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Surd postr Sve CH. % _¢ Non ty ollin gee—— —Conlaiallings function Gin he cleRined on Garapasii sian 0% —— —Aechioh Reacbimante. with jhe Planned pestfermence. - ih these “u _anye cliMerense. then finding: the Reasons for —Auch deviation and taking Connective measuser .——_____ ——TTioo_fispects_od_Gaokaalling=- lo, Stajegic Consol t= “Te siete _to checle howd CPfectivo the -—Staalegie’_and_the Plans ose because Sone tines desiation 1s the Renton ol Sucka Plows 9 aboiodegion eg. let Plan output 3 109 uk Sera) Oukpul 2 Loo usd —Ths_misnatch dua. to _underethmoation of Plan. Ub) Oferational Contwl 1 Tt Hefers to foeus on Monosissial and Othe} _achvities oF the. organisation: Th “ws an iniesinal cheek! 24 Manages and their ackivilies io the, o7ansahon 2 1 a ; sh ~ e ion an all athe_activities ‘in tne, oxganisation teKe Plate. according to Plan. ! —tvludging= accusacy of Standosids |= Tamush Stoalegic Canto —w2_n_enaily judge. Uhetnen the Standard or target seb ase —A.tusiate Gar _not- Standords axe, Revised Poon hee te hme ‘p_Maich them wilh enviromental changed. ; Scanned with CamScanner “iSpy Bakacane 2 Ae tana Bockon. esis —Goohnuously check doo activibes af, “omslayeas _So_tbet dhe} —, —Lo.n_Oebieve, the. Sook “Wh Wada, jo_inaprnve._ pester aida — ~ —* . \ . _S ImPwving_ employe Molivation = Bin_eftechve._Gaiol _Syalees -— ~ Communicates jhe_goals and akundasds of appraseh cere —— — Subsrrdunotts tiell ‘io Askvante: they alan Suides employ2es— do Cme out Foirs Yaoi prmblemge 6. Grlaolling helps “in ninisisinge the eanona.'- Small eno 34 toy nok be Setufoualy Oerd the organi sadian Bub if Ansse_SHSi01A one seperated again and agein will became a Somlous nanbte _dua tn Conbinuous mtoniterings and check monogen ries bo ___ detect those, extor on hes and take we reskia\ Step. She 2 . : __ orc nisahon - Ati) Measuring Perfmmanca, \= Aten setting: p ok Steindos __Postformane of tho. employers asa. measured Le bos mya _ aor done by the employers - nuntesticaily feoformante, th earls Scanned with CamScanner Ve _ tho feovhamanca tho. Manage% Gro atandsad 9 2 “laiith the. Plaoneal Reckomance ch ahese. “us. tyaden—e_boda—then ——§ _the_Conbaliingge Tinction ends nape only Bub + e _ peg Motehoorcleviation wen the, monagen rien to dnd oud tho, Ranson ot clematinn. and erntent ot deviation wins damiedion, _Adsuld be iganred bask: tae tnmely ocbun Fixe ayer chara ong = “Wop nalysinge-dewtatinns \~ Bl desdations nend_ask be tmusgss— tthe noha 2} tP Managomank. B cing? devielinw alsouldl he 28tebshsheat and only Corer beyond jhis ange Ahould be _ brought “the. Knowledge. uk bP level manngoment + dog boo, Thyuate be _citvishedl “In dow Coubggeries Ud) Cra! ticod Potok Gniol__li) mancyemant by entepHen.. - ly) Taine Constectve, measures on ( dre actuad Peotormanta. uit Planned fesfommants. “The _manosene will Gro “dp Knuw bout ne, dlaviaton Yu2 Plain ome ated feadomante: Tron next Step “to row Ha Heagyn Roa Guth devia ton. pay, von che vical Monsyera mst take, Yue “Grmechive rooasure’ only by Sincling” jh. Sook Cause ot. jbo. _clewrstinn dye ty _uemsove rok Cause. “vip Seedhasks 9 Gobslingy Pe Jing Comective. moosine vck “we preposed - 1 7as_to tok oh Stonsann — cuestei\|_Waetes Ine. fre deviowtions. ch Plows coe foe inefficiency Io _of_erganisation . Peonlback acts ak a . bose. to Sstabit estabitsl, tha, __ Standosid fone nerd_yerdt + desiiotion tay he Pasibive awd — ~ egedve—r Posi kve, Ach] oulpd- 120 t Planned": loo (aac) chal oukpd > Ro Planned’ \oo (or), Negatives s Scanned with CamScanner th Gnaiyatog dev inion Utae tote mo 9) Cibo Roint Gntro| [Te weans \eeping APoeua on aone. _ (gp CRS CKRHE) And TL thew. “Bony deviabios in these Key _ Views, than ik. must be attended wientle, . Wey asjeas axe ~ Hwse which have impact on whole oregemsacthion - %) Managenent by . Qacception \- “LE maang & Manaznr pho ties to Gnbel every. thing ma 2nd up Gnibsllis nothing. Ta Aevictons. chidn, ox Bren beyond tne S cite drange Bhould oly. bye handleal bby Ponojers. and tyinule or Mince dewedions Gn_be. Vgasved « pened Should not wosle time aed enegy in. Yndingy Solutions. “hor minow devishons 1othon he Should Goroodwode. on. aeroving. .. devissions bt. Scanned with CamScanner

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