Export Harris

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Using the Avid® Interplay™ Export to Harris


This document provides information on how to use the Avid Interplay Export to Harris
service. The Quick Start section lists the required steps to send a sequence for Harris
playback using an AirSpeed®. The remaining sections provide more detailed information
about this process.

Quick Start - Sending a Sequence for Harris Playback Using an AirSpeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installing and Starting the Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using the Service within the Avid Editing Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Defining Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Transferring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Exporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sequence Segments Ready for Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Avid Interplay Export to Harris Service – Technical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Technical Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Accessing Online Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Quick Start - Sending a Sequence for Harris
Playback Using an AirSpeed
Preparing the Sequence
• The first frame of the Sequence must have Audio or Video media and not just filler.
• Assign a Tape ID for the Sequence.

Placing Segment Locators

• If the entire Sequence is to be the Single Segment being sent, no Locators are needed.
• If the Single Segment being sent is not the entire Sequence, or there are multiple
Segments in the Sequence, then create a start and end Locator pair for each Segment.
• To create the Locator pair, select the Locator Comment text from these four keywords:
- For the start Locator, use either “Start” or “Begin” followed by a Segment number.
- For the end Locator, use either “End” or “Stop” followed by the same Segment
For example, for Segment 1 - “Start 1” and “End 1” or for Segment 7 – “Begin 7” and
“Stop 7”.
• For each Segment in the Sequence that you want to export to the Harris System, do the
- Segment numbering must start with 1 and includes every consecutive number up
through the highest number used.
- Each Segment must have a unique number (no duplicate numbers).
- The Segment numbering does not have to follow any order in the Sequence
• Additional Segment Locator rules:
- Use only the Video Tracks.
- There may be no other Locators at the same TC on any Track; Audio or Video.
- Segments cannot overlap.
- Locators can be used for other purposes. Therefore, you should avoid starting the
Locator Comment text with the four keywords used by Export To Harris.


Send To Playback
Before using Avid Interplay Export To Harris, transfer the Sequence media to an AirSpeed
using the Send To Playback command. This step renders all Sequence effects and is a
required step before using Avid Interplay Export To Harris.

Avid Interplay Export To Harris

From the Avid editing application, verify the Interplay Media Services Engine is connected.
(Media Services Settings dialog box – Select “Media Services are available”.)

To export a sequence using the Avid Interplay Export to Harris service:

t Select File > Media Services > Avid Interplay Export To Harris Service > profile.

Where profile is a profile created using the Interplay Media Services and Transfer Status
tool. For information on setting up profiles, see “Creating a Profile” on page 10, and the Avid
Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.

n Repeated exports overwrite the previous exported data.

The Sequence Segments are now ready to be scheduled and sent to air on cue by the Harris
Automation System from the Avid AirSpeed.

The Avid Interplay Export to Harris service is a Media Service Engine service that allows
Avid Sequence metadata to be sent to a Harris Automation System indicating Segments of
the Sequence for programmable playback. The data sent allows the Harris Air Client Playlist
to play on cue the Sequence media sent to AirSpeed with the Send To Playback Transfer

When an Avid Sequence is exported with the Export to Harris service, a Spot is created or
updated in the Harris database. The Spot can be either a Single-Segment or a Multi-Segment
Spot. The data sent includes Sequence name, Tape ID, and, for each Segment, the start time,
duration, and an identifying number.

Prior to export, Segments are defined in an Avid Sequence by adding a matching pairs of
Segment ‘start’ and ‘end’ Locators to the Sequence timeline. Segment ‘start’ and ‘end’
Locators are standard Locators with comment text specific to the Export To Harris
operation. When exported, the service inspects all the Locators and identifies those that
indicate the start and end of Segments. The Sequence might include any number of Locators
used for other purposes. The service simply ignores those Locators that it does not identify
as Segment Locators.
Installing and Starting the Service
The Avid Interplay Export to Harris service is installed and started the same as other Media
Service service. For Export to Harris installation, see the Export To Harris folder at the top
level of the Avid Interplay Installer DVD. For details on Avid Interplay Media Services
Engine, see Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.

