Aedan Leavitt Scary Story Draft 1

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My horror story.

You feel like you are asleep, you don’t know what makes you feel that way, you just do, like if
you were not completely asleep or how well your brain would work after not sleeping for days.
You notice that you are inside your living room sitting on your couch staring at a wall, you do not
know what you have done today, you just know that it is night because it is dark outside.
Suddenly you hear a knock at your window, you assume that it is a stick and think nothing more
of the knocking. After some more seconds of sitting in silence you hear the knocking again and
assume that the wind just blew the stick into the window again. Right after thinking that you
notice that you don’t hear any wind so that finally convinces you to get up and walk over to the
window. Once you reach the window you see two trick or treaters. You realize then that today is
halloween, no wonder you were sitting on your couch waiting, you were obviously waiting for
trick or treaters. You tell the kids that you see them there and that they should go to the front
door so you can give them candy. After saying that you realize that you don’t have and candy
and if those trick or treaters were persistent enough to know on the window, they will be
persistent enough to break down your door and demand money instead. Right after you make
that thought you hear the window behind you break. You back away slowly while turning around
to face the trick or treaters. You notice that they are trying to climb inside through the window
they just broke. You grab the coffee table and try to block the window. While doing this you
realize how heavy that coffee table must be but assume that you must just have lots of
adrenaline from this situation. Once you block the window the trick or treaters just go to a
different window and break it so that they can climb through. You realize how dumb you were
trying to block a window when there are windows everywhere. You decide to instead just find a
blunt weapon because you don’t want to kill them, you just want to get them to leave you alone.
You end up finding a wooden banana that fell off the coffee table when you picked it up, it is not
the best weapon but it is shaped so that you can hold it to hit people with it slightly. While
searching for your weapon the kids climbed through the window and are just staring at you. You
see this and decide to try to scare them out of your house by running at them and flailing your
arms around while screaming. This ends up doing nothing but getting you closer to the kids. The
kids start to run towards you and you decide that it probably is worse to be known as the person
who beat up children than the person who ran from children who broke into your house. While
running away you see another random person in your house who is instead of a kid, an adult.
The adult who somehow broke into your house just turns into blood in the shape of their body
and the blood ends up splashing all over your floor. You really don’t understand what just
happened and you think that maybe the person teleported away but left all of the blood in their
body right there. While thinking this you realize how dumb you were because you stopped
running away to just stare at the expanding pile of blood. You keep running until you reach the
kitchen. Inside the kitchen you see two trick or treaters, you don’t know if they are the same or if
they are two different kids because you weren’t really focusing on their costumes. The kids end
up charging you and you turn around to run away from them. Once you turn around you see the
two trick or treaters that you were running away from right there. You decide that maybe a small
itsy bit of violence is allowed in this situation so you run out of the kitchen while holding your
arms out so that when you pass the two kids they will get clotheslined. You realize how horrible
it is to do that but to be honest they did break into your house so you should get a little leniency
in attacking children. Once you clothesline and get past the kids you run to the front door and
rush out of your house. When you open your door you realize how there are hundreds of kids
outside staring at you. You wonder why only four kids went inside your house if there were
hundreds outside. All of the kids outside decide to start screaming and charging at you. You
realize that trapping yourself inside your house is probably a bad idea so you decide to charge
them. While charging them you imagine yourself being in one of those cool slow motion shots of
the football player running the football to the goal as you ram and shove kids out of your way.
Once you get through to the other side you realize how horrible of an idea that was and how you
probably just got sentenced to life in prison from beating up hundreds of children when all they
were doing was screaming like most children do. You realize all of this as you see all the
horrified parents staring at you and the hundreds of children you just beat up. You didn’t
remember those parents being there, you thought the kids killed the parents. You see a mom
start dialing 911 as you fall over passing out. And then you wake up, it was all a nightmare, a
very vivid nightmare you think while laying in a jail cell. Maybe it wasn’t all a nightmare.

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