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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012

ISBN 978-92-9168-561-5
doi: 10.2810/73390

© European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2012

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Cont ent s

Introductory note and acknowledgements 5

Introduction 7

The context: prisoners in Europe 8

Drug use and its consequences among the prison population 9

Drug use among the prison population 9

Health of drug-using prisoners 13

Mortality among prisoners using drugs 15

Responding to drug-related healthcare needs in prison 16

The European context 16

Responsibility for prison health in the European countries 17

Drug-related prison health policies 18

Provision of drug-related health services in prison 19

Release preparation and throughcare 26

Conclusions 27

References 29

Introductory note and acknowledgements

In-depth reviews of topical interest are published as Selected issues each year. These reports are based on information
provided to the EMCDDA by the EU Member States and candidate countries and Norway as part of the national reporting

The most recent Selected issues are:

• Pregnancy, childcare and the family: key issues for Europe’s response to drugs;
• Mortality related to drug use in Europe: public health implications;
• Guidelines for the treatment of drug dependence: a European perspective;
• Cost and financing of drug treatment services in Europe: an exploratory study;
• Treatment and care for older drug users;
• Problem amphetamine and methamphetamine use in Europe;
• Trends in injecting drug use in Europe.

All Selected issues (in English) and summaries (in up to 23 languages) are available on the EMCDDA website:

Links to online sources referred to in this publication are available in the PDF version, available at:

The EMCDDA would like to thank the following for their help in producing this Selected issue:
• the heads of Reitox national focal points, their staff and the national experts on drug-related deaths;
• the services within each Member State that collected the raw data;
• the members of the Management Board and the Scientific Committee of the EMCDDA;
• the Publications Office of the European Union.

Reitox national focal points

Reitox is the European information network on drugs and drug addiction. The network is composed of national focal points in the EU
Member States, Norway and the candidate countries and at the European Commission. Under the responsibility of their
governments, the focal points are the national authorities providing drug information to the EMCDDA.

The contact details of the national focal points may be found at:


Over the last decade, Europe has seen an increase in the problems, prisoners also experience poorer health than the
size of its prison population. As of 1 September 2010, there general population, with higher prevalence of blood-borne
were an estimated 635 000 inmates in prison in EU infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and
Member States (Aebi and Del Grande, 2012; Walmsley, hepatitis C virus (HCV), as well as mental illness. Reported
2012). Most of those in Europe’s prisons are from poor rates of self-harm and suicide among prisoners are
communities and vulnerable social groups (WHO Regional particularly high compared with the general population of
Office for Europe, 2007), with the proportion of inmates the same age. In addition, overcrowding and poor hygienic
who are immigrants or from minority ethnic backgrounds on conditions may further aggravate the stress, social and
the increase (Ronco et al., 2011). Drug users form a large health problems experienced by prisoners.
part of the overall prison population, with studies showing
that a majority of prisoners have used illicit drugs at some For opioid users, the risk of dying from drug overdose
point in their life and many have chronic and problematic greatly increases in the period after release from prison
drug use patterns. Because of the illegality of the drugs — due to high rates of relapse and lower opioid tolerance
market and high cost of drug use, which is often funded by (Farrell and Marsden, 2008). This is a critical time for
criminal activity, the more problematic forms of drug use are action, when ensuring continuity of care and targeted
accompanied by an increased risk of imprisonment. interventions can both support recovery and save lives. The
services offered to prisoners, however, have historically
Although some prisoners do stop or reduce their use of compared poorly with those provided in the community
drugs on prison entry, others initiate drug use or engage in (Stöver and Weilandt, 2007). In general, services provided
more damaging behaviours when they are incarcerated for prisoners have tended to mirror those provided in the
(Lukasiewicz et al., 2007). In addition to high levels of drug community, but with a considerable time lag. Nevertheless,

Sources of information on drug use are presented in the 2012 Statistical bulletin. Additional
and health responses in prisons information was obtained from the international scientific

This Selected issue is based primarily on data provided by the A special data collection on health-related interventions for
Reitox network of national focal points, through either yearly drug users in prison was conducted in 2011. This exercise
routine reporting or a special data collection (1). The data collected information on healthcare priorities and levels of
available to the EMCDDA include both qualitative information availability of selected measures through an expert survey
on drug use and responses in prisons and quantitative data on among the 30 national focal points using a structured
prevalence and patterns of drug use among prisoners. In the questionnaire. The respondents also provided a detailed report
absence of a common methodology for monitoring drug use in on the responses for drug-related health problems among
prison, the methods used across Europe vary, which limits the prisoners in their country.
comparability of the data. The drug use statistics presented
here are based mainly on studies carried out since 2006; Data on prison populations in Europe were obtained from the
however, owing to the scarcity of data, studies from as early as Council of Europe Annual penal statistics 2010 SPACE I by
2000 have been included where more recent data are Marcelo Aebi and Natalia Del Grande. Data on prison
unavailable. Data from other EMCDDA sources are also used, numbers for other countries were obtained from the
among them data from the treatment demand indicator, which International Centre for Prison Studies’ World Prison Brief.
is applied in some countries in prison, and from the drug- (1) The 2010 Reitox national reports from 27 EU Member States, Croatia,
related infectious diseases indicator. Data on drug use in prison Turkey and Norway are available on the EMCDDA website.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

when appropriate drug services are in place, periods of Between 2001 and 2010, the prison population of the 27
incarceration may provide an opportunity for some to EU Member States increased from 582 000 to 635 000.
reduce their drug use and engage with treatment, and, in Over that period, 18 of the 27 EU Member States and
recent years, many European countries have increased the Norway reported increasing numbers of prisoners, a trend
provision of services for drug users in prison, particularly observed in most countries worldwide. The current EU prison
substitution treatment. population represents an average of 135 prisoners per
100 000 population, with national figures ranging from
Recent years have also seen an increasing 60–70 per 100 000 population in Denmark, the
acknowledgement from international and European Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden and Norway to more than
institutions of the importance of treating prison health as an 200 per 100 000 in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia,
inseparable component of public health. The Council Lithuania and Poland (Figure 1).
Recommendation of 18 June 2003 and the 2009–12 EU
action plan on drugs have both called for the development
and implementation of prevention, harm reduction and Figure 1: Prisoners per 100 000 population in EU Member States,
treatment services in prison that are equivalent to services candidate countries Croatia and Turkey and Norway in
outside prison (1). 2010

This Selected issue approaches the important topic of

prisons and drugs in Europe from two perspectives. The first Less than 100
section aims to provide an insight into patterns and levels of 100 to less than 150
150 to less than 200
drug use among the European prison population, the health 200 to less than 250
profile of prisoners and risk behaviours while incarcerated. 250 and over

The second section examines Europe’s prison health policies

and models of delivery of drug-related healthcare to
detainees, including the provision of prevention, treatment
and harm reduction services. The report concludes with
reflections on ways forward.

The context: prisoners in Europe

In this Selected issue, the term ‘prisoner’ is used in a broad
sense to mean anyone who is held in custody. This definition
includes a range of legal statuses, from detainees who have
not yet been tried to prisoners who are serving custodial
sentences. Source: Council of Europe annual penal statistics: SPACE I — 2010.

(1) Council Recommendation of 18 June 2003 on the prevention and reduction of health-related harm associated with drug dependence OJ L 165 13.7.2003,
p. 31 and EU drugs action plan for 2009–12 OJ C 326 20.12.2008, p. 7.

Drug use and its consequences among the prison population

Drug use among the prison population among prisoners, the proportion of prisoners who have ever
used any illicit drug before imprisonment ranges from 16 %
Drug use, including problem drug use (2), is relatively in Romania to 79 % in England and Wales and the
common among the prison population. In the European Netherlands, with nine countries reporting levels of use
Union, it has been estimated that about half of the prison higher than 50 % (Figure 2). The variation between countries
population have used illicit drugs at some time in their lives broadly reflects national levels of drug use, but may also
(Zurhold et al., 2005). A systematic review of international partly reflect differences in data collection methods and
studies — with a predominance of studies conducted in the practices.
United States — found that 10–48 % of men and 30–60 %
of women were dependent on or used illicit drugs in the Cannabis is the illicit drug with the highest reported level of
month before entering prison (Fazel et al., 2006). lifetime prevalence among prisoners, with between 12 %
and 70 % having tried it at some time in their lives. This
Prisoners will have different experiences with drugs and reflects drug use experience in the general population,
crime. In Europe, offences related to the use, possession or although the levels there are lower (1.6 % to 33 % among
supply of illicit drugs are the main reason for incarceration 15- to 64-year-olds). Levels of use of cocaine, Europe’s
of between 10 % and 25 % of all sentenced prisoners (Aebi second most commonly reported illicit drug, both inside and
and Del Grande, 2011). Many, but not all, of these prisoners outside prison, are also much higher among prisoners
will have both experience of and problems with illicit drugs. (lifetime prevalence of 6–53 %) than among the general
Of those prisoners with a history of problematic drug use, population (0.3–10 %). Experience of amphetamines among
some will have been imprisoned for a drug law offence, prisoners ranges from 1 % to 45 %, whereas among the
some for a crime committed to support their drug use (e.g. general population the range is from almost zero to 12 %.
burglary, shoplifting) and some for offences unrelated to Data on lifetime misuse of other substances (such as volatile
drugs. substances, hypnotics and sedatives) are limited, and
prevalence levels, among both prisoners and the general
Available data provide some insight into prisoners’ drug use
population, are usually low (EMCDDA, 2012).
before prison entry and their use of drugs during their
period of imprisonment. Prisoners differ greatly from the general population in their
reported experience of heroin. Whereas less than 1 % of the
Experience of drug use among prisoners general population have ever used heroin, lifetime
prevalence levels among European prisoners are much
Experience of illicit drugs is much more common among higher, with eight of the 13 countries that were able to
prisoners than among the general population. Among the provide information on heroin use reporting levels between
17 European countries that have reported data on drug use 15 % and 39 %.

