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Your guide to

A Mother -Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative


Contains antibodies and Immunoglobulin that fight against infections
Prevents obesity, malnutrition diabetes mellitus and hypertension
Lessens risk of developing cancer
Prevents disease such as asthma and skin allergies
Prevents visual problems since it is a major source of vitamin A
Improves mood and sleep pattern and prevents breathing disorders
Have higher intelligence quotient (IQ) scores

Prevents bleeding of the mother after delivery

Faster weight loss of mother after delivery
Natural contraceptive for the mother if exclusively breastfeeding
Affordable and convenient; not costly
Protects mothers from developing cancer such as breast and ovarian cancer
Protects against osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis

THE KNOW-HOWS Republic Act No. 10028

BREASTFEEDING POSITIONS Baby is separated from mom? • Setting up of lactation stations in private WHEN TO FEED THE BABY?
enterprises and government offices
• Provision of “lactation periods” for breastfeeding

employees in addition to meal times (at least a total
of 40 minutes for every 8-hour work period)
• Set August every year as breastfeeding awareness
Helps empty the breast and prevents pain month

Traditional/Cradle Cross-cradle Side-lying Football

P repare a clean container
Press your breast to your chest
• Chin touching breast
Push outward to your areola Room temperature ---------- 4-6 hours
In cooler with frozen gel packs--- 1 day
• Mouth wide open Refrigerator -------------------1-8 days
You may change hands. After 5 to 7 minutes,
• Lower lip turned outwards Freezer (1-door compartment) 2 weeks
changes breasts. Massage, stroke and shake gently
• Areola: more visible above than below the mouth Freezer (2-door compartment) 3 months
your breasts. Express again for 3-5 minutes at each
• No pain during sucking Deep freezer -----------------6-12 months
breast. Repeat once more. The whole procedure
• Baby’s chest is against mother’s chest or baby’s
can take about 30 minutes.
tummy to mother’s tummy

BABY'S STOMACH SIZE Exclusive breastfeeding from 0 to 6 months. Start complementary feeding at 6
months then continue breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond.
Keep calm. We start small.
Breast milk has no substitute or replacement.
Breastfeeding is best for babies ESPECIALLY during disasters.

Day 1 Day 3 1 week 1 month

5-7mL 22-27 mL 45-60mL 80-150mL
Provides warmth to preterm and low birth weight babies who cannot keep their body warm

This skin to skin contact also helps regulate their breathing and
breastfeeding and helps with faster weight gain from: Queensland Health Booklet Child Health Information: Your Guide for the First Twelve Months
Doing it the longer, the better!
CUP FEEDING Helps increase breastmilk supply and promotes breastfeeding success
Lowers the baby's stress for a more improved sleep
PREVENTS NIPPLE CONFUSION Promotes bonding of baby and mother for emotional development
1. Hold the infant sitting upright
You can do it while sleeping or even walking, or working at home
or semi-upright on your lap
Lowers preterm deaths
2. Hold a small cup of milk to the infant’s lips.
3. Tip the cup so that the milk just reaches the infant’s lips. The CAN DADS DO IT TOO? TOTALLY YES!
infant becomes alert and opens his or her mouth and eyes.
4. DO NOT POUR the milk into the infant’s mouth, cup feeding
is an infant-led process. Just hold the cup to his or her lips and SHARE LOVE, SHARE YOUR EXTRA BREASTMILK
let him take it himself. This HOSPITAL Protects, Promotes and Supports BREASTFEEDING
5. When the infant has had enough, he closes his mouth and
Executive Order No. 51 The following are not allowed inside the hospital:
E.O. 51,"The Milk Code", is a law that ensures safe

will not take any more. If he has not taken the calculated
and adequate nutrition for infants through the
amount, he may take more at the next feed or you may need to promotion of breastfeeding and the regulation of
feed him more often promotion, distribution, selling, advertising, product
6. Measure intake over 24 hours – not just at each feed. public relations, and information services artificial
milk formulas and other covered products.
CONTACT: 09206655490 Feeding Bottle Milk Formula Pacifier

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