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How to earn marks in SBL

Ashim Kumar, expert tutor

© ACCA Public
Ashim Kumar FCCA, MBA
• Multi-subject teaching for 30 years, including (SBL since September
• Have led two international businesses
• Many prize-winners including for SBL

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1. FAQs

2. What to do in the RPRT

3. Crafting answers from M/J 22 sample exam

4. Examiner report reviews

5. Q&A

NB You should have read the March/June 2022 exam and highlighted
key information from the Exhibits. We do not have time on this webinar
to cover this.

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What the ACCA Expects
'The Strategic Business Leader exam is designed to mirror
the workplace and requires you to demonstrate a blend of technical,
ethical and professional skills.’ (ACCA)

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Poll question 1
Have you sat SBL before?
▪ Yes
▪ No

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Poll question 2
The biggest challenge I face in my preparation for the SBL exam is:
▪ Understanding the requirement
▪ Incorporating Professional Skills
▪ Language issues
▪ Time constraint
▪ Other

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▪ How much should I write?
▪ How important is it to learn theories/models?
▪ Which topics should I focus on?
▪ How do I earn my PS marks?

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How to use the RPRT

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RPRT steps
1. Read and analyse the Overview (Exhibit 1)
2. Copy/Paste all Tasks into Word Processor Response Option.
3. Analyse each Task: Highlight key words (including PS), Calculate finishing times,
Note number of points to make (assuming 2 marks or 3.6 minutes per point
made). May note any information that comes to mind e.g. useful model.
4. Read Exhibits and (selectively) highlight key information. May be able to link to
Tasks or, add to plan in the WP.
5. Take your time! Use the full hour.

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Task 3

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Examiner Comments Task 3
▪ Candidates simply stated figures without explaining their significance
▪ Candidates wasted time questioning other aspects of the net present value
calculation (cost of capital, taxation) for which no details were supplied
▪ Some candidates also forgot that the initial investment is included in a net
present value calculation,
▪ some candidates stated relevant non-financial factors without evaluating their
▪ some failed to make the required clear recommendation.
▪ Answers that scored higher professional marks provided a reasoned and
justified recommendation, with appropriate balance between, and evaluation of,
the two projects and their financial and non-financial aspects.

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Task 4

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Examiner Comments Task 4
▪ simply stated that the (mitigating) activities were adequate or inadequate without
giving reasons.
▪ A surprising number of candidates failed to suggest that Yexmarine should take
some precautions itself – a contingency plan was certainly required.
▪ Many candidates failed to criticise the labelling of risks as serious or non-serious
and suggested that stating their likelihood and impact would have been better.
▪ Answers often scored lower marks because candidates failed to give reasons to
support their assertions.

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Key Points to Remember
▪ Use the State/Explain/Apply approach
▪ Always ask yourself the 'So What?' question
▪ RTQ and ATQ
▪ Format of answer
▪ Professional Skills and Professionalism
▪ Timing

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What the Examiner expects

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Overall Examiner Comments
▪ ... lack of depth and explanation in the points candidates made...
▪ …failing to consider the context of Yexmarine
▪ …failed to make sufficient reference to the exhibits…
▪ …reproducing material from the exhibits without commenting on it or developing
points further…
▪ …not reading the task requirements carefully enough
▪ …technical knowledge alone or explanation of theory does not score marks
▪ …Overlong paragraphs, with aspects of a task … discussed in a single
paragraph containing multiple points.
▪ Format/Audience/Tone/Commercial acumen
This is a practical, application-based examination! Professionalism must be
demonstrated throughout!

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Recap MCQs
1. There are always this number of Tasks in every SBL exam:
▪ 3
▪ 4
▪ 5
▪ None of the above

2. Professional Skills carry this % of marks in all exams:

▪ 10
▪ 15
▪ 20
▪ None of the above

3. All Professional Skills are tested at each sitting:

▪ True
▪ False

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Recap MCQs
1. To earn 2 marks per point we should use the following approach:
▪ Explain/State/Apply
▪ State/Explain/Apply
▪ Apply/Explain/State
▪ State and Explain only.

2. We must describe all models before we use them:

▪ True
▪ False

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Thank you

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