(2) The EMCDDA defines problem drug use as ‘injecting drug use or long-duration/regular use of opioids, cocaine and/or amphetamines’. See the problem
drug use indicator on the EMCDDA website for more information.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

Figure 2: Lifetime prevalence (%) of illicit drug use among prisoners in European countries

Any illicit drug Cannabis Cocaine Amphetamines Heroin

80 Netherlands 80 80 80 80
Kingdom (1)

70 70 70 70 70
60 Finland 60 Latvia 60 60 60
Portugal Spain
50 Czech 50 50 50 50
Republic Portugal
Hungary United
% Lithuania Kingdom Hungary
Poland Poland Latvia
40 Greece 40 40 Italy 40
40 Spain
Belgium (2) Poland
Czech United
Bulgaria Republic United
Portugal Kingdom Kingdom
Italy Italy
30 30 30 30 Republic 30 Portugal
Slovenia Finland Belgium
Spain Latvia
Hungary Bulgaria
20 20 20 Poland 20 20
Latvia Hungary
Romania Bulgaria
Romania Portugal
Czech Czech
Croatia Republic Republic
10 10 10 10 10
Croatia Poland
Romania Croatia Romania
Italy Croatia
Finland (3)
0 0 0 0 Romania 0

(1) Any of amphetamines, cannabis, crack, cocaine or heroin.

(2) Includes crack cocaine.
(3) Opioids.
NB: Data refer to lifetime prevalence of use prior to imprisonment, with the exception of data for Belgium and Bulgaria, which refer to lifetime prevalence
inside and outside prison. The prisoner sample in Finland was made up of convicts presenting for voluntary HIV testing; in the United Kingdom, the
sample consisted of adults receiving sentences of between 1 month and 4 years. The studies were carried out in 2000 (Greece), 2001 (Finland),
2003 (Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands), 2005/6 (United Kingdom), 2006 (Spain, Romania), 2007 (Poland, Portugal), 2008 (Slovenia), 2009 (Hungary)
and 2010 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Croatia).
For further information see Table DUP-1 in the 2012 Statistical bulletin.
Sources: Reitox national focal points.

Drug use within prison and Ritter, 2008). For example, a Belgian study carried out
in 2008 found that more than one-third of drug-using
Imprisonment forces some drug users to stop using drugs, prisoners had started to use an additional drug during
and some will see this as an opportunity to improve their detention, one that they were not using before entering
lives. For others, however, prison may be a setting for prison, with heroin being the drug most frequently
initiation into drug use or for switching from one drug to mentioned (Todts et al., 2008).
another, often due to lack of availability of the preferred
drug inside prison (Fazel et al., 2006; Stöver and Weilandt, Studies carried out in 15 European countries since 2000
2007) and other possible reasons (e.g. use of substances for estimated that between 2 % and 56 % of prisoners have
which avoiding control measures is easier). Sometimes, this ever used any type of drug while incarcerated, with nine
change leads to more harmful patterns of drug use (Niveau countries reporting levels in the range 20–40 % (3). The

(3)  See Table DUP-1 in the 2012 Statistical bulletin.

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

drug most frequently used by prisoners is cannabis, followed

Imprisonment and drug use: by cocaine and heroin. Estimates of heroin use while in
the international picture prison ranged from 1 % to 21 % of prisoners (4). The wide
variation in prevalence levels between countries may reflect
At an estimated 135 prisoners per 100 000 population, the methodological differences in data collection and reporting.
level of incarceration in Europe is similar to that in Australia Factors such as price and availability will influence the
(134 per 100 000) and higher than that in Canada (117
substances used within prison, but studies suggest a
per 100 000). Considerably higher levels of imprisonment
tendency towards the use of depressant-type drugs such as
are reported in the United States (743 per 100 000 in
heroin, hypnotics and sedatives or drugs with depressant
2009) and Russia (590 per 100 000) (Aebi and Del
effects such as cannabis. Stimulant drugs may be less
Grande, 2011; Walmsley, 2012).
popular, as the effects can be more difficult to manage, for
Outside Europe, data on drug use among prisoners mainly both prisoners and prison staff, within the confined prison
come from the United States, Australia and Canada. setting (Bullock, 2003).
Despite the methodological differences in monitoring drug
use in prison between different countries and world
regions, data from all three countries show that the Drug injecting and other health risk
prevalence of drug use among prisoners prior to behaviours among prisoners
incarceration is substantially above the level in the general
population. Comparing estimates of the more problematic The close associations between injecting drug use and
forms of drug use between countries is hampered by the serious health risks, including blood-borne infections and
lack of an agreed international definition of the condition. overdose, have led to research into drug use patterns
The available European data indicate that one-third of among prison populations focusing largely on drug
prisoners show problematic drug-use patterns. In Canada, injecting.
the percentage of prisoners diagnosed as having a
substance abuse problem (70 %) is the nearest comparable Lifetime prevalence of injecting drug use is substantially
measure, although this includes alcohol problems (CCSA, higher among prisoners than among the general population.
2012). In the United States, 65% of prisoners reportedly European countries report that between 2 % and 38 % of
meet the criteria for substance use disorder under the prisoners have ever injected heroin or other drugs prior to
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th imprisonment. The most robust overall figure for drug
edition (CASA, 2010). injection among the European general population refers to
those currently injecting, who are estimated to represent
In Australia, two-thirds of all prison entrants reported using
illicit drugs in the 12 months prior to prison entry. The most about 0.3 % of the adult population of the European Union.
common illicit substances used by prisoners before
In studies carried out in Europe since 2000, estimates of the
incarceration were, in the following order: cannabis (51 %),
prevalence of ever injecting illicit drugs while in prison
methamphetamine (30 %), analgesics (16 %), tranquillisers
(12 %), heroin (10 %) and ecstasy (10 %) (AIHW, 2011).
range from 2 % to 31 % (Table 1). Data, however, are
Also in Australia, a recent study found that 36 % of available for only a few countries, and differences in
prisoners reported the illicit use of pharmaceutical drugs methodology mean that caution is required when comparing
such as buprenorphine, morphine, benzodiazepines or countries. The findings of qualitative studies suggest that in
dexamphetamine at least once in the past 12 months (Ng prison settings the likelihood of injecting in order to
and Macgregor, 2012). maximise the effect of the substance could increase, owing
to the scarcity of drugs (EMCDDA, 2010b; Pena-Orellana et
There are also reports of high levels of experience of
al., 2011). In addition, the scarcity of sterile equipment may
injecting drug use among prison populations outside
lead to prisoners sharing syringes and other injecting
Europe, with 34 % of Canadian drug offenders in prison
and 55 % of Australian prison entrants reporting ever paraphernalia, which increases the risk of infections.
having injected a drug. Injecting while in prison is reported
by 11 % of Canadian inmates.

(4)  See Table DUP-3 in the 2012 Statistical bulletin.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

Table 1: Lifetime prevalence of drug injecting

before and during imprisonment, Prison experience among problem drug users
in selected European countries
Studies among problem drug users show that many have
Prevalence of drug injecting (%) Year of spent time in prison, with between one-third and three-
study quarters of different samples of users of opioids, cocaine
Prior to During
and amphetamines and injecting drug users having ever
imprisonment imprisonment
been in prison. Among problem drug users, evidence from
Belgium 15.2  2.3 2010 a Norwegian study suggests that males are more likely
Bulgaria (1)  7.3  2.7 2009/06 (2) than females to have been imprisoned at some time, and
that males serve longer sentences (Ravndal and
Czech Republic 22.1  8.4 2010
Amundsen, 2010).
Germany 31.0 22.2 2007
Problem drug use and drug dependence will increase the
Spain 25.7  3.1 2006
risk of imprisonment, due to the illegality of the drugs
France  7.0  — 2003 market and high cost of drug use, which is often funded by
criminal activity. In addition, studies suggest that
Italy 30.4  — 2001–02
incarceration has an additional negative impact on these
Latvia (1) 21.1  8.5 2010 already vulnerable populations. Imprisonment is, for
Luxembourg  — 31.0 2005 example, associated with higher rates of heroin or cocaine
use, both in prison and outside prison (Gaffney et al.,
Hungary 10.4  0.7 2008
2008), increased benzodiazepine use in injecting drug
Poland ( )3
 5.9  3.3 2001 users (McIlwraith et al., 2012), and earlier relapse after
inpatient treatment (Smyth et al., 2010).
Portugal 12.6  1.9 2007

Romania  6.0  — 2006 In light of the large overlap that exists between prison and
problem drug use populations, prison samples (and
United Kingdom
(England) (4) 37.8  6.9 2004–05
criminal justice-involved samples, in general) are an
important source of data for understanding the
United Kingdom characteristics and estimating the size of populations of
(England and Wales)  —  1.0 2001–02
problem drug users, as they offer an opportunity to reach
United Kingdom problem drug users who might never, or only much later,
(Scotland)  —  7.5 2009
contact drug treatment services. Comparing their
Croatia  2.5  — 2010 characteristics with treated clients gives a better
understanding of treatment needs that are as yet unmet by
(1) Heroin. existing services.
(2) Data for injecting prior to imprisonment refer to 2009, data for
injecting during imprisonment are from 2006.
(3) Adult males.
(4) Female prisoners.
Sources: Reitox national focal points. inmates’ vulnerability to HIV and other infections may be
indirectly increased by factors related to prison
infrastructure and management, including overcrowding,
Additional risk factors for blood-borne infections include violence and inadequate medical and social services
consensual and non-consensual unprotected sexual activity, (Jurgens et al., 2011; Rotily et al., 2001).
including sexual assault and rape, which are reported to
occur frequently in prison. In a large study conducted in Social and demographic characteristics
Luxembourg in 1998, 90 % of the prisoners who reported of drug treatment clients in prison
having had sex in prison did not use condoms (Schlink,
1999); in a recent study, the corresponding proportion was Information on the social characteristics of prisoners with
40 % (Origer and Removille, 2007). A number of other drug problems is scarce, both in the scientific literature and
practices that are relatively frequent in prison are from routine data; it mainly comes from qualitative studies
associated with increased risk of spread of infectious (Vandam, 2009). Data on those entering drug treatment
disease, including the sharing or re-use of tattooing and while in prison may provide a source of information on the
body-piercing equipment, sharing of razors, blood- social and demographic characteristics of drug users in
sharing/‘brotherhood’ rituals and the re-use or inadequate prison settings. However, as only a small number of
sterilisation of medical or dental instruments. In addition, countries collect these data, and coverage may be limited, it

