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Optics Communications 270 (2007) 100–101

Comment on ‘‘Multiparty secret sharing of quantum information

via cavity QED’’
a,b a,b,*
Ying-Qiao Zhang , Shou Zhang
Center for the Condensed-Matter Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, People’s Republic of China
Department of Physics, College of Science, Yanbian University, Yanji, Jilin 133002, People’s Republic of China

Received 7 March 2006; received in revised form 7 April 2006; accepted 19 June 2006


In a recent paper [Z.J. Zhang, Opt. Commun. 261 (2006) 199], a scheme on secret sharing of quantum information in cavity QED has
been discussed. The author claims that he has improved the success probability of teleportation from 6.25% in our original paper [Y.Q.
Zhang, X.R. Jin, S. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 341 (2005) 380] to 100%. However, in this comment, we show that it is not the case and the
author has mistakenly understood our original paper [Y.Q. Zhang, X.R. Jin, S. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 341 (2005) 380].
Ó 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 03.67.Dd; 03.65.Ud

Keywords: Secret sharing; Cavity QED

Recently, Zhang [2] has discussed a scheme on multi- jgegei1235,jggeei1235,jgggei1235,jggegi1235,jgeggi1235,jegggi1235,

party secret sharing of quantum information in cavity jggggi1235) to show how the quantum information is
QED. In his paper, he revisits our original paper [1] and transferred from Alice to Bob and Charlie, which does
claims two disadvantages in our original paper. The first not mean that we have not considered or have negated
one is the decoherence effect, as the author has mentioned, the other fifteen measurement results. The probability of
which can be avoided by securely distributing all the atoms Alice obtaining the measurement result jeeeei1235 from
among Alice, Bob and Charlie in advance. The second one the above sixteen measurement results is 6.25%, but the
is that the author claims that he has improved the success total success probability of our original scheme [1] is
probability of teleportation from 6.25% in our original 100%. The similar case happens for enumerating the mea-
paper [1] to 100% by considering Alice’s other measure- surement results on atom 4 in our original scheme.
ment outcomes. However this argument is inaccurate. In According to the Eq. (9) in our original scheme [1], if Alice
our original paper, for the sake of simplifying the problem assigns Charlie to recover the quantum state, then Bob
and making the process easy to understand, we only needs to measure on atom 4 in the X-basis. For Bob,
enumerate one of the sixteen measurement results on there are two measurement results p1ffiffi2 ðjei4 þ jgi4 Þ and
atoms 1, 2, 3 and 5 (namely, jeeeei1235,jeeegi1235,jeegei1235, p1ffiffi ðjei  jgi Þ.
2 4 4
jegeei1235,jgeeei1235,jeeggi1235,jegegi1235,jeggei1235,jgeegi1235, If Bob’s measurement result is
jwi4 ¼ pffiffiffi ðjei4 þ jgi4 Þ; ð1Þ
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Physics, College of 2
Science, Yanbian University, Yanji, Jilin 133002, People’s Republic of
China. Tel./fax: +86 4332732596. the state of atom 6 is
E-mail addresses: (Y.-Q. Zhang), szhang@ (S. Zhang).
jwi6 ¼ ajei6  bjgi6 : ð2Þ

0030-4018/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.-Q. Zhang, S. Zhang / Optics Communications 270 (2007) 100–101 101

So Charlie can recover the unknown state by performing essary to enumerate all the measurement results one by
the rotation operation rz on atom 6 one. The similar method on disposal of the measurement
rz jwi6 ¼ ajei6 þ bjgi6 : ð3Þ results has been used in our another paper [3].
In a word, in our original scheme [1], the success prob-
Obviously, if Bob’s measurement result is ability is not 6.25% but 100%. As we have seen from
1 Zhang’s paper [2], the author has not changed the success
jwi4 ¼ pffiffiffi ðjei4  jgi4 Þ; ð4Þ probability of our original paper by using a new idea or
method but mistakenly understood our original scheme [1].
Charlie can obtain ajei6 + bjgi6 by performing a operation
I on atom 6. This process is obvious and easy to under-
stand. So we only enumerate one of the two measurement
results on atom 4 (namely, p1ffiffi2 ðjei4 þ jgi4 Þ and p1ffiffi2 ðjei4  [1] Y.Q. Zhang, X.R. Jin, S. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 341 (2005) 380.
jgi4 Þ) to explain the process of information recovery. In [2] Z.J. Zhang, Opt. Commun. 261 (2006) 199.
our writing style, for the sake of simplification, it is unnec- [3] Y.Q. Zhang, X.R. Jin, S. Zhang, Chin. Phys. 14 (2005) 1732.

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