Averageb 1.352 1.396 (0.044) 1.353 (0.001) 1.197 1.190 (y0.008) 1.197 (y0.001)
Deviations between bond lengths calculated from the ab initio method and from the force fields are given in parentheses.
Average bond length. The numbers in parentheses are the average deviations between bond lengths calculated ab initio and by
the HDFF or QMFF force fields.
rms deviation from the average bond length. This is a measure of the spread or range of bond lengths calculated by a given
method. Similarly, the numbers in parentheses are the rms deviations in the differences between bond lengths calculated ab initio
and by the force field.

450 VOL. 19, NO. 4


Because coupling interactions are not included quantum and force field methods. From a compar-
in the functional form of harmonic diagonal force ison of the average bond lengths and the rms
fields, these effects cannot be accounted for by the deviations in Table IX, it can be seen that, in all
HDFF. As a result, the HDFF gives bond lengths cases, except for the CX —C bond, the coupled
that are relatively independent of the conforma- anharmonic QMFF reproduces the features of the
tion, contrary to observed behavior, and the fit to quantum energy surface much more accurately
the complete training set of molecular structures, than the HDFF.
which contains both planar and rotated geome-
tries, is degraded. The HDFF is not able to repro-
duce the trends in the CX —N bond lengths such as BOND ANGLES
the difference between cis- and trans-N-methyl- The use of coupling interactions by force fields
acetamide, or the longer CX —N bond lengths in also results in small but significant improvements
the acetamides than in the formamides ŽTable VIII.. in the accuracy with which bond angles can be
All three of these deficiencies in the HDFF are calculated, as has been pointed out earlier in sev-
directly attributable to its neglect of coupling in- eral examples. From Table IV it can be seen that
teractions that are present in the QMFF. the rms deviations for bond angles are almost a
factor of two lower for the QMFF than for the
HDFF. This improvement in many cases reflects
that trends observed from ab initio calculations are
As previously discussed, the bondrtorsion in- better reproduced by the coupled, anharmonic po-
teraction is the most important coupling term for tential. As an example, from both the quantum
determining the conformational dependence of and the QMFF results in Table X, it can be seen
CX —N and CX —OX bond lengths in amides. The that the OX —CX —N angle is an average of 3.18
bondrbond and bondrangle interactions also are smaller in acetamides than in formamides. With
significant but have a smaller effect, as ascertained the HDFF, this trend is less pronounced, being on
by removing these terms from the QMFF and average only 1.88 smaller. Additional examples
observing the resulting changes in the optimized demonstrating the extent of coupling implicit in
bond lengths. In general, this conclusion is also the quantum energy surface are given in Table XI,
valid for other bonds found in the amide func- wherein the rms deviation of each bond angle type
tional group. Table IX summarizes the average is compared for the two force fields. The largest
values of amide bond lengths determined from rms deviation from the ab initio result is 1.68 Žfor
quantum and force field structure optimizations of the CX —N—HU angle. with the QMFF, but is 3.08
planar amide conformations, in addition to the rms Žfor the H—CX —N angle. with the harmonic diag-
deviations between bond lengths determined from onal representation ŽHDFF..

Comparison of Average Values of Bond Lengths (Angstroms) and Their rms Deviations for Eight Amide
Structures a Optimized by Ab Initio Calculation, HDFF, and QMFF.

Bond lengths (A
Bond Average Average rms dev. Average rms dev.

CX } N 1.352 1.396 0.048 1.353 0.003

CX } OX 1.197 1.190 0.009 1.197 0.001
CX } C 1.515 1.514 0.002 1.512 0.005
CX } H 1.091 1.095 0.004 1.090 0.002
N}C 1.446 1.454 0.010 1.446 0.004
N } H* 0.994 0.999 0.005 0.995 0.002
a X X
The eight structures are listed in Table IV. Individual C } N and C } O9 bond lengths are given in Table VIII.



Comparison of OX } CX } N Bond Angles in Planar Structures Optimized by Ab Initio Calculation, HDFF,
and QMFF.