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

must be borne in mind that this dataset can describe only a Differences in morbidity between the prison population and
subset of drug users receiving treatment in prison settings. the general population are shown by several studies, with
prisoners more often presenting a problematic mental health
Data on drug users entering treatment in prison show that, profile (Fazel and Danesh, 2002). Compared with the
prior to incarceration, they have experienced generally general population, prison inmates experience poorer
poor social conditions, with many of them having a low physical and mental health and social well-being, including
level of educational attainment, while unemployment and both acute and long-standing physical and mental illness and
living in unstable accommodation are also common. disability, sexual health problems, suicide, self-harm, physical,
Furthermore, violence, abuse and poverty feature in the psychological and sexual violence, lower life expectancy and
history of many prisoners who have used or are using drugs breakdowns in family and other relationships, drug, alcohol
(Ronco et al., 2011). and tobacco dependency (Barry, 2010).

Eight countries were able to provide information on According to recent European and international studies
prisoners entering drug treatment in 2010 (Germany, more than one-third of prisoners had an alcohol problem
Ireland, France, Luxembourg, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia
and Sweden, with a total of 5 146 prisoners). In these
countries, the social profile of drug clients entering
treatment in prison, while being generally similar to that of Health needs of female drug users in prison
those entering treatment in the community, had some
On a given day more than 30 000 women are imprisoned
distinct characteristics. Men accounted for a greater share in Europe, where they account for about 5 % of the prison
of those entering treatment in prison (around 90 %) than in population. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of
community settings (80 %). And, while the average age of women in prison grew by 27 %, and women’s share of the
treatment clients was similar in the two settings (29 years in prison population also rose. Part of the increase may be
prison and 30 years in the community), prisoners reported due to women drug couriers, many of whom have been
an earlier age of first use of the primary drug for which coerced into carrying drugs. In the United Kingdom, for
they were receiving treatment (18 years compared with 21 example, female foreign nationals represented 19 % of the
years among non-prisoners). Overall, heroin use was female prison population, with 80 % of them convicted of
frequently the main reason for entering treatment in prison, drugs offences (Corston Report, 2007). These women form
a group with special needs.
although other primary drugs were reported by high
proportions of prisoners entering treatment in several Women prisoners are more likely than their male
countries. counterparts to have been incarcerated for drug offences
(Borrill et al., 2003) and to have serious drug-related health
problems (Fazel et al., 2006), including infectious diseases
Health of drug-using prisoners (UNODC, 2008c). Female prisoners have specific
treatment needs that are interwoven with their drug use
The health needs of prisoners are diverse and complex.
history and drug-related lifestyles: many have experienced
Prisoners suffer from high levels of physical and psychiatric trauma related to physical and sexual abuse and violence
disorders, ranging from infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS, and have to deal with mental health co-morbidities (WHO
hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis) to psychiatric co-morbidity Regional Office for Europe, 2009). In addition, the risk of
(antisocial and borderline personality disorder, depression, drug-related death is particularly acute among newly
post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosis and alcohol released women (Farrell and Marsden, 2008).
dependence) (ECDC, 2010).
Responding to the requirements of women is challenging
for prison authorities, because facilities and programmes
Prison conditions may also have a detrimental impact on
are not typically developed to meet the specific
prisoners’ health. Overcrowding, in particular, is linked with
psychological, social and healthcare needs of this small
increased stress and tension (Rouillon et al., 2007). In 15 out
minority of inmates. Making sure that women have access
of 30 European countries (27 EU Member States, Croatia,
to integrated treatment that addresses mental and somatic
Turkey and Norway) the occupancy rate in prison is over co-morbidities as well as drug dependence has been
100 %, ranging from 102 % in Ireland to 153 % in Italy, recommended (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2009)
according to the latest statistics from the Council of Europe alongside the systematic preparation of women prisoners
(Aebi and Del Grande, 2012). In addition, the poor and for release, throughcare to drug treatment in the community
unsanitary detention conditions in some prisons are likely to and support to re-establish social support networks and
impact on the health of prisoners (WHO Regional Office for family relationships (UNODC, 2008b).
Europe, 2007).

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

in the last year before entering prison (Lukasiewicz et al., Tuberculosis

2007), and almost 80 % smoked tobacco prior to arrest,
compared with around 20–30 % in the general Prisons play a key role in the epidemiology of tuberculosis in
population (Hayton and Boyington, 2006; Kauffman et Europe. The disease is more common among marginalised
al., 2011). sections of the population, including those with drug
problems, than in the community at large, and prevalence
rates in European prisons usually far exceed those in the
Infectious diseases among injecting general population (Aerts et al., 2006). A recent systematic
drug users in prison review indicates that the risk of acquiring tuberculosis is at
least ten times higher in prisons than in the general
HIV and hepatitis C virus population (Baussano et al., 2010). Conditions such as
overcrowding and poor ventilation facilitate the transmission
European data on HIV infection among injecting drug users
of tuberculosis among the prison population. Similarly,
in prison, albeit limited, show that the prevalence of
through infected visitors, prison staff and released prisoners,
infection varies, and in some countries it can be high
tuberculosis may be transmitted into the community.
among prisoners who have ever injected. Among the five
countries providing data on HIV infection among injecting
drug users in prisons between 2005 and 2010, HIV Psychiatric co-morbidity
prevalence ranged from zero to 7.7 % in four countries
while Spain reported a prevalence of 39.7 %. Reports from Psychiatric co-morbidity is the co-occurrence of two or more
European countries with a high prevalence of HIV among mental disorders, usually a mental health and substance use
injectors outside prison suggest that HIV prevalence is also disorder, in the same person. It particularly affects
high among injectors in prison. As higher proportions of vulnerable groups, including problem drug users and prison
prisoners inject or have injected drugs, the prevalence of populations, which are, to a large extent, overlapping.
HIV in prison populations can be much higher than that in Studies have estimated that for several types of mental
the general population (5). health disorders, including psychosis, personality disorders,
anxiety and depression, co-morbidity occurs at substantially
Data on hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody prevalence among higher prevalence rates among prisoners than in the general
injecting drug users in prison between 2005 and 2010 were population (Fazel and Baillargeon, 2011).
reported by five countries, with prevalence ranging from
11.5 % (Hungary) to 90.7 % (Luxembourg). A systematic review of 62 surveys covering about 23 000
prisoners from 12 countries worldwide showed that up to
An analysis of studies undertaken in the community and 65 % of prisoners have a mental health disorder, which may
reported to the EMCDDA, mostly in drug treatment and range from personality disorder (42–65 %, mostly antisocial
low-threshold services, assessed whether HIV prevalence disorder), to major depression (10–12 %) to psychotic
differs by prison history of injecting drug users. Data since illnesses (4 %; including schizophrenia, schizophreniform
2005 from 15 European countries were analysed. HIV disorder, maniac episodes and delusional disorder). Those
prevalence among injecting drug users who reported ever disorders represent a serious risk factor for suicide, which is
having been in prison (5.6 %) was about twice that among the leading cause of death among those who are
injectors who reported never having been in prison imprisoned (Fazel and Danesh, 2002).
(2.6 %). A similar pattern was found for HCV infection,
with a prevalence of 63 % among injecting drug users Studies from European countries, including Spain, France
who reported having ever been in prison and 43 % and the United Kingdom, support those results (Birchard,
among those who reported that they had never been in 2001). Particular attention has been drawn to personality
prison. The increased risk of HCV infection varied from 1.1 disorders, which are often associated with problem drug use
times in Greece to 7 in Sweden and 19 times higher risk in (Arroyo and Ortega, 2012). In a French study, the most
Cyprus. Overall, the data suggest that, for injecting drug common problems among prisoners with a diagnosis of
users in most countries, a history of imprisonment is psychiatric co-morbidity were depressive syndromes (40 %),
associated with a two- to threefold increase in the risk of generalised anxiety (33 %), traumatic neuroses (20 %),
HCV infection, while in France, Cyprus and Sweden the agoraphobia (17 %), schizophrenia (7 %), and paranoia or
increase is higher. chronic hallucinatory psychoses (7 %) (Rouillon et al., 2007).

(5)  See Table INF-1 in the 2012 Statistical bulletin.

