Comprehensive Exam For Database Concepts

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Comprehensive Exam for Database Concepts

Q1: Choose the correct answer

1- Data is (facts, raw facts, information)
2- Registration form represents (Data, DBMS, Knowledge)
3- There is a relationship between math and computer
programming, this fact represents(data, DB, Knowledge)
4- Statistics represent(information, DBMS, DD)
5- DB is a collection of (Organized data, information, Rules)
6- DB is designed to provide(data files, information, Data)
7- The software the enable user to create DB is called(DB,DBMS, DD)
8- DD is a (program, application, repository) that stores metadata)
9- DB Application is a set of (user interfaces, reports, facts) that enable
users to
access DB via DBMS.
10- Maintaining the correctness of data into database
means(Security, Integrity,
11- Independency is one objective for (DB, DBMS, Application)
12- The user accesses to DB server via terminal in (Client server, File
13- there is a copy of DBMS in each workstation for (client server-
teleprocessing- File server)
14- The logical DB design is converted into physical Design by(DA-
Developer- Designer)
15- The (DA- DBA- developer ) who check the data for criteria
16- DB2 was developed by(IBM- Oracle-Microsoft)
17- Database for Google is (Central- distributed- Closed).
18- DB for National center for information is (free-licensed- Open
19- DBM is a (person- program-documents) for DBMS
20- My SQL was developed by(IBM- Google-Open source)
21- The tool that is used for converting Data from format to another is
22- COBOL language implemented (network, relational, file-based)
23- SABREE system for airline was developed by(network, deductive
logic, File-based) model
24- Network model belongs to (object-based, record-based,

document-based) Category

25- The Relational model is implemented by(SQL, COBOL, XML)

26- XML implements the (Network, Relational, Deductive-
27- The Relational model was developed by (IBM, Microsoft, Intel)

28- Fixed query is one disadvantages of(Hierarchy, document, file-

based) model
29- Oracle language implements(fil-based, network, relational)
30- Graph model is considered as (document, object, mathematic)
31- The DB of the expert system is based on (deductive, file-based,
Hierarchy) model
32- DB for Facebook or twiter is represented by(graph, document,
object) model
33- Datalog Language represents(graph, Deductive-logic, Network)
34- The external level for DB design represents(user wants,
Community of data, DB in computer)
35- The level for expressing a bout all data attributes for DB is
(external, internal, conceptual)
36- It supposed general frame that determines three levels for DB

Q2 Correct the wrong sentences

1- Count of registered students in IT department is considered as

2- File manger is a program in DBMS for managing the DB buffer.
3- Access is database for Microsoft.
4- The user can accesses to DB via system catalog
5- The data a viability is a one goal for Database
6- DB tuning is a task for DA
7- Sophisticated user just deal with choices in the user interface
8- The transfer data problem via network is in the client server
9- The middle server for application is found in two tire client server
10- Postgry SQL is a DBMS that was developed by IBM.
11- Data model is a set of data elements.
12- Constraints is a part of File-based systems
13- Network model was developed by IBM
14- Relational model belongs to object-based models category
15- File-based system provide a dynamic queries

16- Hierarchy model was developed by IBM

17- Graph model belongs to document-based category

18- All users able to access data in file-based systems

19- SQL language was developed to implement Hierarchy

20- Deductive logic model belongs to physical models category
21- DB2 implements document model
22- Document in for the document model is written by JSON
23- Expert systems are based on deductive-logic model
24- Conceptual level expresses a bout the physical
representation for DB.
25- The naïve user must knows a bout the DB design details.
26- Physical level expresses a bout user wants
27- Muhannad Ibrahim Muhammed Hassan Hamod

Q3: Give the term for each definition

1- It is a set of concepts to describe data, relationships and
2- It is a set of application programs for introducing services to users.
3- This model is represented by XML such that each record has sub
4- This model represents the data as tables and relationships among
these tables.
5- This model represents the data as Propositions and Relations

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