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27/03/2022, 8:16 pm: Hii, its earl from boo app 😄

27/03/2022, 8:17 pm - Chan: Heyy

27/03/2022, 8:17 pm - Chan: Nice to meet you here
again :)
27/03/2022, 8:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: Nice to meet
you too :)
27/03/2022, 8:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: What made
you download boo app?
27/03/2022, 8:21 pm - Chan: My friend recommend it
to me ahah
27/03/2022, 8:21 pm - Chan: I'm not really sure what i
am looking for there
27/03/2022, 8:21 pm - Chan: Maybe friend to chat with
and wait where it goes
27/03/2022, 8:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: That's pretty
cool, i am on the same page but mainly looking for
someone to go bouldering with if things go well 😅
27/03/2022, 8:30 pm - Chan: What's bouldering? haha
27/03/2022, 8:30 pm - Chan: Ohh climbing stone?
27/03/2022, 8:31 pm - +61 498 388 498: Basically rock
climbing without ropes haha
27/03/2022, 8:31 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah pretty
27/03/2022, 8:32 pm - Chan: Ohh
27/03/2022, 8:32 pm - Chan: Btw what do you work as?
27/03/2022, 8:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: I work as
pick/packer in a warehouse, nothing special really, wbu?
27/03/2022, 8:38 pm - Chan: I work as data analyst is a
bit stressful job
27/03/2022, 8:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: sounds like a
super stressful job to me haha
27/03/2022, 8:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: is that like
analysing companies data or something
27/03/2022, 8:50 pm - Chan: Yahh superr aaha
27/03/2022, 8:51 pm - Chan: What do you like to do if
you have free time beside bouldering ? :)
27/03/2022, 8:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: atleast you
managed to overcome stress while at work
27/03/2022, 8:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm most days
i play video games since i have nothing better to do and
house chores if i can
27/03/2022, 8:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: i still stay at my
parents house 🥲
27/03/2022, 8:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: What about
27/03/2022, 8:58 pm - Chan: Woah same i like to play
games , watch anime , and shopping
27/03/2022, 9:01 pm - +61 498 388 498: Oh wow what
games do you play?~
27/03/2022, 9:02 pm - +61 498 388 498: i also watch
anime though i recently stopped due to busy schedule :v
27/03/2022, 9:02 pm - +61 498 388 498: except
shopping 😆
27/03/2022, 9:03 pm - Chan: I just bough the Elden ring
27/03/2022, 9:03 pm - Chan: And i can't even defeat the
first boss lol
27/03/2022, 9:06 pm - +61 498 388 498: ooh elden ring,
i have heard it is like the witcher but never played those
games haha
27/03/2022, 9:06 pm - +61 498 388 498: what platform
do you play?
27/03/2022, 9:06 pm - Chan: PC
27/03/2022, 9:07 pm - Chan: I dont think its like the
27/03/2022, 9:07 pm - Chan: Its more like Dark souls
27/03/2022, 9:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh yeah dark
souls my badd
27/03/2022, 9:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: omg we cannot
play together lmao
27/03/2022, 9:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am a console
peasant :v
27/03/2022, 9:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: hahaha feels
27/03/2022, 9:31 pm - Chan: Lol
27/03/2022, 9:31 pm - Chan: What console are you
27/03/2022, 9:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: ps5
27/03/2022, 9:35 pm - Chan: Then why are you calling
youself a peasant haha
27/03/2022, 9:35 pm - +61 498 388 498: i have a pc but
the specs are outdated
27/03/2022, 9:35 pm - Chan: Ps5 is so expensive lol
27/03/2022, 9:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: because pc's
are superior
27/03/2022, 9:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah pc is
27/03/2022, 9:36 pm - Chan: What's you pc specs?
27/03/2022, 9:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: a good pc costs
like $1,500-3000
27/03/2022, 9:37 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm i think it
was like gtx 750 or something
27/03/2022, 9:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: my sister gave
me her old pc back in 2018
27/03/2022, 9:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: and i can only
play league at the lowest settings 🤣
27/03/2022, 9:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: what are your
hobbies besides gaming, anime and shopping?
27/03/2022, 9:46 pm - Chan: That's pretty old one
27/03/2022, 9:46 pm - Chan: Hmm working hard is my
best hobbies i love making money
27/03/2022, 9:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah it is hey,
but i don't want to spend my money buying expensive
27/03/2022, 9:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: woaah you are
one of a kind
27/03/2022, 9:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: do you save up
most of your hard earned money?
27/03/2022, 9:58 pm - Chan: I 70% of my money lol
27/03/2022, 9:58 pm - Chan: I invest 70%
27/03/2022, 9:58 pm - Chan: Because it won't grow the
money if you put it on the bank or ur wallet
27/03/2022, 9:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: sheeeeesh
27/03/2022, 9:58 pm - Chan: And i let my money work
for me
27/03/2022, 9:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: singaporean
stocks or international?
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - Chan: Cryptocurrency
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: or crypto?
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: same
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - Chan: may favorite saying aff all
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - Chan: Having tons of money is
not about money, it's all about peace of mind from
financial problems
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: i watched my
money decline on crypto 😆
27/03/2022, 9:59 pm - Chan: Well maybe you're not
using risk management or any safety precaution
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: You do
trading or just holding onto it?
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - Chan: Or you're lack of
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - Chan: I do trading
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah probably
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - Chan: You do crypto beore?
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: wow i can
never do trading
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - Chan: before?
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: i still do
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - Chan: What crypto exchange
your using?
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: but i am a
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: i use like
27/03/2022, 10:00 pm - Chan: Hodler huh
27/03/2022, 10:01 pm - +61 498 388 498: not binance
or anything
27/03/2022, 10:01 pm - Chan: Why don't you try to
27/03/2022, 10:01 pm - +61 498 388 498: because as
you said i have lack of knowledge when it comes to
27/03/2022, 10:01 pm - Chan: Lol yeah
27/03/2022, 10:01 pm - +61 498 388 498: but i use ma
and such if i feel like it
27/03/2022, 10:01 pm - Chan: I use binance as a wallet
27/03/2022, 10:02 pm - Chan: And use different
platform to trade my USDT
27/03/2022, 10:02 pm - Chan: And i can manage to
make 15 to 20% profit of my capital lol
27/03/2022, 10:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: teach me :p
27/03/2022, 10:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah im like
the passive investor
27/03/2022, 10:04 pm - Chan: Sure i can teach you
27/03/2022, 10:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: binance hey
27/03/2022, 10:04 pm - Chan: But you need at least to
have 70 usdt capital to start trading
27/03/2022, 10:05 pm - Chan: I only use it as a wallet i
dont like trading on Future's trade on binance lol
27/03/2022, 10:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm invested
more than 70usdt haha
27/03/2022, 10:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: i yolod my 10k
on kadena recently
27/03/2022, 10:05 pm - Chan: Lol yea 70 usdt is a little
money haha
27/03/2022, 10:05 pm - Chan: So want me to teach
you? because im goin to trade later let's do this at the
same time and i will give you my signal
27/03/2022, 10:06 pm - Chan: I will make you impress
27/03/2022, 10:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait
27/03/2022, 10:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: do i have to
use binance for this?
27/03/2022, 10:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: or i can use
my coinspot
27/03/2022, 10:08 pm - Chan: Nope coinspot is okay
and the platform im talking about
27/03/2022, 10:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: okayy
27/03/2022, 10:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait what
token is this?
27/03/2022, 10:09 pm - Chan: We're not goin to use
token lol
27/03/2022, 10:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: feel like you
are a pro trader since you are a data analyst 😮
27/03/2022, 10:10 pm - Chan: Maybe you're right haha
27/03/2022, 10:10 pm - Chan: Let's do this?
27/03/2022, 10:10 pm - +61 498 388 498: i mean which
token you're about to trade
27/03/2022, 10:10 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay ready
27/03/2022, 10:10 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 10:11 pm - Chan: here's my past
withdrawal lol
27/03/2022, 10:11 pm - Chan: We're goin to use The
platform credits
27/03/2022, 10:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: holy crap
thats a lot of money
27/03/2022, 10:12 pm - Chan: So let's do this?
27/03/2022, 10:12 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 10:12 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 10:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: is that usd?
27/03/2022, 10:13 pm - Chan: Here's the platform im
talking about
27/03/2022, 10:13 pm - Chan: This one is a credits
27/03/2022, 10:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: i have never
seen that platform before
27/03/2022, 10:13 pm - Chan: If you convert it to USDT i
will become 7k usdt
27/03/2022, 10:13 pm - Chan: It will become*
27/03/2022, 10:14 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 10:14 pm - +61 498 388 498: i legit only
used coinspot 😅
27/03/2022, 10:15 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 10:15 pm - Chan: i also use Binance 😅
27/03/2022, 10:16 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm why do i
have to buy usdt?
27/03/2022, 10:16 pm - Chan: That's what gonna use to
buy Credits
27/03/2022, 10:16 pm - Chan: For example 1 usdt is
equivalent of 7.6 credits
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: and credits
are used to trade?
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - Chan: Yup
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: options? is it?
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - Chan: correct
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - Chan: Credits are use to trade
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahhh the
options trading
27/03/2022, 10:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: coinspot do
not have that feature
27/03/2022, 10:18 pm - Chan: So want to try? and
invest your 70 usdt lol
27/03/2022, 10:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: i might have
to download binance but i can't be bothered
27/03/2022, 10:18 pm - Chan: Well you dont need to
download the binance
27/03/2022, 10:18 pm - Chan: Like i told you coinspot is
27/03/2022, 10:18 pm - Chan: You just need is to
download or visit the website of the platform im taking
27/03/2022, 10:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh like
transfer it to the said platform
27/03/2022, 10:19 pm - Chan: Yup you're correct
again :)
27/03/2022, 10:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: i don't need
to sign up hey
27/03/2022, 10:19 pm - Chan: you need to sign up of
27/03/2022, 10:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahh
27/03/2022, 10:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: hang on i am
not ready in a game still hahaha
27/03/2022, 10:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: what
platform is it btw?
27/03/2022, 10:20 pm - Chan: Lol okay
27/03/2022, 10:20 pm - Chan: Take your time
27/03/2022, 10:21 pm - Chan: Btw the trading process
will take 10 to 15 mins only :)
27/03/2022, 10:21 pm - +61 498 388 498: thanks i
appreciate it
27/03/2022, 10:21 pm - +61 498 388 498: 10-15min
options trading?
27/03/2022, 10:22 pm - Chan: 1 mins option
27/03/2022, 10:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahh
27/03/2022, 10:22 pm - Chan: But we're goin to trade
many hahaha
27/03/2022, 10:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: damn that is
like playiing with fireee
27/03/2022, 10:22 pm - Chan: I will make you impress
27/03/2022, 10:23 pm - Chan: let me know if you're
done playing
27/03/2022, 10:23 pm - Chan: I will check the
movement of the graph first
27/03/2022, 10:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am already
impressed :p
27/03/2022, 10:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: we went
overtime sry
27/03/2022, 10:27 pm - Chan: How?
27/03/2022, 10:27 pm - Chan: Dont say sorry.
27/03/2022, 10:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: because you
are about to teach me a risky trading tactic haha
27/03/2022, 10:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: btw what
platform are we using
27/03/2022, 10:32 pm - Chan: Well don't worry
because i always use Safety precaution and do some
risk management :)
27/03/2022, 10:33 pm - Chan: It's called myrtles
platform my cousin introduce this to me a year ago
27/03/2022, 10:34 pm - Chan: Sometimes it's better to
take a risk and to get out of your comfort zone to try
another new thing
27/03/2022, 10:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: searched it up
but cannot find it somehow
27/03/2022, 10:35 pm - +61 498 388 498: actually my
coworker introduced options trading to me but never
tried risking it since i don't know how to manage risks
and such
27/03/2022, 10:35 pm - +61 498 388 498: and he lost
quite a bit from options due to lack of risk management
27/03/2022, 10:35 pm - Chan: Lol it's better to try the
new think don't be afraid
27/03/2022, 10:36 pm - Chan: As long as there's a
person to teach you
27/03/2022, 10:37 pm - Chan: If someone introduce to
me a new platform i always take a risk to try it
27/03/2022, 10:37 pm - Chan: And i don't waste any
27/03/2022, 10:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay we lost
27/03/2022, 10:38 pm - Chan: Lol hahaha
27/03/2022, 10:39 pm - Chan: sorry about that
27/03/2022, 10:39 pm - Chan: So let's do this?
27/03/2022, 10:39 pm - Chan: get out of your comfort
zone and invest your 70 usdt 🤣🤣
27/03/2022, 10:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: I'm the
opposite i tend to lean on lesser risk when it comes to
decision making
27/03/2022, 10:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: hahahaha will
27/03/2022, 10:40 pm - Chan: Great hahaha
27/03/2022, 10:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: that is why i
just hodl but will try it out!
27/03/2022, 10:40 pm - Chan: Btw do you have USDT?
27/03/2022, 10:40 pm - Chan: make sure that you have
70 lol
27/03/2022, 10:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh i still have
to put some
27/03/2022, 10:41 pm - Chan: Okay great
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: 69.57 usdt
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: is that fine or
add the 50cent
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: lolol
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - Chan: That's enough lol
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - Chan: I will make you impress
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: alright
27/03/2022, 10:42 pm - Chan: I will send to you the link
of the platform
27/03/2022, 10:43 pm - Chan:
27/03/2022, 10:43 pm - Chan: Try to make an account
27/03/2022, 10:43 pm - Chan: That's the platform
27/03/2022, 10:43 pm - Chan: I will check the
movement while your creating account
27/03/2022, 10:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am in
27/03/2022, 10:47 pm - Chan: Okay great
27/03/2022, 10:47 pm - Chan: Can you take a
screenshot of the myrtles? so i can guide you
27/03/2022, 10:47 pm - Chan: Go to Balance
27/03/2022, 10:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 10:48 pm - Chan: Go to deposit
27/03/2022, 10:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: yep
27/03/2022, 10:48 pm - Chan: And choose TRC20
27/03/2022, 10:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: and then?
27/03/2022, 10:48 pm - Chan: Copy the wallet address
27/03/2022, 10:49 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 10:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: i only have 2
27/03/2022, 10:51 pm - Chan: can you take a
27/03/2022, 10:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: erc20 and
27/03/2022, 10:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 10:52 pm - Chan: try to put the address
27/03/2022, 10:52 pm - Chan: I think it will
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: i think i
messed up my transfer
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: Find the Tron
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: i used erc20
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: That's what TRC20
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: AWWw
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: That's wrong
27/03/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: Did you already send it?
27/03/2022, 10:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: i did 🥲
27/03/2022, 10:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm
27/03/2022, 10:57 pm - Chan: so you dont have USDT
anymore 😕
27/03/2022, 10:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: the
transaction did go through but
27/03/2022, 10:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: the money is
not showing up on my myrtle wallet
27/03/2022, 10:57 pm - Chan: That's wrong address
27/03/2022, 10:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh really
27/03/2022, 10:58 pm - Chan: what address did you
27/03/2022, 10:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: trc is the
address for myrtle?
27/03/2022, 10:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 10:58 pm - Chan: That one?
27/03/2022, 10:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeea
27/03/2022, 10:58 pm - Chan: and you send it?
27/03/2022, 10:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: yup
27/03/2022, 10:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 10:59 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 10:59 pm - Chan: fill it up
27/03/2022, 11:00 pm - Chan: and attach it below
27/03/2022, 11:02 pm - +61 498 388 498: the transfer
amount is the amount i sent right?
27/03/2022, 11:02 pm - Chan: yup
27/03/2022, 11:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: change it to 70
27/03/2022, 11:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am soo bad
at this :v
27/03/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: it's okay :)
27/03/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: I still make you impress :)
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: Just follow my lead
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: what is the
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: dont mind it
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm still 0
balance 😱
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: just put 70
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: did you already submit?
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: oj wait
27/03/2022, 11:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: 532 it says
27/03/2022, 11:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 11:05 pm - Chan: okay great :)
27/03/2022, 11:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: show me da
27/03/2022, 11:05 pm - Chan: Wait i will make TA first
27/03/2022, 11:05 pm - Chan: I will show you da wae
27/03/2022, 11:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh wow i
would love to see this in action
27/03/2022, 11:06 pm - Chan: Wait 5 mins :)
27/03/2022, 11:06 pm - +61 498 388 498: the ascending
triangle, moving averages etc.
27/03/2022, 11:06 pm - +61 498 388 498: okayy
27/03/2022, 11:06 pm - Chan: I will use 5 mins time
frame to read the graph
27/03/2022, 11:06 pm - Chan: Wait :)
27/03/2022, 11:07 pm - Chan: I will recharge also
wait :)
27/03/2022, 11:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: okayy
27/03/2022, 11:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: just realized
all your balance is in tether for binance
27/03/2022, 11:10 pm - Chan: Yup your correct :)
27/03/2022, 11:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: will you be
able to explain the longs and short in a simplified way?
27/03/2022, 11:12 pm - +61 498 388 498: short is when
you expect the currency to go up right?
27/03/2022, 11:13 pm - Chan: Long is when you expect
the value go up
27/03/2022, 11:14 pm - Chan: Short is if the price is go
27/03/2022, 11:14 pm - Chan: That's simple
27/03/2022, 11:14 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh okay
27/03/2022, 11:14 pm - Chan: Don't trade alone
27/03/2022, 11:14 pm - Chan: Wait for me
27/03/2022, 11:14 pm - +61 498 388 498: i was just
checking it out
27/03/2022, 11:15 pm - Chan: But still based on the
time you can check the candle stick if you know how to
read it.
27/03/2022, 11:16 pm - Chan: We will start now.
27/03/2022, 11:16 pm - +61 498 388 498: which
currency are you checking rn?
27/03/2022, 11:17 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:18 pm - Chan: BTC and ETC and ETH
27/03/2022, 11:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh yeah the
main ones
27/03/2022, 11:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: anyways i am
ready whenever you are :D
27/03/2022, 11:19 pm - Chan: yes i do notes to start
27/03/2022, 11:20 pm - Chan: We will used BTC for
27/03/2022, 11:20 pm - Chan: are you on the platform
now ?#
27/03/2022, 11:21 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 11:21 pm - +61 498 388 498: yes ma'am!
27/03/2022, 11:21 pm - Chan: okay now Click BUY
LONG and put it on 60s
27/03/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: what about
27/03/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: 100
27/03/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: And confirm
27/03/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: im stressed
27/03/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: Don't be
27/03/2022, 11:23 pm - Chan: Do me a screenshot after
27/03/2022, 11:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 11:23 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: did i make
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: this mine
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait how
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: i placed more
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: yess we do profit 15%
based on our principal
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: you*
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahh
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: No we need to compute
the price.
27/03/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: yes because i start with

27/03/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: that why if we have big

amount of principal we can earn big profit as well
27/03/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: no it's 1K only
27/03/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: Checking the movements
27/03/2022, 11:26 pm - Chan: okay now BUY LONG
again quantity is 100
27/03/2022, 11:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm how are
you able to determine if the price is about to go up?
27/03/2022, 11:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: using just
moving average?
27/03/2022, 11:28 pm - +61 498 388 498: or also the
line thingo
27/03/2022, 11:28 pm - Chan: this is my secret haha! I
studied this for long time and do some search and as
some mentors. But you will understand swing trade
once you do a lot of trades.
27/03/2022, 11:28 pm - +61 498 388 498: is +15 good?
27/03/2022, 11:29 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh my
27/03/2022, 11:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: so mine was
+15 but red
27/03/2022, 11:29 pm - Chan: yes for starting but more
better we can do the same amount so you dont missed
the opportunity because the movements is nor
27/03/2022, 11:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahh will add
more later on :p
27/03/2022, 11:30 pm - Chan: because of the seting of
the color of your graph.
