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Allynson M.

Ibañez Gwen Mika Clark Karl Christian


21st Century Literature (Position paper Scaffold 1)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
(With the perspective of the evil queen)

Once upon a time, long, long time ago a king and queen ruled over a distant land. Both of
them was kind and all of the people on the realm adored them. Though the queen was not happy
for she did not have a child not even one. One winter day when the queen was gazing at the
ebony window as came the new fallen snow while doing needle work. A bird passed by the
window surprising the queen and she pricked her finger. A drop of blood fell on the snow outside
her window, seeing that, the queen said to herself “Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had
skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony.” Soon after that, the queen
got her wish and gave birth to a baby girl with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and
hair as black as ebony, they then gave the baby princess a name as Snow White, but sadly the
queen died shortly after giving birth to her.

The king married a new woman who was beautiful, but as well proud as cruel, she is the new
queen and also the stepmother of Snow White. She had studied dark magic and owned a magic
mirror, of which she would ask daily “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of
them all.” and each time, the mirror would answer “Thou, O Queen is the fairest of them all.”
pleasing the queen as she knows that her mirror could speak nothing but the truth. For some
time, this went on and the queen was overjoyed knowing that there is no one in the land who
came even close to her beauty. Then one day, when the queen asked her mirror the same
question again, she was shocked when it answered “Snow White, O Queen, is the
fairest of them all.”
The queen fell into a jealous rage and ordered a few huntsmen to take her stepdaughter into the
forest and kill her, she demanded the heart of the princess as proof of her death. Thus, making
again the evil queen as still the most beautiful person on the land. The huntsmen felt pity for
Snow White and decided to let the pitiful girl free in the forest and instead brought the heart of a
boar to the queen. Not knowing this, the queen was again filled with overjoy and arrogance. For
some day, she slept peacefully on her soft wide bed and ate luxurious meals as she kept telling to
herself that no one in the land is as beautiful as her. Now the queen, believing that she had ate the
heart of Snow White, she stepped before her mirror and asked:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall”
“Who in this land is the fairest of them all?”
The mirror answered,
“You my queen, are fair and all, but Snow White, beyond the mountains with the seven
dwarves are still a thousand times fairer than you.”
This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie and her huntsmen had deceived
her. She then thought over again on how to kill her stepdaughter, for as long as she is alive, her
jealousy would give her no rest. The queen went to her secret room where no one but her is
allowed inside. Knowing a lot about dark magic, she brews and made an apple with the half of it
poisoned. She disguised herself as an old woman and went to the mountain to see her
stepdaughter. She knocked on the door and offered the apple to her, the stepdaughter refused as
she said that she cannot accept anything from strangers. The queen asked her if she was afraid of
being poisoned and split the apple and ate the half of it. Snow White not knowing that the other
half was poisoned took it and ate it. She barely had a bite of it when she fell to the ground and
died. The queen looked at her with evil eyes and laughed, “White as snow, red as blood, black as
ebony, the dwarves shall never awaken you.”

The queen then went home and asked the mirror the same question, and it finally answered
with “Thou, O Queen is the fairest of them all.” her jealous heart was now at rest. She was again
filled with joy. This went on for some few days. The queen only wanted to be the most beautiful
person on the land but did it in a rather crucial way. She then received an invitation from the
prince informing her of his wedding. The queen preparing for the feast with her most beautiful
garments, she stood before her mirror and asked:
“Mirror, mirror on the wall”
“Who in the land is the fairest of them all.”
The mirror answered with
“You my queen is fair and all”
“But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you.”

Not knowing that the young queen was indeed her stepdaughter, her heart was now filled with
the deepest of dread as she realized the bitten truth, she was then banished from the land forever.
The queen now could only feel nothing but sadness and despair and could no longer look at
herself as the most beautiful person as she once thought she was.

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