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Summary Writing

1. Write about the setting (place and time), the main characters, the problem and the
2. Write only important information not details.
Put the events in the same order.
3. Don't repeat information.
4. Use some vocabulary as written in the story.
5. Use the category instead of lists.

A. Read the text carefully twice.
B. Understand the main idea of the text.
1. What is the central/ main idea of the text?
2. What are the important lines in each para?
3. What should be the heading of the passage?
4. What should be the conclusion
C. Mark/highlight the important point, sentence and phrase.
II. While drafting a summary
A. Give a heading of your own.
B. Skip the repeated words and sentences.
C. Cut the redundant words.
D. Avoid adverbs
1. “I agree with you”
2. “Actually, I disagree”
E. Substitute a phrase with a word.
1. A list of books: Catalog.
2. The sound that cannot be heard: inaudible.
F. Use a noun in apposition (Short and simple sentence).
G. Transform complex sentences into simple sentences.
H. Arrive at conclusion in 1-2 sentences.
1. To sum up
2. To conclude
III. Don’ts in summary writing
A. Avoid repetition of words.
B. Avoid your own interpretations and examples.
C. Don’t change the author's intended meaning.
D. Don’t make assumptions.
E. Avoid details.

Descriptive Structure
Writing a Descriptive
➔ Describe a person
➔ Describe a place
➔ Describe a thing

Essay (each bullet point equals one paragraph)
Introduction that includes thesis statement
Supporting details

Show don't tell

Description writing tries to SHOW you, not TELL you about something or someone.
Use specific details that point a picture.

Sensory details
Use your own senses to help you write descriptions.
★ Sensory details
○ Sight
○ Sound
○ Smell
○ Feeling
★ Sensory details: The writing center
○ Sight etc.

Dominant Impression
➢ A room
➢ A place
➢ A person
➢ Or some other thing

If you are describing one thing

That one thing is your main point
This becomes your topic (thesis) statement

Speech Writing
● Text type- talk/ speech
● Perspective
● Audience
● Purpose
Sentences to use in writer’s effect
● The overall effect of the language create an image
● The________ time is depicted
● Writer begins with
● The writer’s use of imagery

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