27/03/2022, 11:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh that is why
27/03/2022, 11:31 pm - Chan: you can change it on the
setting if you want green on the BUY LONG
27/03/2022, 11:31 pm - +61 498 388 498: i was
wondering why green candle is red for some reason
27/03/2022, 11:31 pm - Chan: Because of the setting of
your account.
27/03/2022, 11:31 pm - Chan: You can change it if you
are comfortable with the green candle stick in buy long
27/03/2022, 11:32 pm - +61 498 388 498: idk if i can
change it on my phone
27/03/2022, 11:32 pm - Chan: and red color for buy
27/03/2022, 11:32 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:33 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:33 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahh thanks
you are a lifesaver!
27/03/2022, 11:33 pm - Chan: Okay now we will trade
27/03/2022, 11:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: Ready!
27/03/2022, 11:36 pm - Chan: Now BUY SHORT 100
27/03/2022, 11:37 pm - +61 498 388 498: the 60s and
120s is the timeframe you expect the price to
increase/decrease in value?
27/03/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: i think i
pressed 120 for this one accidentally
27/03/2022, 11:38 pm - Chan: in 120's there's minimum
to trade there but we can do in 120's if our credits is
50,000 means it's 10K USDT so we can get 20% profit
27/03/2022, 11:38 pm - Chan: It's fine. i do in 60's
27/03/2022, 11:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: what is the
minimum for 120's and 12h?
27/03/2022, 11:40 pm - Chan: in the 12H is 20K USDT
and can make 87% Profit based on our principal example
you have 20K USDT you can make 17K USDT after 12H
27/03/2022, 11:41 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: but you have
to wait 12 hours before you see the result?
27/03/2022, 11:41 pm - Chan: yes.
27/03/2022, 11:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: can you
cancel before 12h hits?
27/03/2022, 11:42 pm - Chan: I more like to trade on
12H not too risky it's called scalping.
27/03/2022, 11:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: is it because
you have more leeway for price prediction and ta?
27/03/2022, 11:43 pm - Chan: No you can't if you do
12H you can put any amount there it's depends on you if
you put it all
27/03/2022, 11:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: i profited 15
credits again hahaha
27/03/2022, 11:44 pm - Chan: It's find haha next trade
we are on the same amount so you can get big profit
27/03/2022, 11:44 pm - Chan: Okay now BUY LONG put
27/03/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will try not
to add more credits until i get the hang of it :p
27/03/2022, 11:46 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: you place 30k
27/03/2022, 11:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: you are a
legend sophie
27/03/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: So you will waste the
opportunity to earn
27/03/2022, 11:48 pm - Chan: yes. I am not scared to
take the risk co'z i know how it works.
27/03/2022, 11:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: yep thats me
low risk low reward 😆
27/03/2022, 11:49 pm - Chan: Yeaaa thats right hahaha
you need to have a fighting spirit haha
27/03/2022, 11:49 pm - Chan: Don't worry i am here i
will always guide you every step away
27/03/2022, 11:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah actually
usually at the start i do not risk all of it but i yolo in the
end if i lose patience
27/03/2022, 11:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: thanks!
27/03/2022, 11:50 pm - Chan: Hahahaha! Patience is a
27/03/2022, 11:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: which
australian state are you moving btw
27/03/2022, 11:50 pm - Chan: Okay now BUY SHORT
with 100
27/03/2022, 11:50 pm - Chan: Perth.
27/03/2022, 11:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: ohh by
27/03/2022, 11:51 pm - Chan: No with my uncle
because my father is already there.
27/03/2022, 11:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: did you use
travel mode in boo?
27/03/2022, 11:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: because it
says como,wa hey
27/03/2022, 11:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahhh fair
27/03/2022, 11:52 pm - Chan: Let's talk about it later
hahaha we need to focus here first.
27/03/2022, 11:52 pm - Chan: So we do not lose
27/03/2022, 11:52 pm - Chan: we need to be rich
27/03/2022, 11:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: okayy
27/03/2022, 11:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: hahahahahha
27/03/2022, 11:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: that is true
27/03/2022, 11:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: but getting
rich takes time
27/03/2022, 11:53 pm - Chan: We dont need to work to
get money, Money will work to us.
27/03/2022, 11:54 pm - Chan: yaa and take some risk
27/03/2022, 11:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: i like the way
you think
27/03/2022, 11:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: you think like
a businesswoman hey hahaha
27/03/2022, 11:54 pm - Chan: Okay Now buy LONG. 100
27/03/2022, 11:55 pm - Chan: Ofc. we live everyday but
we die once so do what we want and do makes you
27/03/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: on point
27/03/2022, 11:56 pm - Chan: make a screenshot after
27/03/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: do you also
invest in traditional stocks?
27/03/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: it'll still be +15
27/03/2022, 11:57 pm - Chan: I do invest on propert
investment for long term all my profit here i add on
some coins and giving to the charity to help.
27/03/2022, 11:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
27/03/2022, 11:57 pm - Chan: Next trade we do 6K
USDT. So you don't waste the profit
27/03/2022, 11:58 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
27/03/2022, 11:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: you want me
to add more usdt?
27/03/2022, 11:58 pm - Chan: Just don't waste
opportunity you need to have positive mindset and we
dont have time machine to get back to the past
27/03/2022, 11:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: aightt
27/03/2022, 11:59 pm - Chan: Yes so you dont waste
the profit.
28/03/2022, 12:03 am - +61 498 388 498: hang on
28/03/2022, 12:03 am - Chan: Okay
28/03/2022, 12:03 am - +61 498 388 498: i still have to
wait for the price to go up
28/03/2022, 12:03 am - +61 498 388 498: by 1 cent
28/03/2022, 12:03 am - Chan: Okay, are you going to
add usdt ?
28/03/2022, 12:04 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah i will
transfer 6k
28/03/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: okay i'll wait you and
doing notes
28/03/2022, 12:04 am - +61 498 388 498: see how it
goes then transfer it back to coinspot
28/03/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: Okay.
28/03/2022, 12:05 am - +61 498 388 498: but i have
faith in your trading skills
28/03/2022, 12:07 am - Chan: I'll make you impress.
Like what i told you earlier.
28/03/2022, 12:09 am - +61 498 388 498: your trading
just then were spot on
28/03/2022, 12:09 am - +61 498 388 498: you read the
chart like a book
28/03/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: yes beause i do this more
than a year. But when i do start it's hard for me but
now it easy.
28/03/2022, 12:12 am - +61 498 388 498: did you lose
some of your capital on your trading attempts?
28/03/2022, 12:13 am - +61 498 388 498: hang on 56
more cents hopefully it goes up
28/03/2022, 12:14 am - Chan: yes before thats why i do
learned how to read the graph. I invest time and effort.
28/03/2022, 12:14 am - Chan: Okay.
28/03/2022, 12:16 am - +61 498 388 498: is it possible
to add you on other social media platforms?
28/03/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: Sure after this. Anytime
we can do this.
28/03/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: Time is running so i need
to read and write a notes.
28/03/2022, 12:18 am - +61 498 388 498: my bad i will
let you do your thing
28/03/2022, 12:19 am - Chan: It's fine. We still waiting
28/03/2022, 12:25 am - +61 498 388 498: i will put the
money on ust right?
28/03/2022, 12:25 am - Chan: yes. USDT
28/03/2022, 12:26 am - +61 498 388 498: oh yeah
28/03/2022, 12:26 am - Chan: Like what you did earlier.
28/03/2022, 12:29 am - +61 498 388 498: my transfer is
not showing up
28/03/2022, 12:30 am - Chan: Screenshot so i can see
28/03/2022, 12:30 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
28/03/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: nevermind
28/03/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: Okay
28/03/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: all good now~
28/03/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: says 47k
28/03/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: can i see
28/03/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: phew
28/03/2022, 12:32 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
28/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: earlier you
said you were invested in property. does that mean you
already have your own property or..
28/03/2022, 12:34 am - Chan: Okay now i am checking
the graph and movements.
28/03/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: no worries
28/03/2022, 12:35 am - Chan: yes i do, I do apartment
so i can get passive income
28/03/2022, 12:36 am - Chan: more assets more
income right
28/03/2022, 12:36 am - +61 498 388 498: wow, you
already are set for life 🤯
28/03/2022, 12:39 am - Chan: Not yet haha i want to be
billionaires ahahah Look Bill gates he still working even
he is the richest man in the world
28/03/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: Are you ready for
trade ??
28/03/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: i knowww but
in my point of view you already are successful since
you have a property for passive income, a stable job
and also doing trading for extra income~
28/03/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: yes ma'am
28/03/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: yes, but like what i told
to you earlier we dont have time machine to go back in
the past so we need to grab every opportunity
28/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: count me in!
28/03/2022, 12:45 am - Chan: Yes ofc.
28/03/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: positivity
28/03/2022, 12:45 am - Chan: now go to BTC/USDT
28/03/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: yep
28/03/2022, 12:46 am - Chan: Okay now BUY SHORT,
quantity 3,000
28/03/2022, 12:48 am - +61 498 388 498: wait i thought
i was losing 3000
28/03/2022, 12:48 am - +61 498 388 498: then it said
28/03/2022, 12:48 am - Chan: what ??
28/03/2022, 12:48 am - +61 498 388 498: dw
28/03/2022, 12:48 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
28/03/2022, 12:49 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah same
28/03/2022, 12:49 am - +61 498 388 498: thanks :D
28/03/2022, 12:49 am - Chan: okay i am checking again.
28/03/2022, 12:49 am - Chan: no worries we will the
next billionaires hahaha God will
28/03/2022, 12:50 am - +61 498 388 498: time will tell
28/03/2022, 12:50 am - +61 498 388 498: but i am
aiming for 100k first
28/03/2022, 12:50 am - +61 498 388 498: :v
28/03/2022, 12:50 am - Chan: Yes we will do that no
28/03/2022, 12:51 am - Chan: Now BUY LONG 5000
28/03/2022, 12:51 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't think i
can do options without your guidance in the future
28/03/2022, 12:52 am - Chan: So next time we will do
the 12H so we can get more profit. it's 87%
28/03/2022, 12:53 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
28/03/2022, 12:53 am - Chan: yes same with me.
28/03/2022, 12:53 am - +61 498 388 498: ooof
28/03/2022, 12:53 am - +61 498 388 498: for 12h you
check 12h timeframe?
28/03/2022, 12:54 am - +61 498 388 498: oh wait nvm
28/03/2022, 12:54 am - +61 498 388 498: there is only
28/03/2022, 12:54 am - Chan: Okay now BUY SHORT
28/03/2022, 12:55 am - Chan: there is minimum also to
trade in 24H
28/03/2022, 12:55 am - Chan: we should do the 12H
first so you can see my skill on this and you will
impressed on me.
28/03/2022, 12:56 am - +61 498 388 498: I am already
amazed by how accurate your trades are
28/03/2022, 12:57 am - +61 498 388 498: alright 12hrs it
28/03/2022, 12:57 am - Chan: The minimum is 20K
28/03/2022, 12:57 am - +61 498 388 498: oml
28/03/2022, 12:57 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
28/03/2022, 12:57 am - +61 498 388 498: for 12hr?
28/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: nah i still have
to build that up then 😆😅
28/03/2022, 12:58 am - Chan: Yes, But how much your
balance there now so we can compute.
28/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: 50,108
28/03/2022, 12:59 am - Chan: Okay i'll compute how
much you need to get on 12H
28/03/2022, 12:59 am - Chan: You only need is 14K
USDT to get on 12H.
28/03/2022, 1:00 am - +61 498 388 498: that is alott
28/03/2022, 1:01 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't have
that much money in my coinspot
28/03/2022, 1:01 am - +61 498 388 498: the rest of my
balance is in stocks but yeah
28/03/2022, 1:01 am - Chan: This is the possible income
you will get in 12H

20K USDT x 87% = 17K USDT

28/03/2022, 1:02 am - Chan: Okay now BUY LONG 7800
28/03/2022, 1:02 am - +61 498 388 498: hmm i can't
afford putting 14k yett :c
28/03/2022, 1:02 am - Chan: How much do you think
you can ?
28/03/2022, 1:03 am - +61 498 388 498: i have 8kaud
left in coinspot
28/03/2022, 1:03 am - +61 498 388 498: which is just 6k
in usd
28/03/2022, 1:04 am - +61 498 388 498: i will stick with
this amount i guess
28/03/2022, 1:04 am - Chan: Can you try 10K then let
me manage the remaining
28/03/2022, 1:05 am - +61 498 388 498: maybe you do
the 12h one and show me the results tomorrow or next
few days
28/03/2022, 1:05 am - +61 498 388 498: 10k aud?
28/03/2022, 1:05 am - Chan: Ok
28/03/2022, 1:06 am - Chan: Like i told to you earlier
the movements is not consistence.
28/03/2022, 1:07 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah ik but i
cannot risk all of it :c
28/03/2022, 1:08 am - Chan: Sure dont worry i am here
to guide you and i will not risk my money as well
28/03/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: sorry but i will
stick to this amount and slowly grow it and one day i will
trade 12h with you ?
28/03/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: Can you add the 10K AUD
so we can start to trade so we can withdraw our
balance today.
28/03/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: Dont waste this
28/03/2022, 1:13 am - +61 498 388 498: no i only have
8.7k aud left in coinspot :v
28/03/2022, 1:14 am - Chan: It's okay. even 8K so we
just dont waste the opportunity and the good
28/03/2022, 1:17 am - +61 498 388 498: 8k aud converts
to 5.8k
28/03/2022, 1:17 am - +61 498 388 498: is that fine?
28/03/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: yes
28/03/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: I will do the notes again
28/03/2022, 1:18 am - Chan: just let me know once you
are done.
28/03/2022, 1:19 am - +61 498 388 498: processing
28/03/2022, 1:19 am - Chan: ok
28/03/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: still waiting~
28/03/2022, 1:24 am - Chan: okay let me know how
much your balance
28/03/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: still sitting at
28/03/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: Okay just wait.
28/03/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: I am adding balance as
28/03/2022, 1:25 am - +61 498 388 498: okayy
28/03/2022, 1:29 am - +61 498 388 498: is yours
28/03/2022, 1:29 am - Chan: i think they reviewing my
deposit account
28/03/2022, 1:29 am - Chan: How about yours
28/03/2022, 1:29 am - +61 498 388 498: same
28/03/2022, 1:31 am - Chan: Did you already transfer ?
28/03/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: yes like 10-15
mins ago
28/03/2022, 1:32 am - +61 498 388 498: i still haven't
received my transfer :c
28/03/2022, 1:32 am - Chan: don't worry.
28/03/2022, 1:32 am - +61 498 388 498: you received
yours already?
28/03/2022, 1:32 am - Chan: I am still waiting my
balance also i am checking my movements
28/03/2022, 1:34 am - +61 498 388 498: i think
something's wrong
28/03/2022, 1:35 am - Chan: Can i see your transaction
28/03/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: from coinspot?
28/03/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
28/03/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: Yes,
28/03/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: Did you attached this on
the platform ?#
28/03/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: yep
28/03/2022, 1:37 am - +61 498 388 498: you already
received yours?
28/03/2022, 1:37 am - Chan: same as yours i am waiting
28/03/2022, 1:37 am - Chan: you can contact the
customer service thru whatsapp
28/03/2022, 1:38 am - +61 498 388 498: that is weird
28/03/2022, 1:38 am - Chan: Maybe you made a
miskate on the deposit form #
28/03/2022, 1:38 am - +61 498 388 498: you copy the
deposit address right?
28/03/2022, 1:39 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
28/03/2022, 1:39 am - +61 498 388 498: then the
transfer amount
28/03/2022, 1:39 am - Chan: yes, Don't worry i've been
that before
28/03/2022, 1:39 am - Chan: you can message them
thru whatsapp
28/03/2022, 1:39 am - Chan: I am askinng them also
28/03/2022, 1:39 am - +61 498 388 498: maybe just lots
of transfer volume
28/03/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: I think so.
28/03/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: that is
28/03/2022, 1:42 am - +61 498 388 498: maybe i
messed up haha
28/03/2022, 1:42 am - Chan: Hahaha! You can do it
again the deposit form.
28/03/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: customer
service responded
28/03/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: What they said to you ?
28/03/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: they just asked
my user id
28/03/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: Just give it to them.
28/03/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: but i also sent a
28/03/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: Oki dokies
28/03/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: of the
28/03/2022, 1:46 am - Chan: Are you not hungry now?
28/03/2022, 1:46 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm its already
1:46 am
28/03/2022, 1:47 am - +61 498 388 498: but not really
28/03/2022, 1:47 am - +61 498 388 498: i feel like
someone deposited a huge amount
28/03/2022, 1:50 am - Chan: I think so too
28/03/2022, 1:50 am - Chan: I am 😂
28/03/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: hahaha heat up
some instant ramen
28/03/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: my transaction
was unsuccessful :c
28/03/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: what happened?
28/03/2022, 1:54 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
28/03/2022, 1:55 am - Chan: Ohh you have reached
your limit already.
28/03/2022, 1:55 am - +61 498 388 498: nah that is for
bank deposit thingo
28/03/2022, 1:56 am - +61 498 388 498: the other one is
28/03/2022, 1:56 am - Chan: Oh hahaha. So your
withdrawal is pending?
28/03/2022, 1:56 am - Chan: Can you try to check your
USDT history?
28/03/2022, 1:58 am - +61 498 388 498: yes still says
processing oml
28/03/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: Its okay, all we have to do
is wait for it so that we can start and continue to trade.
28/03/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: did you grab
something to eat? haha
28/03/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: you received
your transfer already btw?
28/03/2022, 2:01 am - Chan: yes. how about you ?
28/03/2022, 2:01 am - Chan: Do you want to continue
our trade now so we dont waste the movements ?
28/03/2022, 2:01 am - +61 498 388 498: sure
28/03/2022, 2:01 am - Chan: okay be ready now.
28/03/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: nah stuck in
28/03/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: Did you trade on 7,800
earlier ?
28/03/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: what food you
munchin on haha
28/03/2022, 2:06 am - Chan: I more like pasta hahaha
how about you ?
28/03/2022, 2:06 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm yes
28/03/2022, 2:06 am - Chan: Now buy long 6000
28/03/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: Can you check your
balance if the 5K USDT is already deduct?
28/03/2022, 2:07 am - +61 498 388 498: ohh i prefer
rice dishes
28/03/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: I feel you like chicken
28/03/2022, 2:08 am - +61 498 388 498: oh shoot i
pressed x
28/03/2022, 2:08 am - +61 498 388 498: i think the
trade got cancelled
28/03/2022, 2:08 am - Chan: It's okay.
28/03/2022, 2:08 am - Chan: Check to the position
28/03/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: i dont think i
can check my balance whilst trading
28/03/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: It's okay, you can do it
28/03/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: oh yeah i
gained 900
28/03/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: yes same
28/03/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
28/03/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: yeaah i like
chicken especially chicken curry 😋
28/03/2022, 2:10 am - Chan: Okay now BUY SHORT
28/03/2022, 2:10 am - Chan: I can do curry hahahaha!
28/03/2022, 2:10 am - Chan: chicken curry only
28/03/2022, 2:11 am - Chan: i more like chicken wings.
28/03/2022, 2:11 am - +61 498 388 498: gained 1500
28/03/2022, 2:11 am - Chan: Yaaa same with me.
28/03/2022, 2:12 am - +61 498 388 498: coool!
28/03/2022, 2:12 am - Chan: Okay i am checking the
movements now.
28/03/2022, 2:12 am - +61 498 388 498: omg! i have to
taste your curry 😄
28/03/2022, 2:12 am - Chan: Co'z we wait so long
28/03/2022, 2:13 am - +61 498 388 498: like what type
of chicken curry?
