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Diagnostic No. : 176155 Reg.

Date : 10-Sep-2022 01:08 PM

Patient Name : Mr. RAM SARAN Sample Collection : 10-Sep-2022 01:51 PM
Age/Sex : 64 YRS/Male Report Date : 10-Sep-2022 03:20 PM
MR No. : MR/19/006293 IPD No. :
Referred By : Dr. VIVEK SABHARWAL LabNo. : 176155
Reported By : Mr. Saurabh Kumar Approval Time : 10-Sep-2022 03:00 PM

Test Name Status Result Reference Range Unit
(Electrical Impedance)
HB 14.4 13.0-17.0 gm/dl
TLC 5,900 4,000-11,000 /cumm
NEUTROPHILS 60 45-70 %
LYMPHOCYTE 34 20-40 %
MONOCYTE 04 2-10 %
BASOPHIL 00 0-1 %
PLATELET COUNT L 91 150-450 10^3/cumm
RBC COUNT 4.72 4.0-5.5 million
HCT 44.0 40-50 %
MCV 93.2 82-102 fl
MCH 30.4 27-33 picogram
MCHC 32.6 31.5-34.5 g/dl
RDW 13.2 11.5-14.5 %
CRP 3.47 0-6 mg/L

10/09/2022 7:44:42 PM Printed By : Online User

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Diagnostic No. : 176155 Reg. Date : 10-Sep-2022 01:08 PM
Patient Name : Mr. RAM SARAN Sample Collection : 10-Sep-2022 01:51 PM
Age/Sex : 64 YRS/Male Report Date : 10-Sep-2022 03:20 PM
MR No. : MR/19/006293 IPD No. :
Referred By : Dr. VIVEK SABHARWAL LabNo. : 176155
Reported By : Mr. Saurabh Kumar Approval Time : 10-Sep-2022 03:00 PM

CRP is an acute phase reactant which is used in inflammatory disorders for monitoring course and effect of therapy. It is
most useful as an indicator of activity in Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatic fever, tissue injury or necrosis and infections. As
compared to ESR, CRP shows an earlier rise in inflammatory disorders which begins in 4-6 hrs, the intensity of the rise
being higher than ESR and the recovery being earlier than ESR. Unlike ESR, CRP levels are not influenced by
hematologic conditions like Anemia, Polycythemia etc.,
Volume 15 - ml
Colour YELLOW -
Appearance CLEAR -
urine Protein NIL -
Glucose. NIL -
pH 5.5 5.0-8.5
Specific Gravity 1.010 1.005-1.030
Pus Cells 2-3 2-3 /hpf
RBCs NIL - /hpf
Epithelial Cells 1-2 4-5 /hpf
Casts NIL - /hpf
Bacteria NIL -
Crystals NIL - /hpf
OTHER NIL - /hpf
TSH 3.17 0.350-5.50 ulU/ml
Test Description:-

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Diagnostic No. : 176155 Reg. Date : 10-Sep-2022 01:08 PM
Patient Name : Mr. RAM SARAN Sample Collection : 10-Sep-2022 01:51 PM
Age/Sex : 64 YRS/Male Report Date : 10-Sep-2022 03:20 PM
MR No. : MR/19/006293 IPD No. :
Referred By : Dr. VIVEK SABHARWAL LabNo. : 176155
Reported By : Mr. Saurabh Kumar Approval Time : 10-Sep-2022 03:00 PM

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is produced by the pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) to regulate the amounts
of thyroid hormones in blood and help control the rate at which the body uses energy. Third generation TSH refers to the
laboratory test that measures the amount of TSH in blood even at very low concentrations.
Doctors use third generation TSH testing to screen for thyroid disordrs and monitor TSH levels in those using thyroid
Doctors may also use the test to diagnose and monitor infertility problems in females.
HBA1C H 6.4 4.0-5.7 % (Non-

Interpretation: As per American Diabetes Association.

Refrence Group HbA1c in %
Non-Diabetic adults > 18 Years <5.7
At Risk (Pre-diabetes) 5.7-6.4
Diagnosing Diabetes > 6.5
Age > 19 Years
* Goal of therapy : < 7.0
* Action suggested : > 8.0
Therapeutic goals for glycemic control.
Age < 19 Years
* Goal of therapy : < 7.5
Note :- 1. Since HbA1c reflects long term functions in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who is recently under good control may still have a high concentration of
HbA1c. Converse is true for a diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled.
2. Target goals of < 7.0% may be beneficial in patients with short duration of diabetes, long life expectancy & no significant cardiovascular disease. In patients with significant
complications of diabetes, limited life expectancy for extensive co-morbid conditions, targetting a goals of < 7.0% may not be appropriate.
Comments :- HbA1c provides an index of average blood glucose levels over the past 8-12 weeks and is a much better indicator of long term glycemic control as compared to blood
& urinary glucose determination.


BLOOD UREA 24.9 18-55 mg/dl
SERUM CREATININE 0.72 0.6-1.3 mg/dl

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Diagnostic No. : 176155 Reg. Date : 10-Sep-2022 01:08 PM
Patient Name : Mr. RAM SARAN Sample Collection : 10-Sep-2022 01:51 PM
Age/Sex : 64 YRS/Male Report Date : 10-Sep-2022 03:20 PM
MR No. : MR/19/006293 IPD No. :
Referred By : Dr. VIVEK SABHARWAL LabNo. : 176155
Reported By : Mr. Saurabh Kumar Approval Time : 10-Sep-2022 03:00 PM

URIC ACID 3.7 3.5-7.2 mg/dl

Bilirubin Total 1.23 0.0-2.0 mg/dl
Bilirubin Direct 0.34 0.0-0.40 mg/dl
Bilirubin InDirect H 0.89 0.2-0.8 mg/dl
SGOT (AST) H 38 0.0-35 U/L
SGPT (ALT) 43.4 00-45 U/L
Alkaline Phosphatase 116 56-119 U/L
Total Protein 6.59 6.4-8.3 g/dl
Albumin 4.22 3.2-4.6 g/dl
Globulin 2.37 2.0-5.0 g/dl
A/G Ratio 1.78 0.8-2.0 %
Serum Cholesterol H 272 00-200 mg/dl
S.Triglycerides H 174.8 0-161 mg/dl


S.HDL Cholesterol(Direct Method) 49.6 42.0-88.0 mg/dl


S.LDL Cholesterol H 187.44 0-150 mg/dl

VLDL Cholesterol 34.96 0-50 mg/dl
TOTAL/HDL Cholesterol Ratio H 5.48 0-4.97 mg/dl

10/09/2022 7:44:42 PM Printed By : Online User

Page 4 of 5
Diagnostic No. : 176155 Reg. Date : 10-Sep-2022 01:08 PM
Patient Name : Mr. RAM SARAN Sample Collection : 10-Sep-2022 01:51 PM
Age/Sex : 64 YRS/Male Report Date : 10-Sep-2022 03:20 PM
MR No. : MR/19/006293 IPD No. :
Referred By : Dr. VIVEK SABHARWAL LabNo. : 176155
Reported By : Mr. Saurabh Kumar Approval Time : 10-Sep-2022 03:00 PM

Lipid Profile
Based on total cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol and total cholesterol/HDL- cholesterol ratio, patients may be divided into
the three risk categories:-
Acceptable/Low Risk <200 mg/dL <130 mg/dL <4.5
Borderline High Risk 200-239 mg/dL 130-159 mg/dL 4.5-6.0
High Risk >240 mg/dL >160 mg/dL >6.0


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