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

1997). And studies show that, in the community, drug users

Mandatory drug testing in prison are more likely than the general population to commit
suicide (Darke and Ross, 2002).
The main purpose of mandatory drug testing is to prevent
inmates from consuming drugs inside prisons and to identify
In England, a study on 172 prison suicides in 1999–2000
those who require treatment. The information obtained can
found that the most common methods of suicide were
also be used to estimate the level of use and the types of
hanging and strangulation, using bed clothes and window
drugs being used in prisons (Stöver et al., 2008).
bars (92 %), and only 3 % of the victims died of self-
Mandatory drug testing in prisons was first established in a poisoning (overdose). Drug-dependent prisoners who
number of European countries in the 1990s (MacDonald, committed suicide did it early, and were twice as likely as
1997), and is now carried out in most EU Member States. other prisoners to commit suicide in the first week of
Urinalysis is the prevailing method employed, although detention. For all inmates, the authors identified the days
countries report various methods and objectives of drug
following reception into prison as the period when suicide
testing. Other types of biological samples are analysed,
prevention measures are most needed, and that, in this
such as blood and oral fluids, hair follicles and sweat
respect, drug-dependent prisoners should be identified as a
(Hoffmann, 2009). In addition to random testing, in some
high-risk population and targeted by prevention measures
European countries inmates may also be tested upon
prison admission, on suspicion of use, and before they (Shaw et al., 2004).
leave the prison.

There are a number of problems associated with drug Mortality after prison release
testing in prisons including cost, increased tension among
prisoners, and negative impact on treatment compliance Release from prison is a time associated with increased
and effectiveness (Stöver et al., 2008). Studies have also mortality from all causes and, in particular, from drug
reported links between testing and increases in harm. Drug overdose. This risk does not appear to have decreased in
testing is more likely to identify cannabis users, since
the last 20 years (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010).
metabolites of tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive
During the period following release from prison and return
chemical in cannabis, have a longer duration in the body
to the community, prisoners face a range of physical,
than those of cocaine and heroin. This could lead would-be
cannabis users to switch to ‘harder’ drugs. However, there
practical and psychosocial challenges (Binswanger et al.,
is insufficient evidence to generalise these findings, and 2011). For prisoners with a history of problematic drug use,
more research is needed to establish the efficacy of this is a time of very high overdose risk, as a result of
mandatory drug testing in prison (Bird, 2005). reduced tolerance to opioids and frequent relapse into
heroin use. A review of drug-related deaths that occurred
shortly after release from prison in Europe, Australia and
the United States showed that six out of 10 deaths in the
first 12 weeks after release were drug-related (Merrall et
Mortality among prisoners using drugs
al., 2010). The authors concluded that there is an
Mortality among prisoners in general is high (30.6 per increased risk of drug-related death during the first two
10 000 per year), according to a study of suicide and weeks after release from prison, and that the risk remains
mortality in prisoners, using supranational data from the elevated up to at least the fourth week. A study in England
Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics (SPACE) from and Wales also reported that six out of 10 deaths in the
1997 to 2008. Suicide is the leading cause of death in first two weeks after release were drug-related and that the
prison and accounts for around one-third of all prison risk of death was greatly elevated during the first two
deaths. In Europe, the risk of suicide among prisoners (10.5 weeks following release from prison. During the first week
per 10 000 in prison) is estimated to be seven times that of after release, compared with the general population of the
the general population (EU average of 1.5 per 10 000 same age and sex, female prisoners were 69 times more
population) (Rabe, 2012). likely to die of drug-related causes and male prisoners 28
times more likely (Farrell and Marsden, 2008). In addition,
Drug-using prisoners represent a sizeable proportion of the an Irish study of drug users who died after prison release
prison population, and, while the evidence is not conclusive, between 1998 and 2005 showed a considerable risk of
it is likely that drug users represent a considerable share of death at the time of release. Among the 105 deaths
the suicides in prison. Meta-analysis of studies suggests that, identified, 28 % occurred within the first week of release
among other factors, drug problems might be a risk factor from prison and a further 18 % in the first month (Lyons et
for committing suicide in prison (Fazel et al., 2011; Laishes, al., 2010).

Responding to drug-related healthcare needs in prison

The European context

The rights of prisoners in the European Union
Responding to the drug-related healthcare needs of
prisoners has been identified as a public health priority by In response to concerns about increasing prison
the European Union and Member States. This is evident in populations, including overcrowding and rising numbers of
the EU drugs action plan 2009–12, which sets for Member foreign nationals in European prisons, in 2004, the
European Parliament adopted a recommendation on the
States the objective of providing drug users in prison with
rights of prisoners in the European Union (a), which refers to
improved access to healthcare, in order to prevent and
the EU legal instruments dealing with the protection of
reduce health-related harm associated with drug
human rights (b), treatment of drug users in prison (c) and
dependence. It is also expressed in the Dublin Declaration
reduction of health-related harm (d), as well as to the
on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central corresponding instruments adopted by the Council of
Asia, which identifies prisoners as a vulnerable population Europe and the United Nations. The Parliament
and sets time-bound targets for national governments to recommended the drafting of a binding prisons charter for
provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS services for them Europe as well as the revision of the 1987 European Prison
(ECDC, 2010). Rules (e), in order to incorporate a higher degree of
protection. In the context of the adoption in 2008 of an EU
A number of recommendations and resolutions that address framework decision (f) implying the option of a transfer of a
the broader topic of prison health have been adopted by sentenced prisoner to serve the remainder of the sentence
the Council of Europe, through its Council for Penological in another Member State, growing importance is now
Cooperation under the Committee of Ministers (6), including being attached to ensuring common minimum prison
the European Prison Rules (7). In addition, guidance standards across the EU Member States and to the
translating internationally recommended health standards exchange of best practices.
into the prison setting and promoting evidence-based (a) European Parliament recommendation to the Council on the rights of
health interventions in prisons has been issued, including prisoners in the European Union (2003/2188(INI)) — document P5_
TA(2004)0142 (available online).
the World Health Organization’s (2007) health in prisons
(b) The Treaty on European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
guide and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s
of the European Union (available online).
(2012) briefing on HIV prevention, treatment and care in
(c) Council Resolution on the treatment of drug abusers in prison,
prisons. adopted at the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council on
27–28 February 2003 (available online).
To set the context for the care for drug-related problems in (d) Council Recommendation of 18 June 2003 on the prevention and
prison, this section first examines the administration of prison reduction of health-related harm associated with drug dependence,
healthcare in European countries, and reviews national OJ L 165, 3.7.2003, p. 31 (available online).

policies. This is followed by an overview of the available (e) Recommendation Rec(87)3E of the Committee of Ministers on the
European Prison Rules (available online).
information on drug-related service provision in Europe,
(f) Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA of 27 November 2008
from prison entry to prison release, addressing counselling,
on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments
treatment of drug dependence and the prevention of in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures
infectious diseases. involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in
the European Union (available online).

(6)  A compendium of the work of the Council of Europe published in 2007 is available online.
(7)  See the box ‘Prison health standards in Europe: the European Prison Rules’.

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

Responsibility for prison health

in European countries Prison health standards in Europe:
the European Prison Rules
In Europe, the responsibility for the provision of healthcare in
prisons has historically lain with the same ministry that is in European and international prison rules (1) promote
charge of the overall management of prison services — equivalence of care between prison and community and
generally the justice or interior ministries. In practice, this provide guidance on the organisation of imprisonment,
including preparation for release as well as prison
means that decisions about prison health are taken by the
inspection and monitoring. The standards set by these rules
national prison administrations or specialised executive
provide a frame of reference for the judgments of the
agencies such as the Criminal Sanctions Agency in Finland,
European Court of Human Rights, and are a benchmark
the Custodial Institutions Agency in the Netherlands or the against which conditions of detention are evaluated in
Irish Prison Service. In several countries, namely Belgium, Member States.
Germany, Malta, Portugal, Finland and Norway, prison
health policies are dealt with at regional or prison levels. The European Prison Rules include a set of
recommendations on the organisation and provision of
Seven countries, accounting for 40 % of all prisoners in the healthcare and on the qualifications and duties of the
European Union and Norway (8), have transferred or are in medical staff. The principles stipulated in the Prison Rules
the process of transferring competence for delivering apply equally to the provision of healthcare for problems
prisoner healthcare to the same structures that provide related to drug use. Under the ‘principle of equivalence’,
healthcare in the community. An important rationale for this prisoners shall have access to the health services available
change has been the need to integrate prison health in the country, without discrimination on the grounds of
their legal situation; the prison health staff shall have
structures with those in the community and improve the
adequate training and be able to identify mental health
continuity of care for prisoners. In some countries, the move
problems; and those in need of specialised treatment not
followed recognition of the need to tackle prison health
available in prison shall be transferred to external
problems more effectively, and to improve the quality of institutions.
care for prisoners through easier access to medical
(1) Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (SMRTP),
specialists from public health structures. In some countries,
adopted by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of
such as Sweden and the United Kingdom, this move seems Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held at Geneva in 1955, and
to have been accompanied by increased funding to engage approved by the Economic and Social Council by its resolutions 663
C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977 (available
prisoners in drug treatment programmes.
online) and Recommendation Rec(2006)2 of the Committee of
Ministers to Member States on the European Prison Rules (available
Among EU Member States, Sweden has the longest online). The European Prison Rules follow the general lines of the
experience of involving the Ministry of Health in prisons, SMRTP, which set out consensual principles and practices in the
treatment of prisoners, covering accommodation, hygiene, food,
with a law from the early 1980s (Bill 1982/83:85)
exercise and medical services.
stipulating that general health services should care for
prisoners just as they care for other citizens. However, while
the Ministry of Health funds the medical treatment of
inmates, prison healthcare units are run by the Swedish
Prison and Probation Service under the Ministry of Justice, In France, since 1994, prison healthcare has been provided
which is also in charge of providing cognitive treatment and through the public hospital system. Each prison has an
educational activities targeting imprisoned drug users. agreement with a public hospital, which is responsible for
the healthcare of the inmates. Addiction treatment costs are
In Norway, since 1988, municipal health services have been covered by French social security, and contributions for
responsible for the provision of primary healthcare to the inmates to the scheme are paid by the Ministry of Justice.
inmates of prisons located in their area. As the Norwegian
prison system consists of many small prisons, this solution Between 2003 and 2006, responsibility for commissioning
offers practical advantages, including better availability of and funding healthcare in public prisons in England and
healthcare. Steps are currently being taken towards a further Wales was transferred from the prison administrations to
integration of service provision, in particular the public healthcare providers. The change was accompanied
incorporation of specialised drugs care and rehabilitation by an increase in funding of 78 % in England and 30 % in
competence in prisons. Wales. In Northern Ireland, the South Eastern Health and