28/03/2022, 2:13 am - +61 498 388 498: i love thai
chicken curry hey
28/03/2022, 2:13 am - Chan: chicken curry with
coconut milk hahaha #
28/03/2022, 2:13 am - +61 498 388 498: also i prefer
meaty sections of chicken haha
28/03/2022, 2:13 am - Chan: I dont know if this curry is
thai hahaha
28/03/2022, 2:14 am - Chan: I more like chicken wings
28/03/2022, 2:14 am - +61 498 388 498: green sauce?
28/03/2022, 2:14 am - +61 498 388 498: think its called
green curry or thai curry not sure
28/03/2022, 2:15 am - +61 498 388 498: chicken wings
takes patience to eat
28/03/2022, 2:15 am - Chan: yellow haha
28/03/2022, 2:15 am - +61 498 388 498: i cannot eat it
properly hahaha
28/03/2022, 2:15 am - Chan: The movements is not
good now. Let me double check so we can secure our
28/03/2022, 2:16 am - +61 498 388 498: something is up
with my transfer it still is processing
28/03/2022, 2:17 am - Chan: did the 5K USDT deducted
from your balance?
28/03/2022, 2:18 am - +61 498 388 498: the coinspot
support team will contact me in 4 hrs time to verify it is
me i think
28/03/2022, 2:19 am - Chan: ok. Just check your
balance if the 5K already deducted.
28/03/2022, 2:21 am - +61 498 388 498: yes
28/03/2022, 2:21 am - +61 498 388 498: seems like i
wouldn't be able to trade the 12h this time~
28/03/2022, 2:24 am - Chan: Maybe tomr we can trade
at 12H
28/03/2022, 2:24 am - Chan: So what time you're going
to sleep?
28/03/2022, 2:24 am - +61 498 388 498: if you still are
awake at 11-12am
28/03/2022, 2:25 am - +61 498 388 498: i finish work at
around 11-12 😅
28/03/2022, 2:25 am - Chan: Yes i can wait. Hahaha i
told you patience is ako virtue hahaha
28/03/2022, 2:25 am - +61 498 388 498: was about say
that it is getting late haha
28/03/2022, 2:26 am - +61 498 388 498: i appreciate
28/03/2022, 2:26 am - +61 498 388 498: anyways any
chance i can add you on other social media platform?
28/03/2022, 2:27 am - Chan: Its fine i always sleep late
night hahaha this is my body clock. Coz i do notes
about the movements
28/03/2022, 2:28 am - +61 498 388 498: you write down
notes on a notebook or something?
28/03/2022, 2:28 am - Chan: What is your social media?
28/03/2022, 2:28 am - +61 498 388 498: earlbrillantes
28/03/2022, 2:29 am - +61 498 388 498: btw i am a
filipino :v
28/03/2022, 2:36 am - Chan: Okay i'll add you this is for
all your social media?
28/03/2022, 2:36 am - +61 498 388 498: up to youu~
28/03/2022, 2:37 am - Chan: Can we sleep now hahaha
so we have energy tomr.
28/03/2022, 2:38 am - +61 498 388 498: you don't have
to askk hahaha
28/03/2022, 2:38 am - +61 498 388 498: Goodnight!
thanks for today! also nice meeting you 😄
28/03/2022, 2:39 am - Chan: Hahaha ofc i will inform
28/03/2022, 2:40 am - Chan: Good night nice meeting
you 😊
28/03/2022, 7:54 am - +61 498 388 498: Goodmorning
28/03/2022, 7:55 am - +61 498 388 498: I tried trading
myself just to understand how it works myself and lost
all trades 💀
28/03/2022, 7:56 am - +61 498 388 498: i tried doing
long and short at almost the same timeframe and both
lost which is i don't get?
28/03/2022, 2:20 pm - Chan: Why you trade alone
there's a strategy and i told you before we sleep the
movements is not good. Later ill check some markets.
28/03/2022, 2:21 pm - Chan: Let me know how much
your balance.
28/03/2022, 2:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: Yeah sorry, i
was super curious on how it works and seems like i need
your guidance
28/03/2022, 2:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: rn i am sitting
at 96224.97
28/03/2022, 2:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: also is there a
way to transfer my initial deposit later on?
28/03/2022, 2:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: i tried
transferring it back to coinspot but it won't work
28/03/2022, 2:47 pm - Chan: Yes because if this graph is
easy for sure lot of traders already rich.
28/03/2022, 2:48 pm - Chan: Did your 5k already
28/03/2022, 2:49 pm - Chan: Did you fill out the
withdrawal form?
28/03/2022, 2:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: true that, i
need to see how you trade in person someday and learn
from the best
28/03/2022, 2:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: it was a
success, coinspot called me and i had to wait till 1pm
28/03/2022, 2:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah and it
keeps saying "transaction volume not reached"
28/03/2022, 2:58 pm - Chan: Yes so you can do the
notes as well.
28/03/2022, 2:59 pm - Chan: Did you already attached
to the Mtrade?
28/03/2022, 2:59 pm - Chan: Coz we need to trade
28/03/2022, 3:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: what do you
mean attached to mtrade?
28/03/2022, 3:14 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will talk to you
later about to start my shift in 10 mins
28/03/2022, 3:42 pm - Chan: Okay take your time just
beep me up once you have free time
28/03/2022, 7:35 pm - +61 498 388 498: What do you
mean by trade 100%?
28/03/2022, 7:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: i have to trade
my whole principal in this one before i can transfer it
back to coinspot?
28/03/2022, 7:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am quite
worried and sceptical that i am not able to withdraw my
money straight away
28/03/2022, 7:56 pm - Chan: Naa thats why i do
computation so we can gain and finish the 100%
trading volume
28/03/2022, 8:10 pm - Chan: I've been there that
before but the strategy i do is gain and gain my balance
there so i will not waste the % of profit there.
28/03/2022, 9:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: Before we start
trading later will you be able to show me how to
withdraw the money? since i've come to realize i didn't
want to put all my money into leverage trading, i want
to hodl aswell.
28/03/2022, 9:17 pm - Chan: yes i will show you how to
withdraw. What time you will be free ?
28/03/2022, 9:17 pm - Chan: Did you eat your dinner ?
28/03/2022, 9:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: probably 11-
11:30pm not sure yet
28/03/2022, 9:18 pm - Chan: Singapore time ?
28/03/2022, 9:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: Yeh we had our
dinner break like an hour ago, wbu?
28/03/2022, 9:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: i think we are
in the same timezone
28/03/2022, 9:19 pm - Chan: I had pasta haha!
28/03/2022, 9:19 pm - Chan: Okay, are you in perth ?
28/03/2022, 9:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: yep
28/03/2022, 9:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: anyways going
back to work now
28/03/2022, 9:20 pm - Chan: yaa we are same time. So
are you with your family?
28/03/2022, 9:20 pm - Chan: Okay be safe take your
28/03/2022, 10:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: yep i still live
with my parents, i guess its an asian thing hahaha hbu?
28/03/2022, 10:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: on my way
home now then will have something to eat
28/03/2022, 10:41 pm - Chan: Are you with your
parents there ?
28/03/2022, 10:41 pm - Chan: Okay be safe. are you
driving ?
28/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: I live with my
parents, why?
28/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: do u live
28/03/2022, 10:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: yea i drive
back home
28/03/2022, 10:43 pm - Chan: Nothing i am just asking i
like to know you more 🤭
28/03/2022, 10:43 pm - Chan: yes. My dad is in perth
my mom is here with the other family.
28/03/2022, 10:44 pm - Chan: you drive first be safe let
me know once you do your thing.
28/03/2022, 10:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: thought it is a
red flag or something, same tho
28/03/2022, 11:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: thanks, got
home safe and sound 😄
28/03/2022, 11:01 pm - +61 498 388 498: how was the
pasta? and what type of pasta are we talking about
28/03/2022, 11:02 pm - +61 498 388 498: ohh and only
yourself who is moving here in perth or together with
your mum?
28/03/2022, 11:09 pm - Chan: Italian pasta, Do you like
it ?
28/03/2022, 11:10 pm - Chan: No i am with my uncle. I
am visiting my dad there.
28/03/2022, 11:10 pm - Chan: Just do your thing first so
we can do check our trading.
28/03/2022, 11:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: no
unfortunately, not a fan of pasta. i like ramen and rice
28/03/2022, 11:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh you're not
moving in here permanently?
28/03/2022, 11:16 pm - Chan: Oh filipino thing rice and
dishes haha!
28/03/2022, 11:17 pm - Chan: Naah but my dad want
me to stay there for good but my life is here in SG.
28/03/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: do
singaporeans mainly eat pasta ?
28/03/2022, 11:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: can't argue
with that SG is a stable country in my point of view
28/03/2022, 11:20 pm - Chan: nah more on chinese
foods. do you like chinese food?
28/03/2022, 11:21 pm - Chan: Same there AUS is a good
country for me as well but too much tax.
28/03/2022, 11:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: somewhat,
some of the foods we eat are chinese i think
28/03/2022, 11:23 pm - Chan: Really so you love spicy
foods ?
28/03/2022, 11:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: pork
dumplings and such
28/03/2022, 11:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhh 50/50 😅
28/03/2022, 11:23 pm - Chan: Yeaaa i like dumplings.
28/03/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: So we will trade tonight ?
28/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: i pair
dumplings with rice
28/03/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: still eating
28/03/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: Really how it taste ? I
seldom eating rice hahah
28/03/2022, 11:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: btw you have
to show me how to withdraw later
28/03/2022, 11:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: i've decided
not putting all of it in leverage
28/03/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: Hahaha okay! Eat first
don't use phone while eating 😅
28/03/2022, 11:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: so gooood,
especially with the chilli garlic sauce or whatever it is
28/03/2022, 11:26 pm - Chan: Yes later.
28/03/2022, 11:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: is eating while
using phone a bad thing there?
28/03/2022, 11:29 pm - Chan: Idk haha i dont use
phone while eating.
28/03/2022, 11:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: you are a
well-disciplined individual
28/03/2022, 11:35 pm - Chan: I think so haha, do you
do drink?
28/03/2022, 11:35 pm - +61 498 388 498: occassionally
28/03/2022, 11:36 pm - Chan: What do you like for
drinks ?
28/03/2022, 11:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: Last time i
drove back home wasted
28/03/2022, 11:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: nothing to
brag about just saying 😅
28/03/2022, 11:37 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm i like
drinking whiskeys and such not a fan of beer and wine
28/03/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: what about
28/03/2022, 11:39 pm - Chan: Why ???
28/03/2022, 11:40 pm - Chan: Same i am not fan with
beer. I like Gin tonic haha
28/03/2022, 11:44 pm - +61 498 388 498: It was a work-
related christmas party, mates and i had alot of fun we
lost count how many bottles we've consumed
28/03/2022, 11:44 pm - +61 498 388 498: alright i am
ready haha
28/03/2022, 11:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: I've never
tried gin and tonic
28/03/2022, 11:45 pm - Chan: you are alone going back
home that time
28/03/2022, 11:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: it was an
apple cider aswell hahaha
28/03/2022, 11:45 pm - Chan: what you had ? haha
28/03/2022, 11:46 pm - Chan: try this one you'll love it
28/03/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah had no
choice, i should've called an uber that day
28/03/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: but oh well
you learn from it
28/03/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: do you drive?
28/03/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: yes i do haha, Do you
drive manual or automatic ?
28/03/2022, 11:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: manual
28/03/2022, 11:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: you?
28/03/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: Same hahaha!
28/03/2022, 11:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: wow!
28/03/2022, 11:48 pm - Chan: When i was a kid i like to
join in racing club haha
28/03/2022, 11:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: like actual car
racing? or arcade?
28/03/2022, 11:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: did you fail
couple times before passing your driving test?
28/03/2022, 11:49 pm - Chan: actual racing. Because
my dad he love to watch racing
28/03/2022, 11:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait you were
already driving in the tracks when you were a kid?
28/03/2022, 11:50 pm - Chan: No. Even i dont have yet
license i do drive hahaha!
28/03/2022, 11:51 pm - Chan: Naaa! I am just watching
and it's kinda cool if i join in racing club.
28/03/2022, 11:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh wow
you're naughty hahaha
28/03/2022, 11:51 pm - Chan: But my dad didnt allow
28/03/2022, 11:52 pm - Chan: i guess haha.
28/03/2022, 11:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: he cares for
28/03/2022, 11:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: *re safety
28/03/2022, 11:53 pm - Chan: yes i really love my dad
more than to my mom.
28/03/2022, 11:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh why is
28/03/2022, 11:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: i saw you
mentioned your mum is with other family or something
28/03/2022, 11:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: did she
remarry another man?
28/03/2022, 11:54 pm - Chan: Because my dad always
spend his time with me even he is busy with his work.
But my mom she cared for me but she is always busy
28/03/2022, 11:55 pm - Chan: yes she is with the other
man. I saw my dad suffering for their marriage.
28/03/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: your mom
was always busy with work?
28/03/2022, 11:56 pm - Chan: Yes.
28/03/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: Sorry to hear
that, i shouldn't have asked you this
28/03/2022, 11:57 pm - Chan: They seperate when i
was 10years old so i get depressed.
28/03/2022, 11:57 pm - Chan: Because i am the only
28/03/2022, 11:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: but, now, you
are okay?
28/03/2022, 11:58 pm - Chan: It's okay this is past.
Thats why last night i told to you that we dont have
time machine to go back the past haha
28/03/2022, 11:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: ohh you were
in the same situation with my mom then but not sure
when my moms parents separated.
28/03/2022, 11:59 pm - Chan: Yes i am finally okay
because God have a better plan for each everyone.
everything happens for a reason
28/03/2022, 11:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: my mum is
also the only child
28/03/2022, 11:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: that makes
sense now
28/03/2022, 11:59 pm - Chan: Really ? So your mom is
filipino as well
29/03/2022, 12:00 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah my mom
and dad are both filo
29/03/2022, 12:00 am - +61 498 388 498: my dad
brought all of us here 12 years ago
29/03/2022, 12:00 am - Chan: So how your family go to
the Australia ?
29/03/2022, 12:00 am - Chan: Oh i see. so you are
australian accent huh 🤭🤭
29/03/2022, 12:01 am - +61 498 388 498: dad works as
a heavy duty diesel mechanic in the mines back then
29/03/2022, 12:01 am - +61 498 388 498: but now i
think he still is but different specialty i never asked him
properly haha
29/03/2022, 12:02 am - +61 498 388 498: still working
on it! 😅 most people i know tells me i have mixed
american accent
29/03/2022, 12:02 am - Chan: I see! So he still working
for diesel mechanic. ?
29/03/2022, 12:03 am - +61 498 388 498: since
philippines was occupied by the us back then when
there was war/conflicts
29/03/2022, 12:03 am - Chan: okay it kinda mind on
your business.
29/03/2022, 12:04 am - +61 498 388 498: i think so he
keeps resigning and applying for different mining
companies haha
29/03/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: Hahaha wow! my accent
is not really nice do you sing ?
29/03/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: I see haha! So how about
your mom ?
29/03/2022, 12:04 am - +61 498 388 498: no wayy
hahaha i can't sing 🤣
29/03/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: Are you required to do
work while studying ?
29/03/2022, 12:05 am - Chan: I think we can sing
together hahahaha
29/03/2022, 12:06 am - +61 498 388 498: no my mom
stopped working when we were little and started caring
for us
29/03/2022, 12:06 am - +61 498 388 498: nooo my voice
is not suited for singing
29/03/2022, 12:07 am - Chan: Nice, I am gettng jelous
can your mom adopt me haha kidding.
29/03/2022, 12:07 am - +61 498 388 498: you will regret
it if we see each other haha!
29/03/2022, 12:07 am - Chan: someday you will sing for
me hahaha
29/03/2022, 12:07 am - Chan: Why ?
29/03/2022, 12:07 am - +61 498 388 498: haha don't be
we lived different lives !
29/03/2022, 12:07 am - Chan: you have no confidence?
29/03/2022, 12:08 am - Chan: ikr 😅😅
29/03/2022, 12:08 am - +61 498 388 498: because you
will hear my out of tune voice hahaha
29/03/2022, 12:09 am - +61 498 388 498: i never had
confidence singing 😂
29/03/2022, 12:09 am - Chan: Im okay with that 😜😜
29/03/2022, 12:09 am - Chan: where you in perth ? So
when i come there we can meet haha
29/03/2022, 12:09 am - +61 498 388 498: Maybe you
will sing for me 😉
29/03/2022, 12:09 am - Chan: And go to KTV
29/03/2022, 12:10 am - +61 498 388 498: i feel like you
have angelic voice 😶
29/03/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: I will when you sing.
29/03/2022, 12:10 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm
maddington wbu?
29/03/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: i have a devil voice 😅
29/03/2022, 12:10 am - +61 498 388 498: nooo you will
regret it trust me haha
29/03/2022, 12:11 am - +61 498 388 498: when is your
flight here to perth btw?
29/03/2022, 12:12 am - Chan: Dalkeith .
29/03/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: i dont think so
29/03/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: April 17 :)
29/03/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: oh wow
riverside 😱
29/03/2022, 12:14 am - Chan: Yaaa! Why ?
29/03/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: that is like the
good side of perth haha
29/03/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: expensive
29/03/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: 2 and a half
weeks oof
29/03/2022, 12:16 am - Chan: i guess so but i don't care
because its my dad money haha!
29/03/2022, 12:16 am - +61 498 388 498: i could
probably see you just weekends hehe
29/03/2022, 12:16 am - Chan: Yaaa.
29/03/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: You dont have work on
weekends ?
29/03/2022, 12:17 am - +61 498 388 498: hahaha i
would still respect it 😅
29/03/2022, 12:18 am - +61 498 388 498: nop, maybe
you could join rock climbing :p
29/03/2022, 12:18 am - Chan: you could visit to my dads
29/03/2022, 12:18 am - +61 498 388 498: how long will
you be here?
29/03/2022, 12:18 am - Chan: Do you love climbing ?
29/03/2022, 12:18 am - Chan: around 2months
29/03/2022, 12:19 am - +61 498 388 498: im shy but will
try to
29/03/2022, 12:19 am - Chan: My dad want me to apply
for PR
29/03/2022, 12:19 am - +61 498 388 498: i love and
hate climbing with a passion
29/03/2022, 12:20 am - +61 498 388 498: you could
apply for a dual citizenship~
29/03/2022, 12:20 am - Chan: don't be my dad is okay
to have me friends come over to his house haha
29/03/2022, 12:20 am - +61 498 388 498: after pr
29/03/2022, 12:21 am - +61 498 388 498: okayy just let
me know 😄
29/03/2022, 12:21 am - Chan: Yes. I will think about it
because my dad want me to stay there for good.
29/03/2022, 12:21 am - Chan: I am checking
movements by the way haha
29/03/2022, 12:21 am - +61 498 388 498: at the end of
the day it still is up to you
29/03/2022, 12:22 am - +61 498 388 498: all good
29/03/2022, 12:22 am - Chan: yes. 😅
29/03/2022, 12:23 am - +61 498 388 498: i was going to
withdraw probably like 85% of my deposited money in
29/03/2022, 12:23 am - +61 498 388 498: but hey you
can have best of both worlds if you apply for dual
citizenship after pr
29/03/2022, 12:25 am - Chan: Why ? I thought we're
going to trade on 12H before we do withdraw out
balance ?
29/03/2022, 12:25 am - Chan: are you dual citizenship?
29/03/2022, 12:25 am - +61 498 388 498: nah australian
citizen only
29/03/2022, 12:26 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't have
plans going back to my homecountry
29/03/2022, 12:26 am - +61 498 388 498: oh really?
