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Instruction: using the documents above you will have to answer the questions below:

- What kind of maps do you have? Refer to the map vocabulary

- Describe the distribution of American 2016 vote. How can you explain it?
- Describe the observable inequalities and explain them as well.
- What are the consequences of such a vote on American society?
1. This map is : a physical, population, and political map and a map about the colours with a key
legend  the darker the red is, the higher the unemployment rate is.

After all, Trump was a totally unconventional candidate who broke all the rules and did things that
would have destroyed anyone else running for president. So why did he break through? We selected a
few criterias concerning the percentage of votes according to sex, race, age, education, residence and
religion : what we noticed :
-More male voted for Trump than females (53%)
-A big majority of black people voted for Clinton (88%)
-More young people voted for Clinton than old people
-We can see that white people who don’t own a college degree mainly voted Trump, and nonwhite
graduated students mainly voted Clinton.
-people living in big cities mainly voted for Clinton, in opposition with people living in a small city.
-More Christians voted Trump than Jewish people for example.
-LGBT people mainly voted for Clinton
White non-Hispanic voters preferred Trump over Clinton by 21 percentage points (58% to 37%),
according to the exit poll conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Donald
Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep
divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous
elections, according to an analysis of national exit poll data and to the rates we used.
Why did Trump win ? Here's the answer:
America is now divided along four lines, each one reinforcing the others. Call them the four
- The first is capitalism. As the economy grew, so did middle class employment and wages.
But over the last few decades that link has been broken. The economy now enriches mostly
those with education, training, and capital. The other Americans have been left behind.
- The second divide is about culture. In recent decades, we've seen large scale immigration;
African-Americans and Hispanics rising to a more central place in society; and gays being
accorded equal rights. All of this has meant new cultures and narratives have received national
-The third divide in America today is about class. The Trump vote is in large part an act of
class rebellion, a working class revolt against know-it-all elites who run the country.
-The final C in this story is communication. Indeed, today the majority of the population has
access to Internet, can interact in political debates and express their opinion so we are more

These votes are illustrating the inequalities in the USA : Protestant and Catholic are the main
religions which are presents in the D.Trump votes. There is a large diversity in the votes for H.Clinton.
Because of unemployment, racism, homophobia, people chose extremist political party, that have
ideas that go against strangers, homosexuals… as an example we can talk about the protective fence
built along the frontiere between USA and Mexico, to prevent Mexican people from coming in the
United states.

-environmental: Trump has cancelled Barack Obama’s environmental legacy, most obviously by
announcing that America would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. We can add that he
allowed polar bear hunting again, which is something very dangerous for the safety of certain species.
-social: Since the election of Donald Trump, the unemployment rate is lower, the lowest since 10years.
American factories created more than 1.7 million jobs and wages increased by 2.9%. But as the
document below shows the unemployment rate is different from a state to an other, because standards
of living are extremely different. And the population is unevenly distributed. For example the center of
America corresponds to the Great Plains and is dedicated to agriculture and not population.
And, here inequalities between social classes increased, of racism against black community and
immigrants developed  people fear for their safety. That leads to the growth gun ownership which
is very controversial today. We wanted to talk about the speech of Emma Gonzales who denounces
gun violence and the shooting which killed 17 people in her school.
-economic: Trump wants to stick to an isolationist policy and only care about American economy. For
example, he wants to add taxes on steel and aluminum, which can be pretty dangerous for the global
Economic inequalities between rich and poor: a part of the population is located in the center of big
cities, where we can find the central business districts, and another part of the population is located in
ghettos, where the living standards are lower.

-political: among many other decision, trump chose to restrict the entry in the American territory, for
immigrants as well as tourists, to avoid illegal immigration.

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