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ANALYSIS OF WASTES (HAZARDOUS) ‘COSTSAVERS SUPERMARKET INC. AGOO San Miguel, Agoo, La Union Tilustration 1. Generator Set Used Engine OF Contains harmful compounds and carcinogens and one ier of used oll ean contaminate one ‘millon liters of water. Because of this, used oil which is a common by product of mechanized processes in all industry sectors is classified as a hazardous waste ands strictly govemed by environmental laws. With the used of additives and contaminants, used oll disposal can be more environmentally damaging than crude oil pollution. These materials may cause both short and long term effects if they are allowed to enter the environment through waterways or soil. & CHL bulbs, Fluorescent Tubes a ‘CFL's like all fluorescent lamps contain mercury as vapor inside the plas tubing. Mercury vapor is released when the CFL bulbs/Mluorescent tubes is broken. Inhaling mercury vapor is hhazardous to your health, Most CFL bulbs contain 3-5 mg per bul, ‘A lead-acid battery is composed of a Lead-dioxide cathode, a sponge metallic Lead anode and 4 sulfur acid solution electrolyte. This heavy metal clement makes them toxic and improper disposal can be hazardous to the environment. During discharge, the lead dioxide (positive plate) and lead (negative plate) react with the electrolyte of sulfuric acid to ereate lead sulfate, water and energy. ‘During charging, the eycle is reversed: the lead sulfate and water are electro-chemically converted to lead, lead oxide and sulfuric acid by an external electrical charging source. TILED Bulbs TLED bulbs sold as safe and eco-friendly can Contain Righ levels of arsenic and other hazardous substances. The toxic material could increase the risk of cancer, kidney disease and other illnesses, although the risks are more long-term than immediate; a single exposure to a broken bulb is unlikely to cause illness. ‘5 Oil contaminated material ‘il must be properly drained or removed such that no visible signs of free-flowing oil remain {nor on the material. Some common examples of oil-contaminated wastes include: spent rags containing used oil, spill sorbents (€ polypropylene pads, sawdust, corn cob grit, wood. chips, and granular clay), and filter media from oil ites. ‘Oil-contaminated wastes are waste materials containing oF contaminated with used oil. Used — | ‘Waste Blectrical and lectronie Equipment (VEER). ‘WEEE is electrical or electronic equipment that has come to the end of is “user Iie” and ‘covers a range of equipment. Those items that use electricity, usually connected via a plug or battery, are included inthis category. WEEE is classified as cither household or nonshouschold and, up until recently, has not been recycled. ‘Waste from electrical and electronic equipment includes 2 large range of devices such as ‘computers, cooking range, fryer and other eletrical/electronic technology. ‘Waste cooking oil is considered as one of the hazardous wastes because improper disposal of WCO can cause significant environmental problems such as blockages of drainages and sewers as well as water or soil pollution Cooking oils are highly flammable if not used ‘properly. A flashpoint is the temperature at which an oi! creates flammable vapors that when exposed to heat can cause a fre, |

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