29/03/2022, 12:26 am - Chan: Why ??
29/03/2022, 12:26 am - Chan: You dont like your own
country haha
29/03/2022, 12:26 am - +61 498 388 498: we going to
use 100% balance for 12hr trade?
29/03/2022, 12:27 am - Chan: Nahh i am computing our
principal there not all.
29/03/2022, 12:27 am - +61 498 388 498: just as you
said earlier i prefer living here now
29/03/2022, 12:27 am - Chan: Example you have 100K
so we will just trade like 10K i think so we can get
profit of 87% of 10K
29/03/2022, 12:28 am - +61 498 388 498: so how am i
able to withdraw 80%
29/03/2022, 12:28 am - +61 498 388 498: i tried doing it
earlier but it wont let me for some reason
29/03/2022, 12:28 am - Chan: I see. But when you are
the last time visit your country ?
29/03/2022, 12:29 am - +61 498 388 498: but in saying
that i also don't feel at home when i had vacation there
29/03/2022, 12:29 am - Chan: After we do trade for
29/03/2022, 12:29 am - Chan: How many trades you
lose early morning ?
29/03/2022, 12:29 am - +61 498 388 498: okay~
29/03/2022, 12:30 am - +61 498 388 498: sry just being
sceptical you know
29/03/2022, 12:30 am - +61 498 388 498: 2018 was the
last time but before that me and fam visited japan
29/03/2022, 12:30 am - +61 498 388 498: i will show
you 😅
29/03/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: It's okay i felt that before
29/03/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: okay so i can manage
29/03/2022, 12:32 am - Chan: Next time when i am
there you can come to my dad house so i can show you
how because my dad have own mining rig for BTC and
he do trades also
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: oh too long
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: can't even
read it loool
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - Chan: this is all lose?
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: i did 100s
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: yeaa
29/03/2022, 12:33 am - Chan: same haha
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: and i've come
to realize leverage trading is not for me
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - Chan: If you get 4 loses straight
dont trade again.
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: oh wow
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - Chan: you need more notes
before you do trade haha
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: i was so
curious and i tried long and short the same time and
both lost
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: that is when i
got sceptical
29/03/2022, 12:34 am - Chan: Do you know about
mining ?
29/03/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: also the time i
couldnt withdraw the money
29/03/2022, 12:35 am - Chan: This is the future haha.
29/03/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah
29/03/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: use of gpu's
and mine bitcoin
29/03/2022, 12:36 am - +61 498 388 498: the gpu solves
equation and rewards btc or something
29/03/2022, 12:36 am - Chan: It's okay! Don't worry i
am here so you could withdraw i am not withdrawing
my balance there because i will wait for the big pump
29/03/2022, 12:36 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah the big
pump is about to start
29/03/2022, 12:36 am - Chan: yes! Do you want to have
mining also ?
29/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: and i felt bad
getting rid some of my hodl investments aswell :c
29/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: i bought at
the very bottom xd
29/03/2022, 12:37 am - Chan: Yaaa! How much your
balance there now ? so i will do computations
29/03/2022, 12:38 am - Chan: Do you have investment
besides coinspot?
29/03/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
29/03/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: i only have
stocks and coinspot
29/03/2022, 12:39 am - Chan: equivalent for 12K USDT
29/03/2022, 12:39 am - +61 498 388 498: but then i put
all my coinspot investment to myrtle
29/03/2022, 12:39 am - +61 498 388 498: i feel like after
the 12h trade i will start with 1k first
29/03/2022, 12:40 am - +61 498 388 498: if that is okay
with you?
29/03/2022, 12:40 am - Chan: I see you just do buy and
hold right
29/03/2022, 12:40 am - Chan: and sell it when the price
goes up
29/03/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: Ofcourse I do the same
with you but i mostly start at 10K USDT
29/03/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: i have 14k in
commsec and my hodl in coinspot was at a loss of 13k
29/03/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: aud
29/03/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah pretty
much i am a hodler hahaha
29/03/2022, 12:42 am - +61 498 388 498: i only started
investing in crypto for about ayear now
29/03/2022, 12:42 am - +61 498 388 498: when i
started the price already went up significantly
29/03/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: You need more 8K USDT
to start on 12H.
29/03/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: you just investing and
not do the trade ?
29/03/2022, 12:43 am - +61 498 388 498: oh i can't do it
then 😆
29/03/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: Yaa we need to do this
before we do trade on 12H 😅
29/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: i can't afford
to put anymore in it :c
29/03/2022, 12:44 am - Chan: How much you can so i
will manage the rest then after withdrawal you will
back it to me if you agree so we can do trade on 12H so
you can withdraw
29/03/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: can't add
29/03/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: im like out of
balance hahaha
29/03/2022, 12:46 am - +61 498 388 498: so you need
20k usdt to start 12h?
29/03/2022, 12:47 am - +61 498 388 498: and i am off
by 8k usdt
29/03/2022, 12:47 am - Chan: 😅😅😅 yes.
29/03/2022, 12:47 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't have
the 8k unforunately :x
29/03/2022, 12:48 am - Chan: How much you can so i
can manage remaining
29/03/2022, 12:48 am - +61 498 388 498: still on the
phase of building up my own~
29/03/2022, 12:49 am - +61 498 388 498: my remaining
balance in coinspot is 803 aud thats it
29/03/2022, 12:52 am - Chan: Okay I will find a way to
your account but i can't promise that i can manage the
8K 😅😅.
29/03/2022, 12:53 am - Chan: Because tonight the
movements is good for 12H
29/03/2022, 12:53 am - +61 498 388 498: should i just
withdraw most of my money and start at 1k?
29/03/2022, 12:53 am - +61 498 388 498: and just do
the small leverage? and you do the 12hr onee
29/03/2022, 12:54 am - +61 498 388 498: and so that
you don't have to provide the remaining to me~
29/03/2022, 12:54 am - Chan: Yaa once we are done to
trade for 100%. I can't withdraw mybalance also
because we will not yet done to trade 😅
29/03/2022, 12:54 am - +61 498 388 498: ohh
29/03/2022, 12:54 am - +61 498 388 498: so uhm
29/03/2022, 12:54 am - Chan: We need more trades.
29/03/2022, 12:55 am - +61 498 388 498: if we cannot
use all of the credits we are not able to withdraw our
initial deposits?
29/03/2022, 12:57 am - Chan: Yes thats why i am
computing our balance there .
29/03/2022, 12:57 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
29/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: you are
adding them altogether?
29/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: including my
29/03/2022, 12:58 am - Chan: Don't worry we will do
withdraw after we trade just dont trade by yourself
29/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: i dont think i
will be able to do 12h
29/03/2022, 12:58 am - Chan: No your balance is
seperate to mine
29/03/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: do ineed 5000
more credit?
29/03/2022, 12:59 am - Chan: It's okay no worries. I will
do another way.
29/03/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: to trade 12h
29/03/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: can i do the
60s and 120s instead?
29/03/2022, 1:00 am - +61 498 388 498: and i reckon
you just do the 12hr~
29/03/2022, 1:00 am - +61 498 388 498: so you won't
miss the opportunity
29/03/2022, 1:00 am - Chan: 8K USDT.
29/03/2022, 1:00 am - +61 498 388 498: how much
credit is that tho
29/03/2022, 1:00 am - Chan: you can but the
movements is not good.
29/03/2022, 1:01 am - Chan: 60K credits.
29/03/2022, 1:01 am - +61 498 388 498: because you
have more than 4k credits than me
29/03/2022, 1:01 am - Chan: The rate of USDT is 7.6
29/03/2022, 1:02 am - +61 498 388 498: you're about to
add more are you?
29/03/2022, 1:02 am - Chan: Because you do 60USDT
for the 1st deposit right
29/03/2022, 1:02 am - Chan: And i do 6K
29/03/2022, 1:02 am - Chan: yes i need to add more.
29/03/2022, 1:02 am - +61 498 388 498: oh
29/03/2022, 1:03 am - +61 498 388 498: i cant afford
adding more
29/03/2022, 1:03 am - Chan: yaa it's fine i will find a
29/03/2022, 1:04 am - +61 498 388 498: i have money
on stock but takes alot of time to process and i don't
want to move it
29/03/2022, 1:06 am - +61 498 388 498: sry if i am a
29/03/2022, 1:06 am - +61 498 388 498: didn't know
that is how the system works in this platform
29/03/2022, 1:08 am - Chan: Its okay dont worry
29/03/2022, 1:08 am - Chan: What stock did you
29/03/2022, 1:08 am - +61 498 388 498: fortesque
metals and vanguard high yield
29/03/2022, 1:09 am - Chan: How much you have
29/03/2022, 1:09 am - +61 498 388 498: and a low cap
29/03/2022, 1:09 am - +61 498 388 498: 7k and 5k
29/03/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: aud
29/03/2022, 1:10 am - Chan: Ohh but thats enough
aready i think.
29/03/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: yea
29/03/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: takes days to
29/03/2022, 1:11 am - +61 498 388 498: i am about to
receive a dividend for fmg aswell and i cant sell this time
29/03/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: If its Possible for you to
take out then use in myrtles. So thats we can do a one
day process. Then after withdrawal, we switch to your
29/03/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: What do you think?
29/03/2022, 1:12 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm
29/03/2022, 1:13 am - +61 498 388 498: that is a hard
29/03/2022, 1:14 am - +61 498 388 498: when we do
12h we will use all of the credit?
29/03/2022, 1:14 am - +61 498 388 498: or like a portion
of it
29/03/2022, 1:15 am - +61 498 388 498: even then if i
sell my stocks we won't be able to do it today you know
that right?
29/03/2022, 1:15 am - Chan: Depends, but trust me
everything here is under control. Its just we need to hit
the safespot.
29/03/2022, 1:15 am - Chan: Everything will be worth it
29/03/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: Yes i know, but its would
be a huge help. For us to finish everything already
29/03/2022, 1:17 am - +61 498 388 498: i reckon you do
12h one and i just do 60s until i use all 100%~
29/03/2022, 1:18 am - +61 498 388 498: so you can
withdraw yours after 12hrs
29/03/2022, 1:18 am - +61 498 388 498: and mine will
take time
29/03/2022, 1:18 am - +61 498 388 498: i am fine with
29/03/2022, 1:19 am - Chan: Come on, lets finish
everything. We can do it already.
29/03/2022, 1:20 am - +61 498 388 498: i just don't get
why i need to be on the 12hr trade aswell
29/03/2022, 1:21 am - +61 498 388 498: i still wont be
able to add the remaining 8k usdt ~
29/03/2022, 1:21 am - +61 498 388 498: even if i place a
stock order
29/03/2022, 1:21 am - Chan: Its the most safest and
convinient way for us to trade our balance.
29/03/2022, 1:22 am - +61 498 388 498: and what is the
reason behind that argument
29/03/2022, 1:22 am - Chan: Dont worry i will teach
you everything, so that you can understand i am
29/03/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: credibility is
hanging on a thread sophie
29/03/2022, 1:25 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't wan't to
risk all my money for this...
29/03/2022, 1:25 am - +61 498 388 498: i worked hard
for it aswell
29/03/2022, 1:26 am - +61 498 388 498: we need to
come up with a fair conclusion
29/03/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: I know, me too. I wouldn't
risk my money if its not worth it.
29/03/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: Trust me on this okay?
29/03/2022, 1:27 am - +61 498 388 498: my fair
argument is that you just do 12h yourself that still is safe
and convenient right
29/03/2022, 1:28 am - +61 498 388 498: because i
cannot afford to deposit the remaining 8k~
29/03/2022, 1:28 am - Chan: I cannot leave you
hangging. Dont be like that.
29/03/2022, 1:29 am - +61 498 388 498: yes sorry but
that is my final decision thoo
29/03/2022, 1:29 am - +61 498 388 498: im fine with
you doing the 12hr by yourselff
29/03/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: Wait my dad calling dont
sleep yet brb for few minutes
29/03/2022, 1:40 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
29/03/2022, 1:40 am - +61 498 388 498: i will be waiting
29/03/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: you can leave
me hanging on this 12h trade but i will be waiting for
your response ~
29/03/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: may i add you
on instagram/facebook?
29/03/2022, 2:04 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
29/03/2022, 2:35 am - +61 498 388 498: i also checked
that for 12h the minimum is 50000 credits?
29/03/2022, 4:14 am - Chan: Heyyy sorry my dad called
me for so long we talked importantings
29/03/2022, 4:14 am - Chan: Are you still awake?
29/03/2022, 4:15 am - Chan: I will not living you on this
29/03/2022, 4:15 am - Chan: I already looked your
29/03/2022, 4:16 am - Chan: It means you need to put
more than 50,000 credits to trade.
29/03/2022, 4:17 am - Chan: Beep me up once you are
still awake
29/03/2022, 11:38 am - +61 498 388 498: All good i fell
29/03/2022, 11:39 am - +61 498 388 498: why not?
29/03/2022, 11:40 am - +61 498 388 498: so then why
do we have to deposit another 8k usdt, if we can just do
the 50k credit?
29/03/2022, 12:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: really? i did
not receive a friend request or anything haha
29/03/2022, 3:58 pm - Chan: I didn't add you on
facebook yet haha!
29/03/2022, 3:58 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
29/03/2022, 4:02 pm - Chan: I mean we do trade like
50,000 in 12H and do the trade so your balance will not
enough to trade again. Did you get what i mean? The
12H movements now is good for 150K credits.
29/03/2022, 5:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah thats the
younger self me hahaha
29/03/2022, 5:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: someone
accidentally pressed the send friend request and
removed it straight away lol
29/03/2022, 5:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: my friend and i
are about to call you later tonight and explain this to us
in real time because we are so speculative/confused
with what's happening rn. if that is alright with you
29/03/2022, 5:28 pm - Chan: Okay no worries
29/03/2022, 5:34 pm - Chan: Btw, so whats your plan? I
am getting worried if we delayed more days, the
trading volume change, but hopefully it decreases.
29/03/2022, 7:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: if i do one 50k
trade that still wouldnt be enough to withdraw my
money right?
29/03/2022, 7:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: and if lets say
the 12h was a success then i would get more credits
from the trade. That means i can do 1 more 50k credits
for a 12h trade.
29/03/2022, 8:09 pm - Chan: Ofcourse like what i told to
you earlier, you need 150K credits so we can trade on
12H. You mean is when you buy 50K credits and you
earn like 87% profit there so your balance will increased
then you have more than 100K credits for sure, but what
my perspective is you need 150K credits because the
movements is good for 150K credits to increase your
profit because there's tendency you'll lose on 12H. If we
trade on 60's and 120's we need more credits to put it
there and it's long trade for sure and the movements is
not consistence.
29/03/2022, 9:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: how many
trades are we looking for 150k credits?
29/03/2022, 9:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: 3 trades? and
for the 3 trades there is a probability of losing 2 out of 3,
1 out of 3 or all of it vice versa.
29/03/2022, 9:17 pm - Chan: Depends on the
29/03/2022, 9:17 pm - Chan: Do you think i will let us
lose on this ?
29/03/2022, 10:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah i have
faith in you but everything that is going on right now
feels like its too good to be true
29/03/2022, 10:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: it is very sus
that i have to use 100% of the credit before i can
29/03/2022, 10:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: i have never
heard of that concept before
29/03/2022, 10:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: also hows
your day been
29/03/2022, 10:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: your
screenshot of my facebook profile the texts are
translated to my native tongue.
29/03/2022, 11:40 pm - Chan: We only need is to trade
for less than 100% to withdraw co'z we already trade
last time right. What i mean earlier is we need to have
150K credits for us to hit the safe spot to be able to
trade and withdraw our balance.
29/03/2022, 11:41 pm - Chan: Huh?? What do you
29/03/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
29/03/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: that is filo
29/03/2022, 11:42 pm - Chan: Oh I don't understand
that. I just screenshot and send it to you to confirm
that is you.
29/03/2022, 11:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am sussed
out you know
29/03/2022, 11:43 pm - Chan: I thought you have faith
to me ?
29/03/2022, 11:43 pm - Chan: I've been there that
before when i do this trade before.
29/03/2022, 11:44 pm - +61 498 388 498: please send
something to verify that this is not something from what
i think it is..
29/03/2022, 11:44 pm - Chan: If you want i will do the
remaining balance for you so we can trade and you can
29/03/2022, 11:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: then we can
talk... about it..
29/03/2022, 11:45 pm - Chan: Don't think too much so
you don't get paranoid.
29/03/2022, 11:45 pm - Chan: Ok
29/03/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am just
being vigilant that is all
29/03/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: It's okay i understand
what you feel just finish this so you will not think too
29/03/2022, 11:48 pm - Chan: So what is your plan.
29/03/2022, 11:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: sorry i have
faith in you. you showed and delivered your trading
skills but it is not enough for me to fully trust this
process rn
29/03/2022, 11:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: i dont get why
it is in tagalog language in the first place
29/03/2022, 11:51 pm - Chan: I understand don't worry
we just need to finish this so we can withdraw, my
balance is also stock on that platform. Ussually i dont
want to stock my balance there also i am just waiting
to you so we can continue
29/03/2022, 11:51 pm - Chan: idk either.
29/03/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: i reckon this is
the best approach for the sake of it.
29/03/2022, 11:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: if what i think
is all false then i truly will apologize that i suspected
29/03/2022, 11:58 pm - Chan: I will check my balance
on my account. How much your balance there now ?
29/03/2022, 11:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: 95924 credits
29/03/2022, 11:59 pm - Chan: It's okay if i were in your
position i will feel the same
29/03/2022, 11:59 pm - Chan: Okay let me check my
remaining balance on my binance.
30/03/2022, 12:00 am - +61 498 388 498: me and my
mate will apologize to you in person if this is all
30/03/2022, 12:01 am - +61 498 388 498: we both
suspected this as too good to be true.
30/03/2022, 12:01 am - Chan: It's okay i will come on
april there.
30/03/2022, 12:05 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
30/03/2022, 12:06 am - Chan: Can i proceed now ??
30/03/2022, 12:08 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
30/03/2022, 12:09 am - +61 498 388 498: not yet
30/03/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: Okay.
30/03/2022, 12:12 am - +61 498 388 498: i only have 2k
left in my smart access account..
30/03/2022, 12:13 am - +61 498 388 498: also got too
paranoid.. i emailed coinspot and they restricted my
30/03/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: USDT or AUD? So i can
find a way
30/03/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
30/03/2022, 12:14 am - Chan: What do you mean ?
30/03/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: I think you
already know
30/03/2022, 12:15 am - Chan: Ya I already know.
30/03/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: i was to quick
to judge
30/03/2022, 12:15 am - Chan: It's normal 😊
30/03/2022, 12:15 am - Chan: you are still human so
you feel a lot of emotions
30/03/2022, 12:16 am - Chan: Same with me but
patience is a virtue
30/03/2022, 12:16 am - +61 498 388 498: yes but i still
am not convinced
30/03/2022, 12:16 am - Chan: It's okay until your
balance is already withdraw :)
30/03/2022, 12:17 am - +61 498 388 498: but the way
you handle this.. i just can't
30/03/2022, 12:18 am - Chan: I already told to you
what my life is so i need to understand people because
like what you said before we are have different life and
story 😊😊
30/03/2022, 12:19 am - Chan: If you want i will put the
4.5K USDT to your account.
30/03/2022, 12:19 am - +61 498 388 498: if i call you can
you say hi or something and then we will end the call
30/03/2022, 12:19 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm do you
trust me with that?
30/03/2022, 12:20 am - Chan: Ofcourse 😊.
