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NAME: _________________________________________________


SIMPLE? Fill in the gaps with the most suitable verb tense. ( 2 marks )
1. How long _____________________ (you know) Alison? B: We
__________________ (be) friends since we ________________ (be)
2. A: Mum __________________ (lose) her purse. B: When
________________ (she lose) it? A: At the supermarket, while she was
shopping this morning.
3. A: _____________________ (you find) your umbrella yet? B: No, I
______________________ (look) for it for an hour! I think I ____________
(leave) it in theclassroom at three o’clock.
4. A: I ______________________ (always believe) that doing exercise is
good for you. B: Of course, it’s good to keep fit, that’s why I ___________
(join) a gym three weeks ago.

2.PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable Present Tense
(Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present
Perfect Continuous). ( 3 marks )
1.A: What ____________________ (you do)? B: I ______________ (write)
a letter.
2. Sarah is very happy. She ______________________ (win) the poetry
3. We __________________ (play) in a concert next weekend.
4. ______________________ (you drink) coffee with your breakfast every
5. A: Who ____________________ (you speak to)? B: To the teacher.
6. Dear Nick,
This is just a short note to tell you that I ___________________ (arrive) at
the airport at 5 pm on Saturday, 10th December. I __________________
(be) very busy recently, and that’s why I ____________________ (not
write) to you for a while. I _______________________ (plan) this trip for
months, so now I ________________________ (look) forward to spending
some time with you and your family. I _______________ (hope) you’ll be
able to meet me at the airport. Please give my love to your wife and
See you soon, James

3.REPHRASE the following sentences with the words given. ( 4 marks )

1. She has been studying English for ten years. (AGO)

2. What are your plans for next summer? (DO)


3. The last time Joe was here was in December. (SINCE)


4. This is our first game of “Tomb Rider”. (TIME)

This is ______________________________________________________.

5. They haven’t finished their exam yet, and it started two hours ago.
They ____________________________________________________.

6. She hasn’t finished cooking the meal yet. (STILL)

She _____________________________________________________.

7. How long have Helen and Robert been married?

When ____________________________________________________?

8. It has been raining since 4 o’clock, and it’s 6 o’clock now. (AGO)
It ______________________________________________________.

4. VOCABULARY. Provide the correct word for each definition. ( 1 mark )

1. It’s _________________. You should take an umbrella.
2. You can’t wear your jeans. I’ve just put them in the ________________.
3. It was so _______________ on the beach. I’ve got sand in my eyes.
4. You keep your clothes in it: _____________________.
5. I want to change my appearance, so I’m going to the
6. You won’t _____________________ if you use a map.
7. The _________________ decide to send him to prison for five years.
8. The __________________ has just given the patients their medicine.
9. We like to travel ________________ and visit other countries.
10. A _____________________ is larger than a normal car.

5. TRANSLATE the following sentences into English. ( 26 marks )

1.A: Fa dues setmanes que llegeixo una biografia molt interessant sobre
Michael Jackson. La vaig agafar de la biblioteca fa tres setmanes, però
encara no l’he acabat. B: Quants anys tenia quan va morir? B: Cinquanta-
un. Va tenir una carrera molt exitosa i va guanyar deu premis Grammy.
També era el millor ballarí que he vist mai. Però el seu estil de vida
(lifestyle) era molt poc usual. (5)

2. A: Quant de temps fa que coneixes la Susan? B: Som amics des que ens
vam traslladar a Londres, fa quinze anys. Jo no coneixia ningú llavors
(then), i ella treballava de dependenta en una botiga de roba. La seva
botiga estava davant de la meva casa i solíem trobar-nos cada dia. Tres
anys després (later) ens vam casar. Ella va començar a treballar de
mainadera dos anys després, però la feina era massa estressant i la va
deixar (quit – reg). Des de llavors treballa a la farmàcia que hi ha entre la
bolera i la botiga de llibres. (7)
3. A: És el primer cop que viatjo a l’estranger. I tu, has visitat molts països?
B: Sí, fa dos estius vam agafar el nostre cotxe familiar i vam viatjar per tota
Europa. Vam conèixer molta gent i ens ho vam passar molt bé, i no vam
gastar gaires diners. Ara estem pensant en anar a Sud-Amèrica. A: La meva
germana es va casar amb un noi argentí fa dos anys i des de llavors viu a
Buenos Aires. No la visitem gaire sovint perquè tinc una feina molt mal
pagada i no tinc prou diners per al viatge (trip). (7)

4. A:Últimament ha fet molt de vent, no creus? B: Sí, el temps s’està fent

cada cop més fresc, i la temperatura mitja dels últims mesos ha baixat (go
down) considerablement. Per sort (luckily), la setmana que ve ens n’anem
de vacances a Tailàndia. Sempre fa sol i calor allà. Fa mesos que planegem
el viatge, ja hem reservat (book) l’hotel, però encara no hem canviat
(exchange) els diners. A: En Tom ve amb vosaltres? B: No, no pot deixar
la seva feina nova. Només fa dues setmanes que treballa de periodista en
el diari local. (7)

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