(8)  Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

Social Care Trust took charge of prison health in 2008, and, Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS) and the Agency
in Scotland, the transfer to the National Health Service took for Shared Information Systems (ASIP Santé), as well as a
place in 2011. general adviser for health establishments. This national
strategic action plan for improving the health of detainees is
In Spain, the management of all prison healthcare units, the consistent with the objectives of the French national action
planning of drug policies, epidemiological surveillance and plan on drugs and drug addictions (2008–11) and
the prison health information systems are coordinated under emphasises the importance of continuity of care after
the secretary general of Spanish prison institutions. Care is release from prison, especially through the provision of
provided using an integrated model with shared funding housing.
from the Ministry of Interior for primary health services and
from the Ministry of Health for external healthcare services In England, since 2008, an integrated drug treatment system
delivered by non-governmental agencies. All prison (IDTS) has been implemented in all adult prisons, with the
healthcare personnel are currently being transferred from aim of improving the coordination of planning and delivery
the national Ministry of Interior to the health structures of the of all drug treatment interventions, both clinical and
Autonomous Communities. psychosocial. The IDTS aims to improve collaboration
between prisoners and the prison system through an
In Italy, the Ministry of Health has been responsible for
individual treatment plan, and to ensure continuity with
prison health since 2008, and all health units in prisons
community treatment at both the start and finish of custody.
operate under its authority. In Slovenia, regional health
Each prison has its own drug and alcohol strategy, and a
centres became responsible for prisoner healthcare in 2009,
review of this is carried out annually. Also in the United
when prison health was integrated in the public healthcare
Kingdom, a prison drug treatment strategy review was
carried out, under which an independent expert group
assessed rehabilitation measures for drug users in prison
Drug-related prison health policies and on release with regard to their effects on reducing
drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders, and came
Drug-related health issues in prisons have been an important forward with recommendations for an evidence-based
focus for European policymakers in recent years. Two approach to prison drug treatment (Prison Drug Treatment
reports issued by the European Commission in 2007 (9) and Strategy Review Group, 2010).
2008 (Stöver et al., 2008) highlighted the lack of available
services for drug users in prisons and drew attention to the
In Portugal, the provision of healthcare, treatment and harm
importance of intervening in this setting. As noted earlier,
reduction measures is ensured through the use of
improved provision of healthcare for drug users in prison
collaboration procedures between the health and justice
has been an objective in the 2009–12 action plan on drugs,
and 15 EU Member States, as well as Croatia and Norway,
specifically address drug-related prison health in their
In the majority of European countries, drug treatment in
national drug policies.
prisons is provided by staff employed by the prison
Furthermore, in 10 EU Member States, drug-related prison administration. However, it is also common for prison
health is covered in a national prison health strategy, in a administrations to collaborate with a range of community-
strategy dedicated specifically to drug-related prison health, based providers, public health services or non-governmental
or in both. organisations in order to deliver drug treatment services to
those in detention. Collaboration can entail bringing in
There is evidence of increasing coordination and personnel from public services to work alongside prison staff
cooperation between agencies around prison health or having external providers ‘reach in’ and work
planning and service provision. An example of a recent independently inside prison. In the Netherlands, mixed
multi-stakeholder prison health plan is the French strategy teams are the main providers of all types of drug treatment
‘Santé/Prison’ for 2010–14, developed by the Ministry of in prisons, and in the United Kingdom they are the main
Health and Sports in collaboration with the Ministry of providers of opioid substitution treatment. In Greece,
Justice and Liberties and involving the National Institute for non-governmental organisations are the only provider of
Prevention and Health Education (INPES), the National drug treatment in prisons.

(9) COM report on follow-up to Council Recommendation of 18 June 2003 on the prevention and reduction of health-related harm associated with drug
dependence (available online).

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

Provision of drug-related prison entry, in cases where it is required, a radiographic

health services in prison examination is performed. Testing for HIV and viral hepatitis
B and C is done on a voluntary basis in all prisons and
As a general principle, prisoners are entitled to the same always includes pre- and post-test counselling. It is
level of medical care as persons living in the community, performed when an individual arrives in prison, one year
and prison health services should be able to provide after previous testing or, more frequently, where medical
drug-related treatment and care in conditions comparable to necessity demands. In Lithuania, since 2002, prisoners are
those enjoyed by patients outside (10). The following sections required by law to comply with procedures for preventing
describe what drug-related health services are provided to dangerous and highly contagious infectious diseases.
prisoners on entry into custody, during imprisonment and
upon release. In Hungarian prisons, voluntary testing for hepatitis B and C
and HIV is conducted periodically — not on prison entry —
as part of an extensive screening campaign taking place in
Prison entry prisons since 2007. In Germany, rules on testing vary
between Länder, and no central dataset is available.
Medical examination of all those remanded in custody or
entering prison after conviction is a widely accepted In most countries, a confidential health record is created
standard of prison healthcare. The aim here is to diagnose during the prison entry examination, which accompanies the
any physical or mental illnesses that might be present and prisoner throughout the time in prison. Electronic information
take the necessary treatment measures, such as ensuring the systems and centralised databases are increasingly being
continuation of existing medical treatment. Although used to maintain a centralised overview of prisoners’ health.
information from some countries is incomplete, a general
picture emerges from the available data. The overall health Assessment of drug problems
condition of prisoners is screened by the prison doctor or
nurse immediately at entry or within the first 24 hours and, In a majority of countries, new inmates are routinely
in several countries, withdrawal symptoms are assessed and assessed for drug use and drug-related problems. Sixteen
medication needs are established. countries report procedures other than urine testing to detect
illicit substances. The common approach is a clinical
This is followed by a comprehensive medical examination, assessment carried out by a medical doctor, psychiatrist or
which takes place in a specified time, which can vary psychologist in order to ascertain a diagnosis of drug
depending on the country from ‘within the first working day’ dependence and mental health problems, but in some
to up to ‘within 20 working days’. This examination typically countries standardised tests, questionnaires and interviews
involves a thorough medical assessment (11), an evaluation of are used for this purpose. In Sweden, all prisoners are
the need for specialist care and the testing for blood-borne classified by prison personnel with regard to level of
viruses and sexually transmitted infections. addiction, with a follow-up Addiction Severity Index (12)
interview when needed. In Scottish prisons, following a core
Tests for infectious diseases should be offered but should not screening, inmates with drug problems are referred for
be mandatory (EMCDDA, 2010a). Information on specific specialist substance misuse assessment. In England, CARATs
screening policies was available from only a few countries. teams (Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice and
For example, in Romania, HIV screening requires written Throughcare services) carry out a brief substance use
consent; however, if the prisoner tests positive, screening for assessment and, if needed, triage. In Spain, Italy and the
sexually transmitted infections will also be performed. In Netherlands, social workers and psychologists carry out a
Estonia, where tuberculosis affects more than 20 per multidisciplinary assessment, evaluate psychological, social
100 000 inhabitants, and where an increase in tuberculosis and legal areas and draw up an individual care plan.
patients carrying multidrug-resistant pathogens was detected
in 2010, a more active tuberculosis screening is The medical consultation upon prison entry is also used as a
implemented based on the national tuberculosis prevention first opportunity to inform prisoners about treatment and
strategy (2008–12). During the medical examination on prevention, raise risk awareness, distribute prevention

(10) See also the box on the European Prison Rules, p. 17.

(11) European Prison Rules — Part III: Health — Duties of the medical practitioner — Rule 43.2. Available online.
(12) The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is an assessment instrument, designed to be administered as a semi-structured interview, that gathers information about
seven areas of a client’s life: medical, employment/support, drug and alcohol use, legal, family history, family/social relationships and psychiatric

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

materials, including hygiene kits and condoms, and make specialist ward with capacity for nine prisoners is operating
referrals to specialised drug treatment and care. in the country’s largest institution, Mountjoy Prison. Here, a
typical programme includes psychosocial counselling and
Assessment of suicide risk lasts six weeks, which allows 70 prisoners per year to
benefit from it. In contrast, detoxification in Turkish prisons
The importance of early identification of drug-using mainly involves the provision of information on drug
prisoners at risk of suicide and referring them to adequate addiction, increasing inmates’ skills in managing withdrawal
treatment was shown in England, where the implementation symptoms and craving, and training in relaxation methods.
of an integrated treatment system in all prisons led to a
dramatic reduction in suicides among the population of Low-intensity treatment including counselling (outpatient)
women prisoners, from a total of 36 in the preceding three
full years (2002–04) to 15 in the three years following the Some form of low-intensity drug treatment was reported to
start of the programme (2005–08) (Marteau et al., 2010). be available in prison systems in all countries except Cyprus.
The measures reported by national focal points included
psychological counselling, crisis intervention, needs
Treatment of drug dependence assessment and care planning, motivational programmes or
drug treatment of short duration aiming at drug use
Treatment for drug dependence is aimed at both improving
reduction, relapse prevention or harm reduction. Among the
the health of detainees and reducing the often high levels of
counselling and treatment approaches mentioned were
illicit drug use in prisons. Treatment options for drug users in
motivational interviewing and cognitive–behavioural and
European prisons cover a range of modalities, which, in the
socio-educational interventions (e.g. social skills training).
absence of a standard nomenclature, are broadly
Educational and information programmes were delivered in
categorised into three types:
group sessions, whereas treatments were administered
1. ‘low-intensity drug treatment’, which covers counselling usually in individual consultations.
interventions as well as short-term treatment conducted in
an outpatient regime within the prison setting; The range of interventions reported was broad. In Slovakia,
for example, programmes focus on psycho-education, sports
2. ‘medium- or high-intensity drug-free treatment’, defined as
activities and spiritual services; the Swedish Prison and
including inpatient wards for the delivery of drug
Probation Service uses mainly cognitive–behavioural
treatment in a residential setting, e.g. therapeutic
treatment programmes to address drug-using prisoners’
communities in prison;
behavioural problems and reduce re-offending; and, in
3. ‘medium- or long-term opioid substitution treatment’, Bulgaria, the focus of a short-term programme delivered to
covering methadone or buprenorphine substitution prisoners in daily sessions over 20 days is the reduction of
programmes. drug-related harm.

