My 'Fare' Share - Supporting Our Missional Mandate

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My Fare Share

- Supporting the Church of God Global Mandate A Message to Fellow Church of God Pastors
Bishop Freddie Steel Sr. Pastor, Life Church of Chicagoland

Sunday evening was our monthly Mens Men-istry get-together. I decided to play a video about our Church of God that illustrated our structure, outreach and covered some of our history. The vast majority of our members has come from the Catholic Church and knew nothing about whom we are. Likewise, many others who were new to Life Church also needed to know about our Wesleyan/Methodist roots, etc. I have been credentialed with the Church of God since 1981 and am an ordained bishop and grateful for my association. To my surprise and great pleasure, they found the video and information insightful and encouraging. Following the video, I went online with my laptop, logged onto the Church of God web site and threw the images onto the large screen for the group and browsed the site and different departments. We visited a few of the states links, some divisions and departments and landed on the World Missions site for the most of the time. The overarching take-away was that we are a part of something much larger than just who we are and what we are doing locally. Our Local History Ours is a relatively new church plant: since 2000. It has been a great journey. Life Church held its first public service in the Oak Lawn Holiday Inn (a south Chicago suburb) in September of 2000 and in May of 2003 we purchased our facility located in Palos Heights (a near south Chicago suburb) for two million dollars. For the first three years we remained unaffiliated. My goal was to take some time to put some distance between our new adventure and struggles and ill feelings that lingered from church storms of the past that many of our folk had endured. I also wanted to know that I had a direct word from the Lord saying this is the way to go. After reading the book From Good to Great and being reminded of the great importance of succession planning, I knew that being a part of something larger than we would be the safe place for my new church plant to be established, covered and nurtured for generations to come, should the Lord tarry. The Case for Being Connected I have been blessed to be discipled and greatly influenced by the Charismatic revival while, at the same time, being grateful for the strong and worthy components of the Wesleyan / Methodist tradition the Church of God holds. I guess were something like a hybrid. I have ministered extensively in other denominaitonal and independent churches and have gleaned much from observing them through the years. Many great things can be said about them and their particular structure and ministry emphases. I weighed the differences, the similarities, made my comparisons and still believed that the Church of God was a movement whose future would continue to evolve and develop in step with the moves of the Holy Spirit while, at the same time, stand upon and draw from its rich spiritual heritage. Though there may have been a trend away from denominationalism over the last, recent years, I know the Church of God has a very promising future for itself and its associated churches. I know that there remains the strong conviction that we continue to be an evolving, fluid movement rather than an institutionalized denomination. It is healthy that we continue to be in a rather ongoing self-evaluating mode that can help us stay as free as possible from root-bound, self-serving institutionalism. Many of our recent leaders have carried the burden that we continue to be a relevant, in-motion movement successfully addressing the ills of society in the power of the Spirit. Season for Expansion I have had great fellowship with leaders from other Pentecostal denominations who have all said that they see the Church of God as a church wholly devoted to remaining Pentecostal in reality. Since Bill Hybels