OX } CX } N bond angles (8)


Formamide 124.9 123.2 (y1.8) 124.2 (y0.7)

Acetamide 122.2 121.3 (y0.9) 121.4 (y0.9)
N-methylformamide, trans 124.8 125.8 (1.0) 124.6 (y0.2)
N-methylformamide, cis 124.9 123.4 (y1.5) 125.1 (0.2)
N-methylacetamide, trans 122.2 123.7 (1.4) 122.1 (y0.1)
N-methylacetamide, cis 121.3 120.0 (y1.4) 121.9 (0.6)
N, N-dimethylformamide 125.9 126.1 (0.2) 126.2 (0.3)
N, N-dimethylacetamide 122.1 122.7 (0.6) 122.2 (0.1)

Average 123.5 123.3 (y0.3) 123.5 (y0.1)

rms Deviations between Bond Angles Obtained
by Ab Initio Calculation and by Force Fields for Range of Applicability of Force Field
Eight Amide Structures.a
Urea, N-formylformamide, and butyrolactam
rms deviations (8) provide a challenging test of the range of applica-
Angles HDFF QMFF bility of the amide force field. Of particular inter-
est are the structural and spectroscopic features
OX } CX } N 1.2 0.5 that are strikingly outside the range of values
OX } CX } C 0.7 0.8 found for the eight structures spanning the six
OX } CX } H 2.4 0.4
simple amides previously discussed.
C } CX } N 1.4 1.1
H } CX } N 3.0 0.6
CX } N } C 1.4 1.1 CX —N BOND LENGTHS
CX } N } H* 1.0 1.6
C}N}C 1.3 0.8 The CX —N bond lengths obtained by ab initio
C } N } H* 1.3 0.8 calculation and by the force fields are listed in
H* } N } H* 1.0 1.1 Table XII. The bond length from the ab initio result
˚ for both urea and N-formylformamide.
is 1.373 A
The eight amide structures are listed in Table IV. Individual
X X This value is significantly longer than the bond
O } C } N angles are given in Table X.

Comparison of CX } N and CX } OX Bond Lengths in Amide-Related Molecules Optimized by Ab Initio Calculation,

CX } N bond lengths (A
˚) CX } OX bond lengths (A

Urea 1.373 1.308 (y0.065) 1.372 (y0.001) 1.197 1.180 (y0.017) 1.192 (y0.005)
N-formylformamide 1.373 1.379 (0.006) 1.373 (0.000) 1.185 1.188 (0.003) 1.189 (0.003)
Butyrolactam 1.358 1.384 (0.027) 1.354 (y0.004) 1.186 1.189 (0.002) 1.186 (y0.001)
rms deviationa 0.041 0.002 0.010 0.004
rms deviation between bond lengths calculated ab initio and by the force field. For consistency with the results listed in Tables VI
and XIII, the rms deviations for the C } N bond lengths were counted twice in urea and N-formylformamide, because there are two
C } N bonds in these molecules. Similarly, the rms deviations for the carbonyl bond were counted twice in N-formylformamide.

