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Department of Occupational therapy

Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI)

3rd year B. Sc in Occupational Therapy
Subject: OT 301 Psychosocial and Psychiatric Occupational Therapy

According to Holfmann et al.,2010, Mindfulness is a state of being aware of one’s sensation,
thoughts, bodily states, consciousness, and the environment, while also being accepting, open,
and curious. (Cara and MacRane 2013)
It is a meditation-based practice whose aim is to increase one’s sense of being in the present.
Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and

Basic Principle’s
There are 7 principles of mindfulness. And they are given bellow:
1. Non-judging
2. Beginner’s mind
3. Non striving
4. Acceptance
5. Patience
6. Trust
7. Letting go

Mindfulness is practiced in mental health disorders

 Schizophrenia or other psychotic illness
 Anxiety disorder
 Depression
 Phobias
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Eating disorder
 Evidence based treatment for borderline personality disorder

Importance/ Benefit
Almost everyone can benefit from incorporating the techniques and philosophies of mindfulness
into their lives.
 Being present focused
 Boost the good feelings
 Reduce stress reactivation

Abdullah Al Mamun Rafi/OT 301 Psychosocial and Psychiatric OT/3 year OT
Department of Occupational therapy
Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI)
3rd year B. Sc in Occupational Therapy
Subject: OT 301 Psychosocial and Psychiatric Occupational Therapy
 Increase mental vigor

Mindful Eating
Chocolate exercise.
 Take a couple of deep breaths. Just to allow the body and mind to settle a bit and to be
present with this activity.
 Take a moment to appreciate this piece of chocolate. Where has it come from? What’s in
it, try an imagine the different ingredients in their natural growing environment.
 Before you begin to eat it, take pause, to notice if there is any feeling of importance of
impulsively wanting to eat it as quickly as possible.
 Slowly unwrap the piece of chocolate and the take a good minute or so to explore it with
your eyes, nose and hands. Look at it closely, smell it carefully and then touch it to see
how it feels.
 Take a small bite, try and resist chewing the chocolate. Notice how it feels in the mouth
the temperature and the texture. I see sweet, bitter, creamy. Allow the chocolate to melt
in mouth by moving it around with


Cara, E. and A. MacRane (2013). Psychosocial Occupational Therapy AN EVOLVING PRACTICE

Abdullah Al Mamun Rafi/OT 301 Psychosocial and Psychiatric OT/3 year OT

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