There are 8 properties that must be set the first time the Avid Interplay Export to Harris
service is installed and used. For more information, see “Configuring Provider Settings” on
page 10.

Using the Service within the Avid Editing

1. Verify the Media Services Engine is connected in the Avid editing application:
a. In the Avid editing application, double-click Media Services on the Settings tab of
the Project window.

n The Settings tab might display DMS instead of Media Services.

b. Select “Media Services are available”.

For more details about the Media Services Settings dialog box, see the Avid Interplay
Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.
2. Set Locators to define the Sequence Segments. See “Defining Segments” on page 5.
3. Transfer the Sequence media to AirSpeed using the Interplay Transfer function, Send To
Playback. The Sequence is given a Tape ID. See “Transferring” on page 7.
4. Export the Sequence’s Segment data, by doing one of the following:
t Select File > Media Services > Avid Interplay Export To Harris Service > profile.
t Right-click the sequence and select Media Services > Avid Interplay Export To
Harris Service > profile.
Where profile is a profile created using the Interplay Media Services and Transfer Status
tool. For information on setting up profiles, see “Creating a Profile” on page 10 and the
Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.

Defining Segments

Defining Segments
A segment is defined by placing a start Locator on the first frame and an end Locator on the
last frame of each segment. These start and end Locators are recognized by specific start or
end keywords followed by a unique segment number in the comment text of the Locator.

A sequence sent with just one pair of valid start and end segment Locators creates a
Single-Segment Spot in the Harris database. A sequence sent with several pairs of valid start
and end segment Locators creates a Multi-Segment Spot in the Harris database.
Additionally, a sequence sent with no segment Locators creates a Single-Segment Spot that
contains the entire Sequence media.

The designated Segments must be exclusive portions of the Sequence Timeline (no
overlapping Segments). The next Segment’s start Locator must be placed after the previous
Segment’s end Locator, and so forth.

Segment Locator Text Rules

• The Locator comment text must begin with a valid start or end keyword and have a
Segment number.
- The only options for a start keyword are: “start” or “begin”
- The only options for an end keyword are: “end” or “stop”
- The start and end keywords must be followed by an identifying number (the
Segment number).
• Segment numbering
- The start and end Locators of a segment must have the same unique number.
- The assigned Segment number must be a positive integer that is equal to or greater
than 1 (one).
- For Multi-Segment Spots, the numbering must include 1 and every number in
between 1 and the highest number used. (There can be no jumps and no repeats in
the Segment numbering.)
Therefore, for a Single-Segment Spot, its only pair of Segment Locators must use
the number 1, and for Multi-Segment Spots, any jumps in numbering will result in
incomplete Exports To Harris and failures accessing the AirSpeed media sent.
• As long as the above is adhered to, the numbered Segments need not be in any specific
order along the Sequence Timeline.
For example, a Multi-Segment Spot might have a set of 10 Segments ordered in the
Timeline as follows: 9, 8, 3, 1, 4, 10, 2, 5, 7, 6.
In the Harris System, the Segments are listed in order by the Segment number.

• Spaces and leading 0’s are allowed between the keyword and the Segment number.
For example, “start1”, “start 1”, “start01”, “start001”, and “start 01” are all valid.
Any other characters between the keyword and Segment number invalidate it.
For example, “start:1”, “start#1”, “start_1” are not valid and will not be identified as a
Segment Locator.
In general, keyword text is not case sensitive.
• The keyword and Segment number can be followed by additional text. This trailing text
is ignored by the Export To Harris service and does not invalidate the Segment Locator.
For example, “start4 PSA#2”, “start 4 PSA#2”, “start 4 PSA #2”, and “start04 - PSA#2”
are all valid syntax for the start Locator of Segment 4.