30/03/2022, 12:20 am - Chan: ofc. because you trust
me already when you do this trading,
30/03/2022, 12:20 am - +61 498 388 498: aud
30/03/2022, 12:24 am - Chan: wait i am processing the
30/03/2022, 12:21 am - +61 498 388 498: Missed voice
30/03/2022, 12:24 am - +61 498 388 498: for what
30/03/2022, 12:25 am - Chan: to give it to your account.
30/03/2022, 12:25 am - Chan: I thought you will argee ?
30/03/2022, 12:26 am - +61 498 388 498: i will but how
are you going to process it you dont have the details..
30/03/2022, 12:27 am - +61 498 388 498: i haven't
provided the deposit details for the myrtle account
30/03/2022, 12:28 am - +61 498 388 498: wait your
voice was cute
30/03/2022, 12:30 am - Chan: Thank you i can sing for
you 😅😅😅
30/03/2022, 12:30 am - Chan: But you will sing as well.
30/03/2022, 12:30 am - Chan: Can you provide ?
30/03/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: couldnt you
hear me properly in that call
30/03/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: Yes 😅
30/03/2022, 12:32 am - +61 498 388 498: erc20
30/03/2022, 12:32 am - +61 498 388 498:
30/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: i have a
mellow voice i guess
30/03/2022, 12:34 am - Chan: Can you send TRC20
because if i send to ERC20 have big transaction fee
30/03/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: tomorrow i
surely will get in trouble, coinspot will contact me
through the phone and ask me alot of questions..
30/03/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498:
30/03/2022, 12:36 am - Chan: Why ?
30/03/2022, 12:36 am - Chan: Okay wait
30/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
30/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: this is what i
sent to them
30/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: earlier
30/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: because i was
to paranoid just as you said
30/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: ._.
30/03/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: too*
30/03/2022, 12:39 am - Chan: It's okay 😅
30/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm
30/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: Is your name
30/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: or something
30/03/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
30/03/2022, 12:47 am - Chan: yes i will send the
transaction as a proof
30/03/2022, 12:50 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
30/03/2022, 12:55 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
30/03/2022, 12:55 am - +61 498 388 498: why go to
such lengths sophie?
30/03/2022, 12:56 am - Chan: What do you mean ??
30/03/2022, 12:56 am - Chan: How much your balance
now ?????
30/03/2022, 12:57 am - +61 498 388 498: 130,124.97
30/03/2022, 12:58 am - Chan: Okay you only need is 20K
Credits. We almost near on 150K
30/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: why do all this
trouble just for both of us to trade together?
30/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: how much is
that in usdt
30/03/2022, 12:59 am - Chan: I just need to follow all
my notes here and i already did before so i trust this
30/03/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: may i see this
note you are talking about?
30/03/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: like just the
part of it
30/03/2022, 1:00 am - Chan: 2650
30/03/2022, 1:01 am - Chan: So you will see how i work
this i will show you how when i am there don't worry
30/03/2022, 1:03 am - +61 498 388 498: you can censor
some of it i won't do leverage trading as a job/hobby
30/03/2022, 1:03 am - +61 498 388 498: i am just super
30/03/2022, 1:04 am - +61 498 388 498: on what these
notes are
30/03/2022, 1:05 am - +61 498 388 498: you already
know i am a hodler/passive investor anyways
30/03/2022, 1:05 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
30/03/2022, 1:06 am - +61 498 388 498: you take down
notes of that in a notebook?
30/03/2022, 1:06 am - Chan: nahh this is a basic that
you need to know to read a movements
30/03/2022, 1:07 am - +61 498 388 498: you follow
candlestick pattern chart do you
30/03/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: sorry too many
30/03/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: It's okay you will
undesrtand this soon
30/03/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: It's okay to ask 😊
30/03/2022, 1:13 am - +61 498 388 498: How was your
30/03/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: except what
happened tonight
30/03/2022, 10:04 am - +61 498 388 498: My account is
restricted to transfers
30/03/2022, 10:35 am - +61 498 388 498: Spoke to
coinspot via phone and they made valid points as to why
this is all leading to a scam.
30/03/2022, 5:17 pm - Chan: but why does my app
doesnt restrict?
30/03/2022, 5:18 pm - Chan: I think coinspot only wants
to trade there? what do you think?
30/03/2022, 5:19 pm - Chan: I got Idea. What if you
transfer the USDT to my account then I will be the one
to transfer it to Myrtles? Is that okay to you?
30/03/2022, 7:32 pm - +61 498 388 498: they are trying
to protect my remaining balance from it
30/03/2022, 7:37 pm - +61 498 388 498: i won't do it, i
do not trust anything anymore. sorry but we just have to
continue with what i have
30/03/2022, 7:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: or we can do
the trading when you get here if that is actually true
which i reckon is never going to happen.
30/03/2022, 7:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: because
everything is a red flag in my point of view. i wouldn't be
able to retrieve my balance ever. that is what it feels like
30/03/2022, 8:16 pm - Chan: Hmm so we are just going
to wait?
30/03/2022, 8:16 pm - Chan: How are we going to meet
we are far ahead from each other.
30/03/2022, 8:17 pm - Chan: So does that mean the
money I lend to you will get stuck in your account as
30/03/2022, 10:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: we can do the
trade till we use 100% of the credit then i will give the
money back to you
30/03/2022, 10:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: i won't add
more money that is final
30/03/2022, 10:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: i don't know if
you are actually legitimate or just a scam.. im sorry
30/03/2022, 10:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: i think proved
that i am who i am when you checked my social media
accounts but you never did
30/03/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: i hope that
everything i suspect of you is false but right now it is
hard as people say around me that this is a red flag..
30/03/2022, 11:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: Missed voice
31/03/2022, 12:00 am - Chan: Yes we can but what if
we lose ?
31/03/2022, 12:00 am - Chan: It's fine.
31/03/2022, 12:02 am - Chan: I undersatand but i do
just trade on this platfrom because i do cash out here
everytime i follow the needed balance and do trade.
31/03/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: It's up to you. I do my
thing even i deposit usdt to your account so this trade
will end. I dont have the right to judge you what you
felt. I feel stressed as well co'z my money is stock there
31/03/2022, 12:06 am - Chan: I have nothing to do i just
want is do the trade.
31/03/2022, 12:07 am - Chan: So this thing will end i am
thinking too much as well rn.
31/03/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: This is the first time
happened to me since I traded on this platform.
31/03/2022, 12:11 am - +61 498 388 498: I am sorry if i
made you super stressed i just cannot risk everything.
this is money we are talking about
31/03/2022, 12:12 am - +61 498 388 498: how many
trades are we talking about anyways why do you keep
insisting to have 150k for this trade to work
31/03/2022, 12:12 am - Chan: yes also my money is in
there thats why i am thinking too much also. And tbh i
really dont know what i will say to you because this is
my first time.
31/03/2022, 12:13 am - +61 498 388 498: what do you
mean first time?
31/03/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: For the best principal. So
we can't lose our monry there i am scared if i do
miskate on this platform because it's money involve
31/03/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: if i did not
attempt to call you you would've never responded..
31/03/2022, 12:15 am - Chan: This is my first time to
hold my money there for too long it's almost 4days
31/03/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: Because i am thinking
what is the best way to withdraw and i want to chat
with the positive like i know how to solve this.
31/03/2022, 12:19 am - Chan: Because if we still talking
for negative my mind will do negative also. I can't sleep
thinking how to solve this. I just want to buy the VIP so
i can withdraw without any trade.
31/03/2022, 12:20 am - +61 498 388 498: first of all i
would like to know if this trading platform is well known
in singapore
31/03/2022, 12:21 am - +61 498 388 498: everything
you are saying right now is convincing that i feel really
sick that i made you feel this way..
31/03/2022, 12:21 am - +61 498 388 498: but i do not
want to my emotion to take over and solve this as an
31/03/2022, 12:22 am - +61 498 388 498: in a civil
31/03/2022, 12:23 am - Chan: yes some of my friends
on social media do this they introduce this platform to
me and i try to trade and for years i trade on this, This
is my first time. I dont know why.
31/03/2022, 12:23 am - Chan:
31/03/2022, 12:24 am - Chan: I am asking some of my
friends how to solve this kind of problem.
31/03/2022, 12:24 am - +61 498 388 498: I also couldn't
sleep well for a couple days due to this. i couldn't think
straight that i have reported the trading platform as a
scam in coinspot and i was about to report them to a
government body
31/03/2022, 12:25 am - +61 498 388 498: I deeply
apologize... i was too paranoid just as you said last night
31/03/2022, 12:26 am - Chan: I think i will do the same
with you before i am using bank transfer and i always
transfer to that platfom so my bank called me and
blocked my bank temporary thats why i do the binance
as my wallet here
31/03/2022, 12:27 am - Chan: I am sorry because i bring
you here. I am thinking what if i didnt open up this to
you so we are just calm and not stressed.
31/03/2022, 12:28 am - +61 498 388 498: i brought the
topic to you and you just gave way about the said
trading platform
31/03/2022, 12:30 am - +61 498 388 498: but i had good
31/03/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: for the last 2days i am
blaming myself because you alerady put all of your
coins on this platform and now we hard to withdraw
thats why i dont want you to chat yet because i am
searching and the last time my dad called me i open up
this platform to him.
31/03/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: this never
happened to me that it feels like it is too good to be true
31/03/2022, 12:32 am - Chan: same as me.
31/03/2022, 12:33 am - Chan: I always say to myself
everything will be okay
31/03/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: that is how i
opened this up to my co-workers and they said
everything is a red flag.. ofcourse i believe them i know
them longer than i met you online.
31/03/2022, 12:37 am - +61 498 388 498: the fund i sold
from my commsec account will be sent to me by april
31/03/2022, 12:37 am - Chan: Yes i understand and my
dad told me that as well but i beleive to this platform
because i already withdraw here many times
31/03/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: so if you really
want your 4.5 k back we should just get it over with and
do the trade.
31/03/2022, 12:39 am - Chan: Ofcourse I want to get
back my 4.5K thats why i am getting stressed now.
31/03/2022, 12:40 am - +61 498 388 498: so you are
fine with me trading with less that 20k?
31/03/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: also will we
still be able to keep in touch after all of this
31/03/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: yess but i am scared you'll
lose your balance because we didn't follow the needed
balance ? This is my first time but lets see if will worked
31/03/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: Yes we still keep in touch.
31/03/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: Nothing will change.
31/03/2022, 12:42 am - +61 498 388 498: i still want to
know you
31/03/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: Same as me i want to
know you more.
31/03/2022, 12:43 am - +61 498 388 498: what do you
mean i will lose my balance tho
31/03/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: I mean if we trade with
your amount
31/03/2022, 12:44 am - Chan: But we will still try to
trade on 12H
31/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: you want to
trade with the same balance so we can get the same
31/03/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: is that what
you meant
31/03/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: i can do two
12 hour one and do multiple 60s/120s if i have to but i
dont know if i can do that alone
31/03/2022, 12:47 am - +61 498 388 498: why won't
you use binance for leverage trading btw?
31/03/2022, 12:54 am - Chan: we will find the best way
and best time to trade on 60s and 120s while we do
trade on 12H
31/03/2022, 12:55 am - +61 498 388 498: okay~
31/03/2022, 12:57 am - +61 498 388 498: may i ask once
more as you never responded from this question from
the last time i asked you
31/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: and i never
really asked formally
31/03/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: if your name
is sophie
31/03/2022, 8:53 pm - Chan: sorry i have a lot of
errands earlier yes my name is sophia but they called
me sophie what is the matter with my name ?
31/03/2022, 10:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: Nothing, just
making sure as i wanted to call you by your name
formally haha
31/03/2022, 10:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: you're good
tho i don't mind 😄
31/03/2022, 11:06 pm - +61 498 388 498: How are you?
and what is your plan?
01/04/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: Let me know
whenever you are ready to trade..
01/04/2022, 2:00 am - +61 498 388 498: I have decided
to just send you the needed money through binance and
send to my myrtles account sophie
01/04/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: i feel like you
have already withdrawn all of your balance because of
the drama i have caused.
01/04/2022, 6:11 pm - Chan: No not yet, Sorry i am busy
due of a lot of requirments.
01/04/2022, 6:12 pm - Chan: Ok. If you are willing.
01/04/2022, 7:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: no worries,
inform me whenever you are free
01/04/2022, 7:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: Will transfer
the money directly to your binance account via payid
01/04/2022, 9:10 pm - Chan: Sorry for waiting i just
finish my dinner
01/04/2022, 9:14 pm - Chan: Okay if it's okay to you, but
how much will you transfer?
01/04/2022, 9:36 pm - Chan: can you just transfer USDT
directly to my binance so that I can easily process
01/04/2022, 10:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: i think 2650
usdt so we have the same amount when trading?
01/04/2022, 10:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: my coinspot
wont let me transfer but
01/04/2022, 10:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will create
binance account just for this.
01/04/2022, 10:14 pm - Chan: Ohh still restricted to
withdraw ?
01/04/2022, 10:15 pm - Chan: Okay that's great choice
so we can easily process
01/04/2022, 10:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: yes i have to
call them just to unrestrict transfers
01/04/2022, 10:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will entrust
the money to you and then hopefully you transfer it to
01/04/2022, 10:26 pm - Chan: Yes you can count on me
01/04/2022, 10:26 pm - Chan: what time we're goin to
01/04/2022, 10:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: up to you
01/04/2022, 10:27 pm - Chan: We can start now if
you're free
01/04/2022, 10:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: you have the
notes for the trade
01/04/2022, 10:28 pm - Chan: I'm monitoring the BTC
and solana right now
01/04/2022, 10:28 pm - Chan: So i can easily make note
01/04/2022, 10:28 pm - Chan: So let's start?
01/04/2022, 10:35 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will eat
snacks and take a shower first
01/04/2022, 10:36 pm - Chan: Okay take your time
01/04/2022, 10:36 pm - +61 498 388 498: i have never
used binance btw so idk how to transfer the money
from my bank to binance.
01/04/2022, 10:38 pm - Chan: It's okay i will guide you
how to buy USDT
01/04/2022, 10:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: what is your
binance address
01/04/2022, 10:54 pm - Chan: did you already buy usdt?
01/04/2022, 10:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: yes
01/04/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: okay im goin to send you
my TRC20 address
01/04/2022, 10:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait how do i
send this
01/04/2022, 10:55 pm - Chan: go to wallet
01/04/2022, 10:56 pm - Chan: can you take a
screenshot so i can easily guide you
01/04/2022, 10:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: wallet -> spot
-> transfer?
01/04/2022, 10:57 pm - Chan: wallet > spot > withdraw
01/04/2022, 10:57 pm - Chan: choose USDT
01/04/2022, 10:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay
01/04/2022, 10:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: send via
crypto network?
01/04/2022, 10:57 pm - Chan: yes
01/04/2022, 10:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: then
01/04/2022, 10:58 pm - Chan:
01/04/2022, 10:58 pm - Chan: here's the address
01/04/2022, 10:58 pm - Chan: Choose Tron TRC20
network okay
01/04/2022, 10:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: i still need to
01/04/2022, 10:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: my binance
01/04/2022, 10:59 pm - Chan: okay
01/04/2022, 10:59 pm - Chan: just use email and phone
number to authenticate
01/04/2022, 11:01 pm - Chan: after you send take a
screenshot of the withdrawal receipt
01/04/2022, 11:02 pm - +61 498 388 498: i'm so lost
01/04/2022, 11:02 pm - Chan: Lol what happen
01/04/2022, 11:02 pm - +61 498 388 498: do i have to
download binance and google authenticator?
01/04/2022, 11:02 pm - Chan: nope
01/04/2022, 11:02 pm - Chan: email and phone number
is okay
01/04/2022, 11:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: its just added
security right?
01/04/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: yup
01/04/2022, 11:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: can i add the
authenticator later?
01/04/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: You can't withdraw the
usdt unless you do the authenticator
01/04/2022, 11:03 pm - +61 498 388 498: so i need to
download it now?
01/04/2022, 11:03 pm - Chan: can you take a
01/04/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: i will guide you how to
set up
01/04/2022, 11:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: go to home page
01/04/2022, 11:05 pm - Chan: and go to security
01/04/2022, 11:05 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:05 pm - Chan: choose sms
01/04/2022, 11:06 pm - Chan: choose the SMS
01/04/2022, 11:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: sry eating
01/04/2022, 11:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: using one
01/04/2022, 11:07 pm - Chan: did you set up the SMS
authenticator already?
01/04/2022, 11:07 pm - +61 498 388 498: yes
01/04/2022, 11:07 pm - Chan:
01/04/2022, 11:08 pm - Chan: copy and paste it to
01/04/2022, 11:08 pm - Chan: NETWORK : TRON TRC20
01/04/2022, 11:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: i put 2700 .
01/04/2022, 11:08 pm - Chan: okay
01/04/2022, 11:08 pm - Chan: take a screenshot again
before you transfer
01/04/2022, 11:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: do i
screenshot now or after pressing withdraw
01/04/2022, 11:09 pm - Chan: Let me check if it's
01/04/2022, 11:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:09 pm - Chan: okay click withdraw
01/04/2022, 11:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:10 pm - Chan: confirm
01/04/2022, 11:10 pm - +61 498 388 498: i have to
answer some questions for verification
01/04/2022, 11:11 pm - Chan: okay
01/04/2022, 11:12 pm - +61 498 388 498: processing..
01/04/2022, 11:12 pm - Chan: take a screenshot
01/04/2022, 11:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: why
01/04/2022, 11:13 pm - Chan: Nothin just want to see
because last last time you withdraw in the wrong
address right ahhaha
01/04/2022, 11:13 pm - Chan: but it's okay now
01/04/2022, 11:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: you received
01/04/2022, 11:14 pm - Chan: not yet
01/04/2022, 11:14 pm - +61 498 388 498: please dont
steal the money lol
01/04/2022, 11:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: the process
was successful
01/04/2022, 11:15 pm - Chan: Wait let me check
01/04/2022, 11:16 pm - +61 498 388 498: i transferred it
to you binance right?
01/04/2022, 11:16 pm - +61 498 388 498: can you
screenshot aswell.
01/04/2022, 11:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: your*
01/04/2022, 11:17 pm - Chan: I am waiting.
01/04/2022, 11:18 pm - Chan: Can you send your TRC20
of your account in Mtrade?
01/04/2022, 11:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: wym
01/04/2022, 11:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh
01/04/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498:
01/04/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: i think thats it
01/04/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: deposit trc20
01/04/2022, 11:19 pm - Chan: okay wait
01/04/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: send
screenshot please and the amount sent
01/04/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: thank you
01/04/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
01/04/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: You can now attach this
to you myrtles
01/04/2022, 11:25 pm - Chan: TRC20
01/04/2022, 11:26 pm - Chan: Let's do this
01/04/2022, 11:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait
01/04/2022, 11:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: i just need to
copy the address i sent to you hey?
01/04/2022, 11:27 pm - Chan: take a screenshot
01/04/2022, 11:27 pm - Chan: let me see
01/04/2022, 11:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: thank you and
01/04/2022, 11:28 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:28 pm - Chan: yup that's correct
01/04/2022, 11:28 pm - Chan: submit now
01/04/2022, 11:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: transaction
01/04/2022, 11:32 pm - +61 498 388 498: im in a game
btw i will be back
01/04/2022, 11:32 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
01/04/2022, 11:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: what is your
01/04/2022, 11:39 pm - Chan: Okay nice what are you
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: rainbow six
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - Chan: Lol it's so hard to play
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: but let me
know if you are ready
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - Chan: Compare to csgo
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah ez
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - Chan: tsss
01/04/2022, 11:42 pm - Chan: Sure i will let you nkow
01/04/2022, 11:44 pm - +61 498 388 498: im a diamond
01/04/2022, 11:45 pm - Chan: Once i move there let's
play together
01/04/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: sure~
01/04/2022, 11:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: but only in
01/04/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: You don't have pc rig?