The following sections summarise the available information Reports suggest that interventions aimed at spreading
and expert opinion about the provision of detoxification and general information on drug prevention and risks are
drug treatment services in European prisons. common in European prisons. These are frequently delivered
to prisoners in group settings. In 2010, nearly one-quarter of
Detoxification all prisoners in the Czech Republic received at least one
intervention from drug prevention and counselling centres,
In many countries, detoxification is still the ‘default’ treatment while in the same year in Latvia, 4 000 counselling sessions
for the majority of opioid users entering prison. and 1 700 individual consultations took place. Data from
Detoxification policies vary between countries and can also Lithuania document that 80 % of prisoners were reached in
differ between prisons in the same country. Withdrawal 2010 with information about drug prevention, treatment and
symptoms are usually evaluated by a doctor and rehabilitation.
pharmacologically supported. Some prisons are equipped
with specific detoxification inpatient facilities for cases Intensive and individualised counselling approaches are
where hospitalisation is necessary. In countries with smaller more targeted, and reach a smaller number of prisoners. In
prison systems, such as Luxembourg, detoxification may be Slovenia, for example, 186 prisoners were involved in
provided in collaboration with a psychiatric hospital. medium-threshold treatment programmes during 2010, while
Detoxification regimes vary in length and form, depending in Denmark 455 prisoners were reached by such
on the individual’s clinical condition. Medically assisted programmes. Furthermore, the Irish Prison Service reported
detoxification is available in all prisons in Ireland, and a that addiction counselling services provided by 23

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

counsellors delivered approximately 1 500 prisoner contacts in a similar manner to residential programmes in the
per month, and in Luxembourg, services provided to a total community, providing group and individual treatments, and
national prisoner population of 680 (on a given day) professional staff may be supported by treated prisoners.
included 45 health prevention groups, 274 individual Various therapeutic models may be offered, including
prevention interviews and 1 238 therapeutic counselling cognitive, behavioural and 12-step programmes. The
sessions. In Greece, drug treatment services for prisoners UNODC Treatnet project describes the different types of
are provided by the non-governmental organisations residential drug-free treatment approaches available in
KETHEA and ‘18 ANO’. In 2010, more than 1 800 drug- prisons (UNODC, 2008a). These include cognitive–
related counselling sessions were delivered in 19 of the 32 behavioural treatment, in which structured psychological
Greek prisons. interventions help the prisoner to develop the skills
necessary to stay drug free. Strategies include relapse
As most countries do not possess reliable data on the prevention such as coping strategies, identification of
prevalence of drug use and related treatment and high-risk situations and triggers to drug use, and identifying
counselling needs among prisoners, the Reitox national focal dysfunctional thinking patterns, managing emotions and
points were asked to assess current levels of treatment problem solving.
provision and give information on types of providers and
models of service provision. Respondents were instructed to Also used in prisons is the 12-step residential approach,
judge the treatment offer against the needs of drug users based on the Alcoholics Anonymous model, which assumes
actively seeking treatment and to rank treatment providers a biological or psychological vulnerability to dependency.
according to the numbers of prisoners they reach. The treatment goal is abstinence, and prisoners usually work
their way through the first five steps of the 12-step
Capacity for low-intensity treatment was considered as
programme. Programme graduates will be expected to
fully matching prisoners’ demand in nine countries, where
attend self-help groups in prison and in the community on
nearly all prisoners in need would obtain it. In 10 other
countries, provision was judged sufficiently extensive to
enable a majority of prisoners in need to obtain such
Therapeutic communities are a special form of long-term,
treatment. A lack of capacity was identified in Estonia,
participative, group-based residential treatment of drug
Greece, Latvia, Hungary and Romania. In prisons in
addiction, where milieu therapy principles are applied,
Cyprus, low-intensity drug treatment programmes were not
meaning that clients are encouraged to take responsibility
available in 2010 (13).
for themselves and for others.
National experts reported that health services run by the
prison system were the main providers of low-intensity There is a lack of research and evaluation of prison-based
treatment services in 19 countries (14). External providers treatment programmes and too little is known about their
were judged to make an important contribution in eight of effectiveness. However, two randomised trials conducted in
the 25 countries that answered the question: community- prisons were included in a review of the effectiveness of
based public health services, non-governmental therapeutic communities versus other treatments for
organisations that provide services through ‘in-reach’ or substance dependents (Smith et al., 2006). While the
mixed teams of prison personnel and externally contracted authors found little evidence that therapeutic communities
staff were identified as main providers in Greece, Italy, the offer significant benefits in comparison with other residential
Netherlands, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, and were treatment provided in community settings, inmates of
ranked on equal footing with prison health services as the prison-based therapeutic communities were less likely to
main providers in Denmark, Malta and Croatia. In France, return to prison within the first 12 months after, compared
prison health services work under the authority of the public with prison inmates receiving no treatment or assigned to
health system in partnership with a hospital. alternative services. Thus, prison therapeutic communities
may be better than prison on its own, but a number of
Medium- or high-intensity drug-free treatment (inpatient) methodological limitations are mentioned by the authors,
preventing them from drawing firm conclusions. The fact that
Abstinence-based residential drug treatment programmes both trials were conducted in US prisons may limit the
have a long tradition in prisons. Such programmes operate transferability of the results to Europe.

(13) Five countries (Belgium, Spain, France, Sweden, Turkey) provided no information.

(14) No information was available from Belgium, Spain, Cyprus, Sweden, Norway and Turkey.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

Figure 3: Estimated availability of residential drug-free treatment Prison health services are the main provider of drug-free
in European prisons inpatient treatment in 16 countries, with external providers
or mixed teams playing an equal role in Denmark and
Malta, and a main role in Italy, Slovenia, the Netherlands
Full and the United Kingdom.
Rare Opioid substitution treatment
Available at
unknown level
Not available Substitution treatment is the main approach in the treatment
No data
of opioid dependence in the European Union and is
implemented in all Member States, Croatia, Turkey and
Norway. With around 710 000 opioid substitution
treatments reported in 2010, it covers at least one in two of
the estimated population of problem opioid users (EMCDDA,
2012). Most European countries have introduced substitution
treatment among the range of options for opioid-dependent
prisoners, and the ‘treatment gap’ between community and
prisons may now be closing, at least in some countries
(Hedrich and Farrell, 2012). However, there has been a
considerable delay in introducing opioid substitution
NB: Availability is defined by the estimated proportion of drug users in treatment in prisons, which has generally occurred about
need of treatment who can receive it: nearly all (full); the majority, eight to nine years after the treatment option was
but not nearly all (extensive); more than a few, but not the majority
implemented in the community (see Figure 4).
(limited); only a few (rare); not available.
Sources: Reitox national focal points.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of opioid
maintenance treatment in prison (Hedrich et al., 2012)
analysed data from 21 studies, including six experimental
Residential drug-free treatment is provided through
studies. The authors concluded that the benefits of the
therapeutic communities or special inpatient wards in 21 of
treatment in prison are similar to benefits in community
the 25 countries that provided information (Figure 3). Cyprus
settings; namely, it presents an opportunity to recruit
established a drug-free treatment inpatient programme in
problem opioid users into treatment, to reduce illicit opioid

Drug-free inpatient treatment or therapeutic communities in

Figure 4: Cumulative number of European countries that had
prison was considered to be available to all or almost all of
officially launched opioid substitution treatment as a
those who need it in four (Denmark, Lithuania, Luxembourg, recognised method of treatment in community and
Croatia) of the 21 countries that were able to provide prison settings
information, and to a majority of prisoners in a further nine of
these countries (Figure 3). This type of treatment was seen as
available to more than a few but not a majority of prisoners 30
in need in six countries, namely the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Greece, Malta, Finland and Norway and restricted to just a
few prisoners in Ireland, Latvia and Romania. 20

Four countries did not provide a rating of the provision of 15 Prison

drug-free inpatient treatment in prisons, but gave some
additional information in their national report, which allows 10

the conclusion that such services exist in three of them.

While in Spain these take the form of residential ‘treatment
and educational units’ set up in 12 prisons, much of the
Swedish inpatient service provision seems to follow the
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
12-step Minnesota model. And with Belgium now also
planning to start up a therapeutic community, the only
country for which no information is available is Turkey. Sources: Reitox national focal points.