Additional Sequence Preparation Rules

• Segment Locators must be placed only within the Video Tracks, because an export to
Media Services Engine might trigger an Audio Mixdown, which would lose any
Locators placed in the Audio Tracks.
• There can be no other Locators at the same TC as a Segment Locators on any audio or
video Track. This would result in that specific Segment’s start or end Locator missing
from the data exported to Media Services Engine.
• Other than the previous rule, Locators can be used anywhere in the Timeline for other
purposes as usual, simply avoiding the four specific keywords at the beginning of their
Locator text used by the Export To Harris service. Any Locator without the syntax noted
above for defining a Segment is ignored by the Avid Interplay Export To Harris service.
• The head frame of each Sequence sent must have Media and not Filler.
Whether Color Bars or Slate or a single frame of audio or video media to serve the
purpose or the actual start of program material, there must be some Media and not just
Filler at the head of any Sequence exported to Harris and AirSpeed. Otherwise, the
AirSpeed media will be offset from the proper TC for correct playback by the Harris
Automation System by the duration of the Filler at the head of the Sequence.

Syntax Errors
The service does not attempt to identify syntax errors in the Locator comment text. Locators
that do not meet the above criteria or contain misspellings (for example, “strt1”) are simply
not interpreted as Segment definition Locators and are ignored. A syntax error in one
Locator of a Segment’s Locator pair is likely to result in a “missing Locator” error as
described below. Syntax errors in both start and end Locators of a Segment results in the
Segment not being seen by the service altogether and no error will be reported.


Segment Definition Errors

The following conditions will result in Segment definition errors and no transfer of the Spot
data to the Harris system:
• Missing start or end Locators. Every start Locator must have a matching end Locator
with the same Segment number, and vice-versa.
• Duplicate start or end Locators. There may only be one start Locator and one end
Locator with a given Segment number.
• Reversed start and end Locators. For a given Segment, the end Locator must have a
higher timecode number than the corresponding start Locator.
• Overlapping Segments. A new Segment cannot start before a previous Segment ends.

Once the Sequence is ready to send, first the media is sent to AirSpeed using the Interplay
Transfer function Send To Playback.

Spots are uniquely specified in the Harris system by an identifier and a Spot type
(Single-Segment or Multiple-Segment). During an Export to Harris operation, the Harris
identifier is given the Avid Tape ID, and the type is set to Single or Multiple depending upon
the existence of one or more than one Segment in the Sequence.

As per the rules of Send To Playback, the Sequence must have a Tape ID and this Tape ID
then becomes the Harris identifier as well (using Export To Harris) matching the AirSpeed

The Harris system can take up to 32 characters in the identifier, but the constraint is set by
the AirSpeed. In the AirSpeed Set Up parameter “Max Video ID Length”, the Tape ID
length has the option of 8 or 31 (not 32) characters.

The Export To Harris service assumes that Sequences are in Drop Frame TC mode, but the
service can accommodate Non-Drop Sequences with no errors or problems with playback of
the related AirSpeed media; the AirSpeed Set Up parameter “TC Mode” must be set to Drop
though for proper cueing and playback.

In the process, the Export To Harris service converts all Non-Drop Sequences to Drop Frame
and the Harris System database will contain TC converted numbers and not the original
Non-Drop TC numbers.

Therefore, TC points and at times Segment durations will differ from what the user sees in
their original Non-Drop Sequence.

After sending the Sequence media to AirSpeed, its metadata is then sent to the Harris
Automation System using the Avid Interplay Export To Harris service.

Highlight the Sequence in the Bin and select File > Media Services > Avid Interplay Export
To Harris Service > Profile, or right-click the Sequence and select Media Services > Avid
Interplay Export To Harris Service > Profile. Where profile is a profile created using the
Interplay Media Services and Transfer Status tool. For information on setting up profiles, see
“Creating a Profile” on page 10 and the Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s

Before the export, the Sequence must have all effects rendered (not ExpertRender). Not
rendering the effects will result in the loss of all Segment Locator metadata making a Single
Segment entry of the entire Sequence. This will not show up as an error in the Media
Services Job List. Instead, because no Locator data reached the Media Services service, it
will appear as an unintended but seemingly valid Single-Segment Spot.

