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Positivism is a term relating to the philosophy that underlines scientific

approaches and experimentally acquired information. Such a concept
presents the world as an object for observation through which a person can
gain knowledge (Halfpenny 2014). Researchers have to focus on general
ideas rather than specific rules. The main positivism thesis is that the world
does not depend on people’s knowledge of it. This thesis is based on a
foundationalist ontology (Marsh & Stoker 2010). Positivism is also presented
in sociology as one of the methods to study social phenomena.

One of the first scientists who applied this principle was Galileo Galilei. He
suggested a new system that described the Moon, stars, and moons of Jupiter
(Csunderlik 2016). The methods he used contradicted contemporaries and
went against the Church. Around the same time, Francis Bacon presented a
combination of inferences and empirical data. He refused to apply deductive
techniques in scientific research. Afterward, John Locke and David Hume
created the main principles of the modern positivism theory that was based on
the works of Francis Bacon.

The term positivism has changed its meaning over time. However, some
major aspects are still the same. One of them is the importance of sensory
experience (Campbell 2016). This idea might be found in various ancient
works, though positivism is mainly a result of the age of Enlightenment. It was
a new alternative for metaphysics that was deeply rooted in epistemology.
Scientists strived to achieve knowledge of the real nature of the world.
However, metaphysics offered only abstract ideas and implications. Therefore,
information that positivists used was obtained via the application of empirical
techniques. Also, such methods could be successfully adapted for social
studies. Hence, positivism spread from science to humanities. Scholars began
to scrutinize correlations among social groups to identify key trends, operating
various scientific instruments.
The generalization of the concept of positivism united numerous philosophers,
researchers, and scientists. However, this theory underwent several
transformations. This process was triggered by the strong necessity of
socioeconomic development (Bernstein et al. 2000). Scholars needed to
discover methods that would not depend on place and time. Epistemological
theories could not assist in overcoming emerging challenges. Hence,
techniques like experimentation, comparison, and observation became more
widely disseminated. Researchers revealed the real human potential that
could be utilized to promote the progress of society.

Afterward, followers of positivism continued developing this system. They

applied precise mathematical and philosophic methods and fully eliminated
epistemological concepts like metaphysics and aesthetics as they were
considered to be redundant for empiric research. It led to the development of
logical positivism that was based on the principle of verification. This principle
rejected any statements that could not be fully justified. Thus, two types of
statements were introduced. The first type is called analytic statements. If a
concept is proved to be true by its nature, it is analytic. The second type called
synthetic statements. If a concept has to be supported by evidence, it is
synthetic. To verify such statements, they had to be experienced by senses.

These days, followers of positivism have changed their minds regarding

epistemology’s theories. They doubt the full objectivity of methods that
positivism may offer because of a certain degree of probability that has been
admitted by scholars. However, this concept still underlines the importance of
experiments and inductive techniques.
Strengths and Weaknesses

The main advantage of positivism is its scientific nature. It requires proof that
should be acquired through experiments, thus might be demonstrated. To
accomplish that, it is necessary to apply quantitative approaches. Positivism is
based on quantitative research (Smith, Booth & Zalewski 1996). Most
positivists are inclined to think that such a method brings more reliable data in
comparison with qualitative techniques. Quantitative research provides
scientists with trustworthy information that might be used for further
implications. Another profit of the scientific nature of positivism is that it
requires data systematization. Therefore, any studies and researches
conducted by a positivism theory have a clear structure with strict rules and
laws. Abiding by such norms reduces the chances of mistaken conclusions.
Also, systematization partially eliminates variance that might take place during
research. Hence, a study process becomes more accurate, providing precise
empiric information. Also, positivists employ different mathematical tools that
are highly objective regarding data collection and analysis.

However, many scientists highlight certain shortcomings of the positivism

concept. The main disadvantage is its alleged objectiveness. The constant
quest for fairness and impartiality is approved. However, the claim that
positivism is completely free from subjective aspects hinders the progress of
this theory (Campbell 2016). The development of the quantum theory revealed
that not only it was not possible to identify some features of subatomic
particles but also the fact of observation changed the results of an experiment.
Hence, the statement that empiric research provides accurate data because a
researcher has no impact on this process turned out to be false. Thus, the first
assumptions of the importance of epistemological components in the
positivism concept took place. The quantum theory made scientists think that
their very mindset could affect the performance of the experiment.

Another serious drawback of the positivism theory is that it cannot differentiate

the natural from social worlds. Positivists believe that all science has a similar
foundation. However, there are significant differences between social and
natural sciences (Smith, Booth & Zalewski 1996). Social studies focus on
societies and their development. Meanwhile, natural sciences scrutinize the
details of the natural world. The objects of social studies exist because of
processes that form societies. On the other hand, objects of the real world
exist independently and are the product of nature.


In conclusion, positivism presents a vision on the proper methodology of

natural and social sciences, highlighting the importance of experimentally
obtained data. It also emphasizes the fact that objective knowledge should be
based on experience through senses. This concept completely contradicts
metaphysical theories as to their conclusions impossible to prove empirically.
However, the disadvantages of the positivism concept clearly show that it
requires a serious transformation. Quantum physics revealed significant
shortcomings in this theory. The outcomes of the quantum experiments
demonstrated the fallacy of the main principles like the objectiveness of
empirical data. Also, the influence of a researcher on the results of a
performed test was highlighted by various scholars. Therefore, further
activities for the development of the positivism theory should be aimed at
resolving the mentioned above obstacles.

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