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

use and risk behaviours in prison and potentially minimise continue upon entry to prison. In addition, this treatment can
overdose risks on release. Positive outcomes depended on also be initiated during the period of detention in most of the
the quality of treatment. The review highlights the countries where continuation is possible, with the exception
importance of establishing a liaison between prison and of the Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland and the United
community-based programmes in order to achieve Kingdom (Northern Ireland).
continuity of treatment and longer-term benefits. The data
also show that disruptions in the continuity of treatment, In order to describe the level of implementation of opioid
especially owing to short periods of detention, are substitution treatment, in the absence of reliable data on
associated with very significant increases in hepatitis C the number of opioid-dependent prisoners, two
incidence. complementary approaches have been followed. First, the
proportion of prisoners receiving opioid substitution
In 2012, Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania and Slovakia are the treatment was calculated (16). In addition, because this
only countries where prison doctors are not allowed to method does not differentiate between countries with high
prescribe long-term substitution treatment (15). In Hungary, or low levels of problem opioid use, national focal points
although the treatment has been officially allowed in prisons were asked to provide an expert rating on the level of
since in 2001, it was only implemented in a few isolated provision in relation to the number of prisoners in need of
cases in the years 2005–06. In Turkey, an option to provide treatment. The results of the two methods are in broad
substitution treatment has been available in prisons since agreement (Table 2).
2010, but the availability of substitution maintenance
treatment as compared with reduction programmes is not It is estimated that opioid substitution treatment is received
clear. In 2011, Latvia permitted opioid substitution treatment by more than 10 % of all prisoners in seven EU Member
to be used in the long-term care of prisoners, extending the States, and by between 3 % and 10 % in another nine
current model of reduction treatment to a maintenance countries. Compared with 2008 (17), provision has increased
approach. In all other countries, drug users who are in most countries.
receiving substitution treatment in the community can

Table 2: Provision of substitution treatment in prison: comparison of expert ratings and the
percentage of prisoners reported to be receiving substitution treatment
Percentage of prisoners receiving opioid substitution treatment in 2010

Expert rating on Zero Less than 3 % 3 % or more, but 10 % or more

provision in 2010 less than 10 %

Full Estonia Denmark Ireland, Spain, Luxembourg,

Austria, Slovenia,
United Kingdom

Extensive Poland France, Netherlands,

Portugal, Norway

Limited Czech Republic, Romania Italy, Croatia Malta

Rare Finland

Treatment not available Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania,

Slovakia, Turkey

Expert rating not available Latvia, Hungary Bulgaria, Sweden Belgium, Germany

NB: Availability is defined by the estimated proportion of drug users in need of treatment who can receive it: nearly all (full); the majority, but not nearly
all (extensive); more than a few, but not the majority (limited); only a few (rare); not available.
Sources: Reitox national focal points.

(15)  See Table HSR-9 and Figure HSR-4 in the 2012 Statistical bulletin.
(16) Two different methodologies were used and are described in Figure HSR-4 in the 2012 Statistical bulletin. See Table HSR-9 for information on the numbers
of opioid substitution treatments reported.
(17)  For 2008 data, see Figure HSR-4 in the 2010 Statistical bulletin.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

Prevention of drug-related infectious Figure 5: National priorities in the prevention of infectious

diseases in prison settings diseases among drug users in prison settings

Prisoners are at great risk of contracting infectious diseases:

they are exposed to an often overcrowded environment with Other
higher levels of disease prevalence and fewer options to Individual risk
protect themselves from infections than they would have assessment and
one-to-one infectious
outside (Laticevschi, 2007). By providing inadequate disease counselling
healthcare for inmates with communicable diseases, prisons Dissemination of
information on
may place at risk both other inmates and the public (APHA infectious diseases
Task Force on Correctional Health, 2003). Low-intensity drug
treatment (1)
A solid evidence base exists for a number of cost-effective
Medium or long-term
public health interventions to reduce and control infections subsitution treatment
among drug users (ECDC and EMCDDA, 2011). These
Initiation of opioid
include testing, vaccination and treatment of infections, as substitution treatment
well as interventions aiming at the reduction of drug use and
Medium or
injecting-related risk behaviour, ranging from health high-intensity drug-free
treatment (2)
promotion and drug dependence treatment to needle and
Voluntary infectious
syringe programmes. disease counselling
and testing on
prison entry
The survey among national focal points sought to identify
Hepatitis vaccination
national priorities in the prevention of infectious diseases programme
among drug users in prison settings (18). Twenty-five countries 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
answered the question, and the most commonly identified Number of countries
priority measures were hepatitis vaccination programmes
and voluntary infectious disease counselling and testing on (1) Including counselling.
prison entry (Figure 5). Furthermore, drug treatment was (2) Prison treatment centres, specialised prison treatment wards.
identified as a priority for preventing infectious diseases in Sources: Reitox national focal points.

prison settings: 10 countries prioritised drug-free treatment in

specialised prison treatment wards or prison therapeutic
communities, eight of which also identified the option of of the combined hepatitis A and B vaccine. Data on the
initiating opioid substitution treatment in prisons or of uptake of such vaccinations are, however, extremely scarce.
placing prisoners in medium- or long-term opioid substitution In Scotland, hepatitis B vaccination has been offered to all
programmes as a strategic priority. One or both opioid prisoners within 24 hours of admission since 1999, and,
substitution measures were identified as a priority in 15 of since 2000, all prisoners diagnosed with HCV infection
the 25 countries. Counselling, individual risk assessments have been offered the hepatitis A vaccine. Since 2009, both
and the dissemination of information materials about vaccines are routinely offered to all drug-using prisoners on
infectious disease prevention were less often identified as admission.
priority interventions.
Survey respondents perceived the availability of individual
Survey respondents were asked to judge the extent to which counselling on drug-related risk behaviour as either rare or
the availability of selected prison interventions matched the limited in 13 countries, while such counselling was seen as
demand in their country. The results indicate that testing for being available to a majority or nearly all of those who
hepatitis C on prison entry was available to a majority or need it in 11 countries. Safer drug use training was offered
nearly all of those who need it in 17 countries. in prisons in 12 countries, but availability was mainly
perceived as limited or rare (10 countries). Such training was
Hepatitis B vaccination programmes in prison exist in 16 of not available in seven countries, and 11 countries provided
the 26 countries that were able to provide information, and no information on the availability of this measure.
drug users are their main target group. Some countries
report specific accelerated schedules, others the general use

(18)  It was possible to add up to two additional measures under ‘other’. However, only one country made use of this option.

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

Needle and syringe programmes provision of treatment represents, however, a considerable

challenge to national prison systems, not only because of its
Needle and syringe programmes exist in prisons in five EU high costs, but also because it requires a multidisciplinary
Member States (Germany, Spain, Luxembourg, Portugal, approach with collaboration between experts in infectious
Romania), although varying levels of provision are reported. diseases and drug dependence treatment.
While the capacity for syringe provision in the programme
operating in the main prison in Luxembourg is considered to Hepatitis C testing is not always offered to or requested by
be sufficient to meet injecting prisoners’ needs, and the prisoners, and as the infection is often asymptomatic, many
majority of prisoners in Spain (19) who need syringes can do not know if they are infected. In some cases, the high
obtain them from programmes running in 41 prisons, access costs of subsequent treatment may determine whether the
to the programme in Romania is described as low, with just prison health system offers the test.
83 prisoners taking part during 2011 in the programmes
A growing body of evidence from European prisons shows
established in 10 prisons. In Portugal, where a legal basis
that hepatitis C treatment is feasible and effective in these
for prison needle and syringe programmes has existed since
settings. Currently, the state-of-art treatment for this infection
2007, a study cited in the Reitox national report shows that
is the use of pegylated interferon and ribavirin, but new
the two programmes established in 2008 were not accepted
drugs are under development. While a number of logistical
by the inmates, who feared discrimination (20). In Germany,
and medical challenges (e.g. addressing the side-effects of
only one site from a wider model project on prison syringe
interferon; treatment of co-infections and psychiatric
exchange, conducted until the end of 1998, remains in
disorders) exist, a prison stay can create an opportunity for
existence. In the women’s prison Berlin Lichtenberg,
treatment. Tan et al. (2008) investigated the cost-
prisoners can anonymously obtain sterile syringes at vending
effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment with pegylated
interferon and ribavirin in the US prison population, and
Although the introduction of needle and syringe concluded that the treatment results in both improved quality
programmes in prisons is recommended by international of life and cost savings for almost all segments of the inmate
organisations (UNODC, 2012), and expert groups in several population.
European countries have considered the measure (e.g.
The available data on the provision of hepatitis C treatment
France, Hungary, Austria, United Kingdom, Norway), they
in prison, although scarce, seem to indicate that only a
face strong opposition, as they are often perceived as
small proportion of those who have contracted the infection
contradictory to the goal of a drug-free prison. Several
are treated. In the Netherlands, in order to avoid
countries provide disinfectants as an alternative. In
interruption of treatment on release, only prisoners
Denmark, France, Lithuania, Austria, Finland, the United
sentenced for more than 6 months are given the option of
Kingdom and Norway, chlorine rinse fluid or other
starting treatment. Short-term prisoners are referred to
disinfectants are made available. While laboratory studies
treatment in the community. A study among prison doctors
have shown efficacy of using bleach to eliminate HIV
in Germany found that 6 % of prisoners infected with HCV
(Abdala et al., 2001), it has been doubted whether this
received treatment. In Hungary, 48 prisoners started
measure is sufficiently safe under ‘real-life’ conditions in
antiviral hepatitis C treatment in 2010, and in the Czech
prison. In three countries (Belgium, Hungary, Netherlands),
Republic 56 cases were registered. In France, a recent
recent studies showing a low level of injecting drug use
study reported that nearly half of HCV-positive inmates had
among the prisoner population are cited as the reason that
received a treatment (Semaille et al., 2011), while an earlier
needle and syringe programmes are not prioritised.
retrospective mail survey among French prisoners and a
retrospective prison study reported hepatitis C treatment
Treatment of hepatitis C in prison uptake in the range of 14 % (Remy, 2006) and 23 % (Allen
et al., 2003) of HCV-positive prisoners. A prospective study
As injecting drug users constitute a sizeable proportion of
of 268 HCV-positive prisoners in Luxembourg showed a
the population infected with HCV, and many of them can be
hepatitis C treatment uptake of 32 % among this population
reached in prisons, this setting provides an opportunity for
(Strock et al., 2009).
treatment to reduce the national burden of hepatitis C and
eliminate prison-to-community spread of the disease. The

(19)  Including 10 prisons in Catalonia.

