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Ch 6 Theory Work Book Answers



5 a. 1. User Interface
2. Explanation System
3. Inference Engine
4. Rule Base
5. Knowledge Base
b. Interactive user screen appears
System asks engineer a series of yes/no questions regarding TV fault
Engineer types in answers to questions
System then ask questions based on previous responses
Inference engine compares answers to questions with facts stored in knowledge
base using rule base.
System suggests probability of possible fault being identified
Explanation system explains how the expert system arrived at its concusions
It will then produce possible ways to fix the TV fault.
c. Diagnosing patient illnesses
Diagnosing faults in car
Prospecting oil and minerals
Strategy games eg chess
Identification of plants, animals, chemical compounds, etc
Road scheduling for delivery vehicles
Tax and financial calculations
d. Real data can be obtained with known diagnostics. The expert enters a series of
answers to Expert system questions and than checks the expert system output
against the expected output. Changes are made to expert system until it shows 100%
correct known predictions.
6 Do on your own
7 a. Automatic number plate recognition system. It is used to read the number plates on
cars in a number of applications.
b. Do on your own

9 Do on your own

11 a. Held close up to a distance of 5 cm………..not to be in contact.

b. OCR can convert characters……. OMR only read marks
c. Passive tags are not battery powered……it uses reader’s radio wave energy to relay
back the information.
12 Do on your own
13 Text Book Page 121
14 Page 146 Figure 6.28
15 Text Book Page 120
16 Leave it as this we will do in spreadsheets.
17 a–C
18 4, 7, 1, 6, 2, 8, 5, 3
19 a. Media Steaming is when users watch videos or listen to music on devices connected
to internet. There is no need to actually download and save the video or audio files.
b. Buffering is the process of preloading data into a reserved area of memory that's
called a buffer. It makes sure the video plays back smoothly without freezing. While
the buffer is receiving data packets, it will be sending the data from the previous
data packets to the playback device.
c. It is a tiny card used by mobile devices to connect the mobile devices to the mobile
phone cellular network. It provides SMS messaging, phone calls etc.
d. Simulation is the creation of a model of a real system in order to study the behaviour
of the system. The model is computer – generated and is based on mathematical
e. End effector is a device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the
environment. The exact nature of this device depends on the application of the
f. E-ticket is a paperless electronic document sent to the customer electronically,
containing QR code which is scanned at the venue for entry.

20 Page 144

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