First using the Send To Playback (sending to AirSpeed), by default, automatically renders
the entire Sequence. Therefore, when the Sequence is then sent using the Avid Interplay
Export To Harris service, it is already rendered. If the Send To Playback created a “Sequence
Name.transfer” copy of the Sequence in the Bin, then use that new Sequence for the Export
To Harris.

When the Sequence metadata is transferred to the Harris Automation System, the Harris
identifier is given the Avid Tape ID, and the Spot type is set to Single or Multiple depending
upon there being one or more Segments in the Sequence. Spots with the same Tape ID but
different types (Single or Multi-Segment) can co-exist in the Harris database.

Re-Exporting and Re-Transferring a Sequence

In general, exporting and transferring a Sequence again overwrites the previous one sent. In
the Send To Playback dialog, the “Overwrite” box must be checked. In the Export To Harris
service, overwriting previous data is immediate. There is no warning dialog and no
additional settings or steps are required. Therefore, if an Avid Sequence with the same Tape
ID and same Spot type as a Spot that already exists in the Harris system is exported, that
Spot is updated to match the new data sent.

Because Single-Segment and a Multi-Segment Spots with the same identifier can co-exist in
the Harris database, if a particular Sequence is changed from one Spot type to the other
(Multiple to Single or visa versa) and then re-exported, the Harris System will retain two
entries, one of each Spot type, under the same identifier.

Sequence Segments Ready for Air

For example, if a Sequence was sent as a Single-Segment, and then was sent again with the
same Tape ID after a few additional Segments were specified (making it a Multi-Segment
Spot). A new Multi-Segment Spot is entered in the Harris database with the same identifier
as the earlier Single-Segment Spot. This is a possible source of confusion for the Harris
Playlist Programmer and avoiding this is recommended.

Sequence Segments Ready for Air

After Send To Playback and Export To Harris have been completed successfully, the
Segments’ media is ready on AirSpeed to be cued and played by the Harris Automation
System sending the proper Segments to air on cue.

Avid Interplay Export to Harris Service –

Technical Notes
Installing Export to Harris Service
The Export to Harris service installs the same as other Interplay Media Services services.
This section explains any differences required for installing Export to Harris service when
following the procedures in the Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.

Finding the Export to Harris Service Zip File

When browsing for the Export to Harris service zip file, search for:

Creating a Profile
You need to create a profile to use when performing an Export to Harris operation. After you
create a profile it is available from the Export to Harris menu when you right-click an asset.

n Currently, there are no profile settings available for the Export to Harris operation.
However, a profile is required for the Export to Harris operation.

Configuring Provider Settings

Before using the Avid Interplay Export to Harris service, you must set the provider settings.
The following table describes the various settings. For more information about the settings,
see the Avid Interplay Media Services Setup and User’s Guide.

Avid Interplay Export to Harris Service – Technical Notes

To access the Providers Settings dialog box:

t Click Settings on the Avid Interplay Export to Harris Service window.

Basic Settings Description Default

Provider Name Name of the provider you specified when registering the none

Media Service Engine Host name of the system running the Avid Interplay Media none
Hostname Service Engine.

Automatically Connect Select Yes to automatically connect to the Media Services No

Engine when the application starts.

Harris DB Host IP address of the system on which the Harris database is running localhost

Harris DB Port Port on the above system that the Harris database listens to 1433

Harris DB Name Name of the Harris database ASDB

Harris DB User User name of a user with Harris database privileges none

Harris DB Password Password of a user with Harris database privileges none

Recommended AirSpeed Settings

When using the Export To Harris service, the AirSpeed Set Up Menus’ parameters should be
set to the following settings:

System Configuration

TC Mode Drop

Max Video ID Length 31


Control Configurationa VDCP Play 1 Play 2

a. Any other Control Configuration setting, like “VDCP Record” or “Sony Play1 or Record,” can be used
for ingesting from other sources, but the Control Configuration setting should be set to “VDCP Play1
Play2” for use with the Export To Harris service.