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made public his personal revelation that caused him to say that they (Willow Creek) had been doing it wrong for thirty years, I felt that we were in a season where we would be moving away from the seekersensitive model of church ministry and would find, in the very near future, how desperately needed is a church that can minister and move under Gods anointing and the Holy Spirits Power. I have witnessed that trend since the statistics of church growth were released that said the two evangelical churches experiencing growh in America are the Assemblies of God and the Church of God. Amazing! We are coming to what I believe to be our finest hour! If so, then why think about, discuss and plan cutbacks? Submission and Trust We brought Life Church into the Church of God for several reasons. The main reason we aligned with the Church of God was for protection: protection from ourselves. I have a close friend who coaches ball teams and says that the only difference between a winning team and one that is not winning is the attention to details. At Life Church, we have several layers of vulnerability and accountability throughout all levels of leadership that act as a default mechanism should intervention ever be warranted during strife, self-sabotage or wrong doing. I have in place devoted and Godly men who are of strong and sound personal constitution and who are devoted to me and to Life Church. None are yes-men. All of the Executive Council (deacon ministry) lives locally except for one who lives in South Carolina. Next, we have the Apostolic Council comprised of successful and seasoned pastors and missionaries who, themselves, have care and oversight of more than just their local church. Should we default in-house, our Apostolic Council remains well informed and closely connected so that they are available to add stability, insight and support to the Executive Council and me quickly. Administrative Bishop and Regional Office As you know, our administrative bishops are invaluable resources and mine is located just about thirty minutes away and is involved in ongoing care and nurture for our church no less than at least once a month. Should any interdiction ever be warranted, I am committed to something greater than philosophical submission to authority. I am committed to genuine and practical submission to authority especially when I may be tempted to cast off the restraint and assert my own agenda. Joseph and Jesus are the examples I follow if I am ever in a place where I must trust God with my life, my ministry and my future. My regional bishop is also my pastor. He has covered us, mentored us, prayed for us and stood with us. My administrative bishop has taken bullets for us (shielded us from assaults) and has been an invaluable asset concerning business and administration, personnel issues, care and counseling and friendship. His local office has shared resources with us freely and allowed us to tap into dynamic youth camps, Christian Education resources, outreach programs and campaigns, and global networking that we would not have had access to on our own. For the small amount that we send in monthly, we get far, far more than our moneys worth. We get qualified, tested skill sets, consultation and guidance, strength and security and a shared identity with a movement that is global in its impact. Why in the world would I want to reward that kind of support and strength with budgetary cutbacks that will begin to tie the hands and limit those whom I need so desperately and who have been serving me so faithfully? One Accord and Projecting It is unhealthy and a waste of time to find fault with someone or something if my church is not prospering and growing. I have never cast blame anywhere except at my own doorstep when enduring the rough and trying seasons that come along during a pastorate. I believe that I have held that posture because I have never been too dependent on the regional or general church for my success. The only thing that I have expected and do expect from them is simply the opportunity: and that has been provided. In reality, the regional and general offices will share in both my successes and in my failures. And, I have been just

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as grateful to share my successes with them, as I have been to share my struggles and challenges. That is the equitable and just thing to do. I think that it is possible that the general or regional office can become the whipping post when we are disturbed with our current, distressed condition. It can seem to be temporarily therapeutic to cast blame somewhere. That may just be human nature. However, if we employ all of the tools and knowledge associated with church growth and with all other things considered and we are in a place where there is potential for growth, then success is possible no matter what kind of support we receive or do not receive regionally or generally. No one or nothing is my source and supply other than God and I know that He is both willing and capable. The regional or general offices are not infallible and will not always get it 100 percent right 100 percent of the time: just like we wont get it 100 percent right at the local level all of the time. However, there is a greater danger, it is the fracturing of what I believe to be a rare, New Testament structure that the Church of God possesses. The fracturing can occur when we are too preoccupied with our dilema without regarding how my situation or actions will affect the church at large. Nature Illustrates Just like the way that unity will transform a local congregation, family or team, corporate agreement with the regional and general levels will create an atmosphere that is scriptural and appropriate for the supernatural to occur. I have read about the v-formation that geese use during migration and believe it illustrates what can happen with corporate unity. There are several benefits for the geese flying in the v-formation. The overall condition created by the formation is synergy, which enables the geese to fly higher, longer and with greater ease. As I understand it, the v-formation has an aerodynamic lift that makes the journey easier: it conserves energy. The lead goose will encounter a resistance and turbulance that the rest of the flock will not have to encounter. His role as point man (goose) in the v breaks some of the wind resistance and creates an aerodynamic lift of about 70% for the geese in pursuit. I am also told that the lead goose is always quiet, using his energy to break the wind barrier and the rest of the flock will squak enthusiastically to spur the lead goose onward. Another benefit owed the v-formation is one of communication. It helps with the communication in the flock and also helps with the ongoing challenge of coordinating, especially when turbulence is working contrary. There is safety, speed and longevity when the individuals regard the integrity of the whole and play their individual role without striving. There is no murmuring or muttering in this synergestic formation, only sounds of encouragement and affirmation. If we developed the same mind-set that is illustrated in this case, I can only imagine how high, how far and how quickly our destinations would be reached individually and corporately. Stronger As a Whole I realize that being a part of and being plugged into my regional and general identiy and relationship, I possess ministries, resources and personnel that I could not have on my own at this point. My association and participation with the Church of God globally makes me much more powerful than if I was trying to go it alone. Therefore, I want those personnel (the lead geese) and resources that serve me locally and globally to have every asset and every ounce of support they need because when they prosper, I prosper. When I prosper, they prosper. How to Snarl a Movement Israels short trip through the wilderness did not need to take forty years. However, there was one crucial issue that made the transition such a lengthy struggle: complaining.

