Past Simple, Cont or Preent Perfe S

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A. Read these sentences and choose the most appropriate answer.

After losing the map, we … no idea I ... my assignment while she ... to
where we … . finish hers.

a) had / have gone a) was handing in / tried

b) had / were going b) handed in / tried
c) were having / went c) handed in / was still trying

John, ... living in the UK? Yes, all my You’re wrong. He ... since his car accident.
life! I’m sure he … alcohol after the accident.

a) have you ever dreamed of a) hasn’t drunk / has given up

b) did you ever dream of b) hasn’t drunk / gave up
c) were you dreaming of c) wasn’t drinking / gave up

David Lowe … a successful pianist. He … “If we … Meg … , we would make her

his career while he … at the university. stop,” they … me.

a) has become/began/was studying a) knew/ has smoked/ were telling

b) became/ has begun / studied b) have known / smoked/ have told
c) became/ was beginning/ studied c) knew / was smoking/ told

John’s parents … to Paris before. Last After the earthquake, we ... what we ... .
week they … to go there.
a) didn’t know / were doing
a) have never been/ decided b) didn’t know / did
b) never went / have decided c) didn’t know / have done
c) have never been /were deciding

Yesterday, when I … the door, Ted … . The plane … 3 hours late. It … until 10:00.

a) was opening/ has cheated a) has been / hasn’t left

b) opened / cheated b) was/ didn’t leave
c) opened /was cheating c) was/ hasn’t left
What ... yesterday at 10:30 p.m.? I … Mary, why … your homework? It’s the
a book until 11:00 p.m. third time this month.

a) have you done / was reading a) haven’t you done

b) did you do / read b) weren’t you doing
c) were you doing / was reading c) you didn’t do

It ... a warm day in late June 2000 and we Sales … sharply 2 years ago and ... stable
… a 7-day cruise in the Black Sea. this year.

a) has been / enjoyed a) fell / have remained

b) was / were enjoying b) have fallen / remained
c) was / enjoyed c) fell / were remaining

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. C

10. B

11. C

12. A

13. B

14. A

A. Read these sentences and choose the most appropriate answer.

After losing the map, we … no idea I ... my assignment while she ... to
where we … . finish hers.

a) had / have gone a) was handing in / tried

b) had / were going b) handed in / tried
c) were having / went c) handed in / was still trying

John, ... living in the UK? Yes, all my You’re wrong. He ... since his car accident.
life! I’m sure he … alcohol after the accident.

a) have you ever dreamed of a) hasn’t drunk / has given up

b) did you dream of b) hasn’t drunk / gave up
c) were you dreaming of c) wasn’t drinking / gave up

David Lowe … a successful pianist. He … “If we … Meg … , we would make her

his career while he … at the university. stop,” they … me.

a) has become/began/was studying a) knew/ has smoked/ were telling

b) became/ has begun / studied b) have known / smoked/ have told
c) became/ was beginning/ studied c) knew / was smoking/ told

John’s parents … to Paris before. Last After the earthquake, we ... what we ... .
week they … to go there.
a) didn’t know / were doing
a) have never been/ decided b) didn’t know / did
b) never went / have decided c) didn’t know / have done
c) have never been /were deciding
Yesterday, when I … the door, Ted … . The plane … 3 hours late. It … until 10:00.

a) was opening/ has cheated a) has been / hasn’t left

b) opened / cheated b) was/ didn’t leave
c) opened /was cheating c) was/ hasn’t left

What ... yesterday at 10:30 p.m.? I … Mary, why … your homework? It’s the
a book until 11:00 p.m. third time this month.

a) have you done / was reading a) haven’t you done

b) did you do / read b) weren’t you doing
c) were you doing / was reading c) you didn’t do

It ... a warm day in late June 2000 and we Sales … sharply 2 years ago and ... stable
… a 7-day cruise in the Black Sea. this year.
a) has been / enjoyed
a) fell / have remained
b) was / were enjoying
b) have fallen / remained
c) was / enjoyed
c) fell / were remaining

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