452 VOL. 19, NO. 4


lengths of the simple amides seen in Table VIII As discussed earlier, the inclusion of coupling in-
Žaverage value 1.352 " 0.005 A ˚ .. For urea and N- teractions is the primary reason for the improved
formylformamide the QMFF force field result is accuracy and transferability of the QMFF.
1.372 and 1.373 A,˚ respectively, which is in excep-
tionally good agreement with the ab initio result.
The coupling interactions that are most responsible Comparison of Specific Vibrational
for lengthening the bond are the bondrangle inter- Frequencies of Amides
actions in urea and the bondrtorsion interactions
in N-formylformamide. Because coupling interac- In addition to the structural properties, it is
tions are not accounted for by the harmonic diago- important to test the force field’s ability to account
nal force field, significant deviations from the for dynamic properties. Vibrational spectra are a
quantum result are expected, and the error of sensitive probe of this property, and thus we have
y0.065 that results in urea with the HDFF is explored the ability of the two force fields’ func-
indicative of the importance of cross-terms for tional forms to account for amide dynamics.
determining the CX —N bond length in this mole- Both anharmonicity and coupling interactions
cule. The use of cross-terms clearly improves the are well-known to be important for accurate calcu-
applicability of the amide force field to these re- lations of vibrational frequencies.4, 24, 27 ] 29 Conse-
lated chemical functionalities. quently, vibrational frequencies calculated with the
The four-membered ring compound, butyrolac- QMFF would be expected to be more accurate
tam, on the other hand, has the shortest CX —N than those determined with harmonic diagonal
bond of the three compounds, a relatively stan- force fields. This turns out to be the case as seen
dard amide bond length Ž1.358 A ˚ .. This again is from the overview given in Table V, wherein the
well reproduced by the QMFF force field, while accuracy of vibrational frequencies calculated with
simultaneously accounting for the stretching in the QMFF and HDFF force fields are compared for
urea and N-formylformamide. The harmonic diag- the six simple amide molecules. In general, the
onal force field, however, breaks down when ap- rms deviations from the ab initio results tend to be
plied to the four-membered ring, predicting a at least a factor of two lower with the QMFF. To
CX —N bond length of 1.384 A, ˚ longer than either delineate the intramolecular coupling and anhar-
of the previous two compounds and almost 0.03 A ˚ monic interactions responsible for these frequency
too long. shifts, we analyze their effects on several impor-
Table XIII gives a summary of the rms and tant modes.
maximum deviations between bond lengths ob-
tained by ab initio calculation and by the force
fields for all three derivatized amides. In all cases
except for the N—HU bond, wherein both force In Table XIV we compare the rms deviations for
fields have an rms deviation of 0.003 A, ˚ the rms 20 characteristic amide normal modes. An extreme
deviations resulting from the HDFF are substan- example of the combined importance of anhar-
tially larger than those resulting from the QMFF. monicity and coupling is the stretch of the amide

rms and Maximum Deviations between Bond Lengths (Angstroms) Obtained by Ab Initio Calculation and by
Force Fields for Three Amide-Related Molecules.a

Bonds rms dev. Maximum dev. rms dev. Maximum dev.b

CX } N 0.043 y0.065 (urea) 0.002 y0.004 (but.)

CX } OX 0.009 y0.017 (urea) 0.003 0.005 (urea)
CX } C 0.006 y0.006 (but.) 0.005 y0.005 (but.)
CX } H 0.006 0.006 (NFF) 0.001 0.001 (NFF)
N}C 0.026 y0.026 (but.) 0.006 y0.006 (but.)
N } H* 0.003 y0.004 (NFF) 0.003 y0.007 (NFF)
Molecules: urea, N-formylformamide (NFF), and butyrolactam (but.).
The molecule in which the maximum deviation occurred is listed in parentheses.



TABLE XIV. QMFF. As previously discussed, the CX —N bond

Comparison of rms Deviations between Vibrational length substantially increases as the amino group
Frequencies Obtained from Ab Initio Calculations is rotated about the amide bond. Because of anhar-
and from Force Fields for Eight Amide Structures.a
monicity both the effective force constant and the
rms deviations (cm y1) frequency for stretching of the CX —N bond would
be expected to decrease. More importantly, how-
ever, as the amino group is rotated away from the
N } H stretch 46.0 28.0 planar structure, the partial p bond is broken,
CX } H stretch 59.9 16.9 which means that the CX —N bond length is cou-
CX } OX stretch 21.5 15.8 pled to the torsion angles about the amide bond.
CX } N stretch 231.6 29.2 This coupling interaction will also reduce the ef-
CX } C stretch 171.6 24.0 fective force constant and therefore the stretching
N } C stretch 160.1 41.4 frequency for the CX —N bond.
N } H bend 100.5 20.9 From Table XV it can be seen that the HDFF
NH 2 scissors 260.9 12.7 systematically underestimates the frequency of the
NH 2 rock 192.3 65.9
CX —N stretching mode by an average of 218 cmy1
CX } H bend 52.8 25.0
for these eight amide conformations. This indicates
CX } OX bend 107.6 14.8
CX } C bend 81.3 34.5 that, during the HDFF parameter fitting, the force
N } C bend 23.6 19.7 constant for the CX —N bond was strongly influ-
CNC scissors 5.6 17.1 enced by the energy derivative data for transition
CNC rock 36.3 9.7 state configurations in which the effective CX —N
CX } N torsion 52.3 65.5 force constant was substantially lower, due to
CX } CH3 torsion 39.1 88.2 breaking the partial p bond. Although, in princi-
N } CH3 torsion 33.7 113.2 ple, the data for the nearly planar configurations
CX } OX oop def 102.1 35.8 could be weighted more strongly, it would never-
Amino inversion b 66.8 77.8 theless be impossible for the HDFF to be suffi-
a X
The eight structures are listed in Table IV. Specific C } N ciently flexible to correctly determine the effective
stretch, C } O bend, and C } N torsion frequencies are force constant and hence the stretching frequency
given in Tables XV } XVII.
for the CX —N bond for all sampled amide configu-
Excludes frequencies in formamide and acetamide, for rations with the range of distortions corresponding
reasons discussed in the text.
to the energies in Table I. With the QMFF this
problem does not occur, as can be seen from the
bond Ži.e., CX —N bond.. It can be seen that the rms small rms deviation for this frequency, because the
deviation for this mode with the harmonic diago- energy function terms for coupling interactions,
nal force field ŽHDFF. is 232 cmy1 , almost an order such as the bondrtorsion coupling, as well as
of magnitude larger than the corresponding devia- anharmonicity, account for the bond lengthening
tion of 29 cmy1 resulting from the use of the and the reduced stretching frequency for the CX —N