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When God brought Israel out of Egypt, He did not inherit slaves. He inherited a Nation. That was the reason behind the backlogged compensation for four hundred thirty years of servitude that they received. Their deliverence re-defined Israel. They were no longer slaves but a Nation with a destiny. Israel could not see that their existence reached beyond their day-to-day survival and struggles. They were not a Nation whose deliverance and supernatural provision were certain so that their assignment, purpose and destiny would be completed and realized. However, Israel continued to think like slaves and made critical and crisis issues of their day-to-day survival at the forfeiture of pursuing their purpose and destiny. They were out of Egypt but Egypt was not out of them they still saw themselves as being a people who were wretched enough and dissatisfied enough that they had to look to someone, somewhere for their existence and to blame for their condition. America is not dissimilar to this historic picture of Israel nor is the Church in America too dissimilar from the same. We get so preoccupied decrying our condition and work to blame someone that we serve our perceived crisis rather than our destiny and purpose. Strife-free Zone When you visit Life Church, you will find posters and reminders that we are a strife-free covenant community. The Apostle Pauls says that the servant of God must not strive. I remind our folk that the mental, emotional and spiritual energy we spend striving with people accomplishes two things. First, it depletes the energy and human resources that I should be using to advance the Kingdom. Second, responding to strife automatically puts me on a defensive posture and puts me under the issue or circumstance rather than my having the mastery of the situation. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 2 that God was displeased with Israel because they lost the mastery in the time of wilderness wandering. They were not called to be under the circumstances but to master the circumstances. Unfortunately, they gave their time and attention to the details of the moment instead of the details of destiny and paid a terrible price. If I trust God with my life and my future, I will not strive with Him or with men. If I trust God to get me through the congested traffic of Chicago to my appointment, I can sit back and remain calm and peaceful believing that He knows where I am and how to get me where I need to be on time. Trust keeps me from taking matters into my own hands and begins to strive with other commuters, changing lanes, etc. and helps me to keep focused on my destination and arrival. The Church of God is a movement (something like a nation) whose destiny is set by God. We are not paupers or has-beens. Father God is blessing our efforts and continues to re-anoint us for relevant ministry around the globe. I dont worry about Father God supplying the needs of my church because it is His and I trust His Promises. Life Church is about much more than the daily challenges that come our way. We are called with a destiny and purpose laid out by God before the foundations of the world. My destiny is tied to that of the Church of God globally (the nation). I know that complaining about leadership and how God leads us is as corrosive to Him today as it was when Israel practiced the same back then. I will not complain about nor find fault with my Moses nor sabotage our corporate future as Israel did. I trust Father God to speak to my leaders and get us to our destination. Im not travelling with slaves. Im travelling with people of destiny whom God will provide for and direct with supernatural supply until then. Church Politics vs Kingdom Government The America church has been practicing a militant, protestant (protesting anything we dont like) form of church government that reflects the politics (to some degree) that we see operating from Washington, D. C. today for about 300 years. The church should not operate by politics alone, but by Divine government as a theocracy. Roberts Rules of Order was created to protect the issues and the constituents from unbridled power plays and unexpected outcomes. It was created to maintain control. It was created because it is used in environments where there is little or no trust of one another, no real vulnerability and

