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TOPIC- OHM’s law

Q.1 What are ohmic and non ohmic conductors?
Ans Ohmic .Conductors for which I_V graph is a straight line and non- ohmic for
which I_V is not straight line.
Q.2 Explain the effect of temperature on resistance in metals.
Ans. It will increase.
Q.3 Why the unknown resistance not be too low?
Ans.low resistance will make the large current to flow which can damage the
Q.4 Why is large current not allowed to pass through the conductor during the
Ans. If a large current will flow through the conductor, it becomes hot and its
resistance increases.
Q.5 Why is the resistance wire doubled on itself before it is wound on
Ans. To avoid induction effects.
Q.6 Why should the material used for making resistance have high resistivity?
Ans-so that the length of wire used for making resistance may be small.
Q.7 Name suitable materials used in laboratry for making resistances.
Ans.Manganin and constantan .
Q.8 What is an ammeter? Why is it always connected in serious?
Ans. An ammeter is a shunted galvanometer and has a very low resistance . It is
connected in series to measure the current without any change in magnitude.
Q.9 What is rheostat?
Ans. Device used for increasing and decreasing current in an electric circuit. It
introduces variable resistancein circuit.
Q.10 What is drift velocity?
Ans. Average velocity acquired by free electrons on application of applied field .
value =10-3 to 10-5m/s.
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Topic – Meter bridge
Q.1 What is the application of meter bridge?
Ans.used for determining the value of a given resistance
Q.2 Why is a meter bridge called slide wire bridge?
Ans Because jockey is made to slide on the wire of the meter bridge.
Q.3 Explain the principle of meter bridge.
Ans. It is based on wheatstone bridge principle . According to it, this bridge will be balanced
when P/Q=R/S.
Q.4 Why is meter bridge method better than ohm’s law?
Ans this methos is null method and more accurate.
Q.5 What do you mean by specific resistance or resistivity?
Ans it is equal to th conductor having unit length and unit cross-sectional area. Unit= ohm-m
Q.6 Why should the jockey not pressed hard against the wire of the meter bridge?
Ans. It may change the uniformity of the wire by producing kinks in it.
Q.7 Can you measure a resistance of the order 0.1ohm using meter bridge? Why?
Ans.No, this resistance is of the order of resistances of the connecting wires or end resistances.
This causes a lot of uncertainity in the measurement.
Q,8 Why should current be passed through the circuit only when observations are to be taken?
Ans. Because it causes heat in the resistance wire if it flows for along time and brings change in
its value .
Q.9 How does the null point affected when position of battery and galvanometer are
Ans. No change .
Q.10 Why are thick copper wires are used in meter bridge?
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Topic – Potentiometer
Q.1 What is primary cell ?
Ans.A cell which can not be recharged
Q.2 What is emf ? What is the difference between emf and terminal potential difference?
Ans. Emf of the cell is the pot.difference across the terminals of the cell when cell is in open
circuit and vice versa for terminal potential means cell will be closed.
Q.3 what is the value of emf for leclanche cell and Daniel cell?
Ans. For leclanche =1.5V and Daniel cell = 1.1V.
Q.4What kind of wire should we use in potentiometer?
Ans .i) high resistivity ii) low temp. coefficient of resistance iii)uniform area of cross -section
Q.5 Does the position of balance point means no current through the wire?
Ans. No. it does not mean no current .At null point, the potential diff across balancing length of
potentiometer wire is equal and opposite to the emf of the cell.
Q.6 Can you measure emf of a cell using a voltmeter?
Ans- no, if we do , it will draw some current.
Q.7 Why is a potentiometer with large number of wires is better than that having small number
of wires?
Ans . Potential gradient decreases with increase in length . it brings more accuracy in
Q.8 What do you understand by sensitivity a potentiomter ?
Ans.means smallest pot. Difference that can be measured.
Q.9 can we use copper as a potentiometer wire?
Ans. No. it has low resistance. Practically , no pot. Difference.
Q.10 What is internal resistance?
Ans .The resistance offered by the electrolyte to the flow of ions through it .
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Topic- Sonometer
Q.1 Why is sonometer so called?
Ans.because it is used for measuring frequency of ac mains and tuning fork.
Q.2 What is resonance?
Ans .the phenomenon of vibrating abody with help of a periodic force having frequency equal to
natural frequency of vibration of the body is called resonance. the amplitude of vibrations is very large
at resonance
Q.3 write the expression for frequency of vibration of sonometer wire vibrating in one segment.
Ans.n= 1/2L√ T /m
Q.4 Is it necessary that the wire is made up of iron? Can we use brass wire?
Ans.need not to be of iron . it can be of some other magnetic material .
Q.5 Where do you place electromagnet for obtaining resonance?
Ans. Placed at the middle of the portion intercepted between the knife edges.
Q.6 What kind of waves are produced in sonometer?
Ans. Transverse stationary waves are produced .
Q.7 How is frequency of vibration of the sonometer wire and frequency of the ac mains are related?
Ans. The frequency of sonometer is double of the ac mains.
Q..8 Why is hollow wooden box used in sonometer?
Ans. To increase the intensity of sound
Q.9 What is the function of bridges of knige edges placed under the wire?
Ans. The bridges of knife edges reflect the transverse waves to produce the stationary waves in the wire.
Q,10 Why is paper rider used in sonometer?
Ans. Helps in finding the position of maximum amplitude or resonance position.
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Topic - Optics (lens )
Q.1 What is a lens?
Ans. A piece of transparent medium ( glass) bounded by curved surfaces or one curved and one plane
Q.2 A portion of the lens is broken,will it form a complete image of an object?
Ans. Yes it will obtain but intensity will be reduced.
Q.3 What is difference between focus and principal focus?
Ans. Focus is a point in the focal plane of a lens where a parallel beam of light ( not parallel to the
principle axis ) converges actually or appears to diverge
Principle focus – special case of focus when the incident beam is parallel to the principal axis.
Q.4 Can a convergent lens behave a divergent lens?
Ans.yes , when it is placed in optical denser medium .
Q..5 On what factors does the focal length of a lens depend?
Ans. Material of lens , medium surrounding the lens and radii curvature.
Q.6 When two lenses of power P1 and P2 are put in contact with each other, what is the power of
Ans. P1+P2.
Q..7 WHAT is chromatic aberration?
Ans. The inability of a lens to focus all the colours to a single point on the principal axis is known as
chromatic aberration.
Q.8 Which phenomenon Takes PLACE when light passes through lens?
Ans. Refraction.
Viva voce
Topic -Optics

