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SCHOOL YEAR 2022 – 2023

An Introduction
Score: 50/50

Leila B. Enolpe
Name of Student: ________________________________________________________________
First Name Middle Initial Surname

Section: ________________________________________________________________
Strand Block Letter Year Level

August 29 2022
Working Date: ________________________________________________________________
Month Day Year

August 31 2022
Submission Date: ________________________________________________________________
Month Day Year

Budget L. Sulit
Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
First Middle Initial Surname

Student’s Contact Information:

Cellular Phone/ Landline: ____________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________

Leila Enolpe
Facebook Account: ____________________________________________

Note: Use blue font color in your response/ answer for emphasis.
KWHLAQ Chart – 21st Century Style

K W H Subject L A Q
What do I What do I How do What have I What action What new
know? want to I find General learned? will I take? questions
Know? out? Biology 1 do I have?

About the Subject Description

Biology is the I would want To listen I learned that I will prepare I have
study of to know and these subjects myself and understood
living more about attend help others to know the everything
organisms the different the learn more significance so far, and
concepts session about modern of how it is do not
biology. applied to have any
everyday questions.
About the Content Standards

The Content I would want To listen The content I will listen I have
standards are to know and standards in the and pay understood
all about the more about attend subject will attention to everything
various the different the cover about the topic, so far, and
biological contents of session Cells: the basic especially do not
concepts for the subject. unit of life, since the have any
others to Chemistry of life subject is questions
understand. and the first closely
quarter units, related to
Chemistry for life.
life, and
About the Performance Standards

The focus of I am curious To listen The performance To be able to I have

this subject’s and a bit and standards will perform understood
performance excited to attend help students to these everything
standards is know the the be able to make standards, I so far, and
the context future school session a 3-dimensional should listen do not
of works. model of well and have any
knowledge. bacterial plant, understand, questions
animal cell, and and always
cell membranes ask when I
out of recyclable do not
materials, and understand.
be able to
prepare a
setup by utilizing
popular fruits.
About the Learning Competencies

The learning I am eager To listen In the learning Attend and I have

competencies and glad to and competencies, listen understood
are the goals hear about attend students should attentively everything
for each topic the the be able to in class, and so far, and
that students competencies session characterize, to take every do not
must that explain, topic have any
accomplish. distinguish seriously. questions
classify, and
locate objects
linked to the
About the Blended Learning Modality

The Learning I am curious To listen The blended I must have I have

modalities as to how the and learning time understood
consist of the blended attend modality can be management everything
face to face learning the done and to so far, and
and online modality will session synchronously always mind do not
learning. work out and my own class have any
asynchronously. schedules. questions
Experiments that
need to be done
will be done in
school and some
other school
tasks may be
depending on
the teacher.
About the House Rules
Students I am curious To listen The house rules For my own I have
must obey as to how the and are set as to benefit and understood
the rules for house rules attend discipline the safety, I plan everything
discipline and will turn out the students, it on always so far, and
safety for for both the session mainly focuses obeying and do not
themselves. students and on the student’s respecting have any
teachers. punctuality, the rules. questions
involvement and
dress code,
virtual capacity,
submission of
school works,
and responsible
use of social
About the Subject Teacher
I can
Mr. Budget L. I do wonder To listen communicate Ask or I have
Sulit is the about the and with my teacher consult the understood
General teacher’s attend if I have teacher everything
Biology 1 teaching the concerns when so far, and
teacher strategies. session through email or needed. do not
celo, as well as have any
the group chat questions
or through

Note: Use blue font color in your answer/ response for emphasis.

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