(20) The programme was developed in the framework of a pilot project, and was implemented in the prisons of Lisbon and Paços de Ferreira between July
2008 and March 2009.

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

Release preparation and throughcare facility aimed at those who have completed drug treatment
and are entitled to less restrictive conditions, including visits
Most social care and rehabilitation strategies and
to the outside in an open prison regime, thereby allowing
procedures for those leaving prison are directed at the
the prisoners to organise their future housing and
general prisoner population. However, some pre-release
employment before release.
measures are particularly important for those who use or
have used drugs. A number of interventions targeting opioid users have been
recommended to reduce the risk of a fatal overdose in the
Of special importance for drug users during the phase
period shortly following prison release (22). They include
immediately preceding prison release — but ideally a
pre-release counselling on overdose risk and training in first
process throughout the whole sentence — is cooperation
aid and overdose management; optimising referral to
between services inside the prison with health and social
achieve continuity of drug treatment between prison and
services outside, to ensure a seamless transition into
community; and the distribution of naloxone among opioid
community treatment. The term ‘throughcare’ refers to
users leaving prison. Reliable data about the availability of
arrangements for managing the continuity of care before,
pre-release measures are scarce. However, provision of
during and immediately after custody (21). Throughcare and
naloxone on prison release is available across the England,
referral to external service providers is a general duty of
Scotland and Wales prison estates, but is not reported from
prison or probation services, and can be crucial in
other countries. Examples of good practice for community-
preventing relapse (Prison Drug Treatment Strategy Review
based organisations have been collected in the ‘Through the
Group, 2010). In countries where prison and community
gate’ scheme in Wales and include ‘in-reach’, prison gate
health services operate ‘under the same roof’, throughcare
pick-up, assertive outreach, local networking and enhanced
between the two settings is easier to achieve, as integrated
engagement with support services.
programmes operating inside prison can establish links into
the community before the prisoner leaves the institution. In Although the European Prison Rules specify that prisoners
some prison systems, pre-release units have been set up to should be offered a medical examination as close as
facilitate such referrals and to allow a smoother transition. possible to the time of release, a routine ‘exit’ health
One example is the central intake units in Flemish prisons, examination does not seem to be common in Europe: only
funded by the Ministry of Justice and run by external drug reports from Croatia and Slovakia mentioned this as a
workers whose task is healthcare provision. Similarly, the statutory service in their prison systems.
‘exit unit’ in the Portuguese prison system is a residential

(21)  A throughcare toolkit was produced under the EU-funded research project ‘Throughcare for prisoners with problematic drug use’ and is available online.
(22)  See the section ‘Mortality after prison release’.


The current EU drugs action plan calls on Member States to In Europe, drug users represent a large proportion of the
increase the use of effective alternatives to incarceration of prison populations and, for some, periods of incarceration
drug-using offenders. Despite evidence of an increased may offer an opportunity to reduce their drug use and
interest in providing ‘alternatives to prison’, many people engage with services. In this respect, imprisonment may be
with drug problems continue to pass through Europe’s prison viewed as a chance to make contact with and provide
systems every year. Drawing on the available information, treatment for a particular group of ‘hard to reach’ problem
this Selected issue has presented an up-to-date overview of drug users, leading to their better health and also reducing
both the drug situation and health and social responses to risks to the community on their release. The current EU drugs
drug-related problems in European prisons. action plan prioritises the further development and
improvement of drug-related assistance for detainees,
All evidence points to the fact that, when compared with including better access to drug-related prevention, treatment,
the general population, prisoners as a group are harm reduction and rehabilitation services, of a standard
particularly disadvantaged and marginalised. Most that is comparable to the services provided in the
prisoners have limited education and low socioeconomic community. Opportunities in this area have been increasing,
status, and poverty, violence and crime are common as many countries have scaled up their provision of
experiences in prisoners’ lives. Incarcerated non-nationals, interventions within prisons, in particular offering more
who account for more than 20 % of all prisoners in 13 EU substitution treatment slots for those who are opioid-
Member States (Table 3.2 in Aebi and Del Grande, 2012), dependent. However, in spite of progress in many European
are among the most vulnerable prisoners. Similarly, women countries, the extent and quality of prison health service
prisoners, although accounting for only a minority of prison delivery still varies widely between countries, and rarely do
inmates, are a group with complex health and social prison health services offer an equivalent and comparable
needs. Surveys on prison health also document elevated standard of care to that provided to the wider community.
levels of physical and mental health problems among
prisoners, often coupled with chronic and entrenched drug A number of recent European and international studies have
use problems. identified a very high risk of drug overdose mortality among
newly released prisoners owing to relapse into heroin use
alongside reduced tolerance. The time around release is a
Drug-using prisoners: an particularly important period for preventive interventions,
opportunity for intervention such as pre-release counselling, as well as for ensuring
continuity of care on release in order to keep vulnerable
individuals in contact with services and reduce drug-related
Studies confirm that both drug use and drug use-related
health problems are far more common among prisoners than
in the general population. Lifetime prevalence of substance
use, including illicit drug use, is reported to be very high Prisoners’ health: complex service needs
among prisoners, with levels of up to 80 % for tobacco and
cannabis use and up to 50 % for cocaine, heroin and Drug users among prisoner populations often suffer from
amphetamines consumption. Although many prisoners stop multiple mental health and somatic co-morbidities, and
or reduce their drug use when they enter prison, some require specialised services to treat both their drug use and
continue to use drugs, sometimes switching to different health problems. Mental health problems are very common
substances or starting an additional drug while incarcerated. among prisoners, and may be associated with the high
There is also evidence that some prisoners, who have never levels of self-harm that are documented in prison, where
used drugs before, have their debut with illicit drugs while in suicide is the leading cause of death. A particular concern
prison. for this group is the transmission of infectious diseases such

EMCDDA 2012 Selected issue

as hepatitis C, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in prisons. Data monitoring on drugs and prison in
Drug-using prisoners often share needles and other Europe: a need for common standards
paraphernalia, increasing their exposure to infectious
diseases. Poor living conditions, such as overcrowding and This review has demonstrated that prison health service
poor hygiene, aggravate the risk of infections and decrease delivery varies widely between countries, and that in many
prison’s safety. As prisoners move into and out of the cases the evaluation and monitoring of drug-related health
general community, failure to maintain healthy living services are rare and do not follow the same standards.
conditions in prison will impact negatively on the health of Under the last EU drugs action plan, which is coming to an
the community in general. More positively, imprisonment end in 2012, Member States are called to endorse
may provide an opportunity to intervene and provide indicators to monitor drug use, drug-related health problems
treatment of infectious diseases, including hepatitis C, and drug services in prison on the basis of a methodological
leading to improved prisoner health and also reducing risks framework. As a complement to the healthcare-related
to the community on their release. recommendations of the European Prison Rules, an EU
monitoring framework of drug-related prison health would
address national drug-related prison health policies; data
Data limitations collection and monitoring infrastructures as well as quality
standards and guidelines for drug-related services and
The information available on drug use and responses in
interventions in prisons. A corresponding set of indicators on
prison settings has a number of methodological limitations,
service needs (drug use, risk behaviours, health
which relate to both the nature of the subject (drug use and
consequences) and service provision would facilitate the
prison) and the lack of standardisation in data collection
collection of objective, reliable and comparable data on
tools within and between countries. Data collection and
drug-related prison health in Europe.
research within prison settings are particularly affected by
biases associated with self-selection, self-reporting and
clustering. There are threats to validity linked to the Closing the gap between prison and
sensitiveness of the topic (illicit drug use) and of the setting community: equivalence of care
of the study (prison). In the prison setting, ethical aspects
are especially important when collecting data, in particular There is wide recognition among EU policymakers of the need
with regard to confidentiality, anonymity and data to harmonise practice and quality of health and social care
protection issues. The use of relevant anonymised data services between community and prisons, and to respond
from individual health records would be another option, better to the more severe health situation of the prisoner
but clear policies regarding confidentiality and data population. Progress has been made in some European
protection are needed when such data are collated at a countries, although the gap between prison and community in
central level. terms of levels and quality of health services available to
prisoners still remains wide. Prison healthcare has, in the past
This report documents the progress that has been achieved decade, increasingly been recognised as part of public
in drugs service provision in prisons with regard to the use healthcare, and, consequently, several countries have
of evidence-based approaches. However, a number of transferred the responsibility for the healthcare of prisoners
serious shortcomings remain. At the European level there, is from justice ministries or the prison administration to health
a lack of harmonisation of data collection: methodological ministries. Others have drawn up specific drug and health
differences can be found with regard to types of study, strategies or regulations for the prison setting. A strong
sampling methods, target populations and variables studied. argument exists that any successful approach to improving
These differences make it very difficult to draw comparisons prison health in the future must recognise the importance of
between countries, and limit the possibilities for presenting a including harm reduction and drug treatment services
complete and comprehensive European picture of problems alongside, and integrated with, generic somatic and mental
related to drug use in prison as well as an objective healthcare responses, a functioning throughcare mechanism
assessment of the need for and provision of drug-related in the community and substantial efforts to improve the
health responses in prisons. reintegration of former prisoners.

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European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2012 — 31 pp. — 21 x 29.7 cm

ISBN 978-92-9168-561-5
doi: 10.2810/73390
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About the EMCDDA
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is
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The EMCDDA collects, analyses and disseminates factual, objective, reliable

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ISBN 978-92-9168-561-5

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