Q.1 What should be minimum separation between the object needle and image needle so that a real
image may be obtained using convex lens of focal length f ?
Ans.should be 4f.
Q.2 What are practical uses of lens ?
Ans. Used in microscopes, telescopes , spectacles , binoculars etc.
Q,3 What is radii of curvature of plane surface in case of plano –concave lens?
Ans infinity.
Q.4 Does power of lens change when it is immersed in water?
Ans. Yes, it will decrease.
Q.5 What is aperature ?
Ans. The effective diameter of the light transmitting portion of the lens is known as aperture.
Q.6 Does the brightness of aperture depends upon aperture?
Ans. Yes, Brightness is directly proportional to the square of aperture of the lens.
Q.7 What is spherical aberration?
Ans.The inability of a spherical mirror of large aperture to focus the paraxial rays and marginal rays to
the same point on the principal axis is known as aspherical aberration.
Q.8 which mirror is used in search light?
Ans. Parabollic mirror.
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Viva voce
Topic- Semiconductors
Q.1 On the basis of energy band picture, how will you distinguish between metals , semiconductors
and insulators?
Ans. There is overlapping of V.B and C.B in metals
Small separation between V.B and C.B in semiconductors.
Large separation between V.B and C.B

Q.2 What is the meaning of negative temperature coefficient of resistance?

Ans. Means resistance decresases with rise in temperature.
Q.3 What are the values of forbidden gap for Germanium and silicon at room temperature (300K)?
Ans. For Ge it is 0.72 and for Si =1.1eV.
Q.4 What is the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor at zero kelvin?
Ans. It will behave like insulator.
Q.5 What is doping?
Ans. Addition of foreign atoms in small amountand in controlled manner to a semiconductor called
Q.7 Name the dopant atom used in silicon to make it n-type and p-type silicon.
Ans. Phosphorous atoms( pentavalent) to make n-type and Boron(trivalent) make it p-type
Q.8 What is the ideal resistance of an ideal diode in forward and reverse bias?
Ans. Zero for forward and infinity for reversebias
Q.9 Does it obey ohm’s law?
Q.10 What is knee voltage?
Ans.The value of voltage at which current shows sudden rise .
Viva voce
Topic – Travelling microscope
Q.1 Which of the two lenses,objective or eyepiece, has smaller focal length ?
Ans. Objective has smaller focal length.
Q.2 What kind of lenses are used in travelling microscope?
Ans. Achromatic converging lenses.
Q.3 What is the cause of refraction?
Ans. Change in optical density brings change in velocity.
Q.4 What is the function of Rack and Pinion Arangement in Travelling microscope?
Ans. This converts rotatory motion of the screw to translatory motion of th microscope tube.
Focusing of microscope is done in this way.
Q.5 state the factors on which refractive index of a material depends.
Ans. Nature of material and surrounding and wavelength of light.
Q.6 write the formula for refractive index in travelling microscope.
Ans.n= real depth / apparent depth.
Q.7 What is the apparent depth when an object in denser medium and viewed from optically rarer
Ans.Apparent depth is less than real depth
Q.8What is the apparent height when an object placed in rarer medium is viewed from denser
Ans. Apparent height of object will be more than its actual height.
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Topic – Prism
Q.1 What is prism equation?
Ans. The angle between the refracting faces of a prism is known as angle of prism and is
represented by A.
Q.2 What is meant by angle of minimum deviation?
Ans . When angle of incidence is increased , the angle of deviation decreases till a stage is
reached when it attains minimum value of it.after it , there is increament in angle of deviation.
Q.3 What is dispersion of light?
Ans.splitting of white light into its constituents colours on passing through a prism .
Q.4 Is the angle of minimum deviation depends upon the colour of light ?
Ans. Yes , it depends . maximum for red and minimum for violet.
Q.5 Define angle of deviation .
Ans. Angle between incident ray and emergent ray.
Q.6 Difference between angle of deviation and lateral displacement.
Ans . angle of deviation between incident ray and emergent ray in prism and lateral
displacement in case of glass.
Q.7 what is the cause of dispersion ?
Ans. Different colours pass through different speeds.
Q.8 Does hollow prism show deviation ?
Ans.No because no change in medium.
Q.9 what is the angle of prism ?
Ans angle between refracting faces
Q.10 What are the minimum and maximum values of angles of deviation produced by a glass
prism of refractive index 1.5?
Ans. About 38 and 58respectively.

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