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no real trust in God for His sovereign disposition of our concerns. These are just such factions and party spirits that Paul warns us to avoid. I expect Father God to speak to me through those with whom I have subordinated myself, even if there are times that I do not agree with them. I am convinced that the power of God and His anointing operates through me, through any minister, in direct proportion to the level and measure of submission I am willing to adhere to especially during the times when / if I feel I am bening handled unjustly. If I only hold to submission until it gets uncomfortable, then it really isnt submission. This approach is conditional submission and is also a lack of trust in the Father and it can turn into outright anarchy, rebellion and treason: which is the posture that got Lucifer in trouble in the first place self-exaltation and selfpreservation at the expense of other, sacred things. My Fare Share I intend to continue supporting this global network that I am plugged into and carry my share of the fare at the same level, which we have grown accustomed to. It hasnt always been easy, but it is no different for my local church body to support the region and general programs than it is for the families in my local church to support the efforts and work that we are trying to accomplish here at home. I think it would be wise and would be the right thing to continue to send our tithe of tithes and support in to the regional offices and general offices at the current structure and rate even after the reallowcation of funds has kicked in fully. We want our global church network and family to experience expansion and the realization of vision rather than shortfalls and ministry curtailing setbacks. Liberality and Generosity Nature Illustrates I remind Life Church that if they have a problem giving God ten pecent, then settle the issue by giving Him 100 percent because you love Him and because His kindness spurs us onto generosity and liberality. What we have succeeded in doing is something that none of us, as pastors, would tolerate if the same was spear-headed in our local congregation. If our local church leadership came to us and said that they didnt agree with having to share and give such a large portion of their income and called for a scaling back in the amount given, we would count it treasonous and stingy. King Solomon wisely said, Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:24, 25) The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are birthed from the same water source: Mount Hermon. The Sea of Galilee is a conduit and a channel through which God pours blessings. Galilee is Kingdom-like. The Dead Sea also receives but has a very different disposition: it is a cistern rather than a conduit. The Dead Sea holds onto everything it receives and is the opposite of Galilee. Galilee has life and the Dead Sea does not. The Dead Sea is Empire-minded and Galilee is Kingdom-minded and focused. New Testament Structure The Church of God has as near a New Testament structure as any denomination or movement I know. Our general officials are operating in an apostolic office and are grace gifts to the entire body of Christ. They are not politicians or employees. They have a care for churches around the globe and their presence and ministries strengthen the local churches. Though they are not all at an advanced age, they are fathers to us, pastors to our pastors. They have a function, role and authority over me and my local church that is delegated from above. To resist the powers that Father God has raised up is, in essence, to resist God. The methods that some used to bring about the resturcturing and reallowcation of funds would have had a player sidelined if they were on a sports team. If the same took place in the military, the soldier would have been courtmartialed. Again, the church Jesus builds does not possess politics, it possesses a government with offices, protocol and law. Our kingdom is under assault without and also within.

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The battle is raging and just as we thought a stimulis package would assuage the ills of our economy but hasnt, neither will cutting back on the funds needed for our global ministry impact make a real difference in our local churchs financial position. The average church in America will only see a decrease of about $100 that is sent in to the regional and general offices. Yet, the regional and general offices will see a tremendous difference in what they are now able to do. And, it comes at a time when all of our ministries should be believing for expansion and advancement rather than maintenance and retreat. Why not pray about joining me in maintaining our support for the local and general offices at the current level and trust God that He knows each of our situations and will prove to be faithful to His Word and will continue to be our limitless Source and Supply. Freddie Steel Pastor Life Church of Chicagoland - -

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