01/04/2022, 11:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: no, i dont
want to spend alot hahah
01/04/2022, 11:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: ps5 is enough
for me
01/04/2022, 11:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: dont know if
you remember but my sister gave her old pc to me
01/04/2022, 11:54 pm - Chan: But you can easily pirate
games in pc just saying ahhaha
01/04/2022, 11:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: i prefer
buying games to support game developers haha
01/04/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: i've never
tried downloading games ilegally in my life
02/04/2022, 12:00 am - Chan: Ohh That's nice 🥰🥰
02/04/2022, 12:01 am - Chan: Me too never tried it
before but i seen so many pirate games on internet
02/04/2022, 12:02 am - +61 498 388 498: i was about to
ask if you do download ilegally
02/04/2022, 12:02 am - +61 498 388 498: it is just
unsafe you never know if there is virus in it
02/04/2022, 12:04 am - +61 498 388 498: other than
elden ring what else do you play?
02/04/2022, 12:05 am - +61 498 388 498: are we trading
02/04/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: hmm final fantasy 7
02/04/2022, 12:10 am - Chan: I will let you know wait
02/04/2022, 12:11 am - +61 498 388 498: oh wow i love
that game
02/04/2022, 12:11 am - +61 498 388 498: i only played
the final fantasy 7 crisis core but not the remake one
02/04/2022, 12:22 am - Chan: Crisis core is psp games
and the MC is not cloud
02/04/2022, 12:23 am - +61 498 388 498: you played
crisis core aswell?
02/04/2022, 12:28 am - Chan: Yeah and i cried a lot
02/04/2022, 12:29 am - Chan: because you know the
ending is so sad
02/04/2022, 12:29 am - Chan: Remember the Loveless
act poem?
02/04/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: yeesss
02/04/2022, 12:31 am - +61 498 388 498: i love that
02/04/2022, 12:31 am - Chan: Infinite in mystery is the
gift of the Goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.
02/04/2022, 12:32 am - Chan: and after that you know
what happen right?
02/04/2022, 12:32 am - +61 498 388 498: Uhm not
anymore its been years
02/04/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: but yeah i had
the poem saved somewhere hahaha
02/04/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: then there
was one time i wrote down all of it in a notebook
02/04/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: Are you still playing?
02/04/2022, 12:42 am - +61 498 388 498: yeaa
02/04/2022, 12:42 am - +61 498 388 498: are we trading
02/04/2022, 12:48 am - Chan: Yes by 1am i will check
the movements
02/04/2022, 12:54 am - +61 498 388 498: is this where
angeal, genesis and sephiroth fought?
02/04/2022, 12:54 am - Chan: Yahh
02/04/2022, 12:58 am - +61 498 388 498: ahh that took
time for me to remember haha
02/04/2022, 1:06 am - +61 498 388 498: Did you ever
finish that game?
02/04/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: im ready
whenever you are
02/04/2022, 1:15 am - Chan: Yup i already finish it
02/04/2022, 1:16 am - +61 498 388 498: wow i never
finished crisis core
02/04/2022, 1:16 am - +61 498 388 498: i kept dying at
the end
02/04/2022, 1:16 am - Chan: i kill the final boss with 4
hits only hahaha
02/04/2022, 1:16 am - +61 498 388 498: the crisis core
game right?
02/04/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: yah
02/04/2022, 1:17 am - +61 498 388 498: dammn
02/04/2022, 1:20 am - +61 498 388 498: were you
playing in easy mode? haha
02/04/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: Nope i wasn't playing on
normal mode
02/04/2022, 1:25 am - +61 498 388 498: uhmm are you
still taking down notes?
02/04/2022, 1:25 am - +61 498 388 498: wow that is
impressive then
02/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: I'm still monitoring wait
02/04/2022, 1:27 am - +61 498 388 498: okay take your
02/04/2022, 1:33 am - Chan: its quite unreadable
actually, but dont worry. I am working on it
02/04/2022, 1:34 am - +61 498 388 498: market
02/04/2022, 1:34 am - Chan: yes
02/04/2022, 1:34 am - +61 498 388 498: ahh all good
02/04/2022, 1:34 am - Chan: Dont worry, we will
withdraw our balance today. Okay?
02/04/2022, 1:34 am - Chan: Its a must
02/04/2022, 1:35 am - +61 498 388 498: but dont we
have to wait 12hours when trading 12h?
02/04/2022, 1:35 am - +61 498 388 498: i suppose that
is still today
02/04/2022, 1:35 am - +61 498 388 498: take your time
do not rush things or you will make mistake
02/04/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: Yes we need to wait 12
02/04/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: i trust you now.
02/04/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: okay
02/04/2022, 1:37 am - Chan: I trust you as well. We will
make it together
02/04/2022, 1:38 am - +61 498 388 498: i apologize for
what happened these past few days i let my emotions
get the best of me
02/04/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: Its okay, as I said to you
before I understand what you feel. ☺️
02/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: with peace of
mind i made a decision to just risk it and see what
happens haha
02/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: turned out i
was wrong all this time.
02/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: anyways
moving on
02/04/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: Dont worry, I trust you. I
hope once we meet you will still treat me haha
02/04/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: Hey, we got a little
problem. We are short of 5k USDT to hit the safe spot
and to start trade.
02/04/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: of course!
02/04/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: oh no im out
02/04/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: yes yes I know. dont worry
02/04/2022, 1:46 am - Chan: I will work for it. Give me 5
02/04/2022, 1:47 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't know
any good places here in perth but 😅 not a spontaneous
02/04/2022, 1:47 am - +61 498 388 498: just a few
02/04/2022, 1:47 am - Chan: Mcdo 😂
02/04/2022, 1:47 am - Chan: I am good with it haha
02/04/2022, 1:48 am - +61 498 388 498: i wouldn't
worry about it now i guess
02/04/2022, 1:48 am - Chan: Hey, I got problem. I can
only do 2k USDT. Is it possible for you to manage the 3k?
02/04/2022, 1:49 am - Chan: So that we can already
start to trade and finish the same day aswell
02/04/2022, 1:50 am - +61 498 388 498: nah can't
manage the 3k no more sorry
02/04/2022, 1:50 am - Chan: Hmm how much you can
02/04/2022, 1:51 am - Chan: is it possible for you to do
2k? please?
02/04/2022, 1:51 am - +61 498 388 498: 3500 aud left
but i still need it for expenses
02/04/2022, 1:51 am - Chan: I will use my all my money
02/04/2022, 1:52 am - Chan: Same, I will use all my
money now. I literally no money to buy food tomorrow
02/04/2022, 1:52 am - Chan: But I trust you on this,
please can you manage the 2k usdt?
02/04/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: youre sending
all your remaining balance to me?
02/04/2022, 1:53 am - Chan: Yes, the same process. you
will be the one to attach it
02/04/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: you have alot
of trust 😱
02/04/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: okay i will put
02/04/2022, 1:53 am - Chan: its just you 🥲
02/04/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: wym
02/04/2022, 1:54 am - +61 498 388 498: approx 2.8k
aud for me.
02/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: okay okay
02/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: I am on process now
02/04/2022, 1:54 am - +61 498 388 498: wait
02/04/2022, 1:54 am - +61 498 388 498: so you will send
money to my binance?
02/04/2022, 1:54 am - +61 498 388 498: or i will
02/04/2022, 1:55 am - Chan: Wait
02/04/2022, 1:55 am - Chan: give me 2 mins
02/04/2022, 1:57 am - Chan: lets do the same process
awhile ago
02/04/2022, 1:57 am - Chan:
02/04/2022, 1:58 am - +61 498 388 498: that is your
02/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: Yes
02/04/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: trc20?
02/04/2022, 2:02 am - Chan: yes
02/04/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 2:02 am - Chan: let me double check
02/04/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: can you
screenshot aswell once received
02/04/2022, 2:02 am - Chan: okay okay
02/04/2022, 2:03 am - Chan: I will
02/04/2022, 2:04 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 2:04 am - +61 498 388 498: you have
enough in your myrtle?
02/04/2022, 2:04 am - +61 498 388 498: it is only me
who needed the 5k?
02/04/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: No, both of us.
02/04/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: ahh
02/04/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
02/04/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: Did you send already? I
haven't receive yet
02/04/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 2:06 am - +61 498 388 498: okay it is in
02/04/2022, 2:06 am - +61 498 388 498: i think
02/04/2022, 2:06 am - Chan: Okay wait, let me re-open
my account
02/04/2022, 2:06 am - Chan: Wait
02/04/2022, 2:06 am - +61 498 388 498: they sent an
02/04/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: Okay wait, let me process
on my side
02/04/2022, 2:07 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: Dont forget to attach the
receipt okay?
02/04/2022, 2:07 am - +61 498 388 498: yes ma'am
02/04/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: 😤
02/04/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: HAHAHAHAHA
02/04/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: 😨
02/04/2022, 2:12 am - +61 498 388 498: are you still
02/04/2022, 2:12 am - Chan: yes i do.
02/04/2022, 2:17 am - +61 498 388 498: updates?
02/04/2022, 2:17 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
02/04/2022, 2:18 am - Chan: TRC20 okay
02/04/2022, 2:19 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 2:19 am - Chan: submit
02/04/2022, 2:19 am - +61 498 388 498: what is your
balance now?
02/04/2022, 2:20 am - Chan: wait im still prcessing my
02/04/2022, 2:20 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
02/04/2022, 2:21 am - +61 498 388 498: how much do i
have to return to you when/if all of this is a success?
02/04/2022, 2:24 am - Chan: I dont know hahaha. Lets
finish this first okay?
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - Chan: Can you give me 5 mins to
clear out everything so that we can start already
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - +61 498 388 498: okay ~
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - Chan: Dont worry, I trust you that
you will not run away my money.
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - Chan: Or else
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - Chan: 👿
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - +61 498 388 498: was about to
say that aswell!
02/04/2022, 2:25 am - +61 498 388 498: 👿
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - Chan: I will make you my dinner
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - +61 498 388 498:
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - Chan: hahahaha
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - Chan: joke 🤣
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - +61 498 388 498: the italian
pasta? hahaha
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - +61 498 388 498: oh
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - Chan: HAHAHAHAA
02/04/2022, 2:26 am - +61 498 388 498: LOOOL
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - +61 498 388 498: You will
become my dinner aswell
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - +61 498 388 498: HAHAHA
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - +61 498 388 498: jks
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - Chan: Hmmmm can we start to
trade 12H now?
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - Chan: What kind of dinner?
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - +61 498 388 498: yes been
waiting for you
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - Chan: Oki, open now your app
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - Chan: Lets start to trade now.
02/04/2022, 2:27 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - +61 498 388 498: btc?
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - +61 498 388 498: good question
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - Chan: How much balance you
have now?
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - Chan: yes
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - +61 498 388 498: 188.758.97
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - +61 498 388 498: yourself?m
02/04/2022, 2:28 am - Chan: Okay good, wait let me
check mine
02/04/2022, 2:32 am - Chan: Just the same as yours
02/04/2022, 2:32 am - Chan: 188,758
02/04/2022, 2:32 am - +61 498 388 498: about the
02/04/2022, 2:32 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
02/04/2022, 2:32 am - Chan: Yes
02/04/2022, 2:33 am - Chan: I am just checking the best
timing to start Okay?
02/04/2022, 2:33 am - +61 498 388 498: no worries
02/04/2022, 2:33 am - +61 498 388 498: i am about to
sleep in 30-40mins
02/04/2022, 2:33 am - +61 498 388 498: i have climbing
sessions with friends tomorrow 😅
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - Chan: Ohh what time?
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - +61 498 388 498: 1.30 pm
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - Chan: Dont worry after we trade
you can already sleep
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - Chan: Trade will just take 2 mins
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - Chan: hahaha
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - +61 498 388 498: okay ma'am
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - Chan: Yes sir
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - +61 498 388 498: how many
trades is this
02/04/2022, 2:34 am - +61 498 388 498: just one?
02/04/2022, 2:35 am - Chan: Just one and 94,379
Credits first
02/04/2022, 2:35 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
02/04/2022, 2:35 am - Chan: Then after we place the
trade you can already sleep
02/04/2022, 2:36 am - +61 498 388 498: what about the
other 94k?
02/04/2022, 2:36 am - Chan: Lets see later or tomorrow
after the trade.
02/04/2022, 2:36 am - +61 498 388 498: we dont need
to use all credits to withdraw?
02/04/2022, 2:36 am - Chan: Just follow me, dont worry
oki dokies?
02/04/2022, 2:36 am - +61 498 388 498: oki
02/04/2022, 2:37 am - Chan: Okay open your myrtles
02/04/2022, 2:37 am - Chan: And let's start
02/04/2022, 2:38 am - +61 498 388 498: yep
02/04/2022, 2:38 am - +61 498 388 498: already open
02/04/2022, 2:38 am - Chan: Trade buy Long amount of
94,379 in 12hours
02/04/2022, 2:38 am - Chan: take a screenshot okay
02/04/2022, 2:39 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 2:39 am - +61 498 388 498: can i see yours
02/04/2022, 2:41 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
02/04/2022, 2:42 am - Chan: Okay let's see tomorrow :)
02/04/2022, 2:42 am - +61 498 388 498: btw does the
purchase price matter?
02/04/2022, 2:42 am - Chan: Trust me
02/04/2022, 2:42 am - +61 498 388 498: you bought late
02/04/2022, 2:43 am - +61 498 388 498: the second 94k
will we be doing it tomorrow? or only when the market
is good?
02/04/2022, 5:00 pm - Chan: Heyy
02/04/2022, 5:00 pm - Chan: we won!
02/04/2022, 5:06 pm - +61 498 388 498: Heyy,
unfortunately mine said i lost 94k credits
02/04/2022, 5:14 pm - Chan: Huh? Can i are?
02/04/2022, 5:14 pm - Chan: See*
02/04/2022, 5:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 5:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: i really dont
know if that is a loss
02/04/2022, 5:15 pm - +61 498 388 498: as it says -
02/04/2022, 5:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: does yours say
02/04/2022, 5:18 pm - Chan: Wait let me check mine
02/04/2022, 5:18 pm - Chan: Not yet checking actually
02/04/2022, 5:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: what did it say
on your side?
02/04/2022, 5:32 pm - Chan: Shit I lose too ‍♀
02/04/2022, 5:32 pm - Chan: But I dont know how
02/04/2022, 5:32 pm - Chan: I am checking on it
02/04/2022, 5:33 pm - Chan: wait wait
02/04/2022, 5:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah
02/04/2022, 5:33 pm - Chan: Shit shit
02/04/2022, 5:33 pm - Chan: Im really really sorry.
02/04/2022, 5:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: We were legit
winning earlier
02/04/2022, 5:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: but then the
transaction finished and apparently it was a loss
02/04/2022, 5:34 pm - Chan: Yes I kno, thats why its
mind boggling
02/04/2022, 5:34 pm - Chan: know*
02/04/2022, 5:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: same thing
happened on my 100 credit trades
02/04/2022, 5:34 pm - Chan: Wait give me 5 mins and
let me check what happened
02/04/2022, 5:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: ok
02/04/2022, 5:35 pm - Chan: Dont worry, we are not yet
02/04/2022, 5:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: it is what it is~
02/04/2022, 5:39 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
02/04/2022, 5:39 pm - Chan: In this part
02/04/2022, 5:39 pm - Chan: shit
02/04/2022, 5:39 pm - Chan: im sorry.
02/04/2022, 5:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: damn
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - Chan: it suddenly change
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: how did you
know hahaha
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - Chan: it should go up
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: the
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - Chan: yes
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - Chan: Big whales ‍♀🤦‍
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - Chan: They are really a head ache
02/04/2022, 5:40 pm - Chan: Don't worry, we can still
make it up in 120s
02/04/2022, 5:41 pm - Chan: When are you free to
02/04/2022, 5:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm i think i
am free
02/04/2022, 5:41 pm - Chan: right now?
02/04/2022, 5:41 pm - Chan: Are you done with your
friends now?
02/04/2022, 5:41 pm - Chan: Hows your climbing
02/04/2022, 5:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: it was good
02/04/2022, 5:42 pm - Chan: Are you mad at me? 😢
02/04/2022, 5:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: only did 1 hard
boulder for my level of climbing
02/04/2022, 5:42 pm - Chan: How hard is it?
02/04/2022, 5:42 pm - Chan: 😂
02/04/2022, 5:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah i am not
mad at you
02/04/2022, 5:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: i guess in the
end you just have to accept the loss
02/04/2022, 5:43 pm - Chan: Thank you 🥺 Promise to
catch up the remaining when we trade. I promise
02/04/2022, 5:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: i can still earn it
through work but it takes time and hard work haha
02/04/2022, 5:44 pm - Chan: No no, we will make it up
in 120s
02/04/2022, 5:44 pm - Chan: Hmmm free now?
02/04/2022, 5:44 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm above
average hard lolol
02/04/2022, 5:44 pm - Chan: 🤔
02/04/2022, 5:45 pm - Chan: Give me 30 mins then we
start to trade okay?
02/04/2022, 5:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: it is hard to
explain when you never experienced it yourself 😅
02/04/2022, 5:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: so we will trade
120s all the way?
02/04/2022, 5:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: until we use
02/04/2022, 5:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: ?
02/04/2022, 6:38 pm - Chan: hey
02/04/2022, 6:38 pm - Chan: Sorry took so long
02/04/2022, 6:38 pm - Chan: 😅😅😅
02/04/2022, 6:38 pm - Chan: Ready now?
02/04/2022, 6:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: yes ma'am
02/04/2022, 6:39 pm - Chan: Why does it sounds like a
double meaning?
02/04/2022, 6:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: what do you
mean? hahaha
02/04/2022, 6:40 pm - Chan: 😤😤😤
02/04/2022, 6:40 pm - Chan: You still free?
02/04/2022, 6:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: you will figure
it out maybe once if i introduce you to bouldering/rock
02/04/2022, 6:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm i am in
game at the moment but can multitask
02/04/2022, 6:43 pm - Chan: okiiii
02/04/2022, 6:44 pm - Chan: So what is the most
memorable exp you have done so far with rock
02/04/2022, 6:44 pm - Chan: You sure?
02/04/2022, 6:44 pm - +61 498 388 498: nope 😅
02/04/2022, 6:45 pm - Chan: Hahahaha okay after game
02/04/2022, 6:45 pm - Chan: we start to trade oki?
02/04/2022, 6:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: oki
02/04/2022, 6:46 pm - Chan: update me once done.
02/04/2022, 6:46 pm - Chan: Have fun ❤️
02/04/2022, 6:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm today i did
a fun awesome technical climb
02/04/2022, 6:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will show you
one old vid if that is okay
02/04/2022, 6:47 pm - Chan: Okaaayyyyy
02/04/2022, 6:47 pm - Chan: I think I am to weak to do
rock climbing 😂
02/04/2022, 6:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah everyone
starts somewhere~
02/04/2022, 6:48 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
02/04/2022, 6:51 pm - Chan: It looks so hard ahahha
02/04/2022, 6:51 pm - +61 498 388 498: this one was
02/04/2022, 6:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: but yeah im a
skinny boi hahaha
02/04/2022, 6:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: maybe that is
why i can lift my own body weight
02/04/2022, 7:06 pm - Chan: Btw how tall are you?
02/04/2022, 7:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: 5'8
02/04/2022, 7:09 pm - +61 498 388 498: wbu?