Comparison of Vibrational Frequencies for CX } N Stretch Mode in Structures Optimized by Ab Initio Calculation,
and by HDFF and QMFF.

Frequencies (cm y 1) for CX } N stretch


Formamide 1378.6 1168.6 (y210.0) 1333.7 (y44.9)

Acetamide 1463.6 1324.0 (y139.6) 1485.5 (21.9)
N-methylformamide, trans 1348.6 1113.1 (y235.5) 1304.3 (y44.3)
N-methylformamide, cis 1412.8 1049.9 (y362.9) 1386.1 (y26.7)
N-methylacetamide, trans 1408.2 1289.9 (y118.3) 1416.8 (8.6)
N-methylacetamide, cis 1469.5 1314.4 (y155.1) 1492.6 (23.1)
N, N-dimethylformamide 1586.8 1284.7 (y302.1) 1601.8 (15.0)
N, N-dimethylacetamide 1593.0 1371.7 (y221.3) 1621.9 (28.9)

Average deviation y218.1 y2.3

454 VOL. 19, NO. 4


bond in configurations in which the partial p bond and 659 cmy1 , as opposed to the corresponding
is weakened or broken. We note that this range of frequencies of 674 and 612 cmy1 in NMA. One
twisting or distortion of the amide occurs in equi- reason for these differences is that the effective
librium structures of proteins, due to environment, force constants are conformationally dependent, as
as well as being visited due to thermal motion at in the case of the force constant for the CX —N
room temperature, even for planar amides. Thus, bond stretching, whereas the other reason is that
for an accurate representation of these properties, there is a qualitative difference in the mechanical
the energy surface must account for the coupling coupling in the two conformations. For example, in
over this range of distortion. cis-NMA the rocking motion of the CX —H bond is
significantly more coupled to the CX —OX rocking
mode than in trans-NMA. To the extent that me-
CX —OX ROCKING MODE chanical coupling contributes to shifts in the fre-
Another example of the difference in accuracy quency of the CX —OX rocking mode, the harmonic
with which the QMFF and the harmonic diagonal diagonal force field would be expected to at least
force field are able to reproduce the frequencies qualitatively reproduce the conformational depen-
obtained by ab initio calculation is given in Table dence observed for the frequencies in the quantum
XVI for the in-plane rocking mode of the carbonyl calculation, as is found. However, as in the case of
bond. In general, it can be seen that, according to the CX —N stretching mode, to the extent that the
the ab initio results, the frequency of this mode effective force constant for the N—CX —OX bond
tends to be higher for formamides than for ac- angle is conformationally dependent, the HDFF
etamides. For example, the frequencies in the trans would not be able to quantitatively reproduce the
conformers of NMF and NMA are 838 and 674 variation in the frequencies obtained from ab initio
cmy1 , respectively, a difference of 164 cmy1 . Both calculation. The ability of the QMFF Žand the in-
the HDFF and QMFF force fields give higher fre- ability of the HDFF. to quantitatively reproduce
quencies for NMF, consistent with this result. the ab initio frequency differences between the
However, the shift in the harmonic diagonal force trans and cis conformers of NMF and NMA sug-
field is only half that obtained from quantum gests that the effective force constants are indeed
mechanics Ždifference of 86 cmy1 ., whereas the significantly different in the two sets of conform-
QMFF gives essentially the same shift Ž159 cmy1 .. ers. In NMA, in particular, the 654 and 598 cmy1
The ab initio calculations also show that this frequencies calculated by the QMFF for the trans
frequency is larger for the trans conformers of and cis conformers deviate from the quantum re-
NMF and NMA than for the cis, although the sult by only 20 and 14 cmy1 , respectively. In con-
conformational dependence of this frequency is trast, the HDFF gives frequencies of 606 and 458
significantly greater for NMF, wherein the fre- cmy1 for these two conformers, and these differ
quencies of the trans and cis conformers are 838 from the ab initio values by 68 and 154 cmy1 . The