Harris Database Mappings
Avid Sequence data is mapped to the Harris database according to the following charts.

ASDB Table
Every exported Avid Sequence generates an entry in the ASDB table as follows:

Field Name Value

Type ‘s’ for single Spot

‘m’ for Multi-Segment Spot
Identifier Tape ID, truncated to 32 characters
Title Sequence name, truncated to 32 characters
StartOfMessage timecode of Sequence start (dropframe per configuration setting)
Duration timecode of Sequence duration (dropframe per configuration setting)
LabelType 0 (configurable)
VideoFormat 4 (configurable)
VideoQuality 0 (configurable)
AudioFormat 1 (configurable)
MadeDateTime current Harris system time
a. These database fields are not set during the initial install and use, or modified during updates.

Avid Interplay Export to Harris Service – Technical Notes


Exported Avid Sequences identified as Multiple-Segment Spots generate entries in the

ASSEG table as follows:

Field Name Value

Type ‘m’

Identifier Tape ID, truncated to 32 characters

SegNum Segment number

SegType ‘1’ (program Segment)

Title Sequence name or other value (configurable), truncated to 16


StartOfMessage timecode of Segment start (dropframe per configuration setting)

Duration timecode of Segment duration (dropframe per configuration setting)



a. These database fields are not set during the initial install and use, or modified during updates.

Technical Support Information
Most products feature a number of coverage options. Avid Assurance service offerings are
designed to facilitate your use of Avid solutions. Service options include extended telephone
coverage, automatic software maintenance, extended hardware warranty, and preferred
pricing on replacement parts. Offerings and options may vary by product and are not
available for all products.

For more information regarding Avid’s service offerings, visit www.avid.com/support or call
Avid Sales at 800-949-AVID (800-949-2843).

Program availability and details might vary depending on geographic location and are
subject to change without notice. Contact your local Avid office or your local Avid Reseller
for complete program information and pricing. However, if you need help locating an Avid
office or Avid Reseller near you, please visit www.avid.com or call in North America
800-949-AVID (800-949-2843). International users call 978-275-2480.

Accessing Online Support

Avid Online Support is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Search the Knowledge
Base to find answers, to view error messages, to access troubleshooting tips, to download
updates, and to read/join online message-board discussions.

To access Avid Online Support:

t Go to www.avid.com/onlineSupport/.

Accessing Online Support

Copyright and Disclaimer

Product specifications are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of
Avid Technology, Inc.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. You can obtain a copy of that license by
visiting Avid's Web site at www.avid.com. The terms of that license are also available in the product in the same directory as
the software. The software may not be reverse assembled and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the
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Avid products or portions thereof are protected by one or more of the following United States Patents: 4,746,994; 4,970,663;
5,045,940; 5,267,351; 5,309,528; 5,355,450; 5,396,594; 5,440,348; 5,452,378; 5,467,288; 5,513,375; 5,528,310; 5,557,423;
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6,546,190; 6,636,869; 6,747,705, 6,763,523; 6,813,622. Other patents are pending.

This document is protected under copyright law. An authorized licensee of Interplay Media Services may reproduce this
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distributed, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this document or providing support or
educational services to others. This document is supplied as a guide for Interplay Media Services. Reasonable care has been
taken in preparing the information it contains. However, this document may contain omissions, technical inaccuracies, or
typographical errors. Avid Technology, Inc. does not accept responsibility of any kind for customers’ losses due to the use of
this document. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2006 Avid Technology, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.

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Using the Avid Interplay Export to Harris Service • March 2007 • 02/27/07 11:47


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