02/04/2022, 7:09 pm - Chan: 5'3
02/04/2022, 7:10 pm - +61 498 388 498: waow
02/04/2022, 7:10 pm - Chan: I though you're tall haha
02/04/2022, 7:10 pm - Chan: What time are you goin to
finish your game
02/04/2022, 7:10 pm - +61 498 388 498: almost done
02/04/2022, 7:12 pm - +61 498 388 498: i thought you
would be like 5'5 haha ✌
02/04/2022, 7:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay i am ready
02/04/2022, 7:27 pm - Chan: Okay wait a minute
02/04/2022, 7:28 pm - Chan: Btw did you had dinner
02/04/2022, 7:28 pm - +61 498 388 498: nah i had
maccas after our climbing session
02/04/2022, 7:28 pm - +61 498 388 498: have you had
your dinner?
02/04/2022, 7:29 pm - Chan: I'm having right now
02/04/2022, 7:29 pm - Chan: Wait
02/04/2022, 7:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: let me guess
02/04/2022, 7:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: italian pasta?
02/04/2022, 7:32 pm - +61 498 388 498: enjoy ! 😊
02/04/2022, 7:37 pm - Chan: Nope hahha
02/04/2022, 7:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: hey, can we do
the trading later tonight instead? i will be playing with
my internet friends now~
02/04/2022, 7:51 pm - Chan: Okiiiii
02/04/2022, 7:51 pm - Chan: take your time ☺️
02/04/2022, 7:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm after all of
this is done i might set trading aside and focus on
knowing you more~
02/04/2022, 8:28 pm - Chan: Okay :)
02/04/2022, 8:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: how was your
day btw?
02/04/2022, 10:49 pm - Chan: Not so bad :)
02/04/2022, 10:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: what do you
usually do during the weekend
02/04/2022, 11:19 pm - Chan: Hmm usually watching
random anime clip on youtube
02/04/2022, 11:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahhh you only
watch the highlights
02/04/2022, 11:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: anyways we
trading still?
02/04/2022, 11:27 pm - Chan: Yup
02/04/2022, 11:27 pm - Chan: Yes we're still doing it
02/04/2022, 11:32 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay sorry i
kept you waiting
02/04/2022, 11:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am ready
02/04/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: let me know
when we will start
02/04/2022, 11:44 pm - Chan: okay wait
02/04/2022, 11:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 12:07 am - +61 498 388 498: are you still
taking notes of the movement?
03/04/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: hey, i
apologize i kept you waiting. I will be available
tomorrow all day if you still want to finish the trade
03/04/2022, 12:58 am - Chan: Yes I did sorry.
03/04/2022, 12:58 am - Chan: I just dont want to make
the same mistake as before.
03/04/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: ahh okay
03/04/2022, 12:59 am - +61 498 388 498: i was worried
03/04/2022, 12:59 am - Chan: Sorryyyy, are you about
to sleep?
03/04/2022, 1:00 am - +61 498 388 498: nah still wide
03/04/2022, 1:02 am - +61 498 388 498: I thought i've
upset you that is why you weren't responding
03/04/2022, 1:03 am - Chan: lol why are you over
thinking hahaha
03/04/2022, 1:05 am - +61 498 388 498: a had habit of
03/04/2022, 1:05 am - +61 498 388 498: i always
overthink for some reason
03/04/2022, 1:05 am - Chan: Ohh but why?
03/04/2022, 1:06 am - +61 498 388 498: i really don't
know hey
03/04/2022, 1:07 am - +61 498 388 498: i tend to think
of both positive and negative outcomes
03/04/2022, 1:07 am - +61 498 388 498: and it messes
you up haha
03/04/2022, 1:08 am - Chan: Ohh hahahaha! but thats a
good thing also as well.
03/04/2022, 1:09 am - Chan: That means that you are
very open minded person
03/04/2022, 1:09 am - Chan: Hmm hey ready to trade
03/04/2022, 1:09 am - +61 498 388 498: yep we were
sieged out just then
03/04/2022, 1:10 am - +61 498 388 498: to an extent 😅
03/04/2022, 1:11 am - Chan: hahhaha. So you ready
03/04/2022, 1:11 am - Chan: Open your account now
03/04/2022, 1:11 am - Chan: lets trade
03/04/2022, 1:11 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah
03/04/2022, 1:11 am - +61 498 388 498: are we just
using the remaining balance and try to withdraw it?
03/04/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: oki oki lets starttt
03/04/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: lets just trade until the
movements is good
03/04/2022, 1:12 am - Chan: then we stop once its not
03/04/2022, 1:12 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
03/04/2022, 1:13 am - Chan: Lets try to maximize the
trade today. So that we can bring back some of the
losses awhile ago
03/04/2022, 1:13 am - Chan: Okayyy lets start!
03/04/2022, 1:13 am - +61 498 388 498: alrightyy
03/04/2022, 1:13 am - Chan: Go for buy long 30,000
now at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:14 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
03/04/2022, 1:14 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 1:15 am - Chan: Im more faster 😏
03/04/2022, 1:15 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:15 am - +61 498 388 498: Yours was
already set up thoo hahaha
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - +61 498 388 498: i reckon we just
trade till we breakeven
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - Chan: Hahahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - Chan: So you mean I am cheating
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - +61 498 388 498: that was a win!
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - Chan: Yeaaah!!
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - +61 498 388 498: yes! very much
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - Chan: hahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:16 am - Chan: next
03/04/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: Go for buy long 70,000
now at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: You deleted this message
03/04/2022, 1:17 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
03/04/2022, 1:17 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 1:18 am - +61 498 388 498: your trades are
super accurate
03/04/2022, 1:19 am - Chan: Dont worry, I will teach
you everything I know
03/04/2022, 1:19 am - Chan: So that next time you can
do it on your own
03/04/2022, 1:19 am - Chan: Its a win ❤️
03/04/2022, 1:20 am - +61 498 388 498: i will start at
small principal tho i wont put big money next time once
we withdraw the money 😅
03/04/2022, 1:20 am - Chan: No worries, you can try
that as well
03/04/2022, 1:21 am - Chan: but ofcourse it depends on
the volume of traders and volume of the coin
03/04/2022, 1:21 am - Chan: Soon soon I teach you
03/04/2022, 1:21 am - Chan: Shall we go next?
03/04/2022, 1:21 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah i still do
not get how this platform works tbh
03/04/2022, 1:21 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah
03/04/2022, 1:22 am - Chan: Go for buy short this time
with 95,000 now at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - +61 498 388 498: oh no i was so
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - Chan: You deleted this message
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - +61 498 388 498: 46331.81
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - +61 498 388 498: execution price
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - Chan: Shit i send too much
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - Chan: hahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - Chan: No no its okay
03/04/2022, 1:23 am - Chan: Dont worry
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - Chan: We are under flat base,
nothing to worry.
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: wym?
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - Chan: have you put your trade?
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - Chan: Okii
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - Chan: later I will tell you
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 1:24 am - +61 498 388 498: i think i lost
03/04/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: Okiii
03/04/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: no no trust me
03/04/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: As I said we are under flat
03/04/2022, 1:25 am - +61 498 388 498: oh wait it said
03/04/2022, 1:25 am - Chan: It means its either long or
short we still win. But I choose short because mostly
every after flat base it turns to short
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - +61 498 388 498: i still dont get it
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: 🤣
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: Seeeeee
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: Dont worry just follow me
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - +61 498 388 498: flat based hey?
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: yes yes
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - +61 498 388 498: in short
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - +61 498 388 498: in simpler
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: no matter we choose we
will win
03/04/2022, 1:26 am - Chan: if we are under flat base
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: But its really short time
span, only for 60s
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - +61 498 388 498: ah
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - +61 498 388 498: i am still
confused as hell
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - +61 498 388 498: i will just follow
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - +61 498 388 498: you lead the
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: then every after 60s it
usually change to short
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: hahahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: next next
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: I think you are over
thinking again
03/04/2022, 1:27 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:28 am - Chan: trade for buy long 114,000
at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:28 am - +61 498 388 498: nonono you
have to show me this in real time
03/04/2022, 1:28 am - Chan: Okiiiii
03/04/2022, 1:28 am - Chan: Dont worry its just exp that
will really teach you
03/04/2022, 1:29 am - Chan: I can see myself to you
03/04/2022, 1:29 am - Chan: HGAHAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:29 am - +61 498 388 498: i cannot
comprehend what is happening at this point
03/04/2022, 1:29 am - Chan: heyy trade okay?
03/04/2022, 1:29 am - +61 498 388 498: yesss
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: okayyyyy
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - +61 498 388 498: i uhm very
impressed in you
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: well 😎
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: JK JK
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: WIN!!
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - +61 498 388 498: that was a win
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - +61 498 388 498: wow
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - +61 498 388 498: !!
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: See seeeeeee
03/04/2022, 1:30 am - Chan: one more
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - Chan: Go for buy long, 136,800 at
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - Chan: lets not waste the
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: oh no
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: i put
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: 136000
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: is thst okay?
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - Chan: its okayyy
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: my badd
03/04/2022, 1:31 am - +61 498 388 498: i misread it as 0
03/04/2022, 1:32 am - Chan: Naah its okay
03/04/2022, 1:32 am - Chan: we can just add it later
03/04/2022, 1:33 am - +61 498 388 498: 🤯🤯
03/04/2022, 1:33 am - Chan: ezzz?
03/04/2022, 1:33 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:34 am - +61 498 388 498: super ezzzz
03/04/2022, 1:34 am - Chan: hahahahaahaha
03/04/2022, 1:34 am - +61 498 388 498: as long as you
lead the way 😆
03/04/2022, 1:34 am - Chan: Lets go next
03/04/2022, 1:34 am - Chan: Go for buy long, 174,000 at
03/04/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: how much
volume do we need to trade before we can withdraw ?
03/04/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: I dont know yet
03/04/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: let me check later
03/04/2022, 1:36 am - Chan: Dont worry, lets still
continue this first until the blessings is done hahah
03/04/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: where does it
usually say?
03/04/2022, 1:36 am - +61 498 388 498: okay~
03/04/2022, 1:37 am - Chan: done trading already?
03/04/2022, 1:37 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah +34800!
03/04/2022, 1:38 am - Chan: Niceeeeeee
03/04/2022, 1:38 am - Chan: lets go next, continue to
buy long 208,800 at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:40 am - +61 498 388 498: woow
03/04/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: 🥳🥳🥳
03/04/2022, 1:40 am - +61 498 388 498: Another winnn!
03/04/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: Dont forget to treat me
ahh 😤
03/04/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:40 am - Chan: jk
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - Chan: lets go next?
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: you're a beast!
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: yeaa
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: treat you
mcdonald's? hahahah
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - Chan: We are!
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: nah i will
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - Chan: hahahahaha sureeeeee
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: but probably
not mcdonalds
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - Chan: Lets go next
03/04/2022, 1:41 am - +61 498 388 498: i liked grill'd
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - Chan: trade buy long for 250,560
at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - Chan: naaah I want mcdo
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - Chan: But in USA?
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - Chan: HGAHAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - +61 498 388 498: LOOL
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - Chan: 🤣
03/04/2022, 1:42 am - +61 498 388 498: have you been
to other countries? except australia?
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - Chan: I did haha
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - Chan: How about you?
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - +61 498 388 498: yes with the
fam tho
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - +61 498 388 498: just 2 countries
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - Chan: Ohh you haven't travelled
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - +61 498 388 498: nahh
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - +61 498 388 498: im scared
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - Chan: with ex?
03/04/2022, 1:43 am - +61 498 388 498: 😂
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: ex bf?
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: 🤣
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: i've never been
in a commited relationship
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: hahaha bruhh
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: Ohhh those are lines of
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: not even!
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: we woonnnnnnnn
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - +61 498 388 498: i am telling you
the truth
03/04/2022, 1:44 am - Chan: 🤔
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: oh we did too!
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: HAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: yes overthink
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: HAHAHAHAHA
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - Chan: Next?
03/04/2022, 1:45 am - +61 498 388 498: nah i have
dated but things did not work out in the end
03/04/2022, 1:46 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
03/04/2022, 1:46 am - Chan: lets go buy long for
300,672 at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:46 am - Chan: Lets make more money
03/04/2022, 1:46 am - +61 498 388 498:
03/04/2022, 1:46 am - +61 498 388 498: don't be
03/04/2022, 1:47 am - +61 498 388 498: you've been in
a relationship in the past?
03/04/2022, 1:47 am - Chan: I know I know dont worry
03/04/2022, 1:47 am - Chan: Lets just maximize the
profit today
03/04/2022, 1:47 am - Chan: then next time we will
start low
03/04/2022, 1:47 am - +61 498 388 498: okay~
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - +61 498 388 498: we will be able
to withdraw today you reckon?
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - Chan: Of course
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - Chan: We will withdraw
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - Chan: Did we won?
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - +61 498 388 498: the wins just
keep getting higherrr
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - Chan: Ohh yes we did
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - +61 498 388 498: yeaaa
03/04/2022, 1:48 am - Chan: next next
03/04/2022, 1:49 am - +61 498 388 498: i am
mindblown with what's happening hahaha
03/04/2022, 1:49 am - Chan: trade for buy long with
370,806 at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:50 am - +61 498 388 498: oh mine fell
03/04/2022, 1:50 am - +61 498 388 498: so i put what
03/04/2022, 1:50 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 1:50 am - Chan: Ohhh its okay
03/04/2022, 1:51 am - Chan: Ohh yes, I got short of the
computation because of the 800 awhile ago 🤣
03/04/2022, 1:51 am - +61 498 388 498: yeeaaa
03/04/2022, 1:51 am - +61 498 388 498: i misread
03/04/2022, 1:51 am - Chan: hahahaha its oaky
03/04/2022, 1:51 am - Chan: no worries 😎
03/04/2022, 1:52 am - +61 498 388 498: oofff
03/04/2022, 1:52 am - +61 498 388 498: the credit is
400k now woah
03/04/2022, 1:52 am - +61 498 388 498: i'm scared
03/04/2022, 1:53 am - +61 498 388 498: that went from
94 to 400k real quick
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: ezzz
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: told yaaah
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: I am double checking the
movements now
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: Waaaait
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: Ohh lets go
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: lets go
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: next
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - +61 498 388 498: go go go!
03/04/2022, 1:54 am - Chan: buy long 444,031 at 120s
03/04/2022, 1:56 am - Chan: I think we can do 3 more
03/04/2022, 1:56 am - Chan: then we stop oki dokies?
03/04/2022, 1:56 am - +61 498 388 498: then what do
we do after that?
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: Hmm lets see
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: Wonnn
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: eyyyy
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: <Media omitted>
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - +61 498 388 498: oh yeah forgot
to tell you 😆
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: Lets go next
03/04/2022, 1:58 am - Chan: Buy long 532,837 for 120s
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: you don't even
check if its a win or lose hahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - Chan: I was checking the nodes
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: the confidence
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - Chan: I was on it hahaha
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: hahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: oh there you go
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - +61 498 388 498: my baad
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - Chan: Hahahahaha
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - Chan: wonnnn
03/04/2022, 1:59 am - Chan: Ezzzz
03/04/2022, 2:00 am - +61 498 388 498: mine still 50
03/04/2022, 2:00 am - Chan: Ehhh?
03/04/2022, 2:00 am - +61 498 388 498: yep
03/04/2022, 2:00 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 2:01 am - Chan: okiiii
03/04/2022, 2:01 am - +61 498 388 498: woaah
03/04/2022, 2:01 am - +61 498 388 498: 100k credits
03/04/2022, 2:01 am - Chan: Ezzz
03/04/2022, 2:01 am - +61 498 388 498: ok 2 more? or
last trade
03/04/2022, 2:01 am - Chan: 2 more
03/04/2022, 2:02 am - Chan: then I check
03/04/2022, 2:02 am - Chan: oki?
03/04/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: aight
03/04/2022, 2:02 am - +61 498 388 498: legend
03/04/2022, 2:02 am - Chan: go for buy long 639,404 at
120s now
03/04/2022, 2:03 am - +61 498 388 498: with this you
could be a millionaire in a few weeks or months sophie
03/04/2022, 2:04 am - +61 498 388 498: or maybe you
are already 🤯
03/04/2022, 2:04 am - Chan: if the movements went to
this too good
03/04/2022, 2:04 am - Chan: Dont you see why alot of
people are into crypto
03/04/2022, 2:04 am - Chan: and trading
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: i guess btc
looking great right now
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: Last one shall we?
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: Yes it is, we are luck that
big whales are not trading with us
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: hahahaha
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah i know but
i only hodl back then never really ventured into
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
03/04/2022, 2:05 am - Chan: go for buy long 767,284 at
120s now
03/04/2022, 2:06 am - +61 498 388 498: though i might
try doing this on binance aswell
03/04/2022, 2:06 am - Chan: Suuureee!
03/04/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: We can do it the same
time as well
03/04/2022, 2:07 am - Chan: The only problem with
Binance is the profit is too low
03/04/2022, 2:07 am - +61 498 388 498: really
03/04/2022, 2:07 am - +61 498 388 498: my coworker
do 3x leverage only hahahaha
03/04/2022, 2:08 am - Chan: Yep yep
03/04/2022, 2:08 am - Chan: Thats why its hard to use a
well known app
03/04/2022, 2:08 am - +61 498 388 498: he keep telling
to do it but i never
03/04/2022, 2:08 am - Chan: See hahahaa
03/04/2022, 2:08 am - Chan: if you started before
03/04/2022, 2:08 am - +61 498 388 498: but then i met
you in boo
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: We wonnn
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: Can we stop for now?
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: yeah
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: Or you want us to
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: uhm
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - +61 498 388 498: maybe
withdraw if we can?
03/04/2022, 2:09 am - Chan: Hmmm sure
03/04/2022, 2:10 am - Chan: wait let me go cr first
03/04/2022, 2:10 am - Chan: hahaha
03/04/2022, 2:10 am - +61 498 388 498: i want to give
you your money back~
03/04/2022, 2:10 am - +61 498 388 498: with interest
03/04/2022, 2:10 am - Chan: naah its good. No need
03/04/2022, 2:10 am - +61 498 388 498: nah nah
03/04/2022, 2:11 am - +61 498 388 498: i've cause so
much trouble you know
03/04/2022, 2:11 am - +61 498 388 498: and made you
03/04/2022, 2:11 am - +61 498 388 498: but you still
delivered to your promise
03/04/2022, 2:12 am - +61 498 388 498: so i will be
forever in your debt
03/04/2022, 2:13 am - Chan: nahh it's okay i don't mind
03/04/2022, 2:13 am - +61 498 388 498: are you sure?
03/04/2022, 2:13 am - +61 498 388 498: i even accused
03/04/2022, 2:13 am - +61 498 388 498: if you say soo~
03/04/2022, 2:32 am - +61 498 388 498: i am going to
bed now thanks for everything i owe you mcdonalds
"overseas" :) please guide me tomorrow how to
withdraw from myrtles to bnb 😊
03/04/2022, 2:33 am - +61 498 388 498: and i will
transfer the borrowed money back to you~
03/04/2022, 2:56 am - Chan: Okay goodnight i'm goin to
rest too :)
03/04/2022, 2:56 am - +61 498 388 498: Goodnight :)
03/04/2022, 1:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: Heyyy, how are
you? what time will you be free today?
03/04/2022, 5:20 pm - Chan: Hmmm im free
03/04/2022, 5:20 pm - Chan: How about you?
03/04/2022, 6:00 pm - +61 498 388 498: Yeah same, i
finished my house chores
03/04/2022, 6:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: Need your
guidance i don't want to mess up the withdrawal 😅
03/04/2022, 7:08 pm - Chan: Okiii
03/04/2022, 7:08 pm - Chan: have you taken your food
03/04/2022, 7:08 pm - Chan: Just tell me when you want
to do withdrawal already, so that I can guide you
03/04/2022, 7:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: I haven't, how
about you?