Comparison of Vibrational Frequencies for CX } OX Rocking Mode in Structures Optimized by Ab Initio
Calculation, and by HDFF and QMFF.

Frequencies (cm y1)


Formamide 617.6 578.3 (y39.3) 627.6 (9.7)

Acetamide 598.1 558.2 (y39.9) 605.7 (7.6)
N-methylformamide, trans 837.8 692.0 (y145.8) 812.8 (y25.0)
N-methylformamide, cis 659.3 522.5 (y136.8) 648.9 (y10.4)
N-methylacetamide, trans 673.6 605.8 (y67.8) 653.6 (y20.0)
N-methylacetamide, cis 611.9 457.7 (y154.2) 598.0 (y13.9)
N, N-dimethylformamide 711.9 586.9 (y125.0) 695.7 (y16.2)
N, N-dimethylacetamide 639.1 564.8 (y74.3) 635.7 (y3.4)

Average y97.9 y8.9



large difference in these two deviations is further cmy1 , respectively. A detailed analysis, to be pre-
evidence of a conformational dependence of the sented elsewhere,18 shows that the ab initio fre-
effective force constants. quencies are strongly influenced by the presence of
From Table XVI it is clear that the HDFF sys- out-of-planertorsion coupling, which is missing in
tematically underestimates the frequencies of the both the HDFF and the QMFF functional forms.
CX —OX rocking mode for all of the amides. As in The absence of this term is responsible for the
the case of the CX —N stretching mode, this is an relatively poor fit of the QMFF to these frequen-
indication that, during the parameterization of the cies. In addition, this is one of the few cases where
force fields, energy derivative data for configura- the HDFF fits the quantum mechanical energy
tions with relatively low effective force constants surface as well as, if not slightly better than, the
had an important effect in determining the force QMFF. Analysis reveals that larger 1 K f torsion
constants Žand, as noted previously, the harmonic constants for the amide bond in the HDFF com-
diagonal form cannot account for the conforma- pared with the QMFF are apparently responsible
tional coupling.. The effective force constants can for the HDFF’s ability to reproduce these frequen-
be calculated by a direct transformation of the cies. These parameters were damped in deriving
energy derivatives from the Cartesian to the inter- the QMFF through the use of penalty functions,
nal coordinate representation.36 This calculation which is why it reproduces the ab initio frequen-
has been done, and it was found that configura- cies slightly less accurately. However, it is our
tions of NMA for which the partial p bond charac- experience that the relatively large 1 K f parame-
ter of the amide bond is reduced have particularly ters, such as those that result in this case from
small effective force constants for CX —OX rocking. fitting the HDFF without penalty functions, exhibit
Thus, as noted earlier, the HDFF is insufficiently relatively poor transferability when applied to
flexible to simultaneously accommodate the en- other systems. A more correct Žtransferable. way
ergy surface of equilibrium and moderately to model the amide torsion frequencies involves
distorted structures typical of those found in the use of orthogonal torsion and out-of-plane co-
macromolecules, strained molecules, or molecular ordinates and out-of-planertorsion cross-terms, as
dynamics simulations. will be discussed in more detail elsewhere.