03/04/2022, 7:22 pm - Chan: I'm having right now
03/04/2022, 7:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: what are you
03/04/2022, 7:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm maybe
after your dinner we can do the process
03/04/2022, 7:30 pm - Chan: Okay
03/04/2022, 7:45 pm - +61 498 388 498: Have you
finished your dinner?
03/04/2022, 8:09 pm - Chan: not yet, but I will update
you once done.
03/04/2022, 8:31 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay~
03/04/2022, 11:04 pm - +61 498 388 498: I'm ready to
do the withdrawal thingo
03/04/2022, 11:09 pm - Chan: Okay i'm goin to teach
you how to withdraw :)
03/04/2022, 11:09 pm - Chan: Open your mt now
03/04/2022, 11:10 pm - +61 498 388 498: Done
03/04/2022, 11:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: What's next
03/04/2022, 11:15 pm - Chan: Go to balance and choose
03/04/2022, 11:17 pm - +61 498 388 498: Yep i'm in it
just the part where you have to put the address and
stuff i'm quitr unsure what to put
03/04/2022, 11:17 pm - Chan: Can you take a
screenshot so i can easily guide you :)
03/04/2022, 11:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 11:18 pm - Chan: What are you goin to use
to withdraw Binance or Coinspot?
03/04/2022, 11:18 pm - +61 498 388 498: i was thinking
coinspot so that i don't have to transfer again
03/04/2022, 11:19 pm - Chan: Okay
03/04/2022, 11:19 pm - Chan: Open your coinspot
03/04/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: but i wont be
able to transfer
03/04/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: as it is still
03/04/2022, 11:19 pm - Chan: Then you should use
03/04/2022, 11:19 pm - +61 498 388 498: true
03/04/2022, 11:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: binance it is
03/04/2022, 11:20 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 11:20 pm - Chan: go to spot
03/04/2022, 11:20 pm - Chan: and choose deposit
03/04/2022, 11:21 pm - Chan: Find usdt TRC20
03/04/2022, 11:21 pm - +61 498 388 498: okay i've
selected trc20 now
03/04/2022, 11:21 pm - Chan: Can take a screenshot?
03/04/2022, 11:21 pm - Chan: i wan to make sure haha
03/04/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: Great
03/04/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: Now click the save image
03/04/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: and copy the wallet
03/04/2022, 11:22 pm - +61 498 388 498: done
03/04/2022, 11:22 pm - Chan: go back to ur myrtles
03/04/2022, 11:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: add the image
and address?
03/04/2022, 11:23 pm - Chan: Yup
03/04/2022, 11:23 pm - +61 498 388 498: then the chain
name bnb?
03/04/2022, 11:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: what about
the cryptocurrency drop down
03/04/2022, 11:24 pm - Chan: <Media omitted>
03/04/2022, 11:25 pm - +61 498 388 498: aren't we
supposed to type in binance for the chain?
03/04/2022, 11:26 pm - Chan: TRC20
03/04/2022, 11:26 pm - Chan: Take a screenshot again
let me check i want to make sure that you doing it right
03/04/2022, 11:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: wait i messed
up the qr code screenshot
03/04/2022, 11:27 pm - Chan: Okay
03/04/2022, 11:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 11:29 pm - Chan: OKay now you're done :)
03/04/2022, 11:29 pm - +61 498 388 498: i had to redo
it 3 times haha
03/04/2022, 11:29 pm - Chan: It's okay hahaha
03/04/2022, 11:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: it still says
transaction volume not reached
03/04/2022, 11:30 pm - Chan: What do you mean?
03/04/2022, 11:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 11:30 pm - +61 498 388 498: idon't get it
03/04/2022, 11:30 pm - Chan: Wait i haven't check mine
03/04/2022, 11:31 pm - Chan: Try to contact the
customer service
03/04/2022, 11:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: i don't think
they will respond
03/04/2022, 11:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: nevermind
03/04/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
03/04/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: whaat
03/04/2022, 11:40 pm - Chan: Wait whattt
03/04/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: i don't get it?
03/04/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: have you
already withdrawn yours?
03/04/2022, 11:56 pm - Chan: I am goin to contact the
customer service aswell
03/04/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: they will say
the same thing
03/04/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: 100%
03/04/2022, 11:57 pm - Chan: They also asking me to
deposit 30% of my balance mygoddc
03/04/2022, 11:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: this never
happened to you before?
04/04/2022, 12:12 am - +61 498 388 498: i don't get
why we need to deposit 36k usdt that is beyond unfair
04/04/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: This never happen to me
before Dont worry i will find a way to cash out
04/04/2022, 12:13 am - +61 498 388 498: what did you
say to them?
04/04/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: They said the we're over
04/04/2022, 12:13 am - Chan: That*
04/04/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: i thought we
only used 100% credit last night
04/04/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: so weird
04/04/2022, 12:15 am - Chan: Wait le me compute our
trading yesterday
04/04/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
04/04/2022, 12:16 am - +61 498 388 498: how do their
system work anyway
04/04/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: I dunno 🙁
04/04/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: But this never happen to
me before
04/04/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: Try to ask the CS again if
there any way to cash out the money
04/04/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: I will compute our trading
04/04/2022, 12:18 am - +61 498 388 498: they will say
the same thing back then when i asked about the
withdrawal problem
04/04/2022, 12:32 am - Chan: What do you mean?
04/04/2022, 12:33 am - +61 498 388 498: they just said
the same thing
04/04/2022, 12:34 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
04/04/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: this first
conversation was march 29th
04/04/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: <Media
04/04/2022, 12:35 am - +61 498 388 498: this is
tonight's conversation
04/04/2022, 12:36 am - Chan: I see
04/04/2022, 12:36 am - +61 498 388 498: in order to
become a vip you still need to top up right?
04/04/2022, 12:37 am - Chan: Yes
04/04/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: but the said
amount is too much :c
04/04/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: im like out of
funds lol
04/04/2022, 12:38 am - Chan: wait I am thinking of
04/04/2022, 12:38 am - Chan: Dont worry I will do
something about it
04/04/2022, 12:38 am - +61 498 388 498: okay
04/04/2022, 12:38 am - Chan: We just help each other
04/04/2022, 12:39 am - Chan: they said that we need to
pay 36,344 USDT right? And thats around 276,214
Credits. But if we get the 200k that will be around
26,315 USDT
04/04/2022, 12:40 am - Chan: But is the 200k credits? or
200k USDT?
04/04/2022, 12:40 am - +61 498 388 498: credits
04/04/2022, 12:40 am - +61 498 388 498: but i dont
have that money :c
04/04/2022, 12:40 am - Chan: Ohh okay okay
04/04/2022, 12:40 am - Chan: dont worry I will work on
it. Give me a minute w
04/04/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: let me think of the best
way to do
04/04/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: dont worry, we will get
thru this
04/04/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: okay? ❤️We can do this.
The first thing we need to do is don't panic
04/04/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: maybe ask
one of your friends who referred you to this platform
04/04/2022, 12:41 am - Chan: I will do everything dont
04/04/2022, 12:41 am - +61 498 388 498: i will try to
remain positive
04/04/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: Good, dont overthink too
much okay?
04/04/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: We can do this together
04/04/2022, 12:42 am - +61 498 388 498: aightt
04/04/2022, 12:42 am - Chan: We are team! keep
fighting ❤️
04/04/2022, 12:43 am - +61 498 388 498: teamwork
makes the dreamwork 😄
04/04/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: yes and homework
04/04/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: idk it just rhymes
04/04/2022, 12:43 am - Chan: hahahaha
04/04/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: also if there is
no other way what is you best idea
04/04/2022, 12:44 am - +61 498 388 498: hahaha good
one 😆
04/04/2022, 12:44 am - Chan: Idk yet actually, but the
only thing in my mind is how can we get the money
04/04/2022, 12:45 am - +61 498 388 498: i was thinking
to just report the platform to a government body but idk
which one it is
04/04/2022, 12:45 am - Chan: Ehh why?
04/04/2022, 12:46 am - +61 498 388 498: idk, because
they have a weird system
04/04/2022, 12:46 am - Chan: 🤣🤣🤣
04/04/2022, 12:46 am - Chan: Lets put that on the least
of our list okay?
04/04/2022, 12:47 am - Chan: 😅
04/04/2022, 12:47 am - +61 498 388 498: i am like so
confused as to why you need to top up that huge
amount 🤯
04/04/2022, 12:47 am - Chan: I am thinking now how to
complete 36,344 USDT
04/04/2022, 12:47 am - Chan: How much is that in aud?
04/04/2022, 12:47 am - +61 498 388 498: nah no wayy
for me
04/04/2022, 12:48 am - +61 498 388 498: thats like
almost 50k something
04/04/2022, 12:48 am - +61 498 388 498: maybe put it
on mid tier list hahaha
04/04/2022, 12:49 am - +61 498 388 498: if you ask me
to top up im sorry but i don't have that money~
04/04/2022, 12:50 am - +61 498 388 498: just being
04/04/2022, 12:55 am - Chan: Okay wait i will think the
other way
04/04/2022, 1:04 am - +61 498 388 498: let me know if
you found a way because i ran out of ideas, i will
support you throughout though
04/04/2022, 1:08 am - Chan: Okay i will let you know
04/04/2022, 1:08 am - Chan: Trust me
04/04/2022, 1:09 am - +61 498 388 498: Yes, i trust you

04/04/2022, 1:28 am - +61 498 388 498: Uhm i'm going
to sleep sophie, keep in touch, be optimistic to an extent
and i will too. Goodnight.
04/04/2022, 3:24 am - Chan: Goodnight ❤️
04/04/2022, 2:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: I have an idea
but i don't know if you would agree on it
04/04/2022, 4:48 pm - Chan: What is it?
04/04/2022, 5:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: I was thinking
of us doing trading in binance with whatever we have
left and just slowly build up what we had originally.. I
know they have low returns as you said but time is on
our side.
04/04/2022, 5:34 pm - Chan: I don't think it will work
because of the low return it will takes months to build
up what we had before
04/04/2022, 5:34 pm - Chan: And there's a chance to
Liquidate our assets
04/04/2022, 7:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: Fair argument
but to me 36k usdt is a lot of money it is almost a year of
hard work and yeah... have you got any other ideas?
04/04/2022, 7:53 pm - Chan: Hmm let me think
05/04/2022, 5:32 pm - Chan: Hey
05/04/2022, 5:32 pm - Chan: How are you?
05/04/2022, 6:35 pm - Chan: I got idea
05/04/2022, 7:33 pm - +61 498 388 498: Good,
05/04/2022, 7:34 pm - +61 498 388 498: What is it?
05/04/2022, 7:36 pm - Chan: i don't know if you're okay
with it
05/04/2022, 7:36 pm - Chan: I really want to withdraw
our money
05/04/2022, 7:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: same but how?
05/04/2022, 7:43 pm - +61 498 388 498: what is your
05/04/2022, 7:45 pm - Chan: how much do you need to
cash out your balance?
05/04/2022, 7:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: 36k on the dot
05/04/2022, 7:46 pm - +61 498 388 498: idk i do not
have that money~
05/04/2022, 7:47 pm - +61 498 388 498: why?
05/04/2022, 7:48 pm - Chan: Wait
05/04/2022, 7:48 pm - Chan: How much do you have
right now?
05/04/2022, 7:48 pm - Chan: I'm planning to lend you
my remaining balance to cash out your money then
after you cash out help me also to withdraw my balance
05/04/2022, 7:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: how much do
you have?
05/04/2022, 7:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: i suggest you
cash out yours first
05/04/2022, 7:49 pm - +61 498 388 498: don't worry
about me yet
05/04/2022, 7:49 pm - Chan: I only have 15k
05/04/2022, 7:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: oh yeah nah i
legit don't have the other 16k :c
05/04/2022, 7:50 pm - +61 498 388 498: i am sorry
05/04/2022, 7:51 pm - Chan: how much do you have
right now ? so i can ask relatives
05/04/2022, 7:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: <Media
05/04/2022, 7:52 pm - Chan: awww
05/04/2022, 7:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: just letting you
know i wont move my commsec shares
05/04/2022, 7:52 pm - +61 498 388 498: i told you..
05/04/2022, 7:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: are you really
going that far?
05/04/2022, 7:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: my dad won't
help me if i ask for money i think. they are very vigilant
when it comes to this situation
05/04/2022, 7:55 pm - Chan: But we really got no option
now. The maximum I can do right now is 15k usdt so we
are still short of 21,344 USDT
05/04/2022, 7:56 pm - Chan: if you can draw out your
12k I think thats around 9k usdt right? and thats a big
help for me to fix the remaining 12,344
05/04/2022, 7:56 pm - Chan: USDT
05/04/2022, 7:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will think
about it.
05/04/2022, 7:57 pm - +61 498 388 498: i cannot risk
anymore but i will think about it
05/04/2022, 7:58 pm - +61 498 388 498: 12k is all that i
have left.
05/04/2022, 7:58 pm - Chan: if you can draw out the
12k I will mange the remaing
05/04/2022, 7:58 pm - Chan: We are not doing any risk
tho, we are just literally going to pay the over trade
then we will withdraw immediately
05/04/2022, 7:58 pm - Chan: You can return it the same
day as well.
05/04/2022, 7:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: uhm if i do the
transfer this will have to go through bank
05/04/2022, 7:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: anyways im
going back to work now
05/04/2022, 7:59 pm - Chan: Yes, then can you convert
it to USDT?
05/04/2022, 8:00 pm - Chan: Okay okay, take your time.
05/04/2022, 8:00 pm - Chan: If you have time, can you
try to ask the cs as well. Once we manage the 36,344
usdt. Will be able to withdraw immediately?
05/04/2022, 9:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: 9,200 approx
05/04/2022, 9:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: also i still need
to sell my shares
05/04/2022, 9:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: it will take a
few days
05/04/2022, 9:11 pm - +61 498 388 498: have you asked
05/04/2022, 9:12 pm - +61 498 388 498: idk sophie but
depositing 36k to them is abit sus
05/04/2022, 9:15 pm - Chan: How many days would it
05/04/2022, 9:15 pm - Chan: Ehh why? There comes
your over thinking again 😅
05/04/2022, 9:16 pm - +61 498 388 498: becauseee i am
05/04/2022, 9:16 pm - Chan: Not yet, Can you ask
them? Sorry I was having my dinner
05/04/2022, 9:17 pm - Chan: No, nothing to be afraid off
okay? I'm here. We can do this together okay? We are a
team ❤️
05/04/2022, 10:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: you have to
ask them aswell..
05/04/2022, 10:26 pm - +61 498 388 498: Prove me
wrong and then i will reconsider
05/04/2022, 10:27 pm - +61 498 388 498: if we deposit
36k for the penalty does that mean we cannot withdraw
it back since we are paying them due to overtrading?
05/04/2022, 11:34 pm - Chan: Okay let me ask them
05/04/2022, 11:35 pm - Chan: Oh good, question. Do
you want me to ask that as well?
05/04/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: also how do
we pay them the overtrade penalty?
05/04/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: through
deposit aswell?
05/04/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: yes, i already
asked them but you also have to ask these questions not
just me.
05/04/2022, 11:40 pm - +61 498 388 498: You know that
if i transfer the 12k aud i will have nothing left. This is
why i am afraid doing this last step.
05/04/2022, 11:41 pm - +61 498 388 498: and if you are
right all along, i thank you for everything you have done.
05/04/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: I think so, but its better
before we deposit and pay the overtrade penalty. We
contact first the customer service so we make less
05/04/2022, 11:47 pm - Chan: I am about to message
them actually hahaha.
05/04/2022, 11:49 pm - Chan: I know, I understand
what you feel. But its the same way as me as well.
Thats why lets just finish this and try to start over
again. But less mistakes. I am beside you all along this
journey okay? We can do this together. We can make
05/04/2022, 11:49 pm - Chan: plussss you still have to
treat me mcdo 😤😤😤
05/04/2022, 11:53 pm - +61 498 388 498: i will hand
over the 12k next week.
05/04/2022, 11:54 pm - +61 498 388 498: i don't want
to have like 0 in my bank account
05/04/2022, 11:56 pm - +61 498 388 498: ahhh! these
mixed emotions
06/04/2022, 12:03 am - +61 498 388 498: So your plan is
to ask your relatives if you could borrow some money?
06/04/2022, 12:03 am - Chan: But if we can do it as fast
as possible then its much better. Because by tomorrow I
will try to talk with my relatives about this
06/04/2022, 12:03 am - Chan: If you can manage the
12k as soon as possible then probobly this week we can
already withdraw our balance.
06/04/2022, 12:04 am - Chan: Luckily by tomorrow.
06/04/2022, 12:06 am - +61 498 388 498: how certain
are you about this?
06/04/2022, 12:06 am - +61 498 388 498: selling the
stock takes days to process here
06/04/2022, 12:15 am - +61 498 388 498: Uhmmm i
might call you tomorrow.. just to make sure..
06/04/2022, 12:17 am - Chan: Okay
06/04/2022, 12:18 am - +61 498 388 498: i have already
placed a sell order
06/04/2022, 12:23 am - +61 498 388 498: Sophie after
all of this, if everything you said is true, idk if i can even
show myself to you
06/04/2022, 12:24 am - +61 498 388 498: I will talk to
you tomorrow, keep in touch. Have a goodnighttt.
06/04/2022, 12:27 am - Chan: don't be affraid
everything gonna be alright 😊
06/04/2022, 12:28 am - Chan: Okay goodnight ☺️❤️
06/04/2022, 11:23 am - +61 498 388 498: Heyy, i can
only provide 10,000 aud by april 8th my other stock is
still in trying to execute the order
06/04/2022, 5:28 pm - Chan: Hmm it's okay i guess i
already ask my relative
06/04/2022, 7:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: Wow, what did
your relatives say about this whole situation?
06/04/2022, 7:42 pm - +61 498 388 498: When we do
the process it'd be better if you withdraw yours first
06/04/2022, 9:13 pm - Chan: I think it's better if we
withdraw your first because your penalty is much lower
than mine
06/04/2022, 10:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: Hom much is
your penalty?
06/04/2022, 10:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: i just don't
want you to worry~
06/04/2022, 10:44 pm - Chan: It's okay don't worry
about me :) our priority is to withdraw your money
inside the platform then after that you need to help me
also to withdraw mine
06/04/2022, 10:55 pm - +61 498 388 498: Okayy you can
trust me on that but i still worry for you~
06/04/2022, 10:59 pm - +61 498 388 498: Soo April 8th
Friday is fine with you?
06/04/2022, 11:04 pm - Chan: Yahh it's fine just trust me
06/04/2022, 11:08 pm - +61 498 388 498: what is your
favourite mcdonalds meal
06/04/2022, 11:13 pm - +61 498 388 498: by the way
the 10k is aud not usd
06/04/2022, 11:37 pm - Chan: All time fave Big mac
06/04/2022, 11:37 pm - Chan: Okay that's equivalent of
7k usdt am i right?
06/04/2022, 11:38 pm - +61 498 388 498: Big mac to me
is super messy when you eat them hahaha
06/04/2022, 11:39 pm - +61 498 388 498: yeah i think
so, just searched it up it is 7.4-5k
06/04/2022, 11:57 pm - Chan: It's okay i will do my best
to help you
07/04/2022, 12:05 am - +61 498 388 498: you already
did since the beginning and i am grateful to you for all
your help
07/04/2022, 12:14 am - +61 498 388 498: Goodnight
Sophie ❤
07/04/2022, 12:19 am - Chan: Goodnight :) ❤️
07/04/2022, 12:24 pm - +61 498 388 498: Have you ever
attended a concert?
07/04/2022, 10:17 pm - Chan: Noo
07/04/2022, 10:18 pm - Chan: But i want to attend Black
pink concert hahaha
07/04/2022, 10:18 pm - Chan: How's your day?

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