In Table XVII we compare the frequencies for Comparison of Frequencies Calculated
twisting about the CX —N bond in the six amides. for Amide-Related Molecules by HDFF
Neither the HDFF nor the QMFF fits the ab initio and QMFF
frequencies with an accuracy comparable to that of
the other modes. For example, for the trans con- Table XVIII summarizes the accuracy by which
formers of NMF and NMA, the frequencies calcu- the HDFF and the QMFF reproduce frequencies
lated by the QMFF are too large by 88 and 141 obtained by ab initio calculations for a variety of

Comparison of Vibrational Frequencies for CX } N Torsion Mode in Structures Optimized by Ab Initio
Calculation, and by HDFF and QMFF.

Frequencies (cm y 1) for CX } N torsion


Formamide 673.4 679.5 (6.1) 697.2 (23.8)

Acetamide 562.6 641.6 (79.0) 614.1 (51.5)
N-methylformamide, trans 486.9 560.8 (73.9) 574.4 (87.5)
N-methylformamide, cis 648.6 631.0 (y17.6) 698.3 (49.7)
N-methylacetamide, trans 365.9 373.4 (7.5) 506.5 (140.6)
N-methylacetamide, cis 508.3 594.3 (86.0) 477.9 (y30.4)
N, N-dimethylformamide 346.1 394.9 (48.8) 352.0 (5.9)
N, N-dimethylacetamide 143.1 145.8 (2.7) 128.7 (y14.4)

rms deviation 52.3 65.5

456 VOL. 19, NO. 4


TABLE XVIII. are for the most part not present in class I protein
Comparison of rms Deviations Between Vibrational force fields Že.g., AMBER,6 CHARMM,8 GROMOS,9
Frequencies Obtained from Ab Initio Calculations or in the MM3 amide force field10 ., improve the
and from Force Fields for Three
accuracy of calculated energies by 1.2 kcalrmol,
Amide-Related Molecules.a
while also resulting in factors of three and four
rms Deviations (cm y1) improvements in the accuracies of calculated first
and second derivatives of the energy, respectively.
Similar improvements in the fit of ab initio data by
N } H stretch 75.9 29.2 the QMFF Žrelative to HDFF. were obtained for six
CX } H stretch 94.6 20.4 amide-related molecules Ži.e., urea, N-formylfor-
CX } OX stretch 39.1 20.3 mamide, butyrolactam, N-formylaziridine, azacy-
CX } N stretch 298.6 210.7 clopropanone, and methylazacyclopropanone..
N } H bend 345.5 100.2 It is generally recognized that there are many
NH 2 bend 133.2 70.2 other terms not considered here, such as improved
NH 2 rock 180.6 119.8 electrostatic representations55 and charge polariza-
CX } H bend 57.3 7.3
tion.56 These effects must be included in develop-
CX } OX bend 88.9 26.3
ing increasingly accurate molecular force fields,
CX } N torsion 52.3 32.5
CX } OX oop def 74.4 49.8 and work is in progress to address them. Also,
Amino inversion 162.3 72.6 because in the present work the same functional
All modes 157.8 89.2 form was used for both the alkane and amide
calculations, the larger deviations for amides sug-
Urea, N-formylformamide, butyrolactam.
gests that interaction terms not included in eq. Ž1.
may be important for amides but not for alkanes.
This possibility has been investigated and con-
normal modes in urea, N-formylformamide, and firmed in a detailed analysis of rotational barriers,
butyrolactam. The rms deviations are lower for the inversion barriers, structures, and frequencies cal-
QMFF for all normal modes, including the modes culated by the force field and by quantum me-
due to torsions or out-of-plane deformations, which chanics.18 Nevertheless, the comparison of results
in some cases were problematic for the amides Žsee obtained with the HDFF and QMFF force fields
Table XIV.. This suggests that the inclusion of demonstrates that the anharmonic and coupling
anharmonicity and coupling interactions in the po- interaction terms included in the current func-
tential energy function substantially extends the tional form w i.e., eq. Ž1.x dramatically improve not
range of applicability of the amide force field to only the ability of the QMFF to account for the
related functional groups. amide energy surface, but also the molecular
structures and vibrational frequencies calculated
by ab initio methods.
A force field for amides and functionally substi- Acknowledgment
tuted compounds was derived by fitting 732 force
constants and reference values to 140,970 quantum The authors thank Drs. Marvin Waldman and
observables consisting of the relative energies and Carl Ewig for carefully reviewing this manuscript
first and second derivatives of the energy of 638